Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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0"I'm not. You remain my slave, but I've never trained a slave, Sam trained mine. Shasta has trained a slave, so has Julia. I'm putting them in charge of your training. You will call Shasta Mistress and Julia Domina while they train you. When they feel you're sufficiently trained. I'll take over."    


Whore looked horrified. At least she'd thought she was submitting to a man. Turning her over to Shasta might be the worst thing which could happen to her. Tears flowed down her cheeks again, though it was the only sign of her distress.    


"I think we need to start with Whore's cunt licking training," Shasta said. "She probably don't need as much dick sucking training. After all, she live with them Strong boys. Rhonda, please demonstrate how Whore needs to lick pussy by licking your Domina. After you've shown her, she can start licking me, then Lisa, then Julia, and finally you. I see Lisa brought a paddle to the party, so when she starts licking me, if I signal she not doing a sufficient job, whack her a few times. By the time she gets back to you, she shouldn't require more strapping, unless she be a real stupid Whore."    


I handed Lucas to Lisa. "He's ready for a nap, love, but he will need a diaper change first." I stroked both their heads.    


Lisa kissed me and took him to the nursery. I sat down on the couch and spread my legs for my slave. Rhonda knelt between them.    


"Get over here, Whore, and pay attention. I don't want to repeat myself," Rhonda said.    


Shasta tugged on the leash, dragging her closer.    


Rhonda did a very nice job of explaining and demonstrating how to be a proper pussy pleaser. By the time our demonstration was over, I'd climaxed three times.    


"Now me," Shasta said, tugging the leash and pulling Whore's face down to her moist pussy. "You practice what Rhonda teach, you be a prime pussy licker. That woman is good."    


Whore began. Shasta waved her hand after half a minute and Rhonda, whacked her bottom with the Enforcer, making her jump.    


"You can do better, Whore. I don't think your heart is in it. Get busy."    


She received five more swats before Shasta was satisfied with her progress. Finally, Shasta climaxed, holding Whore's head in her crotch, rubbing her face in her cunt as she orgasmed. "Again, two apiece."    


William was sitting in one of the easy chairs. His cock was hard and he needed relief. I was ready to suck him when another thought occurred to me.    


"Put some cum in my cunt before Whore licks me again."    


Bill smiled and nodded and I climbed over his cock. We enjoyed a very sweet and tender fucking, lots of kissing and stroking. He caressed my breasts, rubbed my bottom, held my waist as I raised and lowered myself over his shaft. I climaxed four more times before he grabbed me, held me plastered to his groin and pulsed a load into my pussy. The first time in a week. Lisa was getting all of Master's cum at the moment. I smiled at him as I cleaned his cock. It sounded as if Lisa was close to cumming the second time and it would be my turn again.    


I sat on the couch, holding my legs together, trying not to lose any of his cream before Whore started. Lisa finished up and Whore moved to me. I spread my legs and Bill's cum started leaking out. Regina looked at it, looked in my face. I waved my hand and Rhonda whacked her. She still looked at me, so Rhonda whacked her again. Rhonda had to swat her two more times before Whore started licking my cunt, the liquid flowing profusely from my twat.    


As Whore licked, I told her, "Slaves must clean up after themselves or others. We don't want to be doing laundry when we could be fucking. You will clean your Master's cock, another slave's cunt or ass so no one has to wash bedding all the time. There's no difference between sucking your Master's cum from his cock or sucking it from my cunt. It's just as warm, just mixed with a little cum of my own to alter the taste. It should be slightly sweeter and less salty than his cum alone. You can even suck down there a little to get more of it out of me. When I cum, you'll get more as it gets squeezed out of my pussy when I climax. When he fucks you, someone else will be licking it out of your cunt, so don't be so fucking squeamish."    


I leaned back and enjoyed the thought of Regina King licking my pussy. I don't know how many times I'd licked hers since inviting her over to convince her to let her ex-husband, Ron, play poker with us, with nary an orgasm in return. By the time this week was over, I'd have gotten some of my own back. I orgasmed, gasping, pleased with her progress thus far, releasing more of Bill's cum for her to lick up. It wasn't long before I got the second one, holding her head as she lapped my liquid folds.    


It was Rhonda's turn and she took my place and I held The Enforcer in case it was needed. It wasn't. Rhonda was satisfied with the progress of her student.    


"You'll get better," Rhonda said, patting Whore's head when she was finished. "Practice makes perfect, but you've gotten a good start."    


"Robert should be coming to get me, shortly," William said. "I'm going to take you all out to dinner tonight. Please shower and dress in the appropriate finery. Take the new slave with you. Her face is a mess. Unless you'd like to wear their cum on your face, Whore. Would you?"    


"No, Master."    


"Excellent. Julia could you give me a moment of your time before you shower?"    


"Yes, sir. Would you like a blow job?"    


"Perhaps later. I have something more prosaic in mind. What's the best restaurant in town?"    


"The most expensive or the best reviewed, sir?"    


"The most expensive, then what you consider your favorite."    


"Ruth Chris Steakhouse is probably the most expensive of the good restaurants, sir, but I consider Trelio's one of our favorites. We like Luigi's for Italian." I smiled. "We like the waitress and the decor. Long white tablecloths a slave can get under and a waitress who will ignore any misdeeds if she happens to catch us. She was at our bonding ceremony."    


"Ruth Chris is everywhere, and I'd prefer to do without the long tablecloths. I think cock sucking should be done in the open, don't you?"    


"If I'm not going to be arrested, yes, Master," smiling, thinking of Whore sucking cocks at a restaurant.    


"Trelio's then. Do you have their number?"    


"I can get it for you, Master."    


While I looked it up, Bill asked Shasta if she could dine with us tonight.    


"I should get back to my Momma and baby, Bill. My slave is probably feeling neglected at the moment. Some other time perhaps."    


"Then it should be seven for dinner then, right. Five here, and two at the hotel?"    


The doorbell rang. I wasn't expecting anyone. I went to check who it was and saw Chen and Janet outside. I let them in.    


"Oh wonderful. You're still here, Bill." Chen handed Bill back the opened envelope he'd received last night. "We can't accept this. It's too much."    


"We appreciate it ever so much, Master William, but $20,000 is far too substantial a gift for us to accept," Janet protested.    


"Is it just this group of people, or is everyone in Fresno this allergic to money," Bill said. "Shasta, what do I say in situations like this?"    


"Let's see. Something like, 'I make more fucking money than this every day. What am I going to do, take it with me when I die?' Or 'it's just fucking money, I'd rather give it to you than some ingrate who won't appreciate it or the damn tax man.' Or perhaps, "Fuck you, just take the damn money.' Something like that I reckon."    


"Exactly, like all three of those things. I don't need it. It gives me pleasure to do something worthwhile for nice people. Are you trying to reduce the pleasure I receive in life by doing good things for good people?"    


"It's not my intent," laughed Chen, "but $20,000. It's a huge amount of money."    


"I'm probably going to spend that amount on dinner tonight. It's not a huge amount to me. In fact, why don't both of you join us for dinner?"    


"Are you flying us first class to Paris? I can't imagine anyplace in Fresno costing that much unless you're buying dinner for 200 people," Chen said.    


"No, Trelio's, here in town and you'll make nine of us."    


"$20,000 at Trelio's for nine. Sure, we'll join you and if you spend $20,000 at Trelio's, I'll accept this check with many thanks."    


"Watch. Where's that number Julia?"    


I handed it to him, wondering how he could spend that amount at Trelio's myself. Maybe some expensive wine?    


He dialed the number and waited while it went through. "Yes, hello. My name is William Thornhill and I'd like to book your entire restaurant for the evening." Pause, "I'm sure you would have some reservations already. Your restaurant comes highly recommended. I suggest you cancel them as you're about to engage in a very profitable venture." Another pause. "You could tell them the health department closed you down, but I'm sure it would affect your business in the future, so why don't you make the excuse that you've found a gas leak and it's going to be repaired and you'll be ready for business tomorrow and offer them a free meal if they make reservations for another night. I'll pay for it. Now, how much will that cost me before I order food or drink?" Another long pause.    


I was sure two or three heads were getting together to figure out what to ask. "That's doable. I'll be having nine for dinner. I'd like at least five waiters serving us, a wine steward, plus however many you need in the kitchen to serve whatever we want to order. You can add a 20% tip to the food and drink bill for whoever stays." More silence. Why so many waiters for one table? Now I knew how he was going to spend 20 grand. We all did. "One more thing. Several of the women attending will be nude, so you need to make sure the drapes are drawn or something is covering every pane of glass, and the security cameras will be turned off for the duration of our visit. Any questions?" More silence. "We'll be there at seven. We should be gone by eleven. Thank you for your assistance."    


Bill ended the call. "Fifty thousand and we haven't even ordered dinner yet."    



"Thanks so much for this money, sir," Janet said. "We really appreciate your generosity."    


Chen laughed, "Many thanks, Bill. If I hadn't seen it for myself, I wouldn't have believed it. Do we show up at the restaurant at seven?"    


"I'll pick you up in the limo at 6:30. Coat and tie for the gentlemen, substantially less for the women. My two slaves will be naked for supper. The rest of them may wear whatever their Master's wish."    


I suddenly realized why so many waiters. Bill was displaying his slaves in public, sort of, and wanted as many people as possible to see them.    


"I almost wish I hadn't declined the invitation to dinner, Bill," Shasta said. "It sounds as if you're going to have a lot of fun."    


It did to me, too. I felt myself melting again. Naked in front of several strangers. I wondered if Master would agree to bare his slaves?    


"We'll be ready," Chen said.    


The other three came out of the bedroom having showered and cleaned up. Whore saw Chen and Janet and tried to cover herself. She didn't know she was going to be naked at dinner tonight. Chen was nothing in comparison. Bill noticed her attempt to hide herself.    


"Display, Whore," he said. She slowly assumed the position.    


"Chen, Janet, I'd like to introduce you to Whore, my new slave. The dinner tonight is in her honor. I decided to rename her while she's my slave."    


"Whore," Janet said, "pleased to meet you." Another person who'd licked a lot of Regina pussy with nothing in return.    


"Bill," Chen said, "Do you mind if I inspect your new slave?"    


"Feel free," Bill replied. "She's already started cunt licking training. Perhaps Janet would enjoy partaking of her new skills later?"    


"I'm sure she would," Chen said, moving closer to the slave. His hands wandered, Whore shivering under his touch. It was several minutes before his fingers found her cunt. "I see you've shaved Whore. I like a bald pussy too. So much nicer to lick."    


He shoved three fingers up her cunt, making her jump. "Wet, just like a slave. Didn't take long, did it."    


Chen put his fingers in her mouth and told her to lick them clean. Whore blushed again, but did as she was told.    


"Not too long," Bill agreed. "She was already fairly wet by the time I ripped off her dress and cut off her underwear. She was soaking after she had her spanking."    


Lisa noticed my juices starting to leak down my leg. "Why are you so wet?" She whispered.    


"We're going to dinner tonight." She looked at me oddly. "You'll see. I don't want to spoil the surprise."    




We were all ready by the time Bill's driver came to pick us up at 11:30. I was wearing a short black dress with panels covering my bare breasts and a scooped back exposing the top of the crease on my ass. The dress was just long enough to cover Master's emblems dangling from my cunt, though I'd considered finding something short enough they would show. Lisa was wearing a red, bias cut dress, knee length on one side and half thigh length on the other. The top half was transparent red netting except for some appliqué over her breasts, though it still exposed most of her tits. Rhonda was in white, opaque, but so slinky and thin, her nipples popped from the fabric, like it wasn't solid. Whore was in the white outfit Lisa had picked out. Very short, maybe an inch or two covering her twat. When she got in and out of the limo, or even sat down, everything would be exposed. The top was loose and translucent and if you couldn't see her breasts swinging below the fabric or her brown areolae, you were blind. We all looked eminently fuckable.    


I'd also packed one of Master's suits, both Slave Trainers and other items Bill said might be required this evening.    


We got to the hotel by 11:50, but William made us wait until it was almost twelve. He said he'd given Master until noon and he wasn't going to shortchange him by a single second.    


We knocked on the door at noon, and Evelyn opened it, naked, but clean. They'd stopped fucking at least long enough for her to shower.    


Evelyn got up in her Master's face, holding him tightly.    


"I love you, Master," she said. "You've made me very happy."    


Bill hugged her, saw Master on the bed, dressed.    


"I'm so glad you enjoyed it, darling, but you have to move. We're blocking the hallway."    


Evelyn tugged Bill through the door, and the rest of us followed, me pulling Regina, on a leash. Rhonda and Lisa carrying the things we'd brought with us, including the garment bag holding Master's suit.    


"Kneel, Whore," Bill said, and Regina knelt on the floor, waiting, her skirt riding up to expose her cunt which Master appreciated. Rhonda closed the door behind us.    


"Hands behind your head," Bill said, "spread your knees apart. Show Scott your pretty pussy. This is the way you will always kneel when I tell you to."    


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