Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C66 066

C66 066



When I got home, Master happily took me to our bed and fucked me, apparently unconcerned for the night I'd spent away from him. I was happy he wasn't regretting his decisions. I was living the perfect life, if not for everyone, certainly for me.    


When finished, we went outside where I greeted my baby and sister slaves. I learned poor Rhonda hadn't yet cum and set about giving her what I'd had a morning of, a ton of orgasms. Master was fucking Lisa bent over the picnic table so she wasn't being ignored either.    


When we were all done, which I admit, took quite long for Rhonda and myself, I looked around and noticed Sean wasn't there.    


"Is Sean working on our website?" I asked.    


"Maybe, but probably not, Domina," Rhonda said. "He went home with Mistress Shasta and I doubt he's had a chance to work on a single thing yet."    


I turned end over end and kissed a different set of lips, wet with my nectar.    


"That's wonderful," I replied, stroking her turgid nipples, my fingers slipping between her damp thighs.    


"He's getting one more chance, Domina," Rhonda said, gasping when I penetrated her with my fingers, "but he'd better not blow it this time."    


"I hope not. He's good for her."    


Rhonda spasmed, her back arching, still aroused from my earlier licking. I captured her moans in my mouth.    


"Oh, Domina, you make me feel so good," she panted.    


"I love you, slave."    


"I love you, Domina."    


Lucas eventually started to fuss and I got up and placed him on my breast. Rhonda got up to get some baby food and his diaper bag. Master and Lisa were doing laps in the pool. I let Lucas drink half of what he usually took, then Rhonda began feeding him cereal and strained fruits.    


"Do you think we should cleanse Wendy when she gets here?" I asked. "I ask because she's your sister."    


"Might as well, Domina. She should at least know how much nicer and cleaner she is afterward."    


"Do you still think it's a good idea for Master to introduce her to sex?"    


"I know he'll be gentle with her and enable her to enjoy it, which isn't always true with first times. Better him than a thousand other scenarios I worry about for her. If she really does decide she's submissive, I would wish you, Master, Jerry or Chen accept her submission, Domina. I think all of you would be relatively kind compared to others she might encounter."    


"What about our friends in LA?"    


"I think all of them would be fine, Domina, but I don't think she's ready to leave Fresno yet."    


"Do you hope she's a lesbian like you?"    


"It's been very hard on me due to my family's lack of acceptance, Domina. I guess I'd prefer she not have to walk my path, but it's her decision to make."    


I kissed her. "One of the reasons I love you."    




Our doorbell rang around 4:30. Rhonda got up to get it, but I told her I'd get it and perhaps she and Lisa could start on supper. I opened the door and Wendy breezed through, taking off her top as she did so.    


"You don't have to go naked, just because we do," I said. "It's a choice, not a mandate."    


"I know, but before last weekend, I never realized how comfortable it is to go nude all the time. I've wanted to rip off my clothes a dozen times since I went home and realized I couldn't. It was depressing."    


She was down to bra and panties now and those quickly followed. As soon as the panties came off, I could see the butt plug bisecting her bottom. She reached into her big bag purse and pulled out the box of plugs, handing them to me.    


"I've finished with these, the only one left is the one in my butt. I've got to say, it's been a unique experience wearing these for five days. Sometimes, it's driven me crazy."    


I smiled at her.    


"Before Master fucks you tonight, I'm going to show you how to cleanse your bottom. As you've probably noticed when changing out your plugs, they get quite dirty in your ass. The same would normally happen to a cock when it's in your ass, and when the man is finished, you need to be very careful to clean him and your bottom to avoid soiling your linens, which usually requires a warm wet washcloth. We can avoid those sorts of problems by cleansing you first. If you'll follow me into the bathroom, I will show you how it's done."    


"Okay," she said, hesitantly.    


We went into the bathroom and I had her bend over the counter so I could remove her current plug. I pulled it out with a plop and washed it with soap and water in the sink until it sparkled. I set it aside to dry and took out the enema equipment. I showed her how to mix the water and mild soap solution, how the nozzle worked and how we got the mixture into her rectum. I got the lube and greasing the nozzle, inserted it into her bottom, opened the valve, allowing the mixture to flow into her ass.    


"You need to keep this inside of yourself as long as you can. You're going to feel pressure building up inside your guts until it feels like you might explode. When you don't think you can hold it anymore, sit on the toilet and expel it from your bowels, then we'll do it again."    


"It feels weird," Wendy said.    


"It does," I admitted.    


It took about fifteen minutes before she needed to use the toilet. With a rather loud gush, it splashed into the bowl.    


"That's disgusting," she said, wiping herself.    


"Yes, it is. Think of that when you put food in your system which is hard to digest. It's why you should eat lots of fruits, vegetables and bran or other high fiber items in your diet to help cleanse your system from the inside. There's less build up if you do. Mix up another bag and we'll repeat it."    


Wendy followed my instructions and prepared another enema, doing everything herself this time. When she evacuated her bowels this time, it was much cleaner. She was young, so that was in her favor.    


"Again," I said.    


She did it again and the water was essentially clear.    


"One more time without the soap. Even though it's mild, I don't like leaving it inside myself."    


Wendy did it one more time and only soap residue was flushed from her system. I had her bend over the counter again, and with the assistance of the lube, reinserted her largest plug, the one we'd just taken out. I pushed it in, twisted it about a couple times, then removed it.    


To Wendy's utter shock and dismay, I put the plug in my mouth and sucked it.    


"OMG, did you just suck that plug?"    


"I did and you're going to also."    


"No fucking way."    


"Fucking way or you're not fucking my Master. It's important to keep things from getting messy. This is a part of it. It's why I cleansed your bottom. It's now cleaner than the cunt you licked a week ago and a hell of a lot cleaner than your mouth which is a Petri dish of bacteria. Remember that every time you kiss someone. You're reacting, not to reality, but to the perception of where it's been. Pay attention and bend over. I'm going to stick it in your butt again."    


She bent over and I repeated myself, pushing it in, twisting it about, then removing it. I showed it to her. It was essentially clear, with a little white fluid on it.    



"What's this white junk?"    


"Mucus. The body uses it for lots of things. Essentially, it's used to help protect skin layers from contact with outside substances. It's present in your lungs and airway system, including your nose. It's present in your digestive system including the stomach, intestines and rectum, and the urogenital system protecting your vagina. It contains antibacterial agents which helps fight disease and infections. In the rectum, it helps to ease waste out of your body. It's also present in your pussy as part of what makes you wet and ready for penetration, helping to protect the inner layers from friction from a cock rubbing against you. It's tasteless. Lick it."    


Wendy looked at me like I was demented. I licked one side and handed it to her.    


"Go ahead. It's not going to kill you even if it did taste like shit. Animals eat their feces all the time."    


She tentatively stuck her tongue out and touched it to the other side. Not detecting anything horrid, she licked a little more, eventually realizing it wasn't horrid.    


"Put it in your mouth and suck it clean," I said.    


"Does Rhonda do this?" Wendy asked.    


"She learned like you did. If her ass has been cleansed, she'll suck Master's cock after it's been in her ass, or my ass if it's been cleansed."    


She finally stuck it in her mouth and sucked it. "Pretty much tastes like glass."    


"Pretty much."    


"So how long can I consider my ass cleansed?" Wendy asked.    


"Until Master fucks it after supper," I said, smiling.    


"What happens if your asshole hasn't been cleansed?"    


"You have to clean up a different way, usually with warm, wet, washcloths."    


"Why don't you cleanse yourself every day, keep all that build-up out of your bottom."    


"There are beneficial enzymes and bacteria which aid in the digestive process. Cleansing yourself every day would kill the helpful bacteria and wash away all the enzymes. We try not to do it more than once weekly and only when we know our asses will be fucked. You know your ass is going to be fucked tonight, so why not prepare. Plus, you saw how long it took. I don't have an hour a day to waste. Now, take a quick shower, then come to dinner. After Master has introduced you to anal sex, we'll have a treat for you."    


I left her to take her shower and joined the others preparing dinner. In ten minutes she joined us smelling like shower gel, light and floral scented.    


I got Master and he came in, bringing Lucas, who was nodding off. I double checked his diaper and put him down to sleep. When I returned, I saw Wendy was sitting on Master's lap. I put my own slave on mine, kissing her. Master wasn't feeding Wendy, merely talking to her as she fed herself.    


"Do you still feel comfortable with what happened on Monday?" He asked.    


"Yes. I enjoyed it and wouldn't mind doing it some more."    


"And are you still certain about what you want to do tonight?"    


"Very certain."    


"Good. I want to go slowly, just as we did then. There's no hurry and you should be comfortable with what's going on. If it's all right with you, I'm going to kiss you, and caress you, to help prepare you for sex, later. I want your engine revving and you feeling like there's nothing you want more than to be fucked. Is that all right with you?"    


"Yes," she said shyly.    


Master kissed her, softly exploring her lips then stopping to take a bite of his food and allow her to eat. He would occasionally pause during supper, running his hand up between her thighs, or palming a plump breast, kissing her neck or ear lobe, but staying just this side of sex.    


I was not being so polite to Rhonda. A couple times she moaned, clinging to me as she surrendered in orgasm to my thrusting fingers. I fed her, fed myself, and played to my hearts content. I could see Wendy was aroused by what I was doing to her sister.    


Wendy wasn't allowed to cum, but Master kept her on the edge of arousal throughout supper. He continued to stroke, kiss, caress, nibble, and lick tiny parts of her as we cleaned up afterward. Wendy was panting by the time the kitchen was tidy. Liquid honey was clinging to the lips of her labia. Rhonda and Master each took a hand and led her to the bedroom.    


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