Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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C106 106



Regina was awake and sucking her Master's cock before anyone else was, swallowing his cum when he climaxed. She immediately climbed over his lap without being told, waiting for her spanking. When he started to give it to her without the usual mantra's attached, she asked him to continue reminding her to be a better person, so he once again punctuated her spanking with maxims to be a better person, not necessarily a better slave. She kissed him after, then rushed to the kitchen to start working on breakfast.    


I looked at Bill. "She's like a completely different person."    


"I, for one, am not going to look a gift horse in the mouth," Lisa said. "I could use some help in the kitchen and I wouldn't mind having my cunt licked either."    


"I can help you with the latter," Bill said, "but I'm hopeless in the kitchen."    


Lisa lay down with her legs open. "I'm waiting, Master, since you can't fuck my cunt, the least you can do is lick it."    


"Fine, I'll help her in the kitchen," I said. I left the two of them to their own devices.    


I hugged Regina and started helping with breakfast. "If you have enough eggs," Regina said, "I have a great recipe for omelets."    


"We have two dozen; will that be sufficient?"    


"I'll make three egg omelets for the two men, two eggers for us slaves."    


We cut up mushrooms, celery, tomatoes, cheese, onions and bacon after frying it. She stirred all the ingredients with eggs in a large bowl, got a sauté pan and using a ladle, put the ingredients in and started cooking, folding it on both sides to the middle.    


"I'm leaving them a little underdone so we can microwave them when people start showing up for breakfast. One minute on high."    


Robert was the first to show up. He was the only one not yet in the habit of going naked, though he was dressed in shorts only. Since one was almost ready, Regina cooked it through and set his plate down in front of him. He ran his hand up her leg when she did and stroked her pussy.    


"I'm busy cooking, sir, but if Master gives me permission, I'll be happy to take care of you later."    


He smacked her still red bottom. "Sounds great."    


Lisa and Bill showed up a few minutes later. Bill's face was still covered in Lisa's fluids, so Regina gave him a damp paper towel when he sat down. Another omelet was ready so she gave him one, while I microwaved Lisa's and mine. Regina did her own last. The rest she put in the fridge to make Rhonda's when she got back from work.    


"Master, Robert seemed interested in using your slave after breakfast. May I have your permission to serve him after I've fed Rhonda, and may I please cum if he fucks me?"    


"You have permission for both."    


Lisa and I looked at each other. This was a far cry from the Regina we'd come to know.    


"Thank you, sir."    


We'd eaten breakfast and started to clean up when Sean and Shasta arrived.    


Before Shasta had a chance to say anything, Regina was kneeling at her feet. "Mistress, would you like your cunt licked?"    


"Thank you," Shasta said. "I believe I would enjoy that."    


As soon as Shasta removed her clothing, Regina had her sit down, and was licking away.    


"By the way," Shasta said, moaning, "Sean has the website ready to go except for the photos and videos we intend to take this weekend."    


"If we decide to go through with the sale to Master Bill, he may need some other things added. Links to Brianna's and perhaps his other companies, addresses and phone numbers. He'll need to take a look at it."    


Shasta started to moan through her first orgasm. "Whenever he wants to look, it's ready," she panted. "I don't know much about web sites, but it looks nice to me.    


Regina gave her two more orgasms before asking, "Would you like me to continue licking, Mistress."    


"No, thank you. We need to get to work soon."    


"Would you like me to take care of your slave?" Regina asked.    


"He doesn't have time either. He can wait for his cum break."    


"Yes, Mistress. Master, if you don't need me at the moment, I can serve Robert now."    


"No, I'm good for the moment."    


"Robert where and how would you like to use me?" Regina asked.    


"Now, here, use your mouth."    


Without another word, Regina was kneeling in front of him, releasing his cock from his shorts and sucking him off. She was still working on him when the others arrived. As soon as they were undressed, Shasta was ordering us to get to work. While we started, I told Reneé that we'd like to invite Jerry and her for dinner tonight, it was time for them to both try out the new slave girl.    


"Master will be pleased to see how Regina has progressed under Bill's direction. I'll call him to make sure, but I believe you may expect us tonight."    


"I believe Bill intends on ordering Thai food tonight if Marcus is available to deliver."    


Reneé laughed. "The one who fucked you with Master just before your ceremony?"    


"The very same."    


"I have a feeling Regina will be very full tonight."    


"I do too. You and I may have some time on our hands."    


"We'll find a good use for it," she said, smiling.    


"We always do."    


When Lucas started to cry, it was Lisa's turn to take care of it. When she was back within five minutes, without him, I asked where he was.    


"Regina said she'd take care of him today. Master William is helping her."    


My eyebrows went up. "I know," Lisa said, "I'm as surprised as you are."    


"Bill already told me he didn't do dirty diapers," I said. "I only showed Regina once. I hope she knows what she's doing."    


Regina came down for our cum break, bringing salads for everyone, asking Shasta who was first. Shasta said, "Sean," removing his cock cage and Regina was sucking his cock the second it came off. Shasta didn't give Sean permission to cum for fifteen minutes, so Sean flooded her mouth. All she did was swallow, lick him clean and say "next". She was getting better and better and recognized when an orgasm should be done quickly and when she should take her time. Her face was a mess when she was done, but she waited for Shasta's permission to wash it off, leaving when she was told she was done.    


Charlotte, Melanie and Alice didn't really know Regina, so none of her new behavior was strange to them, but the rest of us were wondering if she'd been replaced by a good twin or doppelgänger. She came down a couple hours later with some iced tea for anyone who wanted some.    


When we finished work and went upstairs, William was rocking Lucas while Regina sucked his cock. She continued to do so while everyone else watched her bring him to a groaning orgasm. I took Lucas while Regina cleaned her Master, an easy task as she hadn't let a single drop escape. Reneé stayed as her Master was meeting her here. Since it was after work, Regina offered anyone else an orgasm if they wanted one. Shasta and Sean left and Melanie declined, but all the other women were happy to receive another one. She did Charlotte and Alice first as they had to leave and go the farthest. Janet was next door, so she got the next one and the rest of us were staying, so we all went last.    



As soon as Jerry arrived, Regina was offering him a blow job. As soon as he stripped, she led him to one of the easy chairs. He sat down and Regina proceeded to give him one of the nice, slow, seductive blow jobs. Reneé stood beside his chair and kissed her Master while Regina worked over his cock. It must have been a very good sucking, as Jerry arched his hips off the chair and into her mouth as he started to cum, groaning loudly.    


"I've got to say, Bill. I didn't expect Regina to be so accomplished so quickly. That was a damn fine suck job, slave."    


"Thank you, Master," Regina said, smiling at the praise.    


Nope, not the same Regina at all. It's like a switch had been flipped. I wondered if it was some kind of scam, though to what end, I hadn't a clue.    


A Master's immediate needs taken care of, we got Robert from the patio and looked at the online menu for the Thai food joint and picked out a wide selection of food. Bill made the call for the food, asking first if Marcus was working. He was and Bill asked what time he got off. It wasn't until eleven PM and we certainly weren't going to wait that late to order food, but Bill was more flexible. He simply offered an additional five hundred dollars if we could take Marcus out of delivery circulation for awhile. The restaurant was curious as to why. Bill told them some friends of Marcus were visiting from out of town only for the day and wanted to spend a little time with him before they had to leave. For five hundred, they were fine to lose him for 90 minutes or so. It also helped we were buying food for eight people in addition. I don't know what they normally made on their take out business for a weekday night, but Bill was paying $700 for our little soiree. The food was to be delivered at seven.    


"Regina, the delivery driver's name is Marcus," I said. "You're going to be the tip for him as you were at the restaurant on Saturday. You're to offer him his choice of holes. Jerry and Robert will take the other two at the same time. You're going to be airtight. Have you ever been airtight before?"    


"No, Domina."    


"Good, a first for you. Since Marcus can stay awhile, you'll have time to get fucked twice while he's here. The second time may not be a triple penetration. That will up to the others, including your Master, not you. Just do as you're told and be the most pleasing slave you can be."    


"Yes, Domina. Will I have to clean the cocks who use me?"    


"Only the ones from your mouth and cunt. We'll make sure the one who uses your ass is washed as you haven't been cleansed as you were yesterday. You will be required to help get them ready to fuck you again."    


"Yes. Thank you, Domina."    


"Since we have some time before Marcus gets here, why don't you thank Reneé for her allowing you to suck her Master. There's no rush. You can take your time in thanking her. Reneé, why don't you take a seat in your Master's lap and spread your legs for the new slave."    


Reneé immediately took a seat with Jerry and spread her legs for Regina. Jerry was able to play with Reneé's breasts as Regina applied her mouth and tongue to the slave's slit.    


"Rhonda, since you find Master William to be cunt worthy, he's going to fuck your lovely black cunt tonight while Regina is airtight. Make sure William is ready for you by the time Marcus arrives."    


"Yes, Domina."    


"Lisa, while I take care of Lucas, who seems to be hungry right now, I leave you the task of ensuring Robert is ready to fuck Regina when the food arrives. I've gotten to enjoy Robert's fucking twice while he's been here. I know your cunt is off limits, but you might want to enjoy him fucking your ass sometime this evening. I believe you'll find him a nice lover." I kissed her. "My gift to you."    


I went to get Lucas. I put him to my breast and returned to the living room. Rhonda and Lisa were seated on Bill's and Robert's laps respectively, They were kissing and the men were fondling the naked slaves. They wouldn't have any trouble having erections by the time Marcus arrived. At some point, Jerry got another erection and he'd set Reneé over it, so he could enjoy the tightness of her sheath and her tremors as she orgasmed. I don't know how many times Reneé orgasmed, but it was a lot and she was squirming again when the doorbell rang.    


"That's your signal, slave. Don't wipe your face before you open the door."    


"Yes, Domina."    


Regina went to the door and Marcus came in, carrying three plastic bags of food. He recognized the three slaves who lived here and Jerry and Reneé from the last time he'd been here, but Bill, Robert and Regina were all new to him.    


"Is your Master in LA still," he asked me.    


"Again," I replied, smiling. "We have a new slave who wishes to offer you your tip."    


Recognizing her clue, Regina said, "I'm to be your tip, sir. You're to choose any hole you wish to fuck. Two other men will be filling the other two."    


Lisa took the food and brought it to the dining room. Marcus walked around the new slave, inspecting her, his hands moving over her body as he looked. When he touched something sensitive, Regina shivered, but otherwise remained still for his examination.    


"Is she as good at sucking as you are?" Marcus asked me again.    


"I helped train her," I replied.    


"Not many women can suck my dick, so that's always a special treat," Marcus said.    


"Bill arranged for you to stay for over about 90 minutes tonight," I said. "You have the time not to be limited to just one hole."    


"In that case, I'd like to fuck her cunt. I love the way women cum on my cock."    


"We love the way we cum on your cock as well," I said. "Would you like to adjourn to the bedroom again?"    


"Yeah, great. Especially if she's going to be fucking three of us. Which ones?"    


"Jerry you recognize from a couple weeks ago, will fuck her ass. We want her to be stuffed with as much cock as possible. Robert, the one sitting with Lisa, will take her mouth."    


"Lead the way, darlin'," Marcus said, taking Regina's hand.    


Regina led him to the bedroom. The rest of us followed. Marcus removed his clothes dropping them on the floor. He climbed onto the bed, already hard. He must get hard just hearing what house he was delivering to now. Regina was already soaking wet from her previous activities and had no problem sinking over his cock despite his size. Jerry was going to make a damn tight fit when he entered her ass. I handed Jerry some lube though his cock was still wet from Reneé's pussy, since it would be crowded in there. He spread some thoroughly around and in her rosebud while Lisa spread some over his cock. I was still feeding Lucas, so really couldn't participate, which was a damn shame considering all the cock here at the moment.    


Jerry pushed slowly into Regina's bottom and she started moaning and pretty much didn't stop, even after Robert plugged her mouth. It just came from deeper in her throat. The three men started fucking her and Regina was climaxing within moments. Bill had Rhonda lie down on the foot of the bed and he began preparing her by licking her cunt. Rhonda was as randy a slave as the rest of us were so it didn't take long for her to cum a couple times. Bill lay down on his back and let Rhonda mount him so she could go at her own pace. Reneé directed Lisa to sit in one of the chairs in our bedroom. She knelt down and started licking Lisa. I sat down in the other chair.    


Both of the slaves were doing well, cumming often, Regina more frequently. Rhonda was leaning on her hands, propped on Bill's chest, riding him slowly, taking her time. His hands would rub her bottom, her hips and waist, palm her breasts and thumb her nipples as she rode, keeping his hands moving, stroking other erogenous zones.    


The men in Regina started pumping faster and making sounds presaging their orgasms, so I got up for a warm wet washcloth to clean Jerry off when he finished. Robert was the first to cum, driving deep down Regina's throat. I doubted she tasted a single drop of his cum until he had to pull out enough to let her breathe. Marcus was the second one to cum, his cock pulsing his load far up Regina's slave cunt. Jerry, who'd cum more recently than either of the others, was able to keep going past the other two, and I think his thrusting helped keep Marcus harder than normal after a climax. Regina orgasmed two more times on the two big pricks before Jerry grunted and froze, pumping his load up Regina's stretched rectum.    


Bill's previous sexual activity today and the slow pace of Rhonda's ride made him last longer than the other three. His throaty groans the last to fill the room. Jerry pulled out, and Marcus's started to slither out, finally shrinking. I helped Jerry clean his cock, while Regina started in on Marcus and Rhonda took care of Bill. Lisa and Reneé cleaned the two women, Lisa on her sister slave.    


William said, "A little supper now. Marcus feel free to join us. We ordered a lot."    


"Thanks. Don't mind if I do."    


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