Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C115 115

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Regina was a good ballroom dancer and I told her so as we danced.    


"I'm surprised you dance," she said. "Both Ed and Rob have two left feet."    


"After we started dating, Julia and I took a ballroom dancing class in college. We both needed some electives and it gave us something we could do together. I'd pretty much decided I was intending to ask for her hand in marriage by that point. Figured it wouldn't hurt to know how to dance for the reception."    


She laughed and moved closer, putting her head on my chest. We danced for fifteen minutes or so, then I got her a drink and we sat for a few minutes.    


"Are you really letting Julia dance naked?" Regina asked.    


"Yes, and hopefully get fucked if Ricardo is as good as promised."    


She nodded, shivering a little herself.    


"Are you cold?"    


"No, just thinking about two slaves dancing naked a few feet away from us."    


I smiled. We got up and danced some more. I could feel myself getting hard from Regina's closeness. Regina felt it, I knew, though she didn't speak of it.    


After an hour, Bill tapped me on the shoulder, stepping in to take over. He handed me the two remotes and told me to lock the door behind me when I went into the dance studio.    


"By the way, Ricardo's been hard for three quarters of an hour. You might want a slave to extend him a little relief. And if they have a towel or something, the slaves need something to wipe themselves with. They're both soaking wet."    


"Do you care which of our wives I use?"    




I clapped him on the shoulder and left him dancing with Regina. I asked for a towel from the receptionist, saying the dancers were sweaty. She handed me one and I locked the door as soon I entered. Both slaves were naked as jaybirds. I handed the towel to Evelyn first. She did have a sheen of perspiration, but her cunt was by far the wetter.    


I called Julia to me and she immediately responded and dropped to her knees beside me.    


"Ricardo," I said, "my friend told me you might be feeling a little uncomfortable after dancing with a naked slave girl for an hour. I don't want you to suffer needlessly. Before you start your next lesson, why don't you let my slave relieve you."    


"Huh?" Confusion writ large on his face.    


Julia said, "My Master wants you to know that I can suck your cock and relieve you before my lesson starts."    


He looked first at Julia, shocked, then looked at me as if he expected me to tell him it was all a joke.    


"My slave is right. You may get a blow job now. You may want to remove your clothes, in fact. I'd expect you'll get another erection before her lesson is over and if you do, you may fuck her to relieve it."    


He was still staring at me, thinking I'd suddenly gone mad.    


"I'm willing to do it if you wish," Julia jumped in again, "but if you're gay or would otherwise prefer me not to, I'll understand. Would you like me to begin?"    


Julia pointed to his swollen organ. He finally nodded and Julia removed his erection from the confines of his pants and started sucking him. Evelyn was done wiping herself and I whispered to her I would need to fuck her soon. Her eyes were shining when she nodded. She stretched up to kiss me and I stroked her as we watched Julia fellate Ricardo.    


It didn't take long, and he was pumping his load into her mouth. She started removing his shirt and he risked another glance at me as it came off. I smiled and led Evelyn to one of the chairs along the wall. I hoped the chair would hold our weight as I sat her on my lap, both of us watching as Julia stripped off his clothes.    


I was already kissing and fondling her as he started the music and led her out on the dance floor. We watched as the lesson started. Ricardo was rapidly getting hard again. I didn't blame him. I would be too. I'd gotten an erection from merely dancing with Regina, though I admit the thought of what might have gone on in here, contributed to my arousal.    


After ten minutes of watching them dance; an act of foreplay if I ever saw one, I was ready to fuck Evelyn. I opened my fly and had her tuck her towel around my cock so my pants wouldn't get soaked with the juices I'd already felt in her pussy. She mounted me, facing away so we could continue watching them dance. I was helping Evelyn to raise and lower herself over my cock. As much as I hoped I would last longer, I was exploding into Evelyn's cunt in just over ten minutes, teased to distraction by everything happening.    


When Evelyn felt me start to slip out of her cunt, she knelt down on the floor and cleaned me off. I had her stand and lean forward so I could do the same for her. Then it was back to watching Ricardo and Julia dance. When his instruction was up, he attempted to put Julia on his cock but she had to stop him first to remove the vibrator. When she dropped it on the floor, drops of fluid went flying everywhere. He lifted her and she rode him as he continued dancing. He could do it for a few minutes, but she was almost as big as he was, so he eventually lowered her down to the floor and reentered her there, stabbing inside her. He put her legs over his shoulders and fucked her hard. Julia climaxed several times before he emptied himself into her.    


Like a good slave, she cleaned him off after, and I tossed her the towel so she could clean herself off. Business taken care of, everyone got dressed. Julia still looked like a total slut and when we danced later, I wouldn't be the only one to think so. Evelyn's was a little better, but I'm sure they'd both get lots of looks from the other dancers.    


"Did you enjoy your tango lesson, Julia?" I asked.    


"Are you sure it wasn't a tangled lesson, sir? I was pretty tangled up there at the end."    


I laughed and said, "I noticed. Ricardo, thanks for the lessons. I think both slaves enjoyed it."    


"As did I," he said.    


I invited him to continue dancing with us until eleven as we had an extra female without a partner. He agreed he'd join us and took a few moments to tidy the room up before we went to join the others.    


I got drinks for everyone, then Bill and I both danced with our slaves while Regina danced with Ricardo. He wasn't as aggressively handsy as he'd been with the naked slaves, but Regina was smiling as they danced. As expected, our two slaves drew their fair share of glances, some of wonder, some of surprise, some of disgust; and perhaps a few snotty comments under the breath of those who disapproved. I could hear Julia's jewelry slightly jingling, though it was hard to hear over the music, unless you were right next to her. I know some people could see it as she danced. There was no avoiding it with the dress she was wearing. I continued to play with the remote as we all danced, and I think she had another couple orgasms during her dances. About every two dances, we switched partners, me going to Regina, then to Evelyn. Ricardo was dancing with Julia again as I danced with Evelyn and their dance was almost as seductive as it had been during the lesson, though a foxtrot, instead of the tango.    


I had one more pair of dances with Julia before we left. I asked, "Have you had a good time, Julia?"    


"Yes, Master. Very good. You continue to surprise me."    


"Good. Marriages should continue to surprise so it can remain fresh and exciting."    


She laid her head against my chest and squeezed me tighter as we swayed to the music. "I love you, sir."    


"I love you too, dear one."    


We had to leave and in the car, Bill said, "Tonight made me think I might enjoy a dance sometime where everyone was naked."    


"That sounds like fun," Evelyn said, smiling.    


"Perhaps after our new home is built. It has a large room which we could use as a ballroom."    


"I'd certainly look forward to it," I said. "Watching Ricardo and Julia dance the Tango was quite arousing."    


We arrived at Regina's, I walked her to the door. Rob opened the door, smiling.    


"You might want to fuck her," I said. "She smells ripe."    


Rob sniffed loudly and grinned. "No problem. Ed's waiting for us now."    


Regina turned to me and leaned up for a kiss. "Thank you both for taking me dancing. Maybe you should give Ed and Rob dancing lessons. I had a great time."    


"If they ask. We know of a couple naked slaves who'd be happy to teach them."    


"Hey, if I can have naked dance instructors; I'd certainly consider it," Rob said.    



"See you later, Rob. Say hi to Ed for me."    


"Sure thing. Regina, you're a little overdressed for what's going to happen now." He shut the door, leaving me with a glimpse of Regina undoing her dress.    


As soon as we got home, we all adjourned to our separate rooms. I don't know about Bill, but I had to fuck my slave in the worst way.    


We were relaxing in bed after some very hot sex when Rhonda and Lisa got home.    


"Did you have a good time?" Julia asked. "I hope it was as good as mine."    


"We had a wonderful time," Lisa said, yawning, "though I'm dead tired now. We were going to spend the night together, just us two, but I forgot Bill is still here. All the rooms are taken. I'm exhausted anyway, so sleep sounds more important than more sex."    


"We can tell each other all about our evenings tomorrow," I said. "Sleep sounds really good to us too."    


Both of them crawled into bed, giving both of us a kiss before settling in. We were all asleep in minutes.    


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