Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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C96 096



We had Whore wake Bill with a nice slow blow job. Lisa and I took turns nibbling on his nuggets while Whore kept her lips wrapped around his stalk. After he orgasmed, we got out of bed to make breakfast. Bill gave Whore her fifty swat spanking, doing the same thing he'd done on Saturday, making her repeat his statements. 'Be nice,' 'Be kind,' 'It never hurts you to be polite.' She had to repeat his litany of responsibility and respect for the entire fifty swats.    


Shasta and Sean got there early so Shasta could get her cunt licked by the new slave. Whore kept licking her all through breakfast and even when the other workers started showing up for work.    


"We got ourselves a new slave trainee," Shasta said. "She be providing everyone's cum break today."    


I said, "Master William is staying at the house this week in our Master's absence. He wished to inspect our business operations this morning. You may wish to keep your clothing on if you don't want him seeing you in all your naked glory."    


Reneé and Janet just laughed and took off their clothes anyway. Alice, Charlotte and Melanie shrugged and removed their own as well. Everyone was becoming less shy about their nudity. Next weekend, most of them planned to be posing for naked pictures anyway, masked or not. Only Melanie hadn't committed to doing it yet, still wanting to think it over.    


We had to take the baby monitor with us because Rhonda hadn't arrived home yet, having to make a stop at the hair removal clinic first.    


We took Bill into the basement and showed him our work spaces. He asked a bunch of questions about the pieces we were selling and their normal selling price. He asked about the cost of the raw materials, and our current sales and sales costs. He started making a bunch of notes in a notebook.    


"How far behind are you in your orders?"    


"We're not as far behind as we were at Christmas, as we hired Sean since then, and Melanie, and Charlotte got much better at the job, but the orders are still flowing in and we're back up to a two week delay again," Lisa said. "Master is designing another couple pieces and we expect orders to increase with the new products."    


"Do you have more room for growth?"    


"Not here. We were thinking we'd need to expand into some other building, hire regular employees. Maybe keep a small part of the business here for those who still like working naked." He continued working on notes and figures in his notebook.    


Rhonda came home and told us we needed to grow our plumage again before we could have it removed.    


"The laser can't remove what isn't there, Domina. There has to be hair for it to work on, including the hair pores. They recommended a couple weeks growth before we go back in."    


"Did you cancel our appointment?"    


"She told me to say you could keep it, Domina, and wouldn't be charged for showing up, but she might need to set a different time for your new appointment, so just keep it and set a new one."    


"Swell, wasting an hour of our time," I said, "just to make a new appointment."    


"We can take Bill with us when we go," Lisa said. "Do some shopping with Whore after."    


"Good. At least it won't be a total waste. Go to bed Rhonda. I'll keep the baby monitor with me. I know you're exhausted by now."    


"Thank you, Domina."    


It wasn't fifteen minutes before Lucas was crying for some food. I went upstairs to get him and was suckling him when Bill asked if he could speak to me again.    


"I never realized the potential and profit margins of building bondage furniture. I'd like to go into business with you."    


"Mistress Shasta, could we have a moment of your time upstairs," I said. "Master Bill is wishing to make us a business proposition and we'd like your input."    


"Keep working," Shasta told the others. "No fucking around just because we gone."    


The four of us went upstairs and sat down around the dining room table.    


"I've been running some of the numbers and here's what I'm willing to propose. I have furniture factories already and will take over production of all but your favorite bondage pieces, only that which you can successfully build at this location. I'm thinking of the beds for here, primarily, since they are more built to order. I would build everything else and pay you ten percent per piece sold for the use of your current designs and any more Scott can design. I'll pay Sean for the web design, but host the site on my own servers and run all the business through my own companies. For the pieces you still build, I'll pay you 80% of retail to cover shipping and administrative costs. For the pieces I build, mass produced as they remain essentially the same from piece to piece, I believe I can cut prices and costs ten percent and increase sales by forty to fifty percent with the advertising I can afford to do. I believe within a years time, your end of the monthly business would amount to this much money, with a lot less work on your part. Would you be interested?"    


He slid us his notebook, with a number circled, a number fifty to sixty percent higher than we were making now. We three looked at each other.    


"We're definitely interested," I said, "and we'd like to speak to Master about it when he comes back on Friday. We were thinking of cross selling Mistress Dark's bondage toys for ending our sales arrangement with her. She'd continue promoting our products on her website, and any of her products we helped demonstrate on our site as part of our sales photos and videos, would be referred back to her business."    


"I don't see a problem with that. I have no subsidiaries selling sex toys anyway. It might actually increase her business as well. I do have a share of Brianna's Baubles. We could cross promote with her business as well for any jewelry you're wearing. I'd benefit twice."    


"Could you provide us with a formal business proposal and we'll send it to Master to look over before he comes home."    


"I'll have my business manager and attorney draft it up and overnight it to arrive Wednesday, both here and to Brianna so Scott can look it over."    


"Thank you, Master Bill," I said. "I believe we have the opportunity to do business with you. I think we'd enjoy being a part of your company umbrella. If you would give us a moment to speak with one another."    


"Of course."    


He moved into the living room, taking advantage of Whore and fucking her ass. Apparently, talking about business and money was arousing to him. Looking at his numbers had stimulated me.    


"What do you think, Mistress?" I asked. "Can we do much more than we're doing now without expanding?"    


"No. Your employees already working hard. They're good people and they know the better they do, the more money they make. We don't have any slackers. They even like working here. We can't build faster without expanding and this a chance to expand without much risk. I don't understand all his numbers, but that last one looked pretty sweet to me."    


"I agree," Lisa said. "Janet is going to have to go on maternity leave soon. Who knows when it will be my turn or Reneé's if she wants to get pregnant after her marriage in a couple weeks. We're going to lose her anyway for her honeymoon. If we have some slack capacity, we won't be sucking hind tit when people need to take time off. Right now, neither one of us feels we can take a vacation together without seriously hurting our production capacity. We might even get to build enough ahead of our orders, everyone could take some time off. We might even want to consider only building king size and larger, let Bill take the smaller beds. The rest should keep us plenty busy. We give up 20% on every bed we sell, but more than make it up on everything else which gets sold without sweating over every one. King size is our most popular bed size. We've only done the Alaskan kings for our friends. Getting rid of the administrative side of the business would also be a blessing."    


"So we're all in agreement that if Master believes it's beneficial to us, we sell part of our business to Thornhill."    


"I don't have a vote, but I think it's a good idea," Shasta said. "We still get to do what we want here and don't work as hard."    


"Good. I have to give Lucas the rest of his food, but I'll be down shortly. I'll let Whore know when she needs to come to the basement for our cum break."    


Lisa and Shasta went back downstairs and I fixed the rest of Lucas' food. When Bill finished with Whore, they both joined me in the kitchen.    


"We have to make new appointments at our laser surgery clinic this afternoon, Master. If you'd like to go with us, we can do some shopping for Whore, and perhaps eat after. We'll pay for dinner. I promise it won't cost us nearly as much as the last two have cost you."    


Bill laughed. "Sounds like a plan."    


"We'll need to bring the Slave Trainer," I said. "Whore might feel somewhat resistant to our plans."    


As soon as Bill said yes to the Slave Trainer, Whore's face drooped like she'd lost her best friend. It's the way I felt when I had to wear one, as one of my best friends were my orgasms. At noon, Whore came to the basement and licked every cunt there to a quick orgasm. Shasta made her suck Sean too.    


At 3:30, we left for the clinic after leaving the baby monitor in Rhonda's room. Fifteen minutes in and out, just changing appointment times. Lisa and I couldn't get ones together without waiting for another three weeks, so we got different times on the same day in a week. Even more reason to sell Bill part of our business. I told Bill about the nice sex toy shop we'd found and told him we should stop there before going to the Department Store. He had no problem with it so told Robert to drive there.    


When we got there, I went straight to a section I'd looked at previously, but never purchased anything from. I got a foxtail anal plug. I told Bill I'd pay for it, and he nodded, amused.    


After I'd purchased it, I asked the clerk, a young man, "We need to put this in the slaves ass right now. Is it okay if we do it right here in the middle of the store, or would you prefer we do it in the bathroom."    


Being a young man worked in our favor. He could enjoy watching himself if she didn't go to the restroom. "No you can do it right here. I don't care."    


I was sure none of other five people currently in the store would care either. They were all male. Whore was listening in horror at what I was proposing. Even Robert was enjoying the potential for spectacle.    


"Thank you, sir. Do you have an open bottle of lube or will I need to wet it in the slave's cunt?"    



"No open lubes, though I'd be happy to sell you one."    


"No, not necessary. I'm sure her cunt will be more than wet enough. Please bend over and lift your skirt, Whore."    


She looked at me with a look of utter dismay.    


"You call your slave, Whore?" The clerk asked, a big grin on his face.    


"It suits her," I said. She still hadn't complied, so I said. "It's going to happen, Whore. You can do it now without further punishment or wear the Slave Trainer all night."    


Whore bent over the sales counter and raised her skirt baring her bottom. The other five men in the store immediately drifted closer to get a better look. This was better than whatever skin mag or porno film they'd been considering. I wet the plug in her cunt, which was indeed wet, then pushed it into her rectum.    


"Wiggle your ass, Whore, show us what it looks like."    


She was crying but she wagged her ass, much to everyone's delight and amusement.    


"Stand up, let's see if your tail dangles below your skirt."    


Whore stood and I'd chosen wisely. Her skirt covered the tail by about two inches.    


"Thank you, sir. You've been most kind." I said.    


"Any chance Whore can suck my cock?" The clerk asked. "My dick is harder than a poker."    


I looked at Bill. "Go ahead, Whore," he said. "We have a few minutes to spare. I suggest you do it behind the counter so you're not visible through the window."    


Whore dejectedly went behind the counter, knelt down, and began sucking the clerk's cock. He must have been excited. He climaxed within four minutes.    


The store patrons asked if they could have their cocks sucked too. Bill said, "Sorry, we've got other things to do."    


They were disappointed, but on the other hand, they'd just seen a great live show, so they couldn't be that upset.    


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