Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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I watched Sean while Masters and slaves discussed sharing. He was paying attention so hopefully, he was absorbing some of it. I wondered who would buy me tonight, since Master was selling me for the night. Janet didn't have to serve the guests, sitting close to her Master, heavy with child. She kept track of the time the slaves spent rewarding the winners. Reneé, Sandy and Rhonda were serving food and drinks to the players, with the usual amount of grab ass going one. Shasta and Sean were watching Lucas and they were talking, though from the sounds of it, mostly about Lucas and children and not about their own issues. They were both making faces and listening to Lucas laugh, his little hands reaching up towards a funny face.    


Master won the first hand and I eagerly sucked his cock, leaving him hard when I was done, two minutes not enough time to finish him off. Dan won the second hand and seated right next to Master, so Master saw me blowing his father. He didn't cum either, though I thought he might if he received a second reward within a reasonable amount of time. Chen won the third and Regina the fourth. When I finished, she was wet and ready to cum, though hadn't yet.    


"Do you care if I fuck your Master, slave?" She asked when I stopped.    


I felt like she was trying to provoke me. Regina often seemed like she was trying to provoke other women. I thought she'd done it when Shasta and Sarah were at the house. I'd doubted she wanted to reward Ron as much as she was trying to push Shasta's buttons. I'd felt the same when she asked if Master could fuck her. I refused to be provoked.    


"No," I replied.    


"I've thought of taking a female slave for myself," she said.    


"As the owner of one, I can recommend it," I replied.    


Lisa won next and I was pleasuring my sister slave. As a slave herself, Lisa climaxed before her two minutes was up, the first to cum at the table. Ed won next and I soon found my lips stretching over his tool. I had to leave him unfinished. Regina won again and this time she climaxed.    


The games were running pretty even at the start. By the time my service was finished, only the two women had climaxed, none of the men receiving enough stimulation to cum.    


Before serving food and drinks, I checked on Lucas.    


"I think he's hungry," Sean said. "He's not crying yet, but he is sounding as if he wants to, and his diaper is dry."    


I let Master know I was feeding Lucas and Sean offered to help Rhonda and Renee serve. He brought me food first, since I hadn't had any after work. As Lucas took his meal, I took mine.    


"Are you feeling anxious about selling yourself, Mistress?" I asked Shasta.    


"Not really. I believe I have enough control over the situation I'm not concerned. I don't believe anyone here would do more than I allowed. Licking cunt is not really my thing, but I can do it for fifteen minutes if I have to."    


I nodded. "Would you ever allow Sean to be sold after a game, Mistress?"    


"You think any of the men want another man sucking their dick or fucking their ass. Seem like only the women would be interested and there's only two of them."    


"I suppose, Mistress. I know Chen and Rob allowed Ron to suck their cocks during our Memorial Day party. I think it was more curiosity with them, wanting to know what the difference between a man and a woman would be, especially since Ron turned out to be avidly interested in men. I'm not sure they'd be interested in a heterosexual male with limited cock sucking experience."    


"I'd almost like to do it to him, so he understand he's my bitch to control, but if no one buys him anyway, not sure that lesson be made. Shit, I'm horny. Watching everyone else get their cunt and cocks pleasured is driving me up a wall."    


"Sean's still your slave, Mistress. You can have him lick your cunt if you wish."    


"Don't want to reward him. I don't want him touching me again unless I take him back. Cedric really miss him. I do too. So does Momma. She ain't had regular fucking for a long time. We all miss him, but I don't want someone who wants to take charge of me."    


"I understand perfectly, Mistress, even though I want someone taking charge of me. I did not have to live with your circumstances."    


"If you not feeding Lucas, I make you lick my cunt."    


"If I weren't feeding him, I would, Mistress."    


"You such a good slave."    


"Thank you, Mistress. I know."    


One of the men finally climaxed and I looked to see Sandy sucking Chen's cock. One down, five more to go. Eventually, Lucas had his fill and stopped drawing milk. I turned him over to Shasta to burp and resumed my duties. It was only five minutes more before it was time to switch again and Rhonda was under the table. Jerry was the next man to cum, just before Sandy's shift ended, succumbing to probably the best cock sucker serving tonight.    


A lot of people petted and caressed me as I served food and drink, leaving me quite aroused. The bad part of not wearing a Slave Trainer during the poker game is I didn't get to cum when I made a winner cum. I'd have to wait until my services were sold for the night. Someone was going to purchase me for the night and I wondered who it would be.    


When it was my turn again, after a short break for everyone, Rob was the first person I sucked again, and since Rhonda had gotten him prepared a few minutes before, I felt his jizz spurting down my throat as he grunted rapturously. Rob's amount of cum was huge. I doubt he'd fucked anyone for two days. I ended up with Ed and Regina next and both of them climaxed as well, Ed cumming as much as his brother. No wonder Regina had been so eager to feel my tongue in her wetness. Her lovers had been saving themselves for tonight. The next winner was Master and I did the best I could to make him cum and felt his warm sperm flooding my mouth as Janet called time. He hadn't cum since this morning, so the amount of his discharge was also substantial. I took a few more moments to let his spasms ebb and clean him off. Lisa won my last time up and she orgasmed again, tasting delicious on my tongue.    


It was time to switch again and Sandy ended up with her Master too, when he won the next hand, though she couldn't make him cum before Janet called time. None of the other men climaxed during her service, all having cum too recently or unable to win enough times close together. When Rhonda was serving, Master's father finally climaxed, the last of the men to do so. Both Regina and Lisa climaxed under her expert tongue. Soon it was my turn again and the winner of the next hand was Jerry and it had been awhile since he'd won, so I didn't expect to make him cum. I was pleasantly surprised to find he not only climaxed for me, but did so early enough I could feel his cock shrink in my mouth after his spasms passed. His hand caressed my hair as I released it. None of the other men climaxed again during my service, though I left some very hard cocks behind me.    


I only had one more to service before we switched again, Regina, and she orgasmed for me as well, soaking my face with her fluids for the fourth time tonight.    


"You're quite a decent cunt licker," Regina said.    


"I try to please. Master would be upset if I were not pleasing."    


The poker would end during Sandy's third round. She managed to drain Ed, Chen and Master one more time, as well as Regina. Then the games were over and it was time for the slave auction, or in Shasta's case, a Mistress auction. Since Sandy and I were being sold in our entirety for the night, Shasta and Rhonda were sold first. Shasta removed her clothes and stood before everyone naked. Master told me to conduct the auction as I had several times before. Since she wasn't a slave, I couldn't order her to display, but I politely asked her to stand in a way, her assets could be inspected by her buyers. She assumed what could be called a display position, except she put her hands on her hips instead of behind her head.    


"Ladies and gentlemen," I began the auction, "up for sale first is a young black woman, forged on the mean streets of Fresno, a Mistress herself, owner of a male slave, Sean, but wishing to experience what it would be like to be sold to service others, has offered herself for one sex act per hole this evening under the usual rules, fifteen minutes or orgasm, whichever comes last. As you can see for yourself, she's a prime female in excellent condition who is relatively new to sex for pleasure, only having willingly offered her body for sex since January, when she acquired her slave. While she is offering herself for your pleasure, it is only with the understanding that she will choose how she provides that pleasure to you. Up for bid first is her mouth. She is somewhat experienced in serving men orally, but only has limited experience in serving women, having only done it twice as an experiment to see if she it was something she enjoyed. She much prefers cock, but is willing to spend fifteen minutes pleasing a woman for this auction. What charity do you wish your proceeds to go to, Mistress?"    


"Breast cancer research," Shasta said.    


"What am I bid for the oral services of this beautiful young woman?" I asked.    


Master, Dan, Lisa, Chen and Regina engaged in spirited bidding for Shasta's mouth. I'm sure Lisa was interested because of the number of times we'd had to lick her without receiving anything in return. I wasn't totally surprised at Regina's interest, as it would be a way to humiliate Shasta. I thought she'd shown interest even though she realized she might end up licking cunt as well. As Regina had been one of the big winners tonight, I wasn't surprised when she was left holding the winning bid. I'd been watching Sean during the bidding and the emotions on his face were fairly well hidden, but you could tell he was hoping one of the women won as opposed to the men. I collected Regina's chips for the sale.    


"Do we fuck now?" Shasta asked, eying Regina speculatively.    


"Not until everyone has been sold," I said. "Then you'll engage in sex with the winners, one at a time."    


Shasta nodded and I continued. "Next up for bid is Shasta's cunt. Master was lucky enough to fuck Shasta this past Tuesday and when he finished, he exclaimed that both her cunt and ass were very tight and enjoyable. What am I bid for this cunt?"    


All the men ended up bidding for her pussy. I think it made Shasta feel good to be so wanted. She preened a little as the bidding went on, rubbing herself as they bid. Sean didn't speak, but he couldn't look away either watching as her cunt was sold and he'd soon be watching her fucked by another. Ed finally won the bid and I knew his was the thickest cock Shasta had ever taken willingly. I'd seen all the others she'd fucked and fucked them all myself. I collected his chips.    


I asked Shasta to turn around and show everyone the next item up for bid, her ass.    


"Please take a look at this exquisite ass and tell me you wouldn't want to sink your cock in this," I said, patting her bottom. "This is prime meat gentleman and as tight as they come. She didn't have anal sex until last month. She's had some practice since, but this is near virgin ass. What am I bid for this ebon Goddess' ass, boys and girls?"    


Lots of bidding again, everyone but Lisa, though a couple had to drop out early. Master hadn't done as well as he usually did, nor had Dan, who was still getting back in the game. Jerry dropped out earlier in the bidding than his money would have allowed. Rob, Chen and Regina kept on the longest. Finally, Regina ended the bidding by offering up every last chip she had left, more than either of the others. I took the rest of her chips. Shasta had essentially been sold to the duet of Ed and Regina.    


"You don't have no cock," Shasta said.    


Regina dug in her handbag and pulled out a big strap-on. "I have this, though. It will do the trick for me."    


Shasta smiled and said, "Do the trick for me, too."    


I told Shasta to stand to the side while everyone else was sold. She sat down close to the baby.    


Rhonda was called up next and knelt in her slave position, since neither her cunt or ass would be sold, so they didn't need to be displayed.    


"Rhonda is the next item up for bid, white silk only, oral pleasuring to the winning bid. What am I bid for this lovely slave's mouth?"    



Master and Lisa could have Rhonda any time they wanted, so they didn't bid long, saving their winnings. Jerry dropped out early and I assumed he was saving his money for a slave for the night. Whoever he got would have to pleasure not only him, but his slave as well. Her services would go to the household for the night, not just Jerry. Chen and Rob carried on the bidding the longest, Rob finally winning.    


"I love the idea a lesbian and a police officer is going to suck my dick," he said, dropping his chips in the bag. "It's like two for the price of one."    


Rhonda stood up and curtsied to him, smiling, unashamed.    


Sandy was called to the auction block. I had her display for the bidders.    


"Next up for bid is a red silk slave, purchased for the night, yours to enjoy until ten AM tomorrow when she has to be returned to her Master. She's been sold before and proven to be a marvelously talented slave, able to please both men and women with equal skill and fervor. Every hole is available for the night. She's a compliant slave who's been at least a part-time submissive for over thirty-five years. What is bid for this skilled seductress?"    


Dan didn't bid for his own wife, wishing her to be sold to others. Master, Jerry and Chen bid the longest, Jerry dropping out earlier than expected again. By my estimation, he had the most chips remaining, and since he hadn't spent any yet, would be able to buy me if he wanted. Perhaps he needed the money for his wedding next month, and that was why he was reluctant to spend much. Wedding's were expensive affairs, even for grooms, though he was making pretty good money as a co-owner of Master's business. He hadn't yet purchased 49%, but his share was growing every month.    


Chen eventually won Sandy, which excited Janet no end, excited they'd be sharing someone for the night.    


Since I was the next to be sold, I had to surrender my duties as auctioneer to Master. He had me display for the bidders. My cunt was dripping. I hadn't cum since cum break at lunch and all of the activities of the game had aroused me greatly. My nipples were throbbingly hard and tender. He kissed me before starting the auction, his hand wandering, feeling my arousal. I was such a slave. I loved this.    


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