Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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I didn't let Evelyn go with me to work the next day, either. I wanted to concentrate on Bill's house, not his wife. After I fucked her that morning, we had breakfast at the usual place. The harridan was working, but she stayed far away from me. Bringing her back to the room, I told her to use the pool or take a Lyft to go shopping or to a movie. When I got back, we'd go to Brianna's for supper. Chantelle was gone, but it wasn't as though they still didn't have food prepared.    


I worked hard all day, skipping lunch again. I was happy with the progress we were making. Nevertheless, I hurried back to the motel, knowing what awaited me there. Evelyn was naked, in bed. She wanted to fuck before we left, but I told her she had to wait and since we were going to Brianna's she could expect to receive all of her missed spankings, one hundred at the moment. I told her if she wasn't ready to go in ten minutes, it might be more. She was to take all of her things since she was spending the night at Brianna's. Fortunately for her, she was a quick packer and we walked out the door in eleven.    


At Brianna's, I greeted Dawn, Zoe and Cindy with a kiss when I got there. I'd made a lot of wonderful memories with each of them.    


"Oh, shit," Dawn said, seeing Evelyn. "I thought you might need a little cunt, but I see you already have some."    


"Where's Lucia," I said.    


"Resting," Zoe replied. "I think she's due to pop any day now. Sit down and eat, and we'll visit her later."    


Going to the dining room, we had a nice meal, chatting with our friends. Marcia joined us around 6:30. She kissed me before she sat down to eat.    


"I hope you saved something for me, cowboy."    


"I haven't fucked anyone since before breakfast, if you're not referring to food."    


"Definitely not referring to food.    


"Oh, no, another cunt," Dawn said. "You were my one source of cock and instead of spreading it around, you pick two people who already have cocks. It's not fair."    


"But I'd owe Brianna for your use, Dawn, having to give up my slaves for fucking you. William is already fucking my slaves, so he gave me Evelyn in trade. I don't know what I'll owe Sam for Marcia. I never discussed it with him. She was just supposed to release Evelyn from the bed. Instead, she spent most of the day and half the night."    


"I had to beat Dawn to it," Marcia said. "It takes an early bird to get the worm."    


"He's got a nice worm too, doesn't he?" Dawn said.    


"I've been amused by it," Marcia laughed.    


Zoe slid me a packet of papers. "This arrived for you today, from Thornhill's business manager."    


"He's thinking of buying a piece of Julia's and Lisa's furniture business. This is his proposal. As my lawyer, I suppose I should have you look at it." I pushed the papers back.    


"Really? I wouldn't think it would be big enough to interest Bill." She started glancing at the documents.    


"He plans to make it bigger, apparently. I have to admit the markup is pretty high on bondage furniture. It could bring in oodles of money if you sell enough of it. The girls were doing great with it, thought they might have to expand anyway. This would obviate that."    


"How long are you going to be here? I'll read it over and give you an opinion."    


I looked at Evelyn and Marcia. "I'm hoping for around eleven," I said hopefully.    


"Eleven works for me," Marcia said.    


"All night works for me," Evelyn said.    


"I don't want to exhaust you before Bill comes tomorrow. You should be ready to jump him."    


"I'm always ready to jump him."    


After supper, Dawn and Zoe led me to Lucia's room. She was lying in her room, her belly swollen with my child.    


"Buenas noches, Lucia. Como esta usted?"    


"Wonderful, Scott. Give me a kiss, señor."    


I leaned down and kissed her forehead. She pulled me down for a kiss on her lips. I rested my hand on her stomach. I could feel the baby moving.    


"When's the doctor saying the baby is coming?" I asked.    


"She thinks early next week. Will you be here?"    


"Let me know when your labor starts and I'll drop everything to be by your side. I don't even need classes. It was just five months since Lucas was born. I haven't forgotten anything."    


"I don't know how many they'll allow in the delivery room. Brianna will be there of course. Probably Monique. I don't know for sure."    


"I'll be close, regardless."    


"Thank you."    


"Get some rest."    


"It's all I've been doing. I hate it. I can't remember the last time I've had a good orgasm."    


"All these women and you haven't had an orgasm?"    


"It's all, 'Not too much excitement, Lucia. You don't want to raise your heart rate or your blood pressure'. What's a girl to do?" She smiled. "Sometimes I think doctors don't know anything. What's a sex slave without orgasms?"    


"Just a pregnant girl, I guess."    


"I hope the next one isn't as much trouble as this one was."    


"You definitely want another?"    


"At least one more," Lucia said. "You want to provide stud services again? The last time went well."    


"I always told you, you could ask me for anything. Anything includes fucking."    


"I don't suppose you mean right now?"    


"Probably not." I patted her tummy. "No excitement."    


"He's got Evelyn and Marcia on the hook," Dawn said. "We're out of luck sister."    


"Replaced by thinner, more beautiful women. How quickly the fat are forgotten," Lucia said, a hand over her brow, winking at me.    


I kissed her again, the lips this time. "You're always beautiful to me."    


"Fine, go fuck Evelyn and Marcia. Tell them to have an orgasm for me."    



"Will do. Should they mail it or hand deliver it?"    


"Hand delivery would do nicely. Mouth delivery would be better."    


"Good night, Lucia. Sleep well."    


Marcia was finishing up her meal when I went back to the dining room. I collected them both and we went to Sam's house. Marcia led us to her room.    


"I don't know," I said, "it might feel weird fucking Sam's wife in Sam's bed."    


"He fucked your wife on our bed. Your paramour too. So did I, for that matter. It's the bigger bed. If Sam is giving you his wife, he doesn't give a shit about letting you use the bed too. It's silly."    


"Theoretically; if we use our guest room," Evelyn said, "you'd be fucking Bill's wife on Bill's bed. We've spent half of the last six months here."    


"And also theoretically, that bed is still Sam's bed. We bought it."    


I laughed. "You got me on that one. Maybe I'll just put you in the stocks and fuck you there. Skip the beds altogether."    


"I could do that," Marcia said. "At least the first time. May not want to stay there until eleven though."    


"I do owe you one hundred spanks," I told Evelyn. "We could definitely start in the stocks with you."    


"Why so many?" Marcia asked.    


"Don't want to spank her in a motel with flimsy walls. All I need is a concerned neighbor making a spousal abuse call. So now we're up to two days worth."    


"Definitely don't want that," Marcia said. "I can see the headlines now. 'Billionaire's wife found in assignation in motel room with man building his house'. Don't want to have to live that one down."    


I was setting up the stocks for Evelyn. "Definitely not." My cock was already getting hard in anticipation. I called her over and securely fastened her in.    


"You'll notice I put her head at bed level, Marcia. If you want Evelyn to lick you while she's undergoing her spanking, just park your pussy in front of her face."    


"Mmm. Don't mind if I do."    


Marcia climbed on the bed and scooted down so her folds were opposite Evelyn's face. Evelyn began licking immediately. I asked where Sam kept a paddle. Marcia said," The bedside drawer." I actually found an assortment of spanking instruments, but since I was used to The Enforcer, I picked it.    


"I'm going to use The Enforcer for half and my hand for the other half," I said. "Since it's so many, I'm going to give you a couple orgasms before we start. You have my permission to cum. Wriggle your ass if you understand."    


Evelyn wiggled seductively. The signs of her arousal were already apparent, puffy pubic lips, flowering inner labia, fluids glistening. Women were the most amazing creatures; endlessly fascinating. I started with my fingers, two, inserting them into her vaginal channel, easily sliding into the molten cavern, drawing a quick moan.    


My fingers were quickly soaked in her juices, slimy slickness. I curled them down to rub against her g-spot, drawing a deeper, throatier moan, almost a purr. She spread her legs wider, making it easier to thrust them in and out of the wetness. In just a couple minutes, she had her first orgasm, mewling against Marcia's cunt. Marcia had cum once already, and looked close to another. Her legs and abs were twitching. I switched to the handle of The Enforcer and used that to give Evelyn her second orgasm, cumming even faster. Starting to spank her, I went lightly to begin, though the way she thrust her bottom out to meet the paddle made me suspect she wanted it harder. I obliged her. She started to groan enticingly as her bottom heated up, glowing a rosy red.    


"Master," she whimpered, "please let me cum."    


"You may cum as much as you can," I told her, not wanting to mess with any endorphins she might require.    


Her cleft and rosebud began clenching as waves of pleasure flowed through her. When I finished the first fifty, I placed my cock at the entrance to her cunt and pushed in. She spasmed again. Evelyn climaxed twice more, before I pulled out. Didn't want to burn myself out too quickly. The second fifty were applied with my hand to feel the exquisite sensitivity and heat of her buttocks. I moved around as I knew how sensitive they'd feel now, applying some to her cheeks and others to the backs of her thighs, including the crease between leg and ass. Evelyn groaned and flinched with each swat, yet I could tell when she climaxed again. Liquid running down the inside of her leg.    


Marcia's cunt was a mess. Evelyn hadn't been able to keep up with the fluids leaking from her, especially as her head and neck were locked into place and she had limited movement. Mostly, Evelyn could reach the top of Marcia's cleft or her clit unless Marcia lifted her hips to give her access to her actual fluid filled sheath. From what I could see, Evelyn's face was equally messy. I finished and slammed back into Evelyn's cunt. In five more strokes, she whimpered into another orgasm, her pussy clinging to my prick, refusing to let go. Since no more spankings were applicable, I continued thrusting right up until I unloaded a stream of cum in her steamy pussy.    


She was extremely messy now, so I knelt behind her and started licking. Up her legs, around her pussy, finally the cunt itself, finishing with her clit so she could have a couple more orgasms, cleaning up after those as well. She looked like she wanted nothing more than to lie down her legs wanting to go limp. I released her and told her to lie on the bed. Evelyn crawled into the bed and closed her eyes.    


"How are you doing, Marcia?" I asked.    


"Not bad. I could still use a nice hard cock."    


I pointed to my currently limp member, still slimed from Evelyn's cunt and my cum.    


"I'm sure you don't need to be told what to do."    


She laughed. "Not hardly." She lay down on her back, putting her head over the edge. "Bring it here."    


I let her clean it for me and when I felt myself stirring in her talented mouth, I pulled out and pushed her another three feet further on the bed, so I could get in a sixty-nine with her, tasting her delicious cunt while she worked me back to full hardness. I cleaned up a little more than Evelyn had been able to. Marcia climaxed quickly, maybe the most orgasmic woman I knew, rivaled only by Julia in my experience. She orgasmed twice more before I was hard enough to fuck her.    


Getting out of my sixty-nine and freeing her mouth, Marcia said, "I haven't had a good spanking in about three weeks. Would you be willing to give me one?"    


"Let me see," holding my hands out on either side of my body about chest high, "on the one hand, my right hand is sore from Evelyn's spanking." I lowered my left hand and raised my right like a balance. "On the other hand, I'd be spanking the most perfect ass I know." My hands went the other way. "It seems a little Dominant/submissive right now and you aren't wearing your collar at the moment." They switched again.    


"I don't have to be in slave mode to want a spanking. I get them at other times," Marcia said, laughing.    


"All too true. But it would normally be your husband providing it." My hands moved again, though not quite level.    


She got on her hands and knees, aiming said ass directly at me. "Need I remind you, it is this ass."    


My hand shot all the way up. "Fuck it. Let's spank that ass. Get it over my lap." Marcia laughed. "How many?"    


"You can give me fifty."    


I sat on the bed and she arranged herself over my lap, legs to my right, head left, my cock trapped under her hips, aching to be free. I stroked those perfect globes.    


"Beautiful," I murmured. "Spread your legs a little more so I can see your cunt."    


Marcia spread them apart, one leg on the bed, the other on the floor. Evelyn had rested sufficiently she came closer to watch. I put a couple fingers from my right hand in her, stroking in and out. My left I left on her buns, rubbing them around the smooth surfaces of her cheeks. Marcia moaned, spreading her legs slightly further apart.    


"I don't feel no spanking happening," she whimpered.    


"Good things happen to those who wait," I replied.    


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