Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C73 073

C73 073

0"I told you they were cool," Wendy said. "No jealousy, comfortable with both men and women. I hope we can do as well as they do."    


"I'll put the movie on as soon as the pizza is delivered," Master said. "It should be here any minute."    


It was. Three minutes later, the doorbell rang. Master gave me a twenty and told me it was the only tip I need provide. I smiled and went to the door just the way I was. It was a girl this time, a real cute girl, almost elfin in appearance. The kind of girl I wouldn't mind nibbling on, and she was surprised to see a nude women at the door. She stammered a bit announcing our pizza, when I opened the door. Her eyes went down, did a double take upon seeing my slave jewelry, lingered a moment and reluctantly returned to my face. I wondered if it was strictly the jewelry or if she liked girls. I had her set the pizza on the table beside the door and gave her the twenty.    


"No change, it's all yours," I said. "Thank you."    


"Th-thanks," she stammered again.    


"Have a nice evening." I closed the door, watching her eyes give me another once over before the door shut.    


"Maybe we should order pizza again sometime, Master. She seemed interested. Her name is Becky," I said as I brought the pizzas into the living room.    


"I'll make a note," Master said.    


"You answered the door like that?" Shannon asked.    


"I usually do when someone else is home in case that someone would be unruly. Not when I'm home alone though. Here's the pizza. We have Coke, Diet Coke, Ginger Ale and Sprite. What would you guys like to drink?"    


"Can I have a beer," Tony asked.    


"Are you over 21?" Rhonda asked.    




"Don't lie, Tony," Wendy said. "He'll be 21 in four months. Shannon is also 20."    


"You may have one beer, Anthony, as I consider myself a responsible adult," Rhonda said. "But it's soft drinks for the rest of the night. Shannon?"    


"Wendy said she had a glass of wine here. Could I get one glass of wine instead?"    


"Yes, and a glass of wine for you, Wendy?"    




"Master?" I asked.    


"Coke for me."    


"Ginger Ale for me," Lisa said.    


Rhonda and I got drinks for everyone, plus paper plates and napkins for the pizza. She and I got Diet Cokes, white Zinfandel for Wendy and her date, a Dos Equis for Tony and Master's Coke and Lisa's Ginger Ale. When we returned to the living room, the furniture had been rearranged for seven people to watch the TV. The two big easy chairs which usually faced the couch had been pulled over beside the couch to face the TV. Master had left the couch for the guests and he and Lisa were in one of the big chairs, leaving the other one for Rhonda and I.    


The movie was queued up and as soon as everyone had a couple slices and their drinks, Master started the movie. Rhonda got into my lap. I fed her and myself. Master was feeding Lisa. The movie was funny and enjoyable and Jake and Anne were gorgeous and enjoyable in the main roles. It took place just as Viagra was being released to the general public and a lot of the characters were enthused by the effects of the drug on their sex lives. There was one scene where Anne came into the apartment in a coat and nothing else, pulling it open, thinking she was stripping for Jake. It was his brother instead and she was scrambling to cover up. Unlike me, who no longer bothered covering up even when the pizza delivery driver was at the door.    


Shannon and Tony were seated on either side of Wendy and Wendy would occasionally lean to one side or the other and kiss one of her dates, one hand in either of their laps, though they still had clothes on, jeans. The slaves were not clothed and we were more blatantly caressing them than Wendy her dates. Master's cock was hard, but he wasn't blatant when he needed to relieve himself. He just moved Lisa over until she sank over his cock while he continued to caress the front of her body. I was doing much the same to Rhonda, though without the cock.    


I knew they saw what we were doing; it wasn't that dark. I could see Tony getting uncomfortable within his jeans, Wendy's hands, the movie, and the sideshow having an effect.    


"It's awfully warm in here," Tony said.    


"We keep it warmer due to the nudity," I said. He was probably warm for another reason. "It also saves on the AC bill."    


"I'm going to take off my clothes if that's okay," he said.    


"Whatever you wish," Master said, Lisa moving surreptitiously on his lap.    


"Thanks." He stood up and took off his jeans and t-shirt, leaving on his jockeys. He appeared to be the same size as Master, though he was still covered by his underwear. The bulge was quite pronounced, ballooning the front. He sat back down and Wendy's hand could now slip under the waistband and directly caress his cock.    


Shannon saw her hand moving in Tony's briefs and she suddenly took off her top and jeans, sitting back down in a lacy bra and panty set, worn to be seen by a date. Wendy's other hand slipped beneath the elastic to caress the cunt on the other side. I became a lot more intimate with Rhonda, turning her slightly so I could kiss her and reach between her legs for the slick folds I loved to touch. I think everyone but Wendy and I climaxed at the same time, their embarrassed moans throttled as much as possible. I'd captured Rhonda's with my mouth, though her hips still thrust against my hand, making it clear to anyone who looked she was cumming.    


A big wet spot was on the front of Tony's shorts and Shannon's panties. Wendy pulled her hands out and licked both sets of fingers clean, before wiping them on one of the napkins. I had Rhonda lick mine off. Lucas was starting to stir and I knew he needed to be fed. I had Rhonda get him. I stood up.    


"I'll wash your clothes for you," I said to Tony and Shannon. "It will be more comfortable. I need to wash some of Master's work clothes anyway. I can toss them in with his stuff."    


They took about three seconds to come to a decision, both of them standing up to remove their undies, handing them to me. I told Wendy she should clean Tony's cock before his cum dried and became crusty and do the same for Shannon as well. Wendy smiled at me and proceeded to do both. Since the door had been opened, Lisa did the same for Master and he did for her, pausing the movie for the moment so I could start the laundry and Rhonda could get some baby food.    


When I came back, Shannon was between Wendy's legs returning her orgasm. Anthony was playing with Wendy's breasts watching them. His cock was already growing again. Ah, the wonders of youth. Wendy climaxed and Shannon sat up, kissing her before sitting beside her again. I sat in Rhonda's lap for the time being, Lucas suckling a breast taking part of his meal. Rhonda played with my pussy, giving me an orgasm. Master restarted the movie.    


I was burping Lucas when the movie ended.    


"Okay, the movie was pretty good," Tony said. "I'll give you that, but they were fucking like jack rabbits. It doesn't look as though they were worried about the journey anymore than I am. It was all destination."    


"It's a two hour, non-pornographic movie," Master said. "They can't take twenty or thirty minutes to show a love scene between people. They can't even show the real sex. It's implied. It's done that way so the excitement they feel in one another's presence is conveyed to the audience. Doesn't mean that in reality they wouldn't fuck slower some of the time. I'll agree sometimes, the first orgasm is good to get out of the way, if both of you are extremely aroused, but sex shouldn't be that quick all the time or even most of the time. The journey is important. Shannon and Wendy, how long do you think Tony lasts before he cums most of the time?"    


"Five minutes," Wendy said.    


"No way," Tony said.    


"Yeah, around five," Shannon agreed, "give or take a couple."    


"Bullshit!" Tony exclaimed.    


"From the time you took off your jeans until the time you creamed my hand was five minutes tops," Wendy said.    


"Yeah, but I was hard a lot longer than that."    


"Agreed," Wendy said, "but I only stroked you for five."    


"Anthony, they're not necessarily being critical of you," Master said. "This isn't a blame game, and should never be. It's an opportunity to learn and grow. If you listen to them, believing it's not judgmental, and pay attention, it makes the sex better for everyone. Part of it is youth, and can't possibly be your fault because it's a function of age. It's like blaming you for pimples. When I was your age, five to seven minutes was probably the norm from once I started fucking to climax. It's normal for a man your age; like the sun coming up, but it can be compensated for. Would you like me to show you?"    


"How, by fucking one of my girlfriends?" Angry.    


"No," Master said, "by letting you fuck my wife with a little bit of instruction, that is, if your girlfriends don't care if you have sex with someone else and they get to enjoy the benefits of your instruction."    


Tony's jaw dropped and Wendy immediately said, "I don't care. I'm sharing him with Shannon anyway, and she's only interested in sucking his dick. I'm the only one fucking him."    


"No, I don't care if he fucks Julia," Shannon said. "I'd kind of like to see it myself. Could I be permitted to lick her afterward?"    


"Sure. What's the very longest you believe Tony has lasted," Master said.    



"Ten minutes," Shannon said, "and I've been sucking him for two years."    


"Julia, I want you to suck Tony and I don't want him to cum for over fifteen minutes."    


"Yes, Master." I handed Lucas to Rhonda to give him his solid food and knelt on the floor at Tony's feet.    


He was already hard. I gave him a seduction. No matter how I teased him, I didn't ever give him enough stimulation to let him cum. He received more than enough to keep him hard. I'd suck his balls, caress the tip of his cock, even deep throat him, but every bit of stimulation was followed by something less, kissing his thighs or belly while I loosely held his organ. He attempted to jack himself in my hand, but I would loosen my grip, so he couldn't get the friction he desired. I heard Master's timer go off and I played with him for another minute before I buried his cock in my throat and sucked him to completion, slowly rising up his stalk as he pulsed in my mouth so I could taste his cum. He was groaning and whispering, "fuck, fuck, fuck," over and over as I drained his cum. I sat back on my heels and wiped a stray drop off the corner of my lips.    


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