Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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0I leaned forward to suck Reneé's nipples, and she climaxed a second time, then a third. So did I, although Jerry could probably use a couple cunt licking lessons. Jerry's groans were becoming deeper and his thrusts more frantic, so he was close to cumming.    


"After your Master cums," I said, "just fall backward on the bed and I'll clean you both."    


"Yes," she whimpered.    


Within a minute, Jerry arched his back, thrusting upward and pumped a night full of cum into his slave, who continued riding him to another orgasm. As he started shrinking, she fell backward. I leaned forward to clean his prick while he continued licking my folds, then further forward, to clean his slave, her quim still quivering as her orgasm abated. I lapped at their discharges, gathering all on my tongue. He could no longer reach me, so lay there panting, finally able to draw a full breath. Knowing time was slipping away, I slid backward, taking his cock into my mouth again, hoping for another erection before we had to start the day.    


I achieved my goal, feeling him swelling, engorge with blood, raising the flag again instead of surrendering.    


"What's gotten into you?" Jerry panted.    


"I'm about to lose my Master for another week, sir, and he's mostly fucking Lisa, so she can get pregnant. I need more cock."    


"I would have thought you had enough last Saturday to last a month."    


"It merely whet my appetites, Master."    


"Fuck," he growled, spinning me onto my back and taking me, driving deep in a single thrust. I orgasmed, moaning.    


"Ride this slave's mouth," Jerry said, "keep her from making so much noise."    


"Yes, Master," Reneé giggled before covering me with her silky folds. My tongue slithered deep inside her slick tunnel, the velvety soft flesh melting before my oral assault. She spasmed, cumming, soaking my face. I continued lapping at her tangy sweetness, hints of Jerry's salty cum still hidden deep inside her. We both climaxed many more times before I felt Jerry throbbing inside my cunt.    


He pulled out, finally allowed to shrink and Reneé abandoned her station on my face, leaving me damp in her fluids.    


"I'll need a shower this morning," I said, laughing. "I feel quite messy now."    


Jerry pulled us both up into his arms, kissing first one, then the other.    


"I can see why Scott enjoys multiple slaves," Jerry said. "This is very enjoyable."    


"For me as well," I said. "I greatly enjoy pleasuring your slave."    


"Let me ask you a question," Jerry said, stroking my hair. "Do you really like being shared with other men?"    


"I do, sir. It converges with some of my deepest and most erotic fantasies. I began this journey because Master noticed me reading reverse harem novels. Are you familiar with them?"    


"Yes, he discussed it when he first talked to me about what you were doing."    


"They strike a deep chord with me. To be put in submission and submit to men who desire to master me and put me in chains. Perhaps I'm partly exhibitionist, because I'm as aroused as I can be when I'm placed on the auction block and inspected by potential buyers like a piece of meat, not knowing who will purchase me and what they'll do to me once they own me. Master was willing to fulfill those fantasies for me for a period of three weeks. I loved it. I adored it. I wanted to keep going forever. But it was hard on Master to watch. I understand, because I still feel something every time he fucks another woman. So when he said he couldn't do it anymore, I would have sacrificed it all to be with him, and when he said, I could continue in my submission as long as I only had sex with other women, I was willing. My husband was more important than submission and submission was more crucial than fucking other men. That's the order in which I hold them in regard. I love my husband very much and above all men, I wished to be with him, and then, to submit to him. If given a choice of remaining his slave and not being with any other men, I choose to remain a slave and fuck him only.    


"But I've heard you tell Scott many times that you don't need other men?" He asked questioningly.    


"I don't need other men, sir, but I do want them. Need and want are not the same. If he's willing to share me with other men and permit me to remain his slave, I will happily fuck anyone he allows me to. In some ways, it's probably best he has control over me as I'm unsure how in control of myself I'd be if he were not."    


"Can you tell me why you enjoy it so much?"    


"When you first fucked me, Master, was it exciting to you; increase your enjoyment, knowing you would be fucking your bosses white wife? More exciting than just picking someone up in a bar?"    


"Yes. It was very arousing," Jerry admitted. "Strange, but very exciting."    


"It was the same for me, sir. I knew you, knew you were one of my husband's best friends and he was going to let me fuck you while he watched. I was as aroused as you by the experience, the newness, the strangeness of it; my first black man. Every time I'd see you again, we'd both know you'd fucked your bosses wife, made her cum on your cock. You know how wet I was when you touched me. And when I was made to service the poker players and sold afterward, I knew everyone of Master's closest friends would have seen his wife suck their cock and the cocks of his other friends and every time I saw all of you again, they would know, and I would know, what a little slut slave I was. I was both afraid to be so used and humiliated, and freed by it. When there's nothing left to hide, and all is exposed, you truly know who you are, and I am without question, a slave.    


"I no longer have any shame at fucking a total stranger or being the subject of a train while my friends and family watch. I am a slut who wants nothing more than to feel another cock in her cunt or lick another pussy at the behest of the Master who controls me. Master has finally realized my desire for other cocks is no threat to him or his happiness. I am his and will always remain his, no matter who I have sex with. My love for and submission to my Master cannot be altered. As long as he desires my submission, he shall have it. I will ensure I will be the best submissive I'm capable of being. If he requires I give up sex for a month to prove myself to him, I will. If he wants me to give you and your slave the greatest possible pleasure I can, I will. It inflames me, excites me, arouses me, to be used by others, just as it excited you to fuck your bosses wife."    


"Do you feel the same way, Reneé? Would you like to fuck other people as much as Julia?"    


"I feel much the same way, Master, although I can see she's gone beyond the point where I see myself. Something different on occasion would be appreciated. Having all of my holes filled at once would be nice. I don't want it every day, but as a change, yes, I'd enjoy other cocks."    


"Why do you want it? Aren't I enough for you?"    


"Master Jerry, sir," I said, "the better question might be, isn't your slave enough for you? This woman has submitted to your will, agreed to marry you, given you control over her sex, including whether it is even allowed her or not, whether she can cum or not when she's fucking, and if she'll be punished for disobedience. She has willingly surrendered much of who she is to your control. She openly lets you fuck other women, including one you purchased last night, even though you hadn't fucked her for a week. She let you fuck Mrs. Thornhill without a word of protest. But except for the cum break you've allowed her at work, how many times has she been allowed to cum while you were gone, a fucking needy slave like myself who craves fucking? Has she even been allowed to masturbate to ease her torment?"    


Jerry didn't answer.    


"Or let me put it another way, sir. You met Reneé at our Memorial Day party. Were you surprised or offended when she was fucked by most of the men there? Did the method of your meeting make her seem like 'soiled goods' who you'd never deign to look at again? No, sir. You did not. You were excited by her, aroused by her, enchanted with her, wanting to accept her as your slave, once she determined permanent submission was right for her. Yet the same thing that aroused you and drew you together in the first place is somehow wrong now? She can't be the sexual creature released on that day because it might offend or bother you? That she might enjoy a different cock?"    


I held his hand, squeezing it, then his cock, not squeezing.    


"I love Master with every fiber of my being. I cum dozens of times a day having sex with him. I'm not disappointed in how he fucks me. It doesn't mean I don't want to feel this cock in me," holding Jerry's cock up, kissing it, "that he is somehow not good enough for me because I enjoy the same variety I allow him to enjoy. Every time he fucks Lisa, or Rhonda, or Zoe, or Dawn, or Shasta is not a measure of how much or how little of a woman I am. It's an indication that he loves women and wants to enjoy all the little distinctions that make us different from one another. If your slave wants to feel another cock inside her, it's not that she's somehow disappointed in your prick; only that it's a different prick and the person who possesses it is different and will feel different and fuck different and hold her different and kiss her different than you do. If she was disappointed in you as a man, would she want to walk down that aisle with you and bear your children, suffer your hand on her burning ass, or allow you buy another slave for the night like she did last night? Indeed, it seems to me she thinks so highly of your almighty prick that she feels you can satisfy both of us. That seems to me, to be someone who finds you more than enough for her, and just because she would be happy with a little variety, doesn't make it any less true."    


"That's a very impassioned speech, Mrs. Rivers."    


"I'm a very passionate woman, sir. To put it one more way so you might understand a slave mindset, you know I now consider myself as good as married to Lisa as I am to my husband. We've arranged contractual agreements which make her an equal in our relationship. As much as I love Lisa, doesn't mean I love her less or find her less attractive and desirable because I also acquired a woman slave for myself, nor that I can't enjoy fucking your slave. It doesn't mean she doesn't complete me in a way others don't. It's just sex. Both of us can have sex with other women without believing we are less to each other than we are, regardless of my desire to burrow my head between Reneé's thighs and tongue fuck her to orgasm. The only difference between my wish to have your cock in my cunt or her tongue, is the sex of the person doing it. Master realizes it now. My fucking you is no different than fucking Reneé, yet he had no problem with my fucking Reneé, only you.    


"I would never dare tell you what you should or shouldn't do with your slave, Master, but if you think your slave finds you less than the man and Master she worships because she would like a cock in her ass to match yours in her cunt, you would be mistaken. Now is there any chance we can get this working again before I have to leave?"    


I jiggled his limp prick.    


"I think it could be arranged, if both of you are willing to work for it."    


"You take his cock, Reneé, I'll take his balls. He should be good for a twenty minute fucking when he's ready. We'll split the time fifty-fifty."    


"Forget time," Reneé cooed. "You get two orgasms, then I get two, then switch again until he surrenders his cum. The winner of the cum lottery gets her creampie licked by the loser." Her mouth descended over his cock.    


"Deal," I said, crawling between his legs, cupping and sucking his sack.    


Jerry growled, an atavistic sound which sent shivers up my spine and liquid dripping from my cunt.    


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