Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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C63 063



Before I was sold, Master said many wonderful things about me, making me proud to be his slave. I was put up for sale and Jerry immediately snapped me up, not even giving others a chance to bid. Nor had he gone cheap, spending all of his chips to buy me, though he could have had me for less.    


After I was sold, I went to Jerry and Reneé, kneeling between them, hugging their legs, as the rest of the evening played out. I had no doubt I would enjoy my time with them greatly. Jerry was a masterful lover and Reneé a delightful slave who knew how to please women.    


It was time to settle the sales and Shasta was first. I don't know what it was about Regina. She seemed perfectly comfortable around men, congenial and good natured, but women were another matter entirely. She acted differently around them, particularly strong women, like Sarah and Shasta. She generally treated slaves a little better, as if we were no threat to her, and perhaps she didn't recognize us as such, knowing we were anchored to our Master's, but the others weren't and might be a threat to her somehow.    


Shasta went along with everything Regina suggested and suffered through a somewhat brutal fucking, though it didn't stop her from cumming fairly often. I suspect she would have orgasmed more often with a more tender fucking than she received. Ed wasn't so bad. He was just Ed, big and burly and thickly endowed. It was Regina's ass fucking which looked bad in comparison, rough and hard. If driven by male muscles, I'm sure it would have been worse. Shasta didn't complain at all. She took it all placidly up until Ed injected his seed into her, Master calling time.    


It's when the tables were reversed that Shasta got her revenge. She still had to lick Regina, but Regina had to lick her too, and Shasta's cunt was drenched in cum. She made Regina take the bottom in a sixty-nine and almost sat on her face before it started. Shasta kept squeezing out Edward's cream, rubbing it all over Regina's face, squeezing out more and repeating. She never stopped pleasuring Regina the whole time, keeping up her end of the sale, but any comparison of the two faces was laughable.    


White stuff was smeared all over Regina's face, from neck to forehead and ear to ear, some of it Shasta, a lot of it Ed. I don't know if Ed had ever given Regina a facial before, but Shasta sure gave her one.    


The timer ended it and Shasta got off Regina, then turned around, and gave her an open mouthed kiss, perhaps letting Regina taste herself.    


"That was a lot of fun, Regina. We need to do that again sometime," Shasta said.    


Ed and Rob were clapping. There were many reasons they might have been clapping, but I couldn't help feel it was somewhat disrespectful. It might also have been they enjoyed seeing Regina lick cunt and cheering for that. I suspected Regina might want an explanation eventually. I can't claim to know how their minds worked, except it often worked together, one understanding the other perfectly.    


Rob sat down and Rhonda rewarded him for his purchase, sucking him dry in less time than I expected. Shasta and Master talked, but I had no clue what they were discussing.    


Now it was time to break up. Sandra got ready to leave with Chen, and I had to leave with Jerry.    


Master hugged me and kissed me. "Be a good slave. I want to hear nothing but good reports about your performance tomorrow."    


"I'll make you proud, Master," I replied.    


"I know you will."    


I wasn't going to make the same mistake when he arranged for my many fuckings before our bonding.    


"Am I to be allowed to cum while I'm gone, sir, or will I be punished when I come home tomorrow?"    


Master laughed. "I'll leave it up to Jerry if you're allowed to cum."    


"Thank you, Master."    


I said goodbye to Lisa and Rhonda, asking them to look after Lucas while I was gone. I couldn't help saying goodbye to Shasta either, whispering, "I loved what you did. Good job, Mistress." She smiled back at me.    


I got dressed and got into the back seat of Jerry's work truck, which he'd driven from Los Angeles. His clothes and other items were in the back seat with me. He must have had Reneé waiting at the curb when he picked her up because he hadn't dropped anything off. I knew Reneé was a horny little slut right now. She was more bereft of sex when her Master was gone than I was, since I had two other slaves to keep me satisfied. Reneé had her cum breaks at lunch and whatever else her Master might allow her, which wasn't much given how desperate she was at lunch.    


As soon as we reached the house, both slaves stripped down. I asked Jerry if he was going to let me cum tonight. He laughed and said we could both cum as often as we wished. Knowing how miserable Reneé had to be, I suggested Jerry fuck his own slave before he worried about me. I even got in a sixty-nine with her with me on the bottom, licking her clit while Jerry fucked her, sliding through her slave slit. Jerry had cum often enough tonight he was able to throw her a good long fucking before he spasmed. I know Reneé climaxed a half dozen times at least before Jerry orgasmed. I climaxed often as well. Reneé was a good cunt licker.    


"Mmmm," Reneé said, "I needed that so bad. Thank you, Julia." Her Master was still pulsing in her pussy.    


"I know how I am when Master's gone," I said. "I even have sister slaves to pleasure me. You have no one. It was the least I could do."    


Jerry pulled out, his shaft slithering out like a snake, pearly cum dripping with it. I captured his cock so I could clean him before he messed the bed. A few seconds with him and then I did the same for Reneé, capturing their cum as it leaked from her pussy. I gave her two more orgasms in the process, to make up for his week long absence.    


"I need to take a shower," Jerry said. "Join me, slave," to Reneé. "How about you?" Jerry asked me.    


"I had a shower after work and haven't gotten messy yet, sir," I smiled. "Until now, I haven't even cum since lunch."    


"We'll have to fix that soon, won't we?"    


"Please, sir. I'm looking forward to your big cock fucking me."    


"Don't you mean my big black cock?" Jerry laughed.    


"Black is self evident, Master."    


"Big isn't?"    


"Not at the moment, Master," I said, pointing to his shrunken appendage, "but I'm sure Reneé and I can remedy that deficiency before it's needed."    


Jerry laughed and they went to take a shower. I straightened the bed, pulling down the covers, then getting my toothbrush from my purse, brushed my teeth, using some of their mouthwash. I went back to the bedroom and lay down to wait. They soon joined me, Jerry looking more Jerry like and Reneé drying her hair with a fluffy towel.    


"Do you have any suggestions of how you wish to be fucked?" Jerry asked.    


"As your slave has been without almost any sex while you've been gone, sir, I would gladly enjoy pleasuring her while you fuck me from behind. Would you like me to get you prepared?"    


"I'll be fine once I see you two playing with one another. You get started. I'll join in when I'm ready."    


"Yes, sir. Reneé, if you'll lie on the bed, I wish to send you to heaven."    


Reneé got comfortable, parting her legs. Even now, dampness glistened on her pussy and it wasn't all water from the shower. I took my time, being in no particular rush. I did everything I could to bring her along slowly, but bring her off big. When she had her first, post shower, orgasm, I felt Jerry lift me to my knees, pushing my legs apart and it was only seconds before I felt him shove his lovely cock straight up my cunt. I orgasmed immediately, having been ready for sex for hours. Just as I'd taken my time with his slave, he took his time with me, fucking me ever so slowly, using every inch of his dick to stroke my needy cunt. It took five more minutes before I had my second, and another four before the third, since he was still taking his time.    


"Fuck me, sir," I moaned, neglecting Reneé's slave cunt for the moment. "Fuck me hard and fuck me deep. Give me your cum."    


I returned to my task as he drove deep inside me, letting me feel every millimeter of his strong shaft shredding my pussy, turning it to a liquid puddle. Two strokes like that and I orgasmed again. Six more and I was shuddering, pinioned on his prick as waves of pleasure swept through me, one after the other. He pounded me hard for five more minutes before he slammed into me one last time and his prick pulsed inside me, flooding my pussy. He throbbed inside me, bathing me with cream. When he pulled out, I turned and was on him like a shot, sucking his cock clean. I felt Reneé's tongue delving inside my still frizzing cunt to do the same for me, cumming again.    


"Damn," Jerry said, "I think that's done it for me. It's been a long hard week and it's late and I need a little sleep."    


"Master, would you mind if Reneé and I continue our activities? We can leave the room if you think we'll disturb you."    


"I don't think a bomb going off could disturb me," Jerry said. "Go right ahead."    


So as Jerry settled into sleep, Reneé and I continued to pleasure one another for another hour. We were both near exhaustion ourselves and were cuddled together lightly kissing before sleeping.    


"Does Jerry like to be awakened in the morning with a blow job," I whispered in her delicate pink ear, nibbling a bit.    


Reneé shivered, then replied, "Fairly often, though he likes to be well rested when it happens."    


"I only have until about 9:30 to take advantage of his cock. I think we might have to wake him earlier than he expects."    


I nuzzled a berry tipped breast. She shivered again. "As long as I get another fucking from it, why the hell not," she whispered.    


We settled into sleep.    





Around seven, I stretched, looking at my watch. Jerry has had enough sleep, I thought. He's got all fucking week to sleep and I'm losing my Master again on Sunday.    


He was lying on his back, lightly snoring, his legs open and his snake draped across a muscular thigh. As sneaky as a mouse in a room full of cats, I slipped down to his prick, breathing lightly on it. I stuck my tongue out and licked lightly from stem to crown. He stirred, but didn't wake up. I gathered just the tip of his cock into my mouth, not licking, not sucking, just holding him inside in the wet warmth. I felt him start to swell, so slowly, probably not even aware he was, still asleep. He grew bigger and bigger, occupying more of my mouth which I was keeping still, breathing through my nose. Finally, I couldn't help myself and nudged Reneé awake with a foot, then sucked my way down his shaft.    


"What the fuck," Jerry said groggily, then realized there was a slave attached to his dick.    


I moved back up, sucking lightly, then down, swirling my tongue around the veins on his cock.    


"Jesus, Julia," he moaned, "What time is it?"    


"After seven, sir," I answered, before lowering myself down his dick again. Reneé was finally struggling awake and seeing me with her Master's shaft enveloped, moved between his legs to caress and suck his sack.    


Jerry might still be tired, but as erect as he was becoming now, there was no way someone wasn't getting fucked and we all knew it. Since he was hard enough, I simply mounted him, sliding down his pole like it was greased. It wasn't, but I was.    


"Renee, why don't you let your Master taste that delicious cunt I licked last night."    


She looked to him for permission and he finally said, "Why the hell not."    


I rested my hands on his broad chest and started riding him hard. Reneé swung a leg over Jerry's face and leaned forward a little so she wouldn't smother him then settled into position over his mouth. Since we were both leaning towards one another, I kissed her, tasting her soft lips which had given me so much pleasure last night. She reached between us and cupped a breast, flicking her thumb over my taut, plump nipple. Oh, I moaned. Embedded on a wonderful cock, kissing a lovely girl and having my milk swollen breasts played with.    


Reneé must have agreed with the pleasure of it. Jerry was practically slurping, attempting to keep up with Reneé's liquid flow. I waited until I'd had two orgasms and since Jerry hadn't cum yet, told Reneé to switch with me. In a heartbeat, she was riding his mighty staff and he was licking at my puffy, pouting pussy.    


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