Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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0"Probably, I suppose. Yes, damn it. It was tremendously exciting fucking you for the first time. It's not even you're a better lover; it was just different."    


"I know my slaves enjoy it. I enjoy it. The past few days with Evelyn have been crazy exciting. It doesn't mean I don't miss my women and want to be with them again. I'll happily fuck you without regrets, and I'll let my slaves fuck Sam without regrets. It really doesn't hurt me, except this teeny, tiny bit of misplaced feelings of possession which I wish I could lose, but I can live with. It will make them, Sam, and probably you, happy to play with them. Nor will I be alone. My slaves will see to it I'm not. But we all need to decide what we can live with. I'm happy, my slaves are happy. I'm sure you, Sam and Chantelle are happy. Changing things won't necessarily make you happier, but it could. Change may not make you less happy, but it might. I've found the right balance for me, and I hope my slaves, knowing we can all enjoy a little variety."    


"I don't think Sam would ever accept a multitude of different lovers for us."    


"Perhaps not. It doesn't have to be a bunch of strangers in a restaurant. Maybe it's not a frequent occurrence. But every so often, a special treat with a select group of people he trusts or respects, knowing how much you did enjoy it, like today. I don't feel he's so far away from it, seeing you're here today."    


She nodded and after I finger fucked Evelyn to an orgasm on my lap, I released her cuffs and we started packing away the remains of our meal.    


"I need to leave by eleven," Marcia said. "Any chance you can fuck me two more times before then?"    


"How willing are you to help me recover?"    


"As willing as I need to be."    


I whispered a few quick instructions to Evelyn. She nodded and kissed me with a twinkle in her eye, then went to follow my instructions. I met Marcia in the middle of the bed. No help needed this time. Remembering how Evelyn had enjoyed being bent up and how deep I got when I did, I put Marcia's legs over my arms as I leaned over her. She was bent in two with her ankles up by her ears and I entered her, letting her feel every inch of my cock in a single slow thrust that had our groins rubbing together.    


"Oh, fuck!" Marcia moaned. "You're so fucking deep."    


"I know you're not a slave today, but I want you to hold off on your orgasm as long as you possibly can. I won't fuck you fast; I want to go nice and slow. Give me some warning when you don't think you can hold out anymore. Can you do that for me?"    


"I'll try."    


I proceeded to give Marcia a nice slow screw. Every time I thrust, I tried to go from the crown of my cock to the base, every full cycle taking ten or more seconds to complete. The moans she made were the music of the angels. The fluids accumulated on my cock and leaking from her cunt were profuse.    


After more than ten minutes, she said, "I don't think I'm going to last more than twenty seconds or so. I'm so freaking close."    


"A few seconds longer," I said. "To the last possible second."    


She moaned. I felt Evelyn getting on the bed behind us as instructed. I started moving a little faster.    


"Fuck! I'm cumming," Marcia whimpered, spasming over my cock. As her climax started, Evelyn took the vibrator she'd changed the batteries in, pushed it an inch or so into Marcia's anus and turned it on, pumping it. It wasn't so deep it did much to me, but Marcia went off like a bomb. She was still cumming after three or four minutes, palpitating over my cock, buried balls deep in her thrumming cunt. She wasn't screaming, but the sounds emanating from her throat were a cross between a groan and a wail.    


I finally felt her tremors start to ease, so immediately began thrusting hard and fast, hitting the red line on the tach. She immediately went into another climax, clinging to my prick like a drowning man to a life preserver. This one didn't last as long, but was just as powerful as the first. Just as it was about to die, I started pumping my cream into her pussy, turning it into a soggy mess.    


My pulses gradually ceased and my shaft started shrinking, sliding from it's recent home. I turned to my side, so I wouldn't crush her, but pulled her with me, so we remained front to front.    


"Jesus, Scott," Marcia panted. "What the fuck!"    


I felt Evelyn begin to clean the mess we'd made; adjusting to give her more room to complete the job.    


"It seems you liked that," I said, laughing. "Surprise. I thought Evelyn should have something to do so she'd feel like she was a part of it."    


"No kidding," Marcia laughed back. "I didn't expect it, that's for sure. Seemed like it was going to be somewhat normal bout of fucking, until she stuck that thing in my bottom."    


"I thought you'd enjoy the position. Evelyn liked it and Julia said it's the one she feels the least amount of control. Makes her feel more submissive. The vibrator was just a little extra since we had some additional hands helping."    


Feeling we were clean enough I pulled Evelyn up for a kiss.    


"Thank you, sweetheart. That was well done."    


"I was happy to do it, sir."    


"Marcia should reward you for helping her cum so hard, shouldn't she?"    


"I would love it if she did, sir," Evelyn said.    


"Perhaps she should lick your cunt while I fuck her ass?"    


"You'll need to get hard again, Master. Would you like me to help you?"    


"It's not necessary. Marcia said she'd do what she could to get me to fuck her twice. Right, Marcia?"    


"Yes, Scott. I'll suck your cock if that's what it takes," Marcia grinned.    


"While I'm recovering, Evelyn, make sure the batteries in your butterfly are new. I suspect Marcia will enjoy them."    


I turned around and pulled Marcia over me. Her mouth found my limp cock immediately. I found her moist cunt moments afterward, tasting the sweet tanginess of her pussy parting over my tongue.    


"Mmm, not bad, but you need to practice, Scott. You've gotten lazy with too many girls to lick cunt for you. You'd never survive if your slaves got to choose who they wanted to lick them. Sam is nearly as good as Monique."    


She, on the other hand, had no problem engulfing my prick with a stellar blow job, even after I was hard. Perhaps she didn't know me as well as my own slaves did, but she knew her way around a cock.    


When I was hard and knew I'd stay so for a few moments, I had Marcia put on the butterfly, the device going over her clit. Evelyn got in front of her, parting her legs. I turned on the butterfly with the remote and Marcia moaned.    


"I'm going to fuck your ass now, Marcia. I want you feeling every last inch of my cock in your magnificent ass. Sam has said you like a hard spanking. If these motel walls weren't so damn thin, I'd spank it before I fucked it. And don't think I've forgotten about your spanking either, Evelyn. Every day I missed will be made up at a later time."    


"Yes, sir," Evelyn gasped, cumming on Marcia's tongue, her hands curled in her hair, clutching her head to her spasming pussy.    


I wet my cock into the creamy soup of Marcia's pussy a few times before easing my way into her ass. Marcia climaxed from the penetration combined with the tingling device stimulating her clit. Having cum a number of times tonight, I had more endurance than might be expected from watching my dick doing a dance in Marcia's derrière. Nor was Marcia neglecting Evelyn. She moaned in climax more than a few times on Marcia's lips and tongue. Every time Marcia orgasmed, her sphincter would tighten delightfully around my shaft as the waves of pleasure rolled through her.    


"I'm going to fill your ass with my cum," I groaned, finally feeling my release approach.    


"Fuck my ass with your big dick," Marcia whimpered. "I'm almost there again."    


She just beat me to the punch. She tightened over my shaft, bringing on my own orgasm as she clung like glue to my prick. I pulsed, frozen in her fundament, spurt after hot spurt of cum jetting from the tip of my cock.    


Evelyn climaxed just after I did, her muted sighs like violins to my throaty horn groans. We seemed like a sculptured tableau, bronzed figures locked in poses of bliss, until the tremors passed. The butterfly was still causing Marcia to tremble in aftershocks as it dragged out her orgasm. I turned it off and let it ebb.    


"Damn, Scott! Once again you didn't disappoint," she said, collapsing to the bed, falling off my dick. "Very creative fucking. I'll need to bring some of this home with me. Are you always like this?"    


"What can I say," I said. "You're inspiring. You're my fucking muse, but I'm sorry to say, I'm not always this inspired. I should be. I should try to make every time I get into bed with one of my slaves an adventure. Life seems to get in the way. Routine starts to set in."    


"I know," Marcia said. "Sam and I did some pretty wild stuff when my slavery first started. It's still interesting and fun, especially with three people, but we're not as creative as we used to be."    


"It was the same for us," Evelyn said, "until recently. Master has really surprised me the last few weeks. I think you've pushed him, sir. Other than the sex we had with Sam and his slaves, it almost felt as if we were an old married couple. So much has happened since your ceremony, it's hard to imagine."    


"Perhaps I should pick a slave and plan something special each week," I said. "Really work to keep the magic alive. We agreed at one point to have date nights once a week; me with Julia, me with Lisa, and Julia with Lisa. The fourth week, we'd go out together as a group. Take one night a month, to really work on our individual relationships. Now we've added Rhonda, and I don't think we've ever done it. It's always in a group, and I don't mind the group. The group is good, but after this, I need to make sure I spend time with each of them individually and really plan for something new and fresh each time. At the moment, new and fresh frequently amounts to letting them fuck someone else. They should get new and fresh from me, too."    


"I think you've got a great idea, Scott. Don't let life settle into a rut. Plan to surprise and reward your loved ones with something special on a regular basis. Chantelle and I rarely do something together, just the two of us. I can't remember the last time Sam and I went on a date together without someone else being with us. It's not that we don't have some alone time together, but not planned alone time, where I'm experiencing the great fuck I just had with you and not him."    



"Pinky swear," Evelyn said, holding out a pinky to both of us, "always look for ways to surprise and delight our loved ones the way we did tonight for each other."    


I laughed and hooked my pinky on hers, held my other hand out to Marcia. "Pinky swear," Marcia laughed. "You'd think we were still teenagers." Still she hooked her pinky on mine. "Fine. I promise to look for ways to enrich my love life with my loved ones."    


"I fucking swear," I said, "to better fucking with my slaves."    


I got off the bed and got a warm washcloth to clean both Marcia and I. I wiped her bottom before I wiped me.    


"We still have about eighty minutes before I leave. Any chance you've got one more erection in you?" Marcia asked.    


"I probably have exactly one, but I feel I'll be doing a disservice to Evelyn if I spend the whole evening fucking you. She's a slave who needs cock too."    


Marcia kissed Evelyn. "Yeah, it is pretty selfish of me to expect to use all of your cock time."    


"You gave me lots of pleasure as well, Marcia."    


Evelyn's phone rang. "Master checking in to see how I'm doing," Evelyn informed us. "Hello, Master, I'm putting you on speaker and informing you Marcia is with us tonight."    


"And I'll inform you Robert is with us tonight. Good evening all. How are you, Marcia?"    


"Better now," Marcia laughed. "I just had a dick fix."    


"That's right, Sam and Chantelle are in Minnesota this week aren't they. I'd forgotten."    


"Did Master fuck you good, Marcia?" Julia asked.    


"He fucked me great, Julia. I feel wonderful. I was hoping for a return engagement but he's reluctant to neglect your wife, Bill."    


"That's good to hear."    


"Actually, I took the day off and spent most of it with Evelyn. Scott tied her to the bed before he left for work this morning, with vibrators running in her cunt and on her clit. He asked me to drop by and let her go after the vibrators died. I knew I wouldn't be able to leave Evelyn alone once I arrived, so I just took the day off and used her hard before I released her."    


"I'm sure she enjoyed that," Bill said.    


"I did, Master. I thought I'd be alone all afternoon, but gladly, was not."    


"Before I forget as I did last night, Master," Julia said, "Bill is offering to buy a piece of our company. A business proposal will be faxed to Brianna's tomorrow for you to take a look at."    


"What do you think of the proposal?" I asked.    


"Lisa, Shasta and I all liked the sounds of it, Master, but we felt we should get your input before making a decision."    


"I've always felt it was yours and Lisa's business to do with as you saw fit."    


"Still, you've run a business longer than we have, so your experience is valuable. Besides, if you must go to Brianna's to read over the proposal, you have another excuse to fuck Marcia, especially if she's missing cock."    


Marcia said, "She's got you there, Scott. One more reason to plow my pussy."    


I laughed. "Fine, I'll look over the proposal between bouts of fucking Marcia and Evelyn and let you know what I think. Are you still planning to fly back to LA with Whore on Thursday, Bill?"    


"I am. Her training has gone well thus far. In fact, she's been rewarded by receiving her own name back. You can call her Regina again."    


"How nice for Regina. I will leave Evelyn at Brianna's tomorrow night so you can see her on Thursday. I'm sure you're missing the little minx. She can keep Marcia company tomorrow night."    


"I am and it would be much appreciated. Thank you."    


"I'm assuming you've been keeping my slaves similarly occupied?"    


"Hopefully, they're not missing the sex you provide too much, but I know they miss you."    


"We do, Master," Lisa said. "Lots. No one can fuck my cunt when you're not here."    


"We, and I mean all three of us, have been conniving together," I said. "Wicked and evil plans for rape and pillage. I'll be happy to show you on Friday."    


"You're making me wet, sir," Julia said.    


Bill and I both said at the same time. "You're always wet. You're a slave." Though I had a 'fucking' in there before the slave.    


Julia laughed. "Wetter, sirs."    


"Goodnight all," I said. Everyone else also said goodnight and Evelyn ended the call.    


"I'm ready for my fucking now," Evelyn said. "You've rested enough."    


"Marcia helped me get an erection so I could fuck her twice. Are you prepared to do the same?"    


"Marcia was the person who taught me to suck cock properly. What do you think?"    


"I think you'd better get started."    


Somehow, I still had the energy to fuck Evelyn while Marcia rode her mouth. Then we had to say goodbye. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.    


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