Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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Wendy was astonished when I said I'd spank her if she didn't help out around here since she was spending so much time with us. Then she got this goofy grin on her face and splashed water on me as if daring me to do anything about it. Before she knew it, I had her bent over my lap, her face under the water and walloped her bottom a couple times. She pulled her face out of the bubbles, sputtering and water dripping down.    


Instead of being angry, she said, "Whew. Maybe I need to misbehave more often," bringing a round of laughter. Since I had her over my lap with her lovely ass staring up at me, I had to fondle it. Knowing her bottom was likely still sore, I stayed away from the pucker, but was pretty much stroking everything else I could reach. I ran my hand up her inner thighs and her legs parted, inviting my touch. I didn't turn down the invitation.    


I turned her over so she was facing me and set her on my lap as I had at supper and Frenched her while my fingers stroked the soft flesh buried in her kinky curls, smothering the moans emanating from her throat. I lazily played with her pussy until she gasped and orgasmed, grinding herself against my hand.    


As her climax ebbed, I released her, panting, to take a seat again.    


"Be careful," Wendy said. "I lost my glass of wine. It should be in the tub somewhere."    


We felt around and found it, pulling it out.    


"Can I have some more?" Wendy asked.    


"The bottle is empty," Julia said.    


"You can have the rest of mine," Rhonda said, handing Wendy her glass. "I don't drink much anyway."    


Wendy looked over the glass at me. "You've actually given me very little reason not to misbehave."    


"Two swats is hardly what you'd get next time," I said.    


"Would I get the orgasm afterward?" She asked, coyly.    


"It's not a guarantee."    


"That's a pity. It might be worth it."    


Actually, slaves quite often received orgasms after being punished, but as she said, she wasn't a slave. She had left me hard, however, but I should share that with one of my slaves. I sat on the edge of the tub and put Julia over my cock. She started riding me, cumming several times before I did. Rhonda cleaned her up afterward while Lisa cleaned me. We both went into the water afterward.    


"If I might ask a favor," Wendy asked, "I'd like Rhonda to spend the night with me tonight."    


"I'll permit her to stay with you tonight," Julia said. "In return, if the baby wakes up, you'll help Rhonda feed it and change his diaper. Master is right. We don't mind you spending time with us, but if you do, you should help out. That includes meals and clean up or any housework which needs doing, including laundering the sheets you soiled tonight."    


"Agreed. I'll do my share of the work when I visit."    


"Then you're welcome to visit whenever you need to," I said.    


We stayed in the tub another half hour, then went to bed. I was able to fuck Lisa once more before falling asleep, dead ass tired.    




Both Julia and Lisa woke me up the next morning, sucking my cock. I fucked them both, finally climaxing in Lisa. She was probably right; she might not get pregnant for a month or two, but there wasn't any reason not to try. Julia was perfectly willing to share the fucking and give Lisa the cum.    


When we finally got up, Rhonda was preparing brunch while Wendy fed Lucas. I fed Julia while we ate. Later in the afternoon, I started packing what I'd need for a week in LA. Julia was helping.    


"Should I arrange for you to have more cock while I'm gone this week?"    


"You don't have to pimp us out," Julia said. "We don't require cock every day, Master. It's nice you've relaxed the rules and I shall enjoy the results, but we have our sister slaves for pleasure. If we become totally desperate, we have toys, possibly even Sean, as long as Shasta is willing to share. Your parents like visiting Lucas. Chen lives next door. We're not helpless. We're responsible, successful, capable businesswomen. If the situation should arise where we're offered a cock, we'll get your permission like the obedient slaves we are and you can decide then. It's still your decision, but it doesn't need to be pre-ordained."    


I kissed her, feeling her mold against me, grinding against me.    


"God, I love you."    


"I love you too, sir. We don't expect you to live like a monk while you're gone either. You have your choice of some very delicious slave meat."    


"I hate having sex while the rest of my men have to do without."    


"You arrange for them to see their families twice a month and I'm sure the single ones are out partying anyway. Your crew knew what they volunteered for. They're doing well for themselves with all the extra overtime they get. If they don't get laid as often, it's a trade. I know you have to repay Brianna with us every time you borrow one of hers, but we've never minded being payment for your pleasure. You don't require someone every night any more than we do, but don't starve yourself of affection for us or your crew."    


I kissed her again.    


Wendy left at one, bearing a set of butt plugs from Julia as a gift. She kissed each of us before she left, thanking us for our help. I spent a couple hours in bed with all three of them before I had to go. I made sure I left a little of myself in all three of their cunts.    


Halfway to LA, I got a text from Julia. I've arranged for a gift to be waiting at your motel tonight. Fuck her ragged, sir.    


I wondered who it was. Singular, not plural, so it couldn't be Cindy as Brianna never let us be tempted into an illegal act. Dawn or Zoe usually accompanied her. It probably meant just Dawn or Zoe, the ones who were usually interested in fucking me. Jerry and I kept the same motel room since one of us was there every week. It made it simple, we didn't even have to check in and out and could keep our room keys.    


When I got to the room, the door was slightly ajar. Maid service? I knocked and opened the door cautiously. There was a body in the bed, covered, only a hint of hair showing. Hopefully, not dead.    


"Hello, Scott," a voice said from under the sheets. "You might want to close the door."    


Fuck me running! Marcia!    


I closed the door, hearing it lock. She pulled back the sheet, showing sheets were all she was wearing.    


"Marcia," I said. "I've got to say this is an extremely, and I mean, extremely, unexpected surprise."    


"Yes, for me too. I don't know what your slaves promised my Master, but he told me I was yours for the night. I'm leaving for work from here tomorrow morning. You might want to get comfortable."    


"Is this something you want?" I asked. I still didn't remove my clothes, afraid she'd disappear in a puff of smoke if I took my eyes of her for an instant.    


"Sam, Chantelle and I discussed what happened after last weekend. How we felt, what it meant. I've eased up about him having sex with other women over the last year, other than the baby factory. There was Cindy, then your slaves. It hasn't hurt me the way it might have in the past, before Chantelle. I know he loves me. He might love others as well, but he'll always love me. It's the same for me. I love him and I love Chantelle, too. Loving someone else hasn't lessened what I felt for him.    


"We'd been having sex with Bill and Evelyn more frequently as he's been staying here often. Sam's first wife made it hard for him to trust anyone, but we've been married for many years now and I've never given him a reason to distrust me. When you ensured I wasn't fucked by a bunch of strangers last Saturday even though you could have, he's grown to trust you almost as much as he trusts Bill, or even me. He knows I'm never going to leave him and I'll always love him. I won't say it would happen often or even ever again, without him being there, but he's okay with my spending the night with you tonight. In answer to your question, yes, I would love for this to happen. I've had to masturbate twice in the thirty minutes I've been waiting for you, I'm so aroused. Look at how wet I am."    


She slid a finger through her slit and showed she was indeed one wet slave.    


I finally started removing my clothes, realizing she wasn't going to disappear. My cock was aching, it was so hard.    


"I'm totally flabbergasted," I said. "Finding you here is like a fucking dream. I can't believe Julia arranged this for me."    


"Take advantage. Neither one of us knows if it will ever happen again."    


I was undressed now, my cock a steel shaft aiming at the ceiling. She smiled.    


"Do you mind if I take a picture and send it to her?" I asked.    


"If you both promise to delete it after."    



"Not a problem. Could you rub your cunt again?"    


"Like this?"    


Marcia pinched one of her nipples and pushed two fingers into her dripping sheath.    


"God, yes."    


I snapped off one shot and one shot only and texted it to Julia along with an all caps THANK YOU and a warning to immediately delete the photo. I deleted mine and climbed into bed with her, taking her in my arms.    


"Julia told me to fuck you ragged," I said, my hand sliding between her thighs.    


"You'd better do as she asks. I'm sure you shouldn't disappoint a slave who arranges something like this for you."    


I didn't disappoint her.    




We were both groggy from lack of sleep the next morning. My cock felt black and blue. I took her to breakfast and we both drank a quart of coffee. I showed her my text app, the photo already gone. The only sign of the text was the thank you, the warning to delete and an equally big YOU'RE WELCOME, MASTER.    


Since I had the app open, I also sent a thank you to Sam. He returned a smiley face and thumbs up emoji. I showed her his text.    


"I'm glad he hasn't had second thoughts," Marcia said.    


"He might if you're too sore to fuck him tonight."    


"I'll never be that sore," she said, laughing. "Thanks for breakfast."    


"I've never been a hit and run sort of guy."    


I kissed her before she left for work. What an amazing woman; and to think my slave had arranged it for me.    


I sent another text to Julia.    


What did you promise to arrange that?    


Twenty-four hours with Lisa and I at some point in the future. Was it worth it?    


I fucked her ragged. My cock quit working. I'd say it was worth it.    


Smiley face. Huge grin smiley face. Insanely huge grin smiley face.    


I was so fucking lucky; so glad I'd finally stopped clinging to my slaves as if I was fearful of losing them. I was never going to lose them.    




On Wednesday night went I got back to the room from work, the door was ajar again. This time I didn't assume room service. I still assumed wrong.    


"Marcia?" I asked, seeing the body on the bed.    


"No, Monsieur. Are you disappointed?"    


"Fuck no. What's going on?"    


I closed the door and locked it. Chantelle pulled back the covers and demonstrated her bed attire was no different than Marcia's.    


"Monsieur gets two of your slaves for one day. You get both of his for one night each. Monsieur decided to split us up so you could enjoy two nights of pleasure, instead of one night with two. Marcia said you might not have survived two anyway. It also needed to be arranged with Mistress Brianna that another cook was available, so Marcia got to go first."    




A smile spread over her coffee with cream complexion. I think she'd just noticed the bulge in my pants. My God it's a good thing I'd had two days to recover from Marcia.    


"Your slaves love you very much, Monsieur."    


"Don't I know it."    


"Won't you join me? It's cold in here without a body to share the bed with."    


"I want to make sure this is okay with you first," I said. "I don't want you doing this if you don't want to."    


"Monsieur, ever since Marcia told me of her night with you, I've been dying to fuck you myself. If my Monsieur has no objection to our amour, I will enjoy every moment."    


I took off my clothes, sliding into bed with her. So did I; every fucking moment.    




I took Chantelle to breakfast the next morning. It was the same place I'd taken Marcia and I thought the waitress believed I'd had two different hookers in my room this week. She gave me the evil eye since I had my wedding ring on my hand. One of them might have been a wife, but both of them, no. What she didn't realize is both of these women were far superior to any hooker I'd ever imagined.    


I took Chantelle's photo sitting across from me in the booth and sent another thank you to my slaves.    


You're both amazing.    


We know.    


I kissed her before she went home, right in front of the waitress, and no friendly peck on the cheek kiss either.    


"Thank you for a marvelous night, Chantelle."    


"De rien, Monsieur. You're welcome."    


The waitress turned away in disgust. Might as well throw fuel on the fire. "I'll tell my wife how wonderful you were."    


She laughed, knowing what I was doing.    


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