Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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When Rhonda got home, she thanked Master for helping Wendy. Wendy hadn't been able to stop talking about it on the way home.    


"You don't have to thank me for doing something so pleasant," he said. "I should be thanking you. It's been a long time since I fucked anyone that young."    


"I know you were reluctant, sir, so I appreciate it anyway, on her behalf. It's not often a first time can be so rapturous."    


Rhonda and I spent a little more time having sex. Rhonda didn't have to work again until Wednesday, so she was sleeping with us. Master was done for the night and Lisa was still on the no fly list. I spent some time cuddling her after. She still had to apply cream every three hours, so we were all somewhat disturbed during the night.    


The following day when Shasta arrived, she brought more of Sean's clothes.    


"I know he didn't have much with him when he returned from Brianna's," Shasta said, handing me a small suitcase. "I know he doesn't need much in the way of clothes, but he might need to go out for things."    


"Yes, thank you, Mistress. We need to go out shopping today for web design stuff."    


"Where is he?"    


"He's already started work. We ate already."    


"Good. He's not totally worthless then."    


I went down with Shasta and handed Sean the suitcase. He stared at it for a moment, then put it beside his cot.    


"You got anything to say, slave?" Shasta said.    


"No, Mistress. I've lost my right to complain to you. All I have left for you are my actions."    


Shasta grunted. As soon as everyone arrived, she put us to work. Sean worked harder than anyone. During our cum break at lunch, everyone else got pleasured but him. He quickly ate and went back to work.    


At the end of the day, Shasta took Rhonda and I into our bedroom and made both of us lick her to four fast orgasms, two apiece. Lisa and Sean worked on supper and watched Lucas.    


She lay in bed, breathing heavily after. "I've got to admit I miss that fucker. It's nice having someone to fuck regular."    


"Are you going to give him another chance, Mistress?"    


"I don't know yet. I'm still thinking about it. Cedric would love it. He loves Sean. He been the father Cedric never had. Which makes it hard for me to decide."    


"I understand," Rhonda said. "It's easy to latch onto people when you need someone. The reality of my family largely ignoring me makes this family all the more important to me."    


Shasta got up. "I'm probably going to need one or two of you every night until I decide what to do about Sean. I can't believe how much I want sex now I've had it again, only to lose it once more."    


"Master doesn't mind as long as the work gets done, Mistress," I replied.    


"Good. Maybe you don't mind him fucking me once or twice. Cunt licking is fine, but now I've had cock, don't want to give it up."    


"My Master's cock will always be available should you need it, Mistress."    


She patted my cheek. "Good girl. Wish Sean was this obedient."    


"Yes, Mistress. Me too. Every time he fucks you, is one less time he can fuck us. But Lisa's out of commission until tomorrow anyway. In fact, you may wish to fuck him tonight, as I'm the only one he needs to pleasure. You can stay for supper if you wish and partake of his services after. I need to go shopping with Sean anyway, buy him the computer and software he needs."    


"I'd like for Sean to watch Scott fuck me. See how he reacts. See if he be a shit about it again."    


"Go ahead, Mistress. We'll buy what we need off Amazon after you've left."    


"Thank you. Leave my cum on your face for your Master to see."    


"Yes, Mistress," two voices responding to her order.    


We left the bedroom as Master was coming home.    


"Master, if it pleases you, Shasta is going to stay for supper tonight and would like you to fuck her later as she doesn't have a slave at the moment. She says she misses cock now she's accustomed to it."    


I was watching Sean, waiting for his reaction. He stopped stirring the food cooking on the stove for two or three seconds, before stirring again, but otherwise, I couldn't tell how he took it. He wasn't looking our way.    


Shasta and Master were looking at each other so I'm not sure they noticed.    


"I can help her with that," Master replied. "Gladly. Shasta is a lovely young woman."    


Sean kept stirring, saying nothing.    


"Thank you, Scott. I was thinking a couple orgasms in my cunt, maybe a couple more in my ass if you last that long."    


"If you help me cum once before supper, I'm sure I can accommodate you."    


"Just have a seat over there and I'll take care of you," she said. She pointed to a chair within sight of the kitchen.    


"Do you want me to take a shower first?"    


"No. I like a man who smell of honest, hard working sweat."    


Master smiled at her. I suspected he knew what she was doing. Shasta normally appreciated a bed for comfort. He sat down and even removed his cock from his pants, already starting to engorge with blood. Shasta got on her knees, not because she was a slave, but because it would be more comfortable for her. She enveloped Master in her mouth. Master made quite the show of it, moaning and groaning more than he usually did. I kept an eye on Sean. He kept doing what he was supposed to, though he glanced a couple times as Shasta moved up and down Master's prick. He didn't say a peep and worked on supper.    


Master moaned with great fanfare when he orgasmed. "Shit, Shasta! Great blow job." He kept grunting as he bucked into her rapidly sucking mouth. "Swallow all my cum."    


I was reminded of the first time I fucked Sam and tried to make Master feel bad for passing me around to everyone for fucking, everyone but him. I'd squealed far more than necessary. Sam was a fine fucker, but he wasn't that good.    


When we sat down, Master fed Lisa, trying to keep her entertained and amused while her ban on sex still lasted. I fed Rhonda and fingered her to a couple orgasms while licking her long, taut, puckered nipples. Then I kissed her because she was such a good slave, and I put her on the floor to lick me to a couple for myself, since Shasta hadn't licked any cunt while we did her.    


"Do you want to use the bedroom, Shasta?" Master asked, rising from the table.    


"No, feeling guilty I didn't go home after work. Just bend me over the couch there. That will be fine."    


"Great," Master said, removing his clothes, shoes first. "Sean, you're responsible for clean up again, to pay for your room and board. I want the kitchen spotless."    


"Yes, Master."    


Of course, having him clean the kitchen also meant Master and Shasta would be visible. We were all playing the game now. Shasta hadn't bothered dressing after work, using Rhonda and I first, and then staying in a house where nudity was the norm. Shasta bent over the couch, her pussy and ass visible in the kitchen. Master pulled off his work pants and jockeys and he was already hard, his cock springing out when released. He knelt down behind her.    


"Just in case you're not wet enough, do you mind if I lick your cunt first," Master said, gripping her nice ass.    



"Please, Scott. A little pussy licking never hurt anyone."    


"Thank you. I've always wanted to taste your cunt."    


Master buried his face in Shasta's pouting pussy, licking her until she orgasmed once. After another swipe from clit to puckered star, he stood up and shoved his cock deep into Shasta's cunt, and fucked her hard. She climaxed, moaning, "Fuck me! Fuck me with your big cock, you stud."    


Master fucked her harder. She climaxed again after a few minutes of his rugged thrusting, moaning even louder. "My ass now! Fuck my ass."    


I was watching Sean. He tried not to look, not to watch, but I'd see him look at them briefly, then drag his eyes away to continue cleaning the kitchen. He couldn't help himself, no matter how he tried. He flinched when Master pulled out of her cunt to enter her ass.    


Master's cock was drenched in her fluids, so he moved from one to the other without breaking stride. Once inside, he paused to make sure she was okay, only starting to ram her when she said she wanted to be fucked hard. As directed, he fucked her ass to two more orgasms, then a third before he orgasmed himself, grunting, grinding against Shasta's bottom as he filled her rectum with his spunk.    


Lisa had gotten a washcloth and was waiting when Master pulled out, Shasta's ass gapping for a moment before it started to close. She washed Master's cock and Shasta's bottom, being gentle with both.    


"Just what I needed," Shasta said, "a good hard fucking."    


She stood and laid a lip lock on Master, rubbing herself against his torso. "Thank you, Scott," holding his shrinking shaft. "Don't forget to give your slaves the same. Rhonda and Julia pleasured me nicely after work. I'll see you tomorrow." Finally releasing his dick.    


"I will. I enjoyed it as much as you. You have a nice tight cunt and ass."    


"Just what a woman needs to hear, Scott, after she's been fucked hard," Shasta laughed, dressing in her clothes.    


Master went into the kitchen and checked the cleanliness. "Nice job, Sean. Very clean."    


"Thank you, Master."    


"Sean, we're going to order your computer stuff on Amazon," I said. "Wait here while I get my iPad."    


"Yes, ma'am."    


"Goodbye, everyone," Shasta said. "I'll see you tomorrow."    


"Goodbye, Mistress," Sean said. "I'm happy you had an enjoyable evening."    


"Are you now?"    


"Yes, Mistress. Please tell Bernice and Cedric I'm sorry for behaving badly and screwing things up."    


"I'll tell them you're sorry."    


"Thank you, Mistress."    


Shasta left and I got my iPad and sat on the couch, patting the seat beside me. Sean sat down and I went to my Amazon account and handed him the device.    


"It's probably faster if you just put everything in the cart you need and I pay for it when you're done."    


"Yes, ma'am."    


Master sat down in easy chair facing us on the couch. He called Lisa and had her sit in his lap. He began kissing and caressing her body, staying away from her piercing. I smiled at them, glad Lisa could get some Masterly attention. Rhonda sat down beside me and leaned her head against my side. I put my arm around her and held her close.    


Sean was rapidly adding things to my cart, explaining why he added the things he did. A fast computer, obvious, two 23 inch large monitors, one for the coding and another to see what changes were happening on the web design in real time, which made his job easier and much faster. The web design software he was used to using, a large capacity hard drive for backing up the work. He explained the alternative benefits of purchasing our own server vice buying server services from a large server farm. I told him based upon what he'd said, we'd buy server services. He said he'd get them after the website was created as it wouldn't be needed until we were ready to go live. When he'd finished he handed the iPad back to me. I looked at the bill. It wasn't going to be cheap, but it might pay for itself in less than two months of operation.    


"How long to get it up and running?" Master asked.    


"Depends on how much time I have to work on it, sir. Working on it full time, I might be able to get it done in a weeks time for a real nice site. Longer working on it part time."    


"I'd like to give MD about a month's notice we're going to open our own site, Julia," Master said. "She deserves to know."    


"Yes, Master. What do we do for pictures of our product and do we want to put ourselves in the pictures? I suspect they sell better when models are in the product photos demonstrating the various functions as we did with Slut and Rose."    


"If I might suggest, ma'am," Sean said. "You could be in the photos, but with a face mask so who you are isn't visible. Some strategic clothing can be just as sexy as nudity. The thing you wore to your bonding ceremony was gorgeous. You should also get a post office box at the UPS store, so this address is not available to the casual pervert. Use a good digital camera with studio type lighting. Good pictures are critical to selling product. You might ask the other workers to be in the photos under the same conditions, face hidden, Flat rate fee, $500 for a half days work. Take lots of photos and you can choose the best of the bunch."    


"If we demonstrate some of Mistress Dark's products in our photos, it may partially make up for the loss of our business," Lisa said.    


"Go ahead and buy a good camera and lighting necessities, as well," Master said. "I'll pay for half of everything out of my share of the profits. In fact, your business is doing so well, I'm inclined to reduce my percentage. I've actually gotten an increased discount for all the extra raw materials you're buying. I only need so much to help support Lisa and Rhonda and Rhonda is paying some for her own upkeep, since she's not a business partner."    


"Master, you might wish to design a couple other pieces of furniture to go with what we already have."    


"If I do, you'll probably have more business and would need to expand more, which means a larger work space than the basement and more workers, willing to work naked."    


"Not necessarily naked, Master Scott," Sean said. "You could rent work space elsewhere where clothed people can work. Hire men and women who don't want to work nude. Let those who do continue to work here. Of course, they wouldn't get cum breaks either. You can pay higher salaries for them without profit sharing."    


"We could put Shasta in charge of the new work space or even someone entirely new," Lisa said. "If she took it, we could go back to managing this end."    


"Let's take this somewhat slow," Master said. "Get the website up and running and see how that affects business. Definitely go with a post office box. I'll design one more piece of furniture we can add to the product line, see how that affects sales. Then consider off site manufacturing and new crew."    


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