Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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C102 102

0Without a word, Whore got on her knees and began licking Shasta's cunt. Shasta made her lick her to three orgasms before being satisfied.    


"Did you remember to talk to Scott last night about Bill's offer?" Shasta asked.    


"I forgot. I intend to mention it to him tonight, tell him the paperwork will be at Brianna's tomorrow to look over. Have you eaten breakfast, Mistress?"    


"Yeah, Momma made us something. We'll go down and get started."    


"We might need to have our cum break a little early today. Whore is taking her Master to golf at her country club at one PM today. I assume they'll need to leave at 12:20 to make a one PM tee time."    


"I can make arrangements to allow for an earlier break," Shasta said. "We'll just start lunch at 11:30 and she can skip Sean. Maybe he doesn't get another cum break until he learns to lick cunt better, so I don't need Whore as much."    


Both of them went downstairs. We'd have to rush breakfast or be late for work. This morning's activities had taken too much time. William fed Whore. Lisa and I ate quickly, but everyone else had already arrived for work before we got to the basement, about five minutes late.    


Shasta tapped her watch. "You think because you own the company, you can be five minutes late for work. Did you or did you not put me in charge?"    


"We did, Mistress," Lisa said.    


"Then you get one swat for every minute you were late. Slaves should be more punctual."    


"Yes, Mistress," I said.    


"Charlotte, hand me that 1 x 4 over there," pointing to a board about two feet long. "It make a good paddle for two late slaves."    


Charlotte handed her the board, saying, "Does everyone who is late get paddled?"    


"Only slaves get paddled," Shasta replied. "Everyone else has to skip their cum break and work later each night to make up for the time they missed. Julia, we starting with you. Get your ass over my knee."    


"Yes, Mistress."    


I arranged my bottom over Shasta's knee. I was excited. I'd whipped Whore and that had been arousing, but it had been some time since I was punished myself. I felt myself flooding. Shasta noticed my arousal.    


"You're a horny little slut, aren't you?"    


"Yes, Mistress."    


"Are you going to cum?"    


"Possibly Mistress. Five isn't very many, but I am aroused."    


"You get five more if you cum."    


"Yes, Mistress."    


Shasta laid a good five over me and I didn't cum, but I felt very close and would have liked nothing more than to finger myself to a fast orgasm. Slaves don't get orgasms unless the person in charge grants them, so I'd have to wait until lunch like the others. After I got up, rubbing my bum, Lisa got hers. She hadn't participated in Whore's punishment, so she wasn't as aroused as I was, but being punished in front of our employees contained an element of humiliation and arousal in and of itself, so she was dripping when Shasta finished.    


"Now get to work. We're wasting valuable time," Shasta said.    


"Yes, Mistress," the slaves all replied. The others just started working.    


About 10:30, Bill and Whore came downstairs.    


"Pardon the interruption, Shasta, but I have a question for all the ladies. Which of these two outfits should Whore wear golfing today. It should be appropriate for dinner at the country club dining room afterward."    


Whore was wearing a translucent top which showed much of her breasts which would be swinging freely under the silky garment. She had on a short tennis like skirt, designed to be worn with matching panties, but slaves weren't allowed undergarments, so if Whore bent over to tee up the ball, or mark her ball on the green, her bottom and pussy would be visible to anyone sharing the tee or green. It's entirely possible gusts of wind would expose all of her assets, if not the golf swing itself.    


The other garment she had was a slinky short dress which would mold to her naked body, and look great for dinner, but not very common sense for golfing.    


Whore stood quietly, waiting for her fate to be decided.    


"It's obvious what she's wearing is perfect for the golf course, but is unlikely to meet any dinner dress code," Lisa said, pondering the choices. "The other one looks impossible for playing golf. In addition to being too confining to swing a club, as soon as she sweats a little, it would become transparent. She might get arrested."    


"Exactly what I was thinking," Bill said. "Hence my dilemma."    


"Don't they have drinking fountains and the like on the golf course?" Shasta said.    


"They do," Bill said.    


"Then the solution is simple. Play golf and bring a couple towels with you. At the end, have her strip off her golf outfit, use a wet towel to wash herself, clean all the sweat off. Use the other towel to dry off. Put on the dress, go to dinner. She can stand behind a bush or tree to change, right."    


"I could change in the locker rooms in the clubhouse, Master," Whore said, hoping not to be required to strip off her clothes behind some bush. It would be scandalous enough to be playing in her outfit, let alone remove everything to put the other equally scandalous dress on.    


"Slaves shouldn't be allowed to change with free folks, Bill," Shasta said innocently. "Hell, blacks couldn't even drink from white water fountains until the sixties, and we weren't even slaves anymore."    


"You do make a good point, Shasta," Bill said.    


"I could change in the car, Master," Whore said, hopefully.    


"Perhaps an idea will present itself while we're playing," Bill said. "Okay, go upstairs, take the clothes off until it's time to leave. You'll put on the golf outfit when it's time to go."    


"Yes, sir." She went upstairs removing the top as she went.    


Bill said, "So far, she's not said a peep. I thought this was a brilliant idea and would make her fight her slavery, but she's going along with it."    


"I thought for sure, she'd kick and scream. She's lorded her country club membership over us for years. If she does this, she might have to move out of Fresno."    


"What are you trying to do?" Shasta asked.    


"Whore belongs to one of the most exclusive country clubs in Fresno. It's so hoity-toity, it's disgusting. Master is going to make her play golf on her own golf course mostly bare assed in the tarty skirt, and eat dinner after in that other slutty dress, essentially outing Whore as a slut slave to most of her friends and acquaintances."    


"Isn't that a little extreme," Shasta said. "I don't mind treating her like shit around all of us, but ruining her entire life in Fresno? I was only joking around to get her goat, but the only people I'd wish that on were the bastards that raped me. Granted, she hasn't been the most pleasant person to be around, but I wouldn't wish this on her."    


Bill kissed her. "You're right, gorgeous. I shouldn't ruin her life. She doesn't deserve that. Thank you for reminding me to be a better person. I will, however, let her sweat it out. You know, I'm treating her so poorly because of the way she treated you."    


"She should sweat it out. She deserves to sweat a little. She was a bitch, no question, but it wasn't so bad a simple apology wouldn't go a long way to make it better."    


"You're a better person than I am, Mistress," I said. "I hated what she did to you."    


"I'm the one who opened the door. I didn't have to sell myself. If I weren't trying to get back at my slave for trying to control me, I wouldn't have done it."    


"I'm sorry, Mistress," Sean said.    



"You should be. Maybe I send you upstairs to lick her asshole. Make you take cunt licking lessons from her."    


"Not right now. How can she sweat it out if she's being pleasured," Bill said.    


Shasta laughed. "I'm not sure she deserve Sean anyway, even on a good day."    


Bill laughed and went upstairs.    


"Back to work, people. The fucking show is over," Shasta said.    




Whore came down at 11:30 to provide everyone their cum break. When it was Shasta's turn, I told Whore she should make Shasta cum twice, as once she heard what Master planned for her today, she'd asked him not to ruin her life in Fresno.    


Whore looked at Shasta in wonder, then dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around her legs. "Thank you, Mistress," Whore said. "What can I do for you to make it up to you?"    


"Stop being a bitch. We're all just people trying to get through the fucking day. Try not to make it any harder than it is."    


"Yes, Mistress. I'll do better."    


"We'll see."    


Shasta not only got two orgasms, she got three.    


"I'm sorry for what I did," Whore said after the third. "It was wrong and I apologize."    


Bill had slipped down the stairs with Whore's clothes, wondering what was taking her so long. He heard Whore's apology.    


"Whore might have earned her name back," Bill said. "Welcome back, Regina."    


She turned, seeing him at the foot of the stairs. "Yes, Master. Thank you."    


"Put these on instead. Shasta believed I was being too harsh on you. I think she was right. It's still slutty, but you won't be flashing your cunt to the entire golf course wearing this. You may also remove your foxtail."    


"I was told she'd asked for mercy, sir, and I greatly appreciate it."    


"You'll still put on the second dress for dinner. It's outrageous, but not not irreparably so, and you may change in the locker room."    


"Thank you, sir."    


She put on the other clothes. He must have borrowed something from our closet. He gave her the transparent bra she purchased yesterday to contain the girls, a polo shirt and a mid-thigh skirt with a bottom. I wasn't aware we still possessed anything which didn't leave our pussies bare. We wished them well and went back to work.    


It appeared we'd be alone for supper tonight, just Lisa, Rhonda and I. Robert was driving them. I suppose there was always a need for someone like Bill to have some protection. As it was just us, we made a chef salad, something with protein for Rhonda before work, but not too filling. We fed and played with Lucas and as I hadn't spent too much time with my slave lately, Rhonda and I went into the bedroom for some play time, a vibrating strapless coming in quite handy for me to fuck my beautiful slave.    


The others got home around eight, Robert going upstairs to shower before the festivities took place, Lisa and Rhonda taking Regina into the bathroom to cleanse her. I talked to Bill about his day.    


"Playing golf with Regina was quite enjoyable. She's actually a pretty fair golfer and helped me with a slice I was developing. She was a charming dinner companion even if she wasn't sucking my cock under the table."    


"Regina always got along better with men than other women, sir. I'm sure she was charming as she had no competition for your attention. Did she remain polite and respectful towards you and address you as sir, at least?"    


"She did. Actually, she was more attentive than I might have expected, given this was her home turf. Unfailingly polite towards me, but more importantly, towards others, including the staff. Some of them seemed surprised by the sudden change in behavior. I got the distinct impression she was frequently more harsh in her criticisms and a kind word was unexpected."    


"Perhaps your morning mantras in combination with her morning spanking are taking hold, sir."    


"Well, it would be interesting to see if it continues past her slavery."    


"Might I suck your cock, Master? I see you're sporting quite an erection there."    


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