Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C77 077

C77 077

0He started thrusting into her mouth and groaned, flooding her mouth with his seed. Regina choked a little. You'd think she'd never sucked one of the Strong twins. Maybe he was deeper than they got. They were wide but not particularly long.    


"Ah, Regina, that felt so good. I've had that erection since the last time you sucked me. Be a good girl and get back up there so I can finish this off and I can claim you."    


She crawled out from under the table looking like she could chew nails.    


"The next time you're down there, could you lick my asshole, it's feeling a little peckish," Bill said.    


"You prick," Regina hissed.    


Master was playing with my cunt and whispered to me. "Regina doesn't know it, but it's already over. She might as well strip now."    


"He's only ahead by $75, Master, with two rounds to play." I was gasping, close to cumming.    


"He's in her head now. She's thinking of a weeks worth of slavery, not poker. He'll win the next hand too, and her goose is cooked." I climaxed on his fingers, moaning.    


Apparently, William thought the same thing. He said, "It's almost over now, Regina. Let's have a finish to it."    


The next hand was another bidding. $300 bucks more or less made it into the pot, and they both laid down their hands. William won, a straight over three aces.    


Regina stared at the hand like it was the end of the world. William was now up $225 and it would take a miracle for her to win. It would take a pot of close to $500 to pass him and all Bill had to do was not let the pot get that big. Just toss it in before it reached that high.    


"Do you want to concede now or play it out to the end?"    


"I've still got a chance," Rhonda said.    


"I estimate about one percent."    


"It's still a chance. I'll take it."    


"Okay. You still need to give me my blow job."    


Bill leaned back and put his hands behind his head. Regina sighed and got back on the floor crawling under the table to suck on his limp cock. He didn't get an erection. He'd just climaxed. She sucked him anyway until the time was up.    


"Go ahead, Ed, deal it again," Regina said, despondently, returning to her chair.    


Ed squeezed her hand, actually feeling sorry for her. He dealt again. Regina folded on the first one. Ed dealt again. Regina looked at her hands, tossed a hundred into the pot.    


"I'll bet a hundred."    


"I'll see your hundred," William said, tossing his chips onto the table. Just like that, the pot was up to two hundred. If Bill wanted to he could fold now and the game would be over.    


"How many cards you want, baby?" Ed asked.    


"I'm good," Regina said.    




"I'm good, too," Bill looking at Regina.    


Regina pushed the rest of her chips on the table. "All in," steady, calm, cool as a cucumber.    


"Just fold, Bill," Master whispered. "You have her. Just fold."    


Bill looked at her, smiling. "Regina, all I have to do is fold. All that money isn't going to do a bit of good unless I match it."    


"That would be a chickenshit move, Bill. I thought you had more balls than that. It's a girl move, throwing in the towel. You got a hand; play it."    


"Fine, Regina, you want your chance; here's your chance." Bill shoved his pile into the pot. "I call."    


She flipped her cards over. A pair of tens. She hadn't drawn on a pair of tens. Bill turned his over. A pair of queens.    


"Don't bluff a bluffer, Regina. It doesn't work. Why don't you take off your clothes and show me what I own for the next week before you come suck my cock."    


Regina stood up, removed her blouse, her lacy black bra and her skirt. She didn't have panties so we slaves could easily lick her cunt when she won. Bill moved around her appraising his new slave, running his hand over her body. She flinched every time he touched her.    


"Very nice, Regina. I'm impressed. I guess I didn't pay that much attention when you came for the ceremony, but you have to admit, there was a lot of competition there to draw the eye, but you are not bad at all."    


He pulled a collar out of his pocket and handed it to Regina.    


"You need to be wearing this when you show up to Scott's tomorrow at ten AM. It's the collar you're going to wear this week. Now, you may think about reneging on your bet, Regina. Don't do that. If you do, you're going to find your life is going to get really hard. Any loans you have outstanding will get bought up and come due. You'll have trouble getting credit. You'll find your investments start to take a nose dive. You'll find it hard to get credit. You might even find you have to end up selling your house. But if you remain my slave for a week, under the same conditions I keep my wife, you'll wake up next Saturday at 10:00 AM, as free as a bird and another $20,000 richer. Have I been clear enough for you?"    




"Yes, what. You might as well get used to saying it now."    


"Yes, Master."    


"Very good, Regina. Do you know why you're my slave tonight, Regina?"    


"I lost at poker, Master?"    


"No. I didn't even really care about the game, except I was afraid you might buy my wife. I heard about what happened to my very good friend, Shasta, when she sold herself a couple weeks ago. I thought you disrespected her. I don't like it when my friends are treated badly, Regina. She sold herself; you could have just had whatever sex you wanted with her, but you were cruel. My wife used to be a cruel, nasty bitch, not unlike you, Regina. Right up until I made her my slave. That tamed her pretty quick and turned her into the flower I treasure today. That's why I didn't want you buying my wife tonight, because you might have been nasty and cruel to her. Not hurt her, exactly, because you would have to be extremely foolish to do that, and I hope you aren't that stupid. But not treating her as the beautiful possession I consider her to be. So now, because you were a cruel, nasty bitch, I thought what helped tame Evelyn, would help tame you. I'm going to own you for a week and work some of that meanness out of you. I'll be hard, but fair. You won't get treated any different than any other slave in this room, but you will be my slave. Do you understand?"    


"Yes, Master."    


"Now kneel down and suck my cock for three minutes. Start the timer, Janet."    


"Yes, sir."    


Regina got down on her knees and started sucking. She wouldn't get a reward this time either. I'm sure William would save himself for me, or whoever he purchased tonight.    


"It sounds as if Bill planned this from the beginning," I whispered.    


"He even brought a collar with him," Master said. "I don't think there was any way she was getting out of here without wearing it."    


Regina sucked for three minutes and was told she could stop when the timer went off. William zipped up his pants. "You can get dressed again, Regina. Don't bother bringing much more than a toothbrush tomorrow morning. You won't need it."    


The room was fairly silent as Regina got dressed. She ignored her bra. It was time for bed anyway.    


"Don't we have an auction to conduct?"    



"Is there a point? Jerry said. "You and Scott pretty much have all the money. No one else has a chance of winning either slave."    


"You're right. My mistake. I really did want Evelyn to experience being sold, but I guess it will have to wait until next week. I'll have two slaves for sale, so I hope I'm invited back."    


"Well, Regina might wish you weren't returning next week, Bill, but it doesn't appear she has a say in it anymore," Chen said. "Everybody in favor of Bill coming back next week, raise their hand."    


All the players raised their hand except Regina and she wasn't a player next week. Even Ed and Rob raised their hands.    


"It looks unanimous," Chen said. "Looks like you're coming back next week, Bill."    


"Thanks. I'm looking forward to it. Julia, what's your charity?"    


"American Red Cross, Master."    


"I'd like to give all my winnings tonight to the Red Cross for the purchase of this slave including the $1000 on the table I played Regina with, plus another check for $5000. Since you're going to be using my hotel suite, Scott, do you have any problem with me borrowing your house tonight so Regina can find me tomorrow?"    


"No, Bill, none at all," Master said.    


"Shasta, I think you should be at Scott's house when Regina arrives. I think yours should be the first cunt she practices on. Would you care to join me and Julia? I understand Julia has to pleasure everyone at the house where she's sold to."    


"That's correct, Master," I replied. "Everyone who's there."    


"Scott, the limo driver is waiting outside. He'll take you to the hotel. Your slave has a key to the suite. Make sure you use her hard. She heard how well Marcia and Chantelle were treated and is hoping for the same. Oh, and don't forget she gets a fifty swat spanking every morning. She'll give you her paddle or you can use your hand. I'll ride back to your house with your slave. Shasta, did you have a car?"    


"No, Bill. I came with Scott."    


"Wonderful. Makes it easy."    


"I don't want be outdone by your generosity, Bill. What charity is your wife supporting tonight?"    


"Cystic Fibrosis. She had a cousin who died of the disease, so she's raised money for them for years. It's one of the few things she did right."    


"Then I offer all of my winnings, plus an additional $1000 to Cystic Fibrosis. Julia, you'll please see to the disbursement of the funds on Monday since I'll be gone?"    


"Yes, Master."    


I collected all the money for the charities while Evelyn dressed and Bill said goodbye to everyone. He bowed over Regina's hand again when he said goodbye to her. She didn't smile near as broadly as when he arrived. Master and Evelyn got ready to leave and I kissed them both.    


"Please enjoy my Master," I told Evelyn.    


"I will and I'll see he's well taken care of."    


"Thank you."    


I hugged Master and said I'd see him tomorrow. He and Evelyn left. I got dressed myself and escorted Bill out to the car, along with Lisa and Shasta. Jerry had been about to ask Chen for a ride but when he went outside, his truck was there with the key in the ignition.    


"Damn, Bill, your people are efficient."    


"If they aren't, they don't work for me long. Have a great weekend, Jerry. Enjoy your lovely slave."    


We climbed in, Shasta and Lisa in the back and Bill beside me.    


"How well can you concentrate when you drive if I finger you?"    


"As a slave, I've been trained to concentrate on my duties while I'm pleasured, sir."    


"If I detect the car weaving in the slightest, you shall be punished when you get home."    


"Yes, Master."    


William proceeded to finger fuck me to two orgasms as I drove home. I'm proud to say I didn't swerve at all, though I moaned quite loudly as I climaxed. He pulled his fingers out of me after the second and licked them off.    


"You taste delicious, slave,"    


"Thank you, Master. Did you plan to turn Regina into a slave ever since you decided to play in the game?"    


"No. When I called Scott and asked about the game, he mentioned Regina quite brutally ass fucked Shasta. From the description of her, she did sound a lot like Evelyn. Nice enough with her group of friends, but quite horrible with most other people, treating them like peasants and she was royalty. The very first time I met Sam, he rushed out to help me with the huge pile of luggage Evelyn insisted on bringing to this clothing optional cruise we went on. Despite his coming to help and friendliness towards us, she treated him like shit. She pretty much treated everyone on the boat like shit except for the crewman she decided to sleep with that cruise. When I finally stopped treating her like my wife and like the slave she is, everyone on the cruise lined up to spank her ass every morning. No one liked her.    


"The descriptions I've had of Regina seemed like Evelyn then. Friendly enough with her friends and apparently, the people she doesn't perceive as a threat, but nasty to everyone else. I wondered if their circumstances weren't somewhat similar and might be addressed in much the same way. That is when I planned to turn her into a slave for a week. I feel quite certain she'll be a much nicer on the other end than she is now.    


"Shasta, I'm sorry you underwent her abuse."    


"I got even, sort of."    


"I heard. I enjoyed the story. Still Evelyn needs to pay. I'm going to put you and Julia in charge of her slave training. Julia because she's got some experience, and you because she needs to learn to respect you the way I do. I understand Julia has some experience in training slaves, including her own. You'll be in charge of her orgasms when you're around. She won't have an orgasm during her slavery when you're present, unless you give it to her. She'll be punished if she does."    


"Aren't you taking her back to LA with you when you go, sir?" I asked.    


"I'm not going to LA until Thursday, and only then for a day in order to subject Regina to a full day of satisfying Brianna and all of her slaves. I'll be staying in Fresno and she'll be staying at your house undergoing her training until then. I'll bring her back on Friday to be sold at the next poker game."    


"Master, I realize you only purchased my services at the game, but I'm quite certain my Master would like to extend the full hospitality of his house to you. Lisa and Master are trying to make a baby, so her cunt is off limits, but all other slave holes would be available to you. Rhonda is only obligated to serve men except Master orally unless she chooses to do otherwise, due to her sexual orientation."    


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