Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C76 076

C76 076



Friday night was upon us, at Regina's again, Regina hosting. Master had sent Bill the address yesterday. Since Master intended to sell me for the night again, I cleansed my ass before it was time to leave. Rhonda was staying home to take care of the baby tonight since we'd have plenty of service slaves.    


Shasta and Sean were getting ready to leave when I mentioned William Thornhill was coming to the game tonight.    


"Bill's coming to play poker tonight?"    


"Yes, he's going to auction Evelyn to someone tonight."    


"I think I'll come to watch Bill play. Sean, you go home and take care of Momma, look after Cedric. Take the car, I'll ride with Julia. I may come home, I might not. See how things play out. You let Momma know I won't be home for supper, maybe not at all."    


"Yes, Mistress." Sean hid his displeasure very well if he felt it. Or maybe he'd learned his lesson. He left.    


Master got home at six and took a shower, saving himself for the game. He was happy to see Shasta was going with us, even if she wasn't going to sell herself.    


We got to Regina's at 6:45. Bill wasn't there yet, and neither was Jerry. I removed my clothes. Lisa kept hers on because she was playing. He might have gotten stuck in traffic the way Master did last week. He might miss the game.    


At 6:55, a limo pulled up outside Regina's house, William, Evelyn, Jerry and Reneé all got out of it. Evelyn was wearing a skimpy, semi-transparent beaded dress. Her hair was made up and she looked fabulous.    


"I gave Jerry a lift on my helo so he wouldn't get caught in traffic," Bill said. "I have a guy driving his truck back for him." He bowed over Regina's hand, kissing her knuckles. "You have a beautiful home, Regina, thank you for inviting me to play."    


"You're welcome, Mr. Thornhill," Regina replied, smiling widely to have the billionaire in her home.    


"Call me Bill, please, unless you'd like to call me Master."    


"Excuse me!" Regina said.    


"Just kidding. I was just picturing you with my collar around your neck, kneeling at my feet. It was a wonderful fantasy. Please pardon my rudeness."    


About half of Regina's previous smile was gone.    


"Let's see. Of course I know Jerry and Chen; they've both worked on my house. The gorgeous pregnant woman must be Janet, as I've met the other slaves already and I remember her from my bedroom when we were otherwise engaged with my wife. I'm pleased to actually meet you Janet. I can't wait to see the child you produce with Chen. Is it a boy or girl?    


"A girl."    


"I'll bet she's stunning. You'll have to fight off the boys, Chen. Have you picked out a name yet?"    


"Something floral," Janet said. "We're leaning towards Lily."    


"I've got a little something in this envelope to put towards the child's education." He handed a sealed envelope to Chen. "Let's see, I've met Dan and his slave, Sandy. Good to see you both again. That only leaves the twins here, Rob and Ed, isn't it? You should wear different colored shirts or something so I can tell you apart."    


"I'm Rob," Rob said, "The ugly one is Ed."    


"Good, ugly one, Ed, handsome one, Rob. That should do the trick for me. And Shasta, how good to see you again." He bowed over her hand as well. "Are you playing tonight, dear?"    


"No, Bill. Just come to see if you know how to play poker, and if you need company, you lose your wife tonight, don't win any other."    


Bill laughed. "An interesting proposition. Listen, I know I'm the new one to this game, but I'd like to make a suggestion if I may?"    


Master said, "What's that?"    


"Well, I understand we have four beautiful slaves here to auction off. We all know if there are four slaves, everyone will end up with a piece of one, so we don't really have much to play for, since everyone wins. What I'd like to suggest is only two slaves be auctioned tonight, both for the entire night. Thus we only really have two winners and we have more of a reason to play hard and not just stumble through the game. I'd like one of the slaves to be my wife. Whoever wins Evelyn will stay at my hotel suite with full room service benefits until noon tomorrow, at which time I'll come back to reclaim her. The other one would fall to you to choose. Any other slaves could do the service under the table rotating in and out. I understand they're stuck on their knees the whole time. What do you think? "    


"I think it's an excellent idea," Regina said. "Put a little competition back in the game."    


"Both Sandy and Reneé were offered last week," Master said, "and I missed the game. I'd like to offer Julia as the other slave. Would anyone have an objection?"    


"You know we love to stick it to your wife," Rob said. "I hardly think anyone would object."    


It was agreed by the others that I would be sold for the night. My cunt dripped.    


"Evelyn, strip. Show everyone what they're playing for tonight."    


She removed her skimpy dress, standing in Display. I remembered Bill giving her a hood piercing. Diamonds glittered from the piercing. Her cunt was as wet as mine. She also had diamonds gracing her nipples, a solid gold emblem dangling from her cunt marking her as Bill's slave. She looked professionally made up. Whoever fucked her was going to have fun messing her make-up.    


"Let's get started. Evelyn, you start under the table. Whoever wins each hand, you will suck their cock or lick their cunt for two minutes. Is anyone keeping time?"    


"I am, Master," Janet said, raising her hand.    


"Make sure they get five seconds over two minutes so everyone is certain they weren't slighted."    


"Yes, sir."    


They started playing poker. Reneé, Sandy and I were kept busy filling drinks and bringing food, with the usual bit of fondling going on. Bill was a great poker player. He was winning 30% of the pots. Evelyn should have just stayed there and sucked his cock. Regina was winning maybe 20%, Master and Chen around 15% and the other 20% scattered amongst the other five players. By the time all four of us had served under the table once, Dan hadn't one single pot. Everyone was playing hard, concentrating on the cards. Bill had cum twice, once in Sandy and once in me. Master, Jerry and Chen had cum once. Both Lisa and Regina had cum twice, but only because Lisa could cum in one sitting. She'd won two pots and orgasmed both times, the slut. Only two winners tonight and the competition was fierce.    


They took a break and Master told me it looked like I'd be going to Bill tonight unless he purchased his own wife which he didn't think was likely.    


"And you think Evelyn will go to Regina?"    


"It's likely. Unless Bill ends up with enough money to buy both of you."    


"I'd like her to go to someone else like you, Jerry or Chen, sir."    


"I think Bill would too, but that's not the way the game is falling."    


They started up again with an hour, forty left to play. Evelyn, myself, Reneé under the table for a full shift, Sandy for ten minutes to end the game. Evelyn got Chen and Regina to cum before it was my turn under. Jerry won a hand, but didn't cum from my sucking, nor did Ed. I left Bill hard, but not drenching my tonsils. Regina was close again. She was thrusting her hips against my mouth when I stopped and she said, "Shit". She needed to cum bad and probably would with the next winning pot.    


Reneé took over while I served drinks and food. I was serving Bill when another hand started, seven card draw, Ed's favorite game. I looked at Bill's hand. He had nothing and I expected him to fold.    


"I'll bet two hundred," he said when the bid came to him.    


Ed and Rob folded.    


"Fuck that," Regina said, "raise you a hundred."    


Lisa and Jerry folded.    


Master said, "I'll call," and tossed in three hundred worth of chips. He had maybe a hundred fifty left.    


Dan folded.    



"Here's my hundred, raise another hundred," Bill said. He ran a hand up my leg to my sopping pussy and said to me, "You know where you're going tonight, don't you sweetie?"    


"Yes, Master."    


"Call," Regina said. She had maybe a hundred, or hundred fifty in chips left.    


"Call," Master said. He had fifty dollars in chips left.    


"Cards," Ed said.    


"I'll take two," Regina said. Ed dealt her two.    


Master also asked for two. Ed gave him two cards.    


"I'm good," Bill said. "I'll bet fifty." He tossed in another fifty dollars worth of chips on the table. He still had maybe three hundred left. I glanced at his hand again, thinking I'd missed something. No, it was still shit.    


Regina stared at him for the longest time trying to figure what he had. Bill was impassive, still playing with my pussy, not even paying attention to her stares. I was nearly ready to climax from his fingering.    


"Fuck, I'm out," she muttered, tossing in her cards. Bill looked at Master.    


"I'll call," he said, tossing in fifty, leaving him with five dollars.    


"What do you have," Bill said, "a full house or did you get the four of a kind?"    


"Full house," Master said, showing his cards."    


"You win. I got nothing," Bill said, tossing down his shit hand.    


Regina stared at it. "You asshole, mother fucker. I had a straight."    


All the other players started laughing at the fantastic bluff.    


"And you still would have lost, I just drove the pot up a little higher. Not my fault you fell for it."    


"What a con man," Regina said.    


"I tell you what, Regina, a little game between us, right now," Bill said. "Five hands of five card draw, one dealer, whoever you want, not including folds. Five hundred dollar buy in. Each pot won, the loser pleasures the winner for three minutes. The holder of the most money wins after five completed hands. If you win, I'll write you a check for $100,000 dollars tonight. If I win, you spend one week as my naked sex slave, starting from tomorrow morning, so I can sell you at next weeks game."    


"We haven't finished this game yet," she complained.    


"That's okay," Ed said. "I want to see this. I'm not taking home anything anyway and neither is anyone else but Bill or Scott from the looks of it. Might as well end now."    


Everybody else also agreed there was little point in finishing the regular game with only a half hour left and they all wanted to see the match between Regina and William instead.    


"Fine," Regina said. "I'm happy to take your fucking money."    


"I'm happy to give it to you, if you win. Give us both five hundred dollars in chips, Scott."    


Master plucked three stacks of chips out of the caddy. "Blues are fifty, reds ten, whites five." Master counted out five hundred to both.    


"Ed can deal," Regina said.    


Ed dealt the cards. Since no one else was eating or drinking, intent on the game, I sat in Master's lap. "It looks like you're fucking Evelyn tonight, doesn't it, Master?"    


He kissed me. "It does indeed."    


The first two deals, someone folded, first Bill, then Regina. The third game got interesting and the bidding went back and forth, the pot reaching $200 before Evelyn tossed in her cards. Bill had three of a kind. It was a good hand for five card draw.    


Regina got under the table to suck his cock and Janet started the timer.    


Bill stroked her hair as she sucked him. "I'm sorry I won't have a load of cum to give you this time. I guess it will have to be the second hand I win. I'm so looking forward to chaining you to my bed."    


Regina almost choked on his cock as he said it, but he kept her head down, not letting her stop to protest.    


"Of course, you'll have to suck cock better than this, but I'm sure you can be trained. You'll have to service my wife too, so be prepared to lick a lot of cunt."    


She choked again, sputtering.    


"Time," Janet called.    


Bill released her head and she crawled out, spitting mad. "You haven't won this yet, Thornhill."    


"It's only a matter of time, Regina. You might as well offer your neck for the collar now."    


"Deal, Ed," Regina said. Ed dealt.    


"She shouldn't get so mad," Master whispered. "She'll make a mistake. He's fucking with her head."    


The next deal was also a fold and didn't count. The fifth one resulted in more bidding, the pot going to $300 before the game ended. Regina had three of a kind to Bill's two pair, kings over tens.    


Bill got under the table to lick her cunt. Regina chortled. "You're going to pay for my next car, Bill. You lick cunt pretty good. Are you sure you're not a woman in disguise?"    


He kept licking, ignoring her. When the time was up, he got out from under the table.    


"You taste quite good, Regina, but I assure you, you will lick cunt much better than I when I've had you a week."    


They resumed the game, William wiping his face with a napkin. The next two games also ended without bids, either one or the other folding. The next match had bidding, and Bill won again, queens over jacks beating nines over treys. He won a deuce and a half, so I figured he was up maybe $75 at the moment.    


While Regina was sucking Williams cock, he said, "You know, I love when a slave cups my balls while she's sucking my meat. I'll teach you to do that while you're my slave."    


She gurgled again. "You're not too bad, Regina. I'm cumming now. I hope you like it."    


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