Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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C92 092

0"Yes, sir. Can anyone tell me what goes well with cum?" Whore asked.    


"I didn't really consider that when I had to suck Master's cock in here," I said. "But I would think any of the stronger flavored dishes like the tomato based sauces would do well with cum. I'd stay away with the lighter flavors like the Piccata or Francese."    


"You sucked your Master's cock in here?"    


"Yes, but he didn't pay two grand to be ignored. We had to be sneakier about it, although Sharon caught us in the act. It's how we became friends with her. Master had assigned me a task earlier which I failed and I was wearing a Slave Trainer and unable to cum unless I made him cum first. I was desperate to suck his cock so I could climax. She caught me. I told her my husband had just given me jewelry and I was thanking him. When she caught me doing it a second time, she found out I couldn't cum unless I made Master cum first. The task I'd failed was to get a woman to lick me. She asked Master if she licked me, would he remove the restrictions on my orgasms. When he said he would, she met me in the bathroom and licked me to a fast orgasm so I wouldn't suffer the rest of the night."    


"So she's a bisexual then, Domina? I thought Master said she had a husband, Phil, or something."    


"She isn't a lesbian or bisexual. She'd never been with a woman before. She did it only because she saw me suffering and took pity on me. She didn't even let me return the favor to her. At least not until just before our bonding ceremony. Her husband asked her why they was being invited to this thing in LA and she finally told him what happened. She thought he'd be angry, but all he really wanted was to see me return the favor, maybe watch her do it again. So I invited Sharon and her husband over to watch us have sex with Rhonda and I. It was the day before you came over. Master wanted it recorded and in order to get them to agree, Phil got to fuck my ass, which Sharon would never let him do."    


Bill listened to my account with interest. "Sharon licked your cunt despite never having done it before because she felt sorry for you? That's the only reason?"    


"I believe so. I mean if I were bi-sexually curious, I'd probably be more interested in finding out what it felt to have mine licked than to lick someone else's. She knew I was suffering badly from how desperate I was to suck Master's cock in the restaurant in front of anyone who cared to look."    


"Do you still have the recordings, Domina?" Whore asked.    


"No. Master got rid of them immediately after watching. I think he was mentally preparing himself for us having sex with men again, but he didn't want to hold anything over their heads. It wouldn't be right."    


"I have to say, I think it makes it even better that Whore will pleasure her," Bill said. "Such empathy for others should be rewarded."    


"That's the way I felt about it."    


Whore looked at her menu again and chose the eggplant parmigiana with the house salad. She looked around, realized there was probably no moment when no one would be watching, slipped under the table as surreptitiously as possible and we heard the sound of Robert's zipper come down and the sibilant sounds of soft sucking under the table. Robert had a dreamy expression on his face when Sharon returned to take our order.    


She shook her head slightly. "Does anyone know what the missing one wants?"    


"Eggplant Parmigiana and house salad," Bill said. "I'll have two orders of the Bruschetta and an antipasto as appetizers for the table, the Toscana Pork Chops and Mediterranean salad."    


Since Robert was cumming at the moment and appeared incapable of speaking, Sharon turned to us next. Lisa ordered the baked pasta dish and house salad. I liked it too. Grilled chicken, shrimp, and prosciutto sautéed with a cream sauce, baked with mozzarella and served over campanelle, but I got the Grilled Salmon Piccata instead.    


Whore was sliding back into her seat. "Not planning on any cum tonight then."    


"Wouldn't matter to me if I was," I said, laughing. "I think salmon would go well with a creamy sauce."    


Sharon shook her head again, but smiling. She was getting used to us.    


"And you, sir?"    


Robert ordered the New York Strip steak sautéed in pizzaiola sauce with green peppers and mushrooms, topped with fresh mozzarella and served with Luigi's signature potatoes and vegetables.    


"As soon as you put our order in," Bill said, "come and join us for your entertainment. Tell them to have the appetizers and salads ready in thirty minutes. Everything else fifteen minutes after that. You'll be too busy to bring it to our table before then."    


Sharon blushed again, but she was smiling as she left with our order.    


"Please make room for her to sit next to me when she returns," Bill said to Lisa and I.    


"Yes, Master." I was aroused myself. I'd welcome Whore's tongue when it was my turn. We moved so she had the chair right next to Bill.    


Sharon spoke to her manager before she returned so he knew she was out of commission for the moment. When she got back, Bill pulled her chair out, pushing it back in so she was under the tablecloth. He told Whore to begin. She slipped under the table again.    


Bill put a hand around the back of Sharon's chair and another on the table in front of her so both were visible. He waited for her quick intake of breath which informed him Whore had started.    


"Julia was just telling me how you became friends," he said. "Is it true you'd never been with a woman before when you licked her?"    


"Yes," she said, throatily.    


"Never thought about being with a woman before?"    


"The thought never crossed my mind." There was a hitch in her breathing.    


"Is it true you did it solely because you felt sorry for Julia?"    


"Well, she is quite pretty and clean looking," Sharon said. "I'm not sure I would have been as sympathetic if she wasn't as nice as she was. First she told me she was sucking her husband to thank him for some jewelry, then it was apparent it was more than that. She actually looked quite desperate. She demonstrated for me later what the Slave Trainer was like. After I found out how bad it was, I'm glad I helped her out."    


"I'd have to say I find you to be one of the most empathetic people I've ever met. To think you would lick some woman for the very first time because you felt sorry for her is quite remarkable."    


Sharon was starting to pant a little.    


"The woman who is working on you now just learned how to do what she's doing this very morning. I told her to make it extra special for you since I find your kindness so amazing. It's possible you might want to scream. It's what my wife did when the slave did this to her. If it helps you may grip my hand very hard. I could stuff a napkin in your mouth, but there are a lot of people here, and I'm sure they'd wonder if I was trying to smother you. Another alternative would be to kiss you, smother any sounds you may want to make with a mouth. I offer Julia's mouth or my own. If you feel like you might scream, squeeze my hand once for Julia or twice for me. You're going to get five orgasms, just so you know."    


"Oh, God, this is incredible," Sharon whimpered. Her hips were rocking a little.    


"It should be," Bill said.    


"Is my manager looking at me?"    


"I think half the restaurant is looking at you," I said. "We make quite the spectacle anyway. Mr. Thornhill draws quite a lot of attention."    


"Oh, God. I'm never going to live this down."    


"Then you might as well live it up," Lisa said.    


"Why does she keep doing that? Bring me to the edge, only to stop?"    


"To make the first one more special," I said. "Master William told her not to make you cum the first time for at least fifteen minutes. The next ones will go faster."    


"How long has it been?"    


"A little over ten minutes," Bill said, smiling.    


"Oh, God."    


She was gripping Bill's hand. Sharon's fingers were white, she clenched so hard. The minutes passed and I could tell her legs were farther apart and she'd slid towards the front of the chair. Her breathing was more pronounced, coming in little gasps. Suddenly her eyes went wide and Bill started kissing her, his tongue going tonsil diving. She must have squeezed his hand once. Sharon was making little jerking motions while her whole body shook. It looked like a wonderful orgasm. The next four went much faster. Finally, her grip on Bill's hand released and Bill stopped kissing her. She looked around dazed. As I'd said, about half the restaurant was looking, at least randomly checking, if not out and out staring. If Bill's hands had been anywhere else than where they were, people might have assumed he was giving her the orgasm, but he'd left them visible. He leaned back.    


"Was it good?"    


"You need to ask?"    


He laughed. Whore's hand came up from under the table feeling around. Bill handed her a napkin and soon Whore's head was visible as she sat up, her face wiped clean. She was blushing, seeing all the eyes on our table. Another restaurant she might never come to again.    



"I'm going to have to tell my husband what happened, since everyone here saw me kissing you."    


"It's okay. You can tell him it was merely to keep you from screaming in the restaurant. The slave could demonstrate her skills on his cock as well if he doubts you'd scream from your orgasm."    


"You said your wife screamed when she had her orgasm. Where is she? I know these two are attached to Scott and you said this slave was the one who made your wife scream."    


"With Julia's and Lisa's Master. He's working in LA on my house and since I have the good fortune of using his slaves while I stay at his house, I've loaned her to him for the week."    


Sharon looked at Lisa and I. "Don't be too surprised. You know what he allowed when you visited and saw how much we were shared at our ceremony. Master has relaxed his attitudes towards others sharing his slaves. It's strictly at his direction, but as much as he allows, we can do."    


"You've got the strangest marriage I've ever heard of. Where's the black slave?"    


"Napping before she goes to work tonight."    


"I'd better get back to work. Your food should be coming up shortly, a half hour like you said. This has got to be the strangest thing which ever happened to me."    


"Your job should be secure, but if you have any problems or it feels too weird for you after tonight, get in touch with me through Scott. I can make sure you're hired at one of my businesses. I even own restaurant chains if you want to keep working as a waitress, though none with a place in Fresno."    


"Thank you."    


He stood and helped with her chair, the perfect gentleman. She seemed a little wobbly as she went back to work. I'm sure she'd have some questions from some of her teammates.    


Our food came out a few minutes later, and she had gathered herself together. She put everything on the table, smiled and said, "I'll be back with the rest in fifteen."    


"Thank you, Sharon."    


"You're welcome, Mr. Thornhill." Back to being a waitress again.    


It was a very pleasant meal, just as all of our meals here were. Bill fed Whore, like she was helpless and she was; making her put her hands behind her chair and attaching her slave cuffs together. He mixed in the food with sips of her wine, feeding her most of hers while it was still warm. After she was fed, he released her and it was back under the table to service both Lisa and I. A fast five minutes for the both of us because we were horny slave girls who cum quickly. Then it was time for dessert and coffee; Limoncello Mascarpone, Cannoli and Tiramisu, Whore saving her Tiramisu for after she swallowed Bill's cum. I'm not sure I wouldn't have gone the other way myself, I've become so fond of the taste of cum.    


Sharon came back with the tab and Bill handed her his Centurion card. She returned after running the card and waited while Bill added the tip and scrawled his signature. She picked it up and started to walk away, then wheeled around and returned to the table.    


"I'm sorry, sir, but I believe you made a mistake, would you like me to run it again?"    


"No mistake."    


"The tip is ten thousand dollars, Mr. Thornhill?"    


"Yes it is, and I know it's common practice for tips to be split amongst all the staff, but this one is for you alone. The other thousand I gave you is for everyone else. This one is for you. Contact me if you're given any problems over it. I'll cancel the charge and write you a personal check."    


"Why? My service wasn't that great. I ignored you all while the new slave licked me. I expected maybe the thousand you were giving everyone else, since you were being so generous, but this is crazy."    


"Consider it a reward for being kind to a desperate slave girl once upon a time."    


"Phil is going to wonder if I gave you more than a kiss for this sum of money."    


Bill laughed. "Maybe he should wonder. Might do him good thinking his wife's favors are worth ten thousand dollars."    


Sharon laughed too. "Maybe I should hint that they are. Thank you ever so much."    


She was halfway skipping when she left the table. Whore was looking at her Master in surprise and wonder. I was too, a little, but I was more used to his generosity than Whore was. He'd given Bernice a diamond necklace before he'd ever met Shasta or her family.    


"Does your bank ever question some of the charges on your account?" I asked.    


"All the time," Bill laughed. "My business manager knows better than to question anything I do, so he approves everything that crosses his desk. It's my money. I made it and I'll spend it any way I damn well please."    


Our exit was as remarked upon as our entrance had been, Sharon waving to us as we left. Good for her.    


That night, I got a Master's cum deposited in my cunt as Lisa's was off limits to Bill. It felt so good to feel his seed spurt into me.    


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