Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C70 070

C70 070

0"You do that, Monsieur. I'm sure she's dying to hear."    


I went to work a happy man. The next time my slaves were here to visit, I should bring all three of them to breakfast. The waitress might pop a gasket. She was clearly not up to Sharon's caliber as a person.    




I received a phone call from Julia at around seven PM that night.    


"Is everything okay?" I asked, concerned someone might be sick or injured.    


"Everyone is fine, sir, but I have a question."    


"What is it?"    


"I was shopping for groceries tonight, Master, and a polite, middle aged gentleman about your father's age, finally commented on the noise from the bell you fastened to my piercing."    




"I explained I was your slave and it was how you wished to mark your property. He asked to see and I showed him briefly how I was pierced. He then asked if I would suck him off. I told him I would need your permission, sir."    


"Is anyone else with you?"    


"Rhonda is with me, sir."    


"Good. I'd be concerned if you were alone, but Rhonda won't let anything happen to her Domina. If he's unmarried, and you can find a safe place to do it, go ahead. He can also fuck you if you want, your choice, but I don't want to be named in some alienation of affection lawsuit."    


"He's not wearing a wedding ring, sir."    


"Don't depend on that, ask. In fact, let Rhonda ask. She can probably tell if he's lying."    


"Yes, sir. He said he has a van in the parking lot. It should be safe."    


"Rhonda goes with you."    


"Yes, sir. Do you wish photos, sir?"    


I laughed. "Not necessary. Just tell me about it tomorrow when I get home."    


"May I cum, sir?"    


"No, you may not cum," I said.    


A moment of silence, considering. "Sir?"    


"I'm teasing. You can cum."    


Julia laughed. "Thank you, Master."    


Julia terminated the call. I was now letting her fuck some total stranger. As long as Rhonda was there to protect her, I didn't mind. She was such a good slave, always looking to take care of me.    




I got home around ten PM. The traffic had been brutal; at least two accidents. Julia was kneeling naked by the door when I came in dragging my suitcase and briefcase.    


"The others are waiting in bed, sir," she said when I asked about them.    


"Let me take a shower and let's join them," I said.    


"I thought perhaps you might wish to know what happened with the gentleman last night first, Master."    


"I'm sure that's the least interesting thing you have to tell me. Come on. I can't wait to see all of you."    


I left the suitcase next to the laundry room, everything needing to be washed. I set the briefcase on the dining room table and went into the bedroom unbuttoning my shirt. I took it off and sat down to get my shoes and socks off and Julia was helping me with those, then she took my pants, removing items from the pocket. I was finally naked and felt hot and tired after the drive. I got into the shower and Julia got in with me.    


"Is something wrong, slave? You're hovering around me like a butterfly." I turned on the water, adjusting the temperature.    


"No, Master. It's just I fucked a stranger last night for the first time when you weren't there. Every other time I've been with someone new, you were present. This feels more monumental. I thought you'd wish to discuss it."    


"Was Rhonda with you, making sure you were protected?"    


"Yes, Master."    


"Your safety was the most important consideration for me. If your safety wasn't compromised, the details can wait. There are far more important things to discuss, including how you ever got Sam to consider loaning me his slaves. I'm tired but I want to have sex with all of you. I want to hear everything else that's happened all week, the important things. An hour or so with a stranger is not that important to me. He took nothing away from me, not even a minute of my time with you. We will talk about it, I promise, because I want to know how you felt when it happened, but if you're worried about me or how I feel, don't."    


She breathed a sigh of relief and I started soaping her down to show her I wasn't on edge about what happened. She kissed me, then put some gel on her hands and started washing me, paying attention to the appendage beginning to assert itself between my legs. In five minutes we were drying off. I brushed my teeth and went to bed with her. The other two were cuddled together. Were they all worried?    


"Let's see," I said. "I want someone riding my cock, someone riding my mouth, two orgasms, then move. The one on my cock off, mouth slave to cock, and the last one to my mouth. We'll keep repeating until I'm ready to cum. I'll try to give you about fifteen seconds advance notice, so if Lisa isn't the one riding my cock when I need to orgasm, she can get on before I cum. Any questions?"    


"No, sir," Lisa said. "I get your cock first."    


"I have dibs on his lips," Julia said.    


"Fine," Rhonda said, "make me last. I don't care. It's a stinking cock for God's sake, not a nice cunt." She smiled as she said it.    


I'd left the shower with an erection and brushing my teeth hadn't been enough for it to flag, so as soon as I got on my back, Lisa was able to mount me. Julia rode my mouth facing Lisa, while Rhonda played with both of their tits. Being randy slaves, it didn't take either of them long to cum twice and Rhonda's damp slit was next for the face, while Julia moved over my cock.    


I was able to hold out through almost two whole circuits. I was licking Lisa's liquid folds and Rhonda was moaning over my cock for her first orgasm of this phallus cycle, but I was never going to make it to two, let alone a switch. I pushed on Lisa's bottom hard enough to free my lips and said, "I'm going to cum."    


Rhonda immediately moved and Lisa took her place. She started bouncing and I started thrusting and in ten seconds I arched up into her, unloading my sperm.    


"God I needed that," I moaned. "It's been two whole days without sex."    


Julia laughed. "Boo hoo, sir. I heard back from Marcia and Chantelle and both of them said you kept them up most of the night. It sounds like you suffered horribly."    


"It was torture," I said, trying to maintain a straight face.    


"Marcia said her lips were chapped and suffered from rug burn," Lisa said, "and not the ones you put Chapstick on either."    


I broke up, unable to hold it in anymore. "A fucking fantasy come true. I can't thank you enough for arranging that."    


"Master Sam did let you participate in a triple penetration of both his slaves," Julia said. "It seemed there might be a chink in the armor. All we had to do was exploit it."    



"Considering Sam was willing to risk a bet of a train on Marcia against a weekend with us," Lisa added, "we thought there might be an outside chance at some kind of arrangement. It's not like his slaves didn't enjoy their fucking two weeks ago. If he was loosening the chains, now might be the time to strike. We just let it simmer for a week and threw it out there to see what would stick. We contacted them on Sunday morning. I thought they might need more time to decide, but if it happened any time during the week, we could live with it. I was shocked when they told us it could start on Sunday and Marcia would be waiting for you when you got there."    


"We had to call the motel and tell them a friend was stopping by to see you and to please let her in. Of course we had to pay the double occupancy charge for the night, but it was worth it," Julia said.    


"My beautiful, wonderful girls. I'm so lucky. So, how's everything going between Shasta and Sean?"    


"At work on Monday, Shasta was really making Sean toe the line, sir," Lisa said. "She was riding him hard even though he was working harder than anyone. She didn't let him have a cum break with the rest of us, even though he had to pleasure Charlotte, but he took everything fine. Didn't say a word about squat. Just did what she said, not a peep of complaint. It got a little better as the week went on, but she was ragging his ass something awful."    


"It was the first time in a week she didn't stay to get her cunt licked either," Julia said. "Goodbye and gone. Hasn't stayed any other night this week either, sir. Sean apologized today for not getting more of the web design done this week. He says he's only done about a quarter of the work. I think he's spending a lot more time working on Shasta than on our website. She said she'll make sure he works on it more this weekend."    


"I finished the plans to the new bondage piece. It's in my briefcase and I'll give it to you tomorrow," I said. "I think I've got an idea for another one too. I might have time to work on it the next time I'm in LA. I have MOST of my evenings free."    


"We wouldn't want our business to suffer because you're too busy, Master," Julia said, laughing.    


"How come you didn't go to the poker game tonight, Lisa?" I asked.    


"They had enough players, sir. Master Dan played again this week."    


"Did he auction Mom off again?"    


"No, Master. A new slave went on the auction block tonight," Lisa said.    




"Reneé, sir," Lisa replied. "She told us Jerry was selling her before she left work."    


"Reneé! You're joking?"    


"No, sir," Julia replied. "I might have had something to do with that."    


"How? Why? When?"    


"When Jerry purchased me for the night, he asked me if I really enjoyed my Master sharing me? I told him I did and gave him all the reasons why. He asked Reneé if she wished she would be shared like I was. She said she would enjoy the occasional use by someone else if it pleased her Master to do so. He asked why, wasn't he good enough for her.    


"That appears to be the crux of why we care about our lovers fucking other people. Because you want to fuck someone else, I must not be good enough for you. I must be insufficient or unworthy or ugly or bad in bed. I told him it's not a function of him not being good enough. It has nothing to do with it. She wouldn't be marrying him, having children with him, allowing him to spank her or buy other slaves like me if she didn't think he was good enough.    


"I reminded him of the first time he was with me and asked what it was like to know he was going to be fucking his bosses wife. He admitted he was excited doing so. I told him I was too. It was scary and wonderful and every time we saw each other after that, we would both know and remember he'd fucked me. It was better than fucking some girl he met in a bar, because that might be expected when you pick someone up, but this was not. This was more sinful, more taboo, that he was fucking me. It spiced up the sex with him but doesn't negate or degrade the sex I have with you. It's never been a question that I was disappointed in our sex life. It was just different.    


"Just as he's enjoyed the variety of a number of women he's been allowed to fuck which Reneé has never raised a stink about, she would enjoy variety as well. That when he met her, she was serving as a slave at our Memorial Day party and he wasn't turned off by her fucking most of the people who attended. She was the same sexual creature now that she was then. She was still a needy slut slave; only he had changed because she was now submitting to him. He felt ownership of her.    


"When you fuck other women, you're not making judgments about me being less of a woman than the person you're fucking, anymore than Reneé would make judgments about him. Having sex with other women is only you, wishing to explore the diversity of the universe of women. Jerry wouldn't be less of a man or lover to his slave because she enjoyed fucking someone else, any more than I am less to you because you also like to fuck Lisa, or Dawn, or Zoe. Nor is Lisa less to me because I like to fuck Rhonda or vice versa. Jerry was really listening and I believe he might have taken it to heart. I think he knows Reneé is as devoted to him as I am to you and the fact she might fuck someone else every so often, won't change her feelings or perception of him. It's not related, at least not in slaves such as ourselves. The only way it becomes a problem is if we fuck other people behind your back. Then we're being dishonest. In actuality, if I am your true slave, your submissive, I can never fuck anyone behind your back because I must have your permission to fuck anyone. As long as I remain true to my slavery, I remain true to you."    


"Which is why you called me when you were propositioned in the store."    


"Of course. It doesn't matter if I wanted to fuck him or not. Fucking only occurs when you say it does. If I forget that precept, I'm not your slave; I'm just a horny nymphomaniac. If you don't want me to fuck for a month, you're within your rights as my Master. I'm perfectly willing to suffer punishments for cumming when you prohibit it, because you expect I won't always be able to comply and it's part of the fun. Fucking someone else after you've forbidden it is an unpardonable sin. It's not fun and never will be. I'd expect you to tattoo 'whore' on my forehead if I ever did that to you, because that's what I'd be."    


I kissed her, holding her close, stroking her body. I pulled Lisa and Rhonda into the same hug. I had to be an octopus to have enough arms for everywhere I wanted to put them.    


"It's amazing to me my heart is big enough to hold all the love I feel," I said. "It feels like it should need to be the size of this entire house."    


Julia sighed and relaxed against me. I gradually fell asleep listening to their breathing.    


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