Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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On the drive, we had a long time to talk. We talked about what she was like before she became her Master's slave, their relationship to Sam, Marcia and Chantelle and how it came about. It was a nice chat and she was brutally honest about her behavior.    


"Are you really happy to be joining me?" I asked.    


"Yes, Master. I've enjoyed all the time I've spent with you."    


"What are some of the differences between being very wealthy and us?" I asked.    


"Well, if Master and I actually drive somewhere, Robert is driving and Master and I may play in the back, or we'll go somewhere by helicopter and this three to four hour drive would be over in thirty minutes. Having the time to chat in a car without actually having sex is one big difference."    


"If you're not allergic to someone seeing you suck cock and believe I can maintain control of my vehicle while you suck it, we can have sex."    


"Master! You want me to suck your cock on an open highway?"    


"Yes, I do. My slaves have done it. At least we're not in the car. Everyone can see you suck cock in a car. Only people in other trucks will be able to see you suck mine."    


"I can't believe I'm doing this, sir," Evelyn said, loosening her seatbelt. "What will my Master say when I tell him."    


"He'll likely ask if you enjoyed it."    


She smiled at me while lowering the zipper on my shorts. When she released my cock, it was already hard. She leaned over and heaven ensued. Three semi's honked their horns as we passed. Evelyn ignored everything until I pulsed into her sucking mouth.    


"It's hard to believe I just orgasmed in Mrs. William Thornhill's mouth," I panted.    


She sat up, swallowing the remains of my climax.    


"And my cunt and my ass, sir. You've cum in every one of my orifices already. What more can we do?"    


"I could cum on your tits, or your face. I could fuck your tits."    


"I wonder if dried male cum is like a mud mask for your face?" Evelyn wondered aloud. "Would you have nice, smooth moist skin, or would it leave it dried out?"    


"I supposed all we can do is experiment. Since I had my orgasm, why don't you pull up your dress and masturbate until you've had a couple?"    


"And give more random truck drivers a thrill, sir?"    


"Why not? It gets lonely out on the road. What else do they have to look forward to but the chance to glimpse a slave frigging her naked, bald, cunt?"    


She smiled at me again, slowly pulling up the bottom hem of her dress, until the holy of holies was revealed.    


"You're going to get me into a lot of trouble this week, aren't you Master?"    


"One can only hope."    


Four more truck horns greeted our passing and a busload of people were enraptured at the sight of the lovely Evelyn stroking herself in the passenger seat. Her eyes were closed. I don't think she saw them, but I'd be sure and tell her later when the time was right. Might increase the size and strength of her orgasm.    


It was close to seven when we got to our destination and we both needed food. I stopped at the same place I'd taken Marcia and Chantelle for breakfast. It was close to the motel and convenient. Wouldn't you know it, the same harridan who'd given me a hard time with Chantelle was working again. Either working a double or had a shift change. She saw me come in with Evelyn, the third woman she'd seen me with in two weeks.    


The thing is, she might not have remembered me normally; I'm not that noticeable. But every one of the women I'd been with could have been models, they were that gorgeous. Being with them made me noticeable, which put me on her radar. It didn't help that slaves were not conservative dressers either, though Marcia was heading to work, so not dressed like a slave.    


"You need to quit bringing your chippies into this restaurant," she hissed quietly. "This is a family place."    


Her name badge said Joy. What a misnomer that was. And chippies. That was from another era. Why not say lady of the evening, or scarlet woman or harlot?    


"Joy, I don't believe this woman's husband would appreciate you calling her a whore," I said, just as quietly. Evelyn smiled and wiggled her huge rock in the waitresses face.    


"Is that real?" She asked.    


"As real as your bad dye job, Joy," Evelyn said.    


She harrumphed. I'd never heard anyone harrumph before, but I recognized it when I heard it.    


"How come you are in here with a different woman all the time?"    


"Well, Joy, not that it's any of your damn business, but I'm a nice guy and they like me. They're my friends. They like to eat with me." (They also like to fuck me, but that's a different story) "I'm building this woman and her husband a new home in LA. She's here to inspect the progress, but if you're going to insult us, I'll be happy to take our business elsewhere and you can explain to your boss why you kicked Mrs. William Thornhill out of your restaurant. If he doesn't fire your fat ass when he hears it, he probably deserves to have this place torn down and paved over when her husband hears about it, family restaurant or not."    


God I loved saying that. Nobody cared what Scott Rivers said or thought, but everyone cared what William Thornhill thought, as he'd proven on Saturday night. Should I get her fired or not. The bitch probably needed the job, but she definitely needed better people skills.    


"You have jumped to some very faulty conclusions, Joy, based upon the fact you've seen me with three different women, which if you'd paid any attention at all, couldn't have possibly been prostitutes. None of them looked tired, or jaded, or worn out enough to be prostitutes. If you'd have guessed models, or actresses, it would have been more believable than to think they were whores, so fucking shame on you for being so ignorant. Perhaps I need to speak to your manager, because you suck at your job."    


"Sir, I'm sorry, sir, for accusing you of something you're not, and to you, Mrs. Thornhill, for thinking you're a whore. I see now I was completely wrong, and I apologize. I'm very truly sorry."    


"No, I'm not feeling the love here anymore. You've insulted a dear friend of mine and her husband, not to mention the previous women I came here with, one of whom was a deputy sheriff. Marcia, you know Marcia, don't you Evelyn? Your husband and her husband are great friends aren't they?"    


"Very great friends," she agreed. "We do lots of things together." Like foursomes and fivesomes.    


"I really think I need to speak to someone. This is completely unacceptable," I said.    


"Please sir, it's not necessary. I'm sure I could comp your meal for you as an apology."    


"You'd take money out of your employers hands because you were rude? That almost sounds like theft to me, or maybe fraud. I don't know."    


"I'll pay myself, sir. It won't happen again."    


"Should we give her another chance, Evelyn? I hate to give a place like this our business."    


"It's been a long drive and I am hungry. If she's going to pay for the meal, I'm willing to excuse certain things she accused me of."    


"Fine, as long as you don't wait on us and pay for our meal and a 20% tip to the waitress who does serve us, I don't need to speak to your manager, but I better not hear you making rude and snide comments to anyone else ever again and since I'm staying at the motel right down the street, I come here often."    


"Thank you, sir. I'll have Meredith wait on you."    


"I'll be checking with Meredith to make sure you gave her a good tip."    


"Yes, sir."    


Meredith came rushing over as soon as Joy spoke to her. She seated us in her section, giving us our menus. We gave our orders and she left.    


"Would it be carrying the joke too far if I went under the table and gave you a blow job, Master?" Evelyn asked.    



I laughed. "Probably, but more importantly; I figure I have maybe two more orgasms left in me tonight and I don't want to waste either one of them in your mouth."    


"Good to know, sir. Your cumming in my mouth doesn't give me much pleasure anyway, though I'm happy to do it."    




I was right about the other thing, too. When I was fucking Evelyn later and told her she'd masturbated in front of a whole busload of people, she went off like a rocket and it lasted as long a Fourth of July fireworks finale.    


"You asshole, sir," she panted afterward. "Why the hell didn't you tell me you were passing a bus?"    


"It wasn't a school bus and would have ruined your orgasm then and the one you just had now. Why the hell would I do that?"    


"I was right, sir. You are going to get me in trouble."    


"Only the good kind."    




Bill called around 10:30. Since Evelyn was currently cleaning my cock, she told me to answer it.    


"Scott for Evelyn."    


He laughed. "Is she busy?"    


"Not too busy. She should be done in a half minute or so."    


"Just wanted to check in on her, make sure she's doing okay."    


I put him on speaker. "You're on speaker, Bill. Talk away."    


"Good evening, love. How are you doing?"    


"Very good, Master," and she proceeded to give him a, not quite blow by blow, accounting of her day since we left. "How was your day, sir? How is Whore's training proceeding?"    


"Quite well. She's upstairs keeping Robert a happy employee at the moment. I told her to offer him her ass. She spent a good part of her meal at Luigi's satisfying everyone, including Sharon for close to thirty minutes."    


"Ouch! How much did this escapade set you back?" I asked.    


"Less than last night. The manager was content to ignore what went on under the tablecloths and give up Sharon's duties for a half hour for only $2,000. My tip to Sharon was substantially more. I like her. She's a good person. She even had me kiss her to keep from screaming aloud when she climaxed. Said she'd have to tell her husband though, since everyone she worked with witnessed the kiss."    


"Another restaurant Whore might never want to return to," I said. "How big a tip did you give Sharon?"    




"Wow! Even you might start feeling the pinch if you pay that much every time you go out to dinner."    


"Not likely, unless I eat a hundred times a day."    


He'd have to spend a million a day in restaurants to feel a pinch. Good God.    


"By the way, I might have trouble punishing Evelyn tomorrow."    


"How so?" Bill asked.    


"I don't think the walls to the room are particularly sound proof and fifty swats can make quite a bit of noise. Don't want the guests complaining there's domestic violence going on in my room."    


"Good point. I'm sure there are other times or places during the day it might be administered. Perhaps swing by Brianna's."    


"If I go there, would you mind if I share Evelyn with Sam?"    


"Sam is always welcome to share Evelyn."    


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