Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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It was disappointing waking up without a slave to take care of me in the morning. Not having to waste any time with sex, I was at work early and worked late. Thursday was the day I was usually scheduling the next weeks worth of contractors to come in and work on what needed to be done after this weeks work was done. They had a tentative schedule they were working off, so I was just confirming or slightly adjusting. I was happy with the progress we were making. Drywall was all finished and plasterers were coming in next week for the walls and ceilings, then painters, then flooring, and we'd be into the final millwork and electrical fixtures. It was still looking good for a late July, early August finish date.    


Since I worked late, I ate late, going to my usual diner for supper. I was surprised when someone slipped into the seat across from me.    




"Marcia! What are you doing here?"    


"If you weren't coming to Brianna's, I had to come here."    


"How did you find me?"    


"Evelyn told me you ate here quite a lot. This is where you took me to breakfast, so I took a chance."    


"Are you sure Sam is still okay with you and me? Evelyn isn't here this evening."    


"I talked to him half an hour ago, before I left. He's fine. Knowledge and consent; I haven't forgotten."    


"This is an unexpected pleasure."    


"I almost brought Dawn with me after the way she bitched the other day, but she's gotten to fuck you more than I have, so I changed my mind. I thought about bringing Cindy too, but I still get twitchy at the thought of brother and sister, so I couldn't."    


"I understand. It may be legal, but it still strikes deep for most people."    


"I figure, without any sex this morning....wait, you didn't masturbate did you?"    


"No. You must have a very low opinion of your sexual prowess if you thought I needed to masturbate after last night."    


She laughed. "Right. So no sex this morning. I figure you should be good for four or five times tonight before I have to go home."    


"And a very high opinion of my sexual prowess given it's almost eight already. Four times, maybe, by eleven if that's when you have to leave. Can you spend the night?"    


"No. I think Sam would be worried if I spent too many nights. It seems like more than fucking then, don't you think?"    


"I suppose. Spending several days with Evelyn has seemed like more than sex. I'm not saying I'd be falling in love with her, but there's something more about waking up next to someone in the morning."    


"Exactly. I'd like to keep this on a fuck and run basis."    


"Just don't be planning on more than four then, and that's if we jump straight into the sack as soon as we get to the motel."    


"That's my plan. Pay your tab and let's go."    


Thank goodness the harridan wasn't working tonight. I didn't have to explain Marcia to her. As soon as we got back to my room, Marcia was tearing her clothes off, then started on my pants since I didn't seem to be going fast enough for her. Her lips were wrapped around my cock before my pants were at my ankles.    


"Damn, you are desperate."    


Marcia mumbled something, but shook her head yes.    


I stepped out of my pants and tossed her up on the bed. She landed on her back and I was on her like winos on a bottle of Ripple. She guided my cock to her pussy, and moaned as I plunged in hard.    


"Mama likes," Marcia whimpered.    


I fucked hard and fast for this one, getting the immediate need out of the way. I only lasted a little over five minutes, but Marcia still climaxed three times. We were both panting heavily when I finished.    


"That was...," Marcia said, panting, thinking about the word, "sudden."    


I got out of the bed and she said, "You're not done yet, are you? I'm just getting warmed up."    


"Now we got the first one out of the way, we can take a little time." I slipped my pants on.    


"Where the hell are you going?"    


"To my truck. I need a few things."    


"Hurry back."    


I returned a couple minutes later with my tool box and some rope. I find rope to be very useful for a number of things. It can be very handy on the job. I always carried some around with me.    


I set the tool box down and said, "Do you trust me," fingering the rope.    


Her eyes glittered. "I trust you," she whispered.    


"Good, because I'm going to tie you down."    


It was a heavy, but soft, nylon rope, which could pull a truck out of a ditch, but wouldn't scrape delicate flesh. I looped a couple lengths around her ankles, then pulled them to the corners of the bed, spreading them out. Her pussy was glistening with both of our fluids, a bead of cream escaping her sheath. I'd have to take care of that shortly. I didn't want to get the bed messy. I did the same with her hands, tying them to the opposite corners, spreading her on the bed. I took a tie which I wore if I had a meeting with someone important and tied it around her eyes, shutting off her sight. Losing your sight temporarily could be very erotic. It must seem so to Marcia as well as her nipples were distended and puckered. I sucked on one briefly, drawing another moan from my helpless victim. I got on the bed with her and licked some of the juices leaking from her cunt.    


"Mmm," she murmured, thrusting her hips up against my tongue.    


I continued licking her through an orgasm so I knew I'd gotten most of the fluids out of her. She tugged on the ropes slightly as she orgasmed, her hands wanting to reach for my head and hold me against her folds, but she wasn't going anywhere, so she relaxed as the waves ebbed.    


I started digging in my toolbox. She heard me digging and her breathing grew faster. I was looking for something to use as a sex toy, but most of the tools either had rubber handles, which wouldn't slide easily, despite Marcia's wetness, or other things like a screwdriver with a six sided, slotted handle which wasn't smooth enough for tender flesh either. I did find a couple small C clamps which might have a use.    


"What are you doing?"    


"Sshh. You'll find out soon enough."    


I found a roll of string used for chalking straight lines which would be good for tickling her, but nothing else popped into my head. I gave up on the tool box and looked around the room. Ahh, two clothespins Julia used to secure a pair of pants on a hanger. That would work. A sweaty bandanna, might also tickle if applied to the right erogenous zones. What else? The ice bucket gave me an idea. If you've ever seen the movie, 9 and ½ Weeks, you know what the idea was. I grabbed the bucket and opened the door. She heard the door open and shivered, tugging at her ropes again.    


"Where are you going?" Marcia asked.    


I decided to play around with her since she couldn't see.    


"Out to find some help. I don't think one person will be enough to fuck you tonight."    


"Scott," she warned, "Don't you fucking dare."    


"Mmm. Too much noise, I think." I took her underwear and stuffed them into her mouth. "That's better."    


She tried speaking, but couldn't raise her voice above a muffled "Mmffftthh."    


"Don't make too much noise. I'm leaving the door unlocked, you might draw some unwanted attention. Who knows who'll come in the room wondering what's going on in here. If they find you like this, will they release you, or fuck you. They'll definitely see you all stretched out in a very compromising position."    


More muffled sounds, with accompanying thrashing. I opened the door again and the thrashing and noises stopped. I closed the door silently so she didn't hear the lock click. I went down to the ice machine. Without being able to see and in such a shameful and humiliating position, Marcia would lose track of the passage of time. Ten minutes could be a twenty or two minutes. Unless she actually tried to count the seconds, she wouldn't know how long she waited. She'd just know it was too long. I waited ten, letting her sweat.    


I made noise when I opened the door, but didn't speak a word. "Sthott?" I think that was Scott, wanting to know who was in the room. I didn't speak. I closed the door. She shifted restlessly. "Sthott?" A little louder. I moved close to the bed. She was shivering. I put a hand over her breast, stroking it, then pinching one of her nipples. "Sthott?" Louder yet. I trailed a fingernail down from her quivering breast, over her stomach, making it flutter, to her mound. Marcia was motionless. I slid my hand down over her nether lips, one finger sliding through the wet sheath. Her hips jerked.    


I'm sure Marcia guessed it was me, fucking with her, but she didn't know, and that not knowing was driving her nuts. I took the hand and ran it from her knee up her inner thigh to her pussy, the skin shivering and goose bumps forming. Another swipe through her slit, from bottom to top, over her clit which was starting to peek from its hood. Her hips jerked again. One finger went into her cunt and she moaned, helpless and wet. A second finger joined it, sawing back and forth. She orgasmed, moaning, shivering, thrusting against my hand. I pulled my fingers out.    


I made some noise as if I was getting undressed, opening my zipper close enough for her to hear, picking up my shoes and dropping them on the floor, taking my time as if I had to remove all my clothes. My cock was hard again, a drop of pre-cum forming on the tip. I didn't trust her not to bite me if I touched it to her lips, so I rubbed it along her cheek instead, leaving a slimy trail on it. I also rubbed the head over her nipples, still puckered spikes, growing harder when I did. I got between her legs and rubbed the head up and down her slit, making her moan again, twitching, wondering whose cock it was touching her. Her cunt was horrendously wet, fluids leaking again. My cock felt as rigid as an iron bar. I slowly started entering her, going so slow I was still only halfway in after a minute.    


Marcia wouldn't know how long the cock was until it was all the way in. She orgasmed, squeezing it inside, whimpering. I pushed a little deeper, letting her feel more. Her hips were shaking. Giving her another inch, before sliding out again, only the tip remaining inside, stretching her. Going back the other way, only as deep as before, keeping that last inch from her, reversing, a slow withdrawal. Doing it five more times; she orgasmed again, her hips arching. Not giving her what she wanted yet. Pulling all the way out, rubbing myself up and down the slit once more, rubbing against her clitoris.    


She was panting, still excited, still scared. She tried again. "Sthott?" Questioning. Not a sound in response. Just sliding my prick into her pussy again, wetter now, moaning. Five more slow in and outs, not giving her all of it. I leaned over her, sucking on a nipple, poised at the gate, just inside her. Sucking on the other one. Slamming into her, every inch, making her gasp, moan and cum again. Another slam, then another, beginning to piston back and forth. So wet, so steamy, squelching as our bodies collided together.    


Cumming, growling deep in her throat, muffled by her panties stuffed in her mouth, soggy with her saliva. Pounding her through another orgasm, then pulling out, not wanting to cum myself yet. More teasing yet to do. I got off the bed, brought the ice bucket to the nightstand. Retrieving a cube, touching her nipple, her flinch, unable to tell if it was hot or cold at first. Realizing it was cold as it melted, cold water running down a puffy breast. Doing the other one. More moaning. Her nipples even harder if it were possible. Switching to my hot mouth, licking and sucking the puckered spike. Putting an ice cube in my mouth, treating her to hot and cold at the same time. Moving, changing location.    


Taking another cube and running it around the crinkled star on her bottom, making her quiver again. Pushing another cube through the muscular ring; the cold a contrast to the warmth inside, melting, affecting more of it. Doing the same with her pussy. Rubbing a cube around the rim of her hole, then pushing it inside. First one, then another, melting and cool water starting to leak from her, mixed with her own cum. Licking it up; warm tongue against cold surfaces, another orgasm. Melted ice water flowing out; collecting it on my tongue.    


Another cube, held in my mouth, rubbing up and down her slit, cold and warmth again, hard and soft surfaces in concert. Touching her clit, another orgasm, then sucking her clit through the worst or best of it; her orgasm extending for a couple minutes.    


Two more cubes in her pussy, then pushing my cock inside, plugging it. Feeling the ice rubbing against me, the cold mixed with her own steamy heat. Putting the clothes pins on her nipples, pinching them, making her yip. Fucking her hard again, pummeling her mound, slamming against her clit over and over, making her cum over and over again, her howls of pleasure muffled by her own underwear. Waiting just before I was about to cum, then pulling the pins off her nipples with my teeth, one after the other, making her cum once last time as I emptied myself in her, throbbing, thick ropes of cum mixing with the water.    


Pulsing the last few drops of cum in her fluttering pussy, pulling out, liquid leaking from her. Damn! I'd be sleeping in a wet spot tonight, right in the middle of the bed. Her quivering slowing, stopping, heavy breaths through her nose, sucking for air. I pulled the soggy panties from her mouth.    


"Scott?" A dry, whispered inquiry, still unsure of who had fucked her like this. Semi sure, but not positive if it was the right fucker.    


"Who else," I finally answered.    


"You asshole," she hissed. "I can't believe you did that, you bastard."    


"You can't tell me you didn't like it. I know better."    


"Let me go, you prick."    


"Asshole, bastard, prick. Pick one and stick to it."    


"Fine, you fucker! Let me go."    


"I like that one. Fucker. That fits me just fine."    


She glared at me, then started grinning, unable to maintain her anger, given the fucking she'd just had.    


"You really are a fucker. Are you going to let me go?"    


"Not yet. One more thing left to do."    


"What's that?"    


I got over her in a sixty-nine, my cock dangling over her head.    


"What makes you think I won't bite that off if you put it anywhere near my mouth?" She was still trying to be angry, but not having much success.    


"I guess I'll just have to find out."    


I wasn't stupid though. I licked and sucked her to another orgasm before I let my prick anywhere near her teeth. Thankfully, when I lowered myself enough for her mouth to reach it, it opened up and started sucking our mutual fluids off. I kept pleasuring her and she kept pleasuring me until I spasmed once more, sending spurts of cum down her throat. She swallowed it all.    


Standing up, I looked down at her, still stretched on the bed, open and vulnerable.    


"You're the most beautiful woman I know. I can't believe I just fucked you. It's like I fucked a movie star or supermodel, completely outside my normal frame of reference." I ran a hand over her breasts again. Perfect mounds that remained somewhat peaked, not flattening too much. "Absolutely incredible. Sam is a lucky fucking man."    


I started to release her, hands first, then her legs. She stretched, moving to relax tense muscles. I laid down beside her and pulled her on top of me, just holding her, kissing her, our tongues intertwining.    


We kissed for several minutes, our breathing and heartbeats slowing, the flush of the fucking passing.    


"What made you decide to do that?" Marcia asked, laying her head on my chest.    


"I was looking for something to use as sex toys to, you know, be a little creative. I didn't really find much I could use except the clothespins. Then I remembered the scene from the movie 9 and ½ Weeks where Mickey Rourke uses the ice cubes on Kim Bassinger. I figured that could be the sex toy. Then when I left to get the ice, you asked where I was going. I thought, mess with her head a little. When I return, she'll be 90-95% certain it's me, but there will be this tiny part of her wondering if it's someone else; that she's fucking a complete stranger. That tiny part will make this fucking memorable."    


"God! You were right. I couldn't help but think there was a stranger who came into the open door and was now fucking me, or perhaps you'd gotten someone else to help you fuck me. I had no way of knowing how long I was lying there. Almost certain it was you with just a hint of uncertainty. You can't believe how much I orgasmed."    


"Oh yes I can. I felt most of them strangling my dick. They were righteously powerful."    


She laughed. "I almost don't want to fuck again. It would be an anticlimax."    


"If that's what you want."    


She laughed again. "Fuck that! Who the hell cares if it's an anticlimax. I still want to feel your prick in my ass."    


I joined her laughing. "It might take a few minutes. That last orgasm took a lot out of me."    


Marcia looked up at me, and keeping her eyes on me, slowly moved down my body, kissing and nibbling as she went. Finding my limp prick, still looking at me, she opened her mouth and swallowed it all, slowly moving up and down my shaft as I started swelling. It didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would before she was kneeling on the bed in front of me with my prick up her pucker, fucking her again.    


Ten-thirty rolled around we were resting once more, still breathing hard. Marcia was considering getting up and leaving. There was a knock on the door.    


"Who the hell is that?" Marcia said, pulling some covers over herself.    


"I'm not sure," I said, getting up, engaging the security bolt and cracking the door.    


William and Evelyn Thornhill with Regina.    


"Hi, there," Bill said. "You have one more day with her. I thought I should return her."    


"Just a minute." I closed the door to release the lock, then stood behind the door and let them in.    


They all saw Marcia on the bed, sheet pulled up to her chin.    


"I wondered where you were when I didn't see you at supper, Marcia. How are you?" Bill asked.    


"Peachy keen and well fucked," Marcia responded.    



"Here I thought you'd be sitting alone in your room watching TV or something," Bill said.    


"I thought the same until she showed up at the restaurant," I replied. "It was a pleasant surprise. She was just thinking about going."    


"Do you have to?" Evelyn asked Marcia.    


"Afraid so. Work tomorrow. I need my beauty rest."    


"How did the day go with your two slaves?" I asked Bill.    


"Evelyn and I had a nice reunion. I've missed her. Regina had some more cunt licking lessons from Monique, then she had to practice on everyone else there except the kids. I think she's desperate for cock right now, aren't you, Regina?"    


"Yes, sir. Very much so."    


"I'll turn Robert loose on her when we get back to your house. He hasn't fucked anyone all day."    


"It's a long drive," I said.    


"Oh, we flew," Bill said. "I'm thinking thirty minutes in the air once we reach the heliport."    


"I worked late tonight, so I should be able to leave here early tomorrow and get home before the poker game starts."    


"I can send the helo for you if you want?"    


"No thanks. Save it for some time when I need it. It's possible Lucia will deliver next week and I'll need a fast way to get here."    


Bill smiled. "Done. Take care of my slave one more night and I'll see you tomorrow."    


"You got it. Give mine a kiss from me."    


"I will. Goodbye, Evelyn, Marcia. Have a nice time."    


"Thank you, Master." "Goodnight, Bill." Followed him out the door.    


Evelyn took her clothes off, climbing into bed, kissing first me, a Master, then Marcia, free or a slave, depending on the day of the week and the presence of her Master. Evelyn slid down her body, going for her pussy and finding it quickly.    


"Fuck!" Marcia moaned. "What the hell. Sam and Chantelle are gone until Wednesday. So what if I don't get a ton of sleep tonight. I can sleep all fucking weekend."    


Evelyn looked up Marcia, her face already glistening from Marcia's juices, smiling, then diving in for a soupy repast. I just watched until my cock got hard again, then sliding into Evelyn's box, fucking her to three orgasms, switching to Marcia once more and fucking her to several more before emptying in Evelyn again, Marcia cleaning up after us.    


I set my alarm while Marcia dressed. Her panties were still soaking. She had to put her jeans on without them.    


"Good thing it's a short drive to my house," Marcia muttered, "or I'd rub my cunt raw. It's all your fault, Scott."    


"But think how much fun you had first." I smiled as winsomely as I could.    


"True," she grinned. "I guess I'll forgive you. Goodnight boys and girls."    


"Good night, Marcia, and thanks for stopping by."    


"Goodnight, Marcia. Thanks for interrupting your beauty sleep for me."    


"It was mostly for me, Evelyn. I needed another quick fucking. Ta ta." She closed the door firmly behind her.    


Evelyn snuggled against me. "What did you guys do, Master?"    


"I'll tell you on the drive home tomorrow. It will give us something to talk about."    


"Please bring me with you to work tomorrow, sir."    


"Fine, since we'll be leaving at three anyway. Do you still have fresh batteries for your vibrators?"    


"Yes, Master."    


"Good night, Evelyn."    


"Good night, sir."    


She kissed me, and both of us were soon sleeping.    


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