Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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Shasta and I woke up Bill with a blow job, taking turns polishing his knob until he flooded my mouth with his cum, swallowing. We all got up, me to fetch Lucas for his morning meal, Rhonda and Lisa to make breakfast. Shasta and Bill had a seat and chatted. Slaves waited on Dominants, not the other way around.    


At precisely ten, our doorbell rang. Shasta got up to open the door. Regina was standing at the door, and she was wearing Bill's collar as instructed. She had on a simple dress. Ed and Rob were standing behind her. Shasta invited them all in and closed the door.    


Bill got up, still naked. No one bothered to dress in our house. He moved over to Regina and ripped her dress off her, buttons flying everywhere. He dropped it to the floor. She was wearing an attractive set of bra and panties. That wouldn't last. Regina had tears running down her cheeks. Rob and Ed stirred restlessly, but remained calm and quiet.    


"Please get me a knife, Shasta," William asked.    


Shasta retrieved a knife from the kitchen. Bill sliced her undergarments off. They dropped to the floor.    


"That cost $225, Master," Regina said.    


"I dress my slave when it's appropriate. You'll own more expensive things when we're through."    


"Yes, sir."    


"I'm going to teach you the Display position. If you're given the order to Display, you will stand thus. Hands behind your neck, arms back, thrusting out your tits, your legs spread widely so your cunt is on display. Do it now."    


Regina got into what she thought was the position, Bill kicking her feet wider apart than she thought. He walked around her, touching her again as he had last night, his hand drifting over her breasts, side, hips, bottom, even her cunt. Evelyn kept shivering. She wasn't bald. She kept a neatly trimmed cunt, but not a bare one. I suspected that would change too.    


"As my slave, Regina, your body belongs to me. Every part of it. Your cunt, your ass, your mouth; all belong to me. Your fucking belongs to me. You will fuck someone if I tell you and you won't fuck someone if I refuse. Man or woman, you will fuck who I tell you to. You will suck cock, you'll lick cunt. Your orgasms belong to me. Whether you get to cum or not, is my decision. If you need to cum, you must ask for permission. If you don't ask for permission and cum, you'll be punished. If you ask for permission and I refuse it, and you cum anyway, you'll be punished. You will call me Master, or sir. You will address my wife as Madame. Are we perfectly clear on the status of your slavery, so far?"    


"Yes, Master."    


"Ed, Rob, good to see you again. Thank you for delivering my property. Your paramour will be returned to you at ten AM next Saturday morning, relatively unharmed, by whoever purchases her services for the night. Perhaps one of you will be the one to obtain her. She'll be very well trained by then."    


Regina shivered again.    


"I'll see you next Friday at seven. Where's the game being played this week, Lisa?"    


"Our house, Master. I'm hosting."    


"We'll see you here then. Thanks again for dropping her off. Shasta will see you out."    


Shasta let the Strong twins out, then sat down to watch, smiling.    


"I told you I would treat you the same as I do my own slave, Regina. Julia, what's one of the first things I do to my slave every morning?"    


"She's spanked fifty times. You even reminded Master to do it for you this morning."    


Bill was seating himself on the couch, his butt close to the edge, his legs out, knees bent.    


"Exactly. My slave is punished every morning to remind her of the nasty bitch she used to be, but isn't anymore. You will drape yourself over my lap, Regina. I want your hands touching the floor and your feet touching the floor on the other side. Move and acknowledge my orders."    


"Yes, Master."    


Regina got over his lap as instructed.    


"Normally, I have a slave count out her own punishment, but I want you to repeat something after me each time I swat you, so I'll have Shasta keep track instead. If your hands or feet come off the floor, the spanking will start again from the beginning, so you'd better keep them on the floor or this will become much more painful than it has to be. Are you ready?"    


"Yes, sir."    


Swat, "I will always obey my Master."    


"Ow, that hurt," Regina said, rubbing her ass with her hand, already forgetting.    


"And that one doesn't count, as you removed your hand from the floor. From the beginning."    


Swat, "I will always obey my Master." Just as hard as the first.    


Regina grunted, keeping her hands and feet on the floor, but not repeating.    


"Regina, you must repeat what I say. Do we need to start again?"    


"No, sir. I will always obey my Master."    


Swat. "I'm a slave slut who deserves nothing better."    


"I'm a slave slut who deserves nothing better." Crying some more.    


Swat. "My Master owns me, body and soul."    


"My Master owns me, body and soul."    


And so it went. The first ten or so were still pretty hard and the statements were all about her slavery and her worthlessness. As he went along, the spanking became noticeably lighter and the content of the statements changed. Instead of dealing with her slavery and his Mastery, they became something else.    


"It never hurts to treat someone with kindness." Swat. "Everyone is worthy of respect." Swat. "I can be a better person." Swat. "I can be a good girl." Swat. "Be nice." "Be kind." "Respect others." "Treat people fairly."    


Regina was openly sobbing, and her responses were accompanied by sniffles and gasping. Eventually, Shasta called fifty. Bill lifted her up off his lap and bent her over the arm of the couch. Her pussy was wet. Bill slammed into her, fucking her hard until he climaxed, pumping his cum into her cunt. She'd climaxed twice herself, not yet having reached slave heat. I might have cum four or five times during the same fucking. She'd also neglected to ask for permission. So forgetful of the rules already.    


"Stay there," he said. "Don't move until I tell you."    


So there she stayed, his cum and hers running out of her cunt and down her legs, crying.    


Lisa was setting the table, Rhonda putting the food on. Lucas had almost stopped drawing milk. I was patting his tiny back as he finished.    


"Regina, don't move." She'd shifted her legs, trying to get more comfortable. She stopped.    


"Have you eaten breakfast yet, Regina?" Bill asked.    


"No, Master."    


"Kind of foolish not to eat when you don't know what your day will bring."    


"I was too scared to eat, sir."    


"Doesn't my slave seem happy to you? Why were you scared?"    


"I'm not your wife, and I don't know what to expect, Master."    



"Well, pretty much what all of the other slaves expect. You can expect to be fucked, by men and women. You can expect to suck cock and lick cunt like every slave at the poker games. You can expect to be punished if you're disobedient and don't follow orders such as cumming without permission as you did twice while I fucked you. I normally apply twenty-five apiece for that infraction." Regina groaned. "You can expect to be tied, or blindfolded, or gagged. You can expect to undergo orgasm denial. You've seen most of this, Regina, and the slaves you've seen are happy, contented people, both the men and women. You're going to be happy and content as well when you've finished your week. You may not choose to remain a slave, but you will have enjoyed the experience."    


"My ass is burning, sir. How do you expect me to be happy and content, knowing I'm to get fifty more, just like it?"    


"You'll get the other fifty later. Your ass will be back to normal in another half hour. You'll hardly remember it. I actually went easy on you as you're not used to it yet. Evelyn is swatted much harder, sometimes with a paddle. You may now move. Since you haven't had breakfast, you may sit in my lap and I'll feed you. Did you make enough for Regina, Lisa?"    


"Yes, sir. I thought there might be a chance she was too nervous to eat."    


"Good thinking. Another plate, then. Come here, Regina."    


Regina got off the couch and gingerly placed herself in Bill's lap. No one had cleaned either of them off, so I imagined she would be getting his lap messier, but he was unconcerned. He still hadn't showered this morning. Lisa put another plate of food down. William fed her and her appetite quickly got better. As he fed her, he caressed his slave, fondling her, and her nipples grew taut and puckered. When she was finished, his fingers went between her legs, sliding through the mess, making her squirm.    


"Master, I need to cum," Regina gasped, remembering finally that she didn't own her own orgasms.    


"Shasta, while you're with us, you have the final say in this slaves orgasms. Can she cum?"    


"No, the bitch ain't done nothin' to deserved to cum. Maybe after she suck some cock or lick some cunt she can cum. Not now, though."    


So she wasn't allowed to cum. She lay there, panting in his arms. The one thing he didn't do, as he'd played with her, was kiss her. It was a sign of affection he wasn't willing to give her.    


"Master's often change their slaves names to show their possession, like a dog or cat. I think we should change Regina's name to denote my ownership. Does anyone have any suggestions?"    


"Since you mentioned dogs and cats, sir," I said, "I could suggest Spot, or Rover, or perhaps Fluffy since she doesn't shave her cunt."    


Regina cringed, thinking she might be named after an animal, like Fluffy.    


"Or even, Pet," Rhonda said. "I understand lot's of Dominants enjoy calling their submissive Pet."    


"That's not bad," Bill said. "Pet might be nice. Fluffy won't work, as she's going to get her cunt shaved, and I'm not fond of Baldy as a name. Anything else?"    


"Mistress Dark frequently calls one of her slaves, Slut," Lisa said.    


Regina cringed again. Slut was definitely worse than Fluffy or Pet.    


"I wouldn't want to appropriate a name already taken, though Slut is nice."    


"How about Whore?" Shasta said.    


"Perfect," Bill said. "Whore it is." Regina groaned. "Lisa and Rhonda, please take Whore to a bathroom, scrub the cum off her and shave her bald."    


"Yes, Master," Rhonda said. "Would you like her head shaved bald as well?"    


"Please no, Master," Regina yelped. "Not that."    


Bill paused as if he were considering shaving Regina's, pardon, Whore's, head bald. "No, it wouldn't grow back before next Saturday. I did tell the Strong's I'd return her relatively unharmed. Although she'd be unharmed, she wouldn't look the same. You can leave her head alone."    


Whore, breathed a sigh of relief.    


"Yes, sir. Come along, Whore," Lisa said. They led her to the bathroom.    


Since he'd sent Lisa and Rhonda off and I was still feeding Lucas, solid food now, Shasta and Bill cleaned the kitchen. By the time Rhonda and Lisa were done, pushing Whore in front of them, we were all seated in the living room. Bill told her to display again, then inspected their handiwork.    


"Nice job, ladies. Whore feels as smooth as a billiard ball." Whore moaned when her new Master ran his fingers through her newly bald slit.    


"I left Whore's cuffs at the hotel," Bill said. "I guess I thought I'd be able to pick them up later. You wouldn't happen to have a spare set, would you?"    


"Yes, Master," I said. "I have a training set I used for Janet before she was claimed by Chen."    


"Lisa, would you please get those for me, plus a leash and something suitable for a slave to wear out to dinner."    


"Yes, sir. I'm sure we have something which will fit her. She's close to my size." Lisa went to the bedroom.    


"Excellent. I'm so looking forward to today. The first day of your slavery, Whore. A day you'll remember forever."    


Since she'd been told nothing different, Whore remained on display. She was becoming wet again. Was it her Master's earlier fondling, or her display, or was she coming to the realization she wasn't much different than we were. I'd ask her some day.    


Lisa returned with the cuffs, an outfit of some kind, it looked like one of the more transparent white ones, a leash and she'd also brought The Enforcer.    


She handed the cuffs to Bill and he put them on himself, fastening the ones on her ankles, slurping up her wet cunt when he was done, making Whore gasp, then going behind her and putting them on her wrists, still behind her head. He was getting hard again and he stood behind Regina when he was done, letting her feel his erection, while stroking her breasts.    


"Whore seems aroused to me, Shasta. Does she seem aroused to you?" Bill asked.    


"Hell, yes. Her pussy juice running down her leg again."    


"I just cleaned it up a moment ago," Bill said, laughing, "Again?"    


"Yes, Bill. I think you picked exactly the right name for her. She definitely a Whore."    


Whore blushed.    


He fastened the leash to her collar, making her blush harder and tremble, whether from anger or some other emotion, I couldn't say. She didn't speak. Bill handed the end of the leash to Shasta.    


"She's all yours, Shasta."    


"Wait a minute, sir. I lost the game to you, not Shasta. I'm your slave, not hers. You can't pass me off to her."    


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