Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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C62 062



Except for my shitty cards tonight, the evening had gone pretty much as expected, though I was surprised Regina paid so much to fuck Shasta. I wondered if I'd missed something during the time I'd been gone. I knew Shasta allowed her slave to be used by Regina's ex, but there seemed to be more undercurrents in their relationship than I expected. I didn't have a ton of money to bid, having less than my initial buy in.    


Julia did a wonderful job as auctioneer, teasing the crowd, making them excited at the prospect of owning whatever they were bidding on. My last chance at a purchase tonight ended with Mom being sold to Chen. I didn't think Julia would slip past Jerry unless he just didn't want to spend money.    


She took her place on the block and I kissed her, knowing I wouldn't see her again until tomorrow morning unless hell froze over. Jerry could pay twice what I had left without breaking a sweat. I also ran my hand over her soft breasts, turgid nipples and felt the slick juices gracing her cunt. My lovely slave was aroused as hell and wanted to be fucked.    


"This is my beloved wife and slave," I said, "keeper of my heart and mother of my child, being sold tonight as a red silk slave for the entire night. I don't need fancy, flowering words to describe her. Everyone of you has fucked her and knows what a slave slut she is, willing to please in every way she can. Her body is flawless, her mind creative and if she can't discover a way to drain the cum from your balls, it doesn't exist. What am I bid for this delectable slave for one night of heaven?"    


"Two hundred, eighty-seven dollars," Jerry said, and just like that, the auction was over.    


I slapped Julia's cute ass and told her to stand with her temporary Master while the others performed for their owners. I decided to keep an eye on Sean to see how he responded when his Mistress was fucked.    


"Shasta, you were first sold and Regina bought your mouth. How do you want to proceed?"    


"Excuse me," Regina interrupted, "could I say something first?"    


"Go ahead," I said.    


"I know Shasta has ultimate control over how she wishes to be used, but I'd like to suggest what I'd like to happen and the order, since I purchased two of her holes. She can agree or not, but perhaps she'd like my suggestion."    


"Shasta," I asked, "do you have an objection to listening to Regina's requests first?"    


"No, I'm listening."    


"I'd like both Edward and I to fuck her cunt and ass first together. I know I would normally get fifteen minutes for fucking her ass, or possibly less, since I might cum myself, but since Edward gets to go until he orgasms, I'd like to continue fucking her ass until he's done, so we can enjoy the double penetration for as long as he can continue. Once he climaxes, I will enjoy her oral services, but if, as it's been hinted, she wants to enjoy mine at the same time, I would get to lick Edward's cum out of her cunt, a familiar taste, so's to speak, since this will be one of the few times I've licked a cunt."    


You could have knocked me over with a feather. This was an odd request, but an arousing one as well. Did Regina think Shasta had never done a double penetration before and would be shocked or unnerved by it. She'd done it a few times now, though Regina might not know it. I wondered what Shasta would say in response?    


"You want to double penetrate me with Ed, I don't give a shit," Shasta said. "Just cut my work down by one-third the time."    


"Mistress," Sean said, "if you'd like me to lick Edward's cock and Miss Regina's strap-on to get them wet and make it easier for you, I'll do so."    


Another little surprise. Did he want to make Ed's penetration easier, or suck him so he'd cum sooner and wouldn't fuck Shasta as long, not to mention what Ed would think about the suggestion.    


"I'm sure they have lube if we need it, slave, but my cunt is ready to fuck now and if Regina wants to shove her dildo up my cunt first, I don't even think we need lube."    


"Yes, Mistress." Sean shut up and didn't say any more, so points to him.    


"Put that thing on, Regina, let's see if you got enough to really fuck me with that thing," Shasta said.    


Regina took off her clothes and donned the strap-on. Ed got flat on his back on the floor and before Shasta mounted him, Regina moistened the strap-on in her cunt. Three strokes was enough to soak it and Shasta heartily moaned the whole time. Shasta squatted over Ed's prong.    


"You pretty big, cowboy. Bet you fill me up real nice, let me feel what Regina feel every time you plug her cunt."    


Shasta sank slowly over his shaft, cumming once before she hit bottom. Firmly seated, she looked behind her at Regina.    


"Show me what you got, honey," leaning down to expose her black back door entrance.    


Regina was rather brutal when she slid into Shasta's back door, going much harder than I would ever enter someone's ass, though I've fucked them harder once they were used to it. Shasta merely grunted and by no other indication did she give Regina the satisfaction of thinking she was bothered at all. I started a fifteen minute timer in case it was needed.    


The two of them proceeded to fuck Shasta hard. She shuddered several times on the phalli filling her, cumming from her fucking, and moaning when she did. The fucking itself she treated like any other fucking, no better or worse, just another day in the park.    


Ed lasted for eighteen minutes, eventually climaxing, groaning. "Christ! They weren't kidding when they said you were tight."    


I warned Regina she had to pull out. As far as I could tell, Shasta's pucker had taken quite a beating. Regina's strap-on was fairly large and very rigid. Less big around than Rob or Ed, but longer. Regina removed the strap-on and handed it Sean.    


"I'm sure you know what to do with this, sweetie," patting his cheek. Sean took it and washed it.    


"So how do you want to do this?" Regina asked.    


"You on the bottom, me on top," Shasta said, smiling.    


"Mind if we do it on the couch instead of the floor?"    


"No problem."    


Regina lay down on the couch and Shasta crouched over her face and I witnessed Shasta get even for her rugged fucking. Ed's cum was dripping out of her pussy. She sat on Regina's face, essentially smearing it all over before telling me to start the timer, then leaning down and starting to lick Regina's cunt. She never once neglected her duties as the one who's mouth was sold. I never saw her lips or tongue leave Regina's pussy, licking and lapping, as best she could, but her cunt was soaked, with her cum and Ed's, and she used every second to rub it all over Regina's face, leaving a huge mess which Regina had no hope of keeping up with. Regina was practically gagging on cum.    


The timer went off and Shasta hopped up, turned around, and laid a lip lock on Regina, slipping her some tongue.    


"That was a lot of fun, Regina. We need to do that again sometime," Shasta said, smiling and licking her lips.    


Even Ed and Rob were clapping when she finished. Regina had to go clean off her face. It usually took ten women to make a face so messy.    


Rob sat down on the couch and Rhonda knelt in front of him and proceeded to give him his reward.    


Shasta whispered to me when Regina left to clean up, "Regina has a mean streak in her."    


"It seemed to me you gave as good as you got," I replied.    


"I had to let her know she wasn't fucking with just anyone."    


"How did you like it otherwise?"    


"It wasn't great. Too rough, but bearable. If you don't mind, Scott. I'm a little sore. Wouldn't mind if you let me use your hot tub, maybe spend the night, get some slave lovin' in the morning."    


"It's quite all right."    


She squeezed my hand. "Thanks."    


Rhonda actually made Rob cum in less than fifteen minutes, groaning out his load into her mouth.    


Rhonda got off her knees, saying, "You must love getting sucked by lesbian cops, Mister Rob. I thought you'd last longer." She wiped up a drop of cum on the corner of her mouth and licked her finger.    


"You're getting so much better at that," he said, his prick wilting.    


"Practice makes perfect. I've been sucking cocks all night long."    


It was time to go. Mom said goodbye to Dad, dressed and left with Chen.    



"You can spend the night at my house, Dad. Chen lives next door anyway. Makes it easier to collect Mom."    


"Don't mind if I do."    


I kissed and hugged Julia. "Be a good slave. I want to hear nothing but good reports about your performance tomorrow."    


"I'll make you proud, Master."    


"I know you will."    


"Am I to be allowed to cum while I'm gone, sir, or will I be punished when I come home tomorrow?"    


Master laughed. "I'll leave it up to Jerry if you're allowed to cum."    


"Thank you, Master."    


She said goodbye to Lisa, Rhonda and Shasta as well, whispering, "I loved what you did. Good job, Mistress," to Shasta as they hugged.    


Sean rode with Dad. Rhonda and Lisa rode with me and the baby. Shasta drove herself. By the time we got home, Lucas was starting to fuss again and I suspected hunger as it was late. Rhonda said she'd heat up a bottle and give him some strained vegetables as all he had was mother's milk for supper. Sean went to bed in the basement. Dad, Lisa, Shasta and I went out to the hot tub and cranked it up. Shasta just sat, soaking in the warmth and bubbles, soothing her tender bits. I fucked Lisa while she sucked Dad's cock, both of us cumming at the same time. When I pulled out, she didn't sit down in the tub, but remained on her feet bent over.    


"Do you have a cramp?" I asked.    


"No, Master. I just don't want your sperm to wash out until it's had a chance to work."    


Dad and I laughed, Shasta smiled and I kissed Lisa's bottom, then patted it.    


"Let's not let any go to waste," I said. "God knows I'll only be fucking you twice a day until you're preggers."    


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