Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C75 075

C75 075



Like any other week after a week in LA, I was busy as hell, catching up on everything going on, all the work we had in Fresno, planning for the upcoming week away from home. This week seemed worse than usual. I was usually dragging myself home at least a half hour later than usual. I figured it was going to be end of July, beginning of August before I'd finally finish Thornhill's house and could quit making the weekly trek. I received a call from Bill himself on Wednesday.    


"A problem with the house, Bill?" I asked.    


"Not at all. I had a favor to ask."    


"Can't promise anything, but I'm willing to listen."    


"What are the chances I can get in the poker game on Friday?"    


"I think they'd be reasonably good. Do you play?"    


"Rich billionaire, lots of money to burn, a keen understanding of human psychology. What do you think?"    


"I'm thinking we might have trouble winning a pot."    


He laughed. "Maybe I'll let you win a couple just to keep it interesting."    


"Regina is pretty good too. Made a regional at the World Series of Poker. Did you ever try out?"    


"No time. You have to really commit to playing poker. I had more important things to do with my time, better ways of making money."    


"I get it."    


"Can you explain the rules of your game to me?"    


"We have a slave serving under the table. The winner of each hand gets two minutes of oral service for winning the hand. If we have enough slaves, they switch after a half hour so no one's stuck on their knees too long. Usually take a break midpoint to drain the lizard. Around 11:00, we stop play and if a slave is being auctioned, we hold the auction, we usually sell each of the slave's holes individually. The winning bid usually has the use of that slave's services for fifteen minutes, or one orgasm, whichever comes last. A couple times the slave has been sold for the night to be returned at ten the next morning. Whoever is at the house where the slave was sold get to use the slave for the night. So if Regina, Ed or Rob Strong wins, you can expect all three to use the slave. You can only use the money you win at the poker game to bid. You can't plunk down ten thousand and buy out everything."    


"What's the buy in?"    


"Two hundred."    


"Pretty cheap."    


"Yeah, no billionaires in our game."    


"I'm assuming the slave or the owner can't keep the money."    


"No, the bids all go to charity. We send out checks on Monday."    


"I'd be putting up a slave for the auction."    




"I don't own any others."    


"Are you sure you want to do that, Bill?"    


"Yes. Evelyn really enjoyed her night with Jerry and Chen. I would prefer she ended up with someone she's already been with, but I'd like her to enjoy the experience of being sold. Dawn was raving about it."    


"Can't promise that. Luck of the draw and skill of the player."    


"Who are the best players?"    


"Regina is the best for sure. I'm not too far behind usually, but I had some fucking horrid cards last week. Chen, Ed and Jerry are usually in a nice group together. Rob, Lisa and my Dad are in the last group. The fact Ed, Regina and Rob all live together and considering their skill levels, gives them about a 50% chance of taking someone home for the night, if that's what they bid on. Last week, they spent a lot of money on Shasta instead of saving their money for Sandy or Julia who were sold for the night."    


"Shasta has submitted to someone? I find that hard to believe."    


"No submission. You're right there. She and her slave, as you know, were on the outs for awhile. She sold her holes, but on her terms. You could buy her ass, but she'd decide how you fucked it. Regina bought her mouth and ass. There seems to be something going on between them, like a competition or something. It was a pretty rough fucking, though Shasta got her back on the oral. She made sure she smeared Ed's cum all over her face."    


"So Regina could be rough on Evelyn?"    


"I'm not sure. She seems to treat the slaves okay. Julia thinks she has a problem with more dominant women, like she has to cut them down a notch. Doesn't have to do that to slaves. Their submission puts them on the bottom already."    


Bill nodded. "I don't know her all that well, but from what I've heard, I wonder if she isn't a little like Evelyn used to be? Interesting."    


"How do you mean?"    


"Catty, bitchy, superior, full of herself. Does she have money?"    


"Independently wealthy, obtained from her father. I don't think she's ever worked a day in her life."    


"It will be interesting sitting across the table from her. On another matter, I heard Marcia and Chantelle really enjoyed their night with you. I'm impressed."    


"They're both incredibly beautiful women," I laughed. "I was inspired. I think not having Sam there watching helped too. I always feel a bit strange fucking a man's wife in front of him."    


"Are you saying you might be equally inspired if I'm not there when you fuck Evelyn?"    


"Who knows." I smiled. "Stranger things have happened; but there was a confluence of events. Lack of my own slaves so I only had the one, and in Chantelle's case, no sex for two and a half days."    


"I can see where that might be inspiring."    


"Before I started on your house, I don't think I'd gone for more than ten hours without sex since Julia became a slave. Essentially sleep and work. Even for the week I stayed at Brianna's while taking the continuing education class, it was probably no more than fifteen or sixteen hours without sex; Brianna loaned me slaves. Just the time in class and usually some study time after. It's been a great run."    


"It's amazing what naked slaves do to the libido, isn't it?"    


"Damn straight."    


"What time does the game start?"    


"Seven on Friday night."    


"Check with your friends to see if they'll accept another player and slave for the auction and thanks for everything."    


"You bet."    


I sent out a group text to all the poker players telling them William Thornhill wanted to play with us and he'd be offering up Evelyn for auction afterwards. Would anyone have an objection? I'd received about half the responses to my query when I got a call from Julia. She told me Shasta had a special request and would be staying for supper tonight.    


"Do you know what she wants?"    


"No, Master. She said she'd tell us both when you got home."    


"Bill wants to play on Friday and is offering Evelyn up for auction."    


"Are you going to let him, sir?" She asked.    


"I haven't heard from everyone, but response is favorable so far. Just think, Bill could be the one to buy you for the night."    


"It sounds exciting, Master."    


"I'll see you at supper then. Talk to you later."    


"Yes, sir."    


Everyone was all in on William joining us on Friday. Looked like we'd added another person, at least for this week.    




I tried to get home earlier than the last couple days since Shasta wanted to talk to me. It was still close to six-thirty before I got home. Shasta and Julia followed me into the bedroom and Julia closed the door behind us, meaning Shasta wanted privacy.    


"How can I help you, Shasta?" I asked.    


"You know how Sean and I had trouble."    


"I do. Is he acting up again?"    


"No, he's been good so far, but I want to make sure he stays that way. He's the only one I've fucked since I took him back and I don't want him getting complacent. I want him to know I can still fuck other people."    


"So you want me to fuck you again? What's so secret about that. All you have to do is ask."    


"It's more than that. I want to reinforce Sean's compliance. I'd like him to be used by a man, you know, suck cock or get ass fucked. He won't like it, which is the reason I want to tell him to do it."    


Julia and I looked at one another. Shit! I was willing to do just about anything for Shasta, but this was asking for a lot.    


"Yeah, I'm not sure I can do that, Shasta. I've never had a desire to be with a man, and I don't think I want to start now."    


"Do you think it's because people might view you as gay, Master?" Julia said. "Your slaves can attest to the fact you're not gay. None of us would look at you any differently because you helped Shasta with this."    


"That might be part of it, but it's more than that. It gives me the willies thinking about it."    


"She's not asking you to suck his cock, sir. I can understand how you couldn't stand to do that. She's asking you to let him suck yours. If you closed your eyes, you might not be able to tell who's sucking you."    


"Maybe, except he has facial hair, and I definitely don't want to fuck his ass."    


"If I might make a suggestion, Master, what about this? We put Sean in the stocks. We make him suck you hard enough to fuck Shasta's cunt. You fuck her, and afterward he need to clean you and get you hard enough to fuck her ass. While you're fucking her ass, one of us can put on a strapless and fuck his ass too."    


"What if I can't get hard while he's sucking my cock. My brain has to be involved and I'm not sure my brain won't be saying, get your cock out of that man's mouth."    


Julia laughed. "Kind of like my brain was saying the first time I licked cunt, sir. What are you doing licking that woman's pussy? Are you crazy? If you think it would help, Shasta or I could suck your balls at the same time. If you don't get hard, we make him stop and take over completely. It's got a chance of working anyway."    


"Christ! I don't know. I'll definitely fuck you if you want me to Shasta. Let me think about the rest. I need to shower. I don't want to hear anymore about it. You've made your case, leave it be. I'll decide, but whatever I decide, I don't want another word said."    


"Yes, Master," Julia said.    


"Thanks for considering it," Shasta said.    


"Go away. Shoo."    


They left. Fuck!    


In the shower, I didn't even want to wash my own cock, like touching myself made me feel weird. I shivered, despite the hot water. During supper, it felt like there was an elephant in the room. Everyone else was acting normally, but I probably wasn't. I was feeding Lisa, but I wasn't thinking about her so it seemed desultory and disinterested, which Lisa noticed. She asked me what was wrong, which probably meant she hadn't been told. I told her I had a lot on my mind and left it at that, nothing to be concerned about. Still, I felt bad I wasn't giving her all the attention she deserved. I kissed her, holding her and finally finger fucking her to a nice orgasm.    


The meal was eaten, the food put away, the table cleared. Fuck!    


"Sean," I ordered, "get your ass in the bedroom and wait there."    


Sean looked at his Mistress.    


"You're in his house, you fucking do what a Master say. Get moving."    


Sean went into the bedroom. Everyone looked at me, Rhonda and Lisa with the most confusion, Shasta and Julia with the most expectation.    


"Here's what's going to happen. If he tries to suck my cock before anything else happens, we might end up dead in the water. Shasta, you suck my cock to get me hard enough to fuck you. After I cum, we'll make Sean clean me off. Just Sean, no one else. I don't want to confuse my body with both a man and woman doing it. Either he gets me hard again by himself or it's done. I might not be able to fuck anyone else the rest of the night, I'll be so fucked up. If he does give me an erection, I'll fuck Shasta's ass too, while one of you girls fucks his ass with a strap-on, no vibrator. We don't tell Sean anything until it's time. For now, all he's doing is getting fastened in the stocks watching his Mistress get fucked. We'll see how it goes from there. Those are the rules, take it or leave it."    


"I'll take it," Shasta said. "Thank you very much."    


"Thank you, sir," Julia said.    


"You really don't care if Sean sucks my cock?"    


"No, sir."    


"Any of the rest of you have anything at all you want to say about it? Now's your chance."    


"I became aroused when Sean sucked Ron, sir," Lisa said. "I hope you'll be able to fuck me after Shasta."    


"I don't care about cocks in general, Master," Rhonda said. "What you do with yours is of little import."    


"We never, ever, talk about this again. Ever! If I hear someone say one thing about tonight, it will be 100 swats with The Enforcer, and that includes you, Shasta. Make sure your slave understands, because I'll punish you if he speaks about it. We never, ever do this again. One and done. You good with that?"    


"I understand Scott. If Sean speaks of it, he'll not only get twice what I get, plus fifty lashes of the whip to his cock and balls."    


"I can't believe I'm doing this. I must be insane. All right, let's go to the bedroom and get this over with."    


We all marched to the bedroom where Sean waited, kneeling.    


"Get the stocks ready," I said. "Sean goes in facing the bed."    


"Yes, Master," a chorus, and Sean was soon in the stocks, staring at the bed. I was sure he had questions, whether he was being punished or something else was going to happen. He didn't ask and no one said anything.    



When everything was ready, I said, "Your Mistress doesn't want you to ever again believe you're the only person she's going to fuck. Do you understand?"    


"Yes, sir."    


"She's going to suck me to an erection and I'm going to fuck her in front of you so you can watch and understand what that means. You're her property, not the other way around. She's free to do what she wants, you do what she tells you. I'm sure she'll often fuck other people to remind you. It might be me, or Mr. Thornhill, or anyone else. Who is totally up to her. If she wants to fuck a bum off the street, that's her decision, not yours."    


"Yes, sir. I understand."    


I got on the bed and Shasta joined me. I got on my back asked her to sixty-nine with me. At the moment, I needed all the woman I could get, and that meant both ends. She climbed over my face and I stuck my face in her cunt, and inhaled the scent of a woman, tasted the fluids in her cunt, the softness of her folds and the lips around my cock. I was afraid even then I might not get an erection, but I was wrong. It might have taken a little longer than usual considering I'd had no sex since this morning, but not much longer. Shasta was skilled and this was something she wanted. I was pleased I gave her an orgasm before I was ready.    


Sean would be staring at our groins, the juncture of our union, if she rode me, so I told her to mount me. She climbed aboard and started sliding up and down my shaft. I couldn't see Sean through her body, so did my best to ignore what was coming next, only fucking the lovely young woman riding me now. She was enjoying herself legitimately. She wasn't trying to make more of it than it really was, no extra moans, or cries, or whimpers, just what she truly felt and was enjoying. I was playing with her hanging breasts, thumbing her taut nipples. She had three orgasms before I felt the beginnings of my own building in my balls.    


"I'm going to cum soon, Shasta," I said. "I'd love for you to cum with me."    


"I'm fairly close myself," she replied, "and it feel like it's going to be a good one. I'll do my best. Just keep thrusting if you cum before I do. Fill my cunt with your cum and I ride you to the next one."    




About a minute later, I moaned, "Soon."    


"Hang on, Scott. I'm almost there."    


She started going faster, her cunt siding up and down my cock like a piston. She was so wet and hot. I pulled her face down for a tonsil searching kiss, arching my back and thrusting as deep as I could as I exploded into her cunt, groaning, my prick pulsing a flood of sperm into her cunt. Three seconds later, she joined me, her pussy clamping like velvet gloves around my cock, throbbing, milking my cum. Sean had to be getting a spectacular show. I felt my balls drain, the last few quivers of my cock sending the last of it into her.    


"That was a wonderful fucking, Scott," Shasta said, her pussy still fluttering on my dick. "I cum so hard for you."    


"Yes you did. I felt every tremor on my cock. It felt like a vise squeezing me. Julia, I want you cleaning this Mistress immediately."    


"Yes, Master."    


Shasta rolled onto her back and Julia went between her legs.    


"Sean, you're going to get me ready to fuck your Mistress's ass. I want you to suck me clean and give me another erection."    


"Lisa you wallop his ass with the paddle to make sure he does a good job," Shasta said. "You keep smacking him until your Master is hard."    


"Yes, Mistress," Lisa answered getting the Enforcer.    


Sean was set at a height I could kneel with my legs spread a little and I went to the foot of the bed and shoved my wet, limp dick into Sean's face. He opened his mouth and started sucking. I did as Julia suggested and closed my eyes. Sean wasn't a good cock sucker. He'd never trained to suck cock once he knew he was going to Shasta, nor ever with another man before his slavery. Lisa started smacking his bottom and his sucking improved, as it wouldn't end until he got me hard. I could hear the smack of the Enforcer on his naked ass and wondered how many times he'd be smacked before I was hard, or even if I'd get hard. Since he was so inept, he couldn't take all of my cock, which meant I wouldn't be pushing up against his beard or mustache, thank God.    


Finally, after five minutes of sucking while I imagined it was Julia sucking my cock even though she was a much superior cock sucker, I was hard enough to pull out of his mouth and fuck Shasta. This time we turned sideways so Sean could could see us in profile. I fucked her cunt a half dozen times, then eased myself into her ass. Much better. Since the worst of my night was over, I was going to end up cumming faster the second time than the first. Shasta enjoyed the anal sex and also managed to climax before I grabbed her hips and planted myself deep in her fundament and released, grunting with each jet. I pulled out and Julia was waiting with a clean, warm washcloth.    


Shasta had backed up against Sean's face and told him to lick her clean, and he did it too; every drop of cum dribbling out of her ass. When he was done, Rhonda released him from the stocks. His ass was quite red. He'd taken quite awhile to give me my second erection. I shuddered again.    


Shasta plastered herself against me with a deep kiss, saying, "Thanks, Scott, for the wonderful fucking. I needed that. Come on, slave. We need to go home so you can take care of Momma."    


"Yes, Mistress."    


Lisa sucked me back to hardness and it was much easier watching her do it, than imagining Julia. When I was hard, I lined them up next to one another, bent over the side of the bed, as much female cunt and ass as I could get and fucked them, first one, then the next, then the next, then starting over. I finally sank my shaft in Lisa and orgasmed, finished for the night. I took another shower and went to bed.    


I woke up in the middle of the night, a nightmare featuring bearded lips. Julia soothed me by sucking my cock until I climaxed, laying her head on my chest when she was done.    


"I love you, Master," she whispered.    


"I love you, too. More than I can say."    


"I know you do, sir. You prove it every day."    


I went back to sleep, dreamless.    


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