Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C109 109

C109 109



It was pretty much a normal day without Master as Bill and Regina were gone. Lisa, Rhonda and I spent much of the evening exercising with perhaps an hour of fooling around. Rhonda left for work at 11:15. William, Robert and Regina all arrived around 11:30, Regina stripping as soon as she was through our door. Bill told Regina to go with Robert and do whatever he wished for the night. Since Robert was already sporting an erection, I assumed it meant she would spend at least part of the night fucking. Robert herded her up the stairs, pinching and patting her buttocks as she went. She turned her head to smile back at him. Was it an eagerness to be fucked?    


We took Bill to the bedroom and helped undress him.    


"Did you have a good time with Evelyn today, sir?" Lisa asked, removing his shoes.    


"I had a very good time with Evelyn. She was quite attentive. I love my slave."    


"Slaves definitely miss their Masters," I said. "It's very pleasant having someone else available for sex, but there is only one Master. Do I assume you're drained tonight and won't be needing us?" I pulled his shirt off, then unbuckled his pants. His penis remained flaccid.    


"I believe I should put something in reserve for the next few days. Tomorrow night promises to be very busy."    


"We understand, sir. Poker nights frequently are," Lisa said. "We exercised quite hard tonight as we were alone. We're quite tired ourselves."    


"Although we're always available if you should need us, Master" I pointed out. "Would you like a quick shower?"    


"That would be nice."    


"Lisa will help wash you, sir. I'll put your clothes away."    


Bill was back in ten minutes, so even soapy hands hadn't gotten him interested in sex. We all went to sleep.    




Regina was sucking her Master's cock when we woke up Friday morning. She didn't stop until she collected his seed. I was proud to see how well she was doing, as I'd helped train her. Regina asked us if we needed her attentions. Never ones to turn down sex, both Lisa and I enjoyed an orgasm before we got up. Regina didn't get one until she climaxed during her spanking. When she requested permission to cum, Bill granted it, then finger fucked her to a couple more before finishing her spanking. To my point of view, Regina was behaving more and more like a slave. Cumming during her spanking was certainly an indication of her slave like behavior.    


She was equally attentive to Shasta this morning when she arrived for work. As she licked Shasta's cunt, Shasta stroked her face and hair, calling her a "good girl". She was a very good girl. One more day of slavery, theoretically. Once again, she offered to take care of Lucas while we were working. It allowed Rhonda to have uninterrupted sleep when she got home, very lovely for my slave and much appreciated.    


Regina serviced every cunt and cock when it was time for our cum break, and offered more iced tea at three, the perfect "good girl".    


All three of us slaves were growing our pubic hair back. It was short and itchy, driving me crazy. It made me ache to scratch at my mons. I wanted it all grown in or all gone.    


When work ended, Regina asked for my help cleansing her ass again for her sale tonight. Her sale was for the night and she could not expect her asshole to go unfucked. I wondered who would purchase her. Whoever bought her would get an excellent slave. Master and Evelyn arrived a little after six. I immediately took charge of Evelyn. In order to fulfill Bill's promise to Regina, Evelyn needed to go ass to mouth and she needed to be prepared to do so.    


"Did Marcia show you how to cleanse your ass?" I asked.    


"She did. Do I really have to suck someone's cock after they fuck my ass?"    


"You do. William promised Regina she wouldn't have to do anything you didn't do. She's already done it, so you must do it also or your Master would have lied to her. I promise you, it's not bad once you've been cleansed. Anytime I'm certain someone will be fucking my ass, I do it, but no more than twice a week as I don't want to mess up my body's normal chemistry. I'm cleansing myself tonight too, as I'm hoping Master will fuck my ass after being gone for a week and knowing he has to fuck Lisa's cunt."    


She shuddered, but said she was willing to try. I took care of both of us, then got a butt plug. After lubing it up, I put it in Evelyn's bottom. After twisting it around and fucking it in and out a couple times, I removed it, then showed it to her.    


"See how clean it looks?" I said. "Watch me."    


I stuck it in my mouth and sucked it clean.    


"All I really taste is the lubricant. If someone had just cum in your ass, you'd taste the cum, and that's it. Your imagination is going to mess with you, knowing where the plug has been, but it's really okay. I'm going to stick it back in your ass, then I want you to suck it clean. If you should happen to get sick from the thought of it, we'll do it now, before you've eaten and not in public. I want you to know it's okay."    


She nodded and I did it again. I handed it to her after I removed it. She looked at it closely, sniffed it even, then touched her tongue to it, testing it. So far, nothing to throw her off, so she stuck it in her mouth. She gagged a little, because until you've done it, your mind does mess with you, but noting it tasted fine, she got over it.    


"You're right. It's practically tasteless. Maybe more soap than anything," Evelyn said.    


"We can do another clear water rinse if you still taste a little soap."    


"No, it's fine really. Might be my imagination more than anything, knowing I've soaped my ass a few times."    


"Mine will be the same way, as will Regina's ass. If any one of us gets fucked in the ass, you can suck the cock that comes out of it, or lick the ass it came out of, for tidiness purposes. It's all the same, prick or asshole. Anyone else, they get the wet towel treatment, understand."    


"I guess so."    


"I'll prove it to you. Bend over and spread your cheeks, then relax your sphincter as if your Master was going to fuck your ass."    


Evelyn looked at me, then bent over and using her hands, parted her cheeks. I knelt on the floor behind her, pointed my tongue and speared into her. My tongue could not reach deeply into her fundament, but I swirled my tongue around, showing her I was unafraid of what I might find there. She moaned, spreading her bottom wider, to create more access for my mouth and lips. I gave her another ten seconds, the smacked her bottom with my hand and stood up. Then I kissed her, pushing my tongue into her mouth and fencing with hers, holding her close. I leaned back with her head in my hands.    


"To the best of my knowledge, your Master is only going to sell your three holes tonight, and not you for the entire night. He wants you himself. Just clean up as you normally would for anyone who buys your cunt or ass. When your Master takes you tonight, you can suck his cock after he fucks your ass. He missed you a great deal."    


"I missed him too."    


"My Master pleased you?"    


"He pleased me a lot. He's very fun to fuck and I enjoyed his imagination. Marcia, your Master and I talked a great deal about being pleasing to slaves and Masters. I think you'll be happy with what he has planned."    


"I'm always pleased with what he has planned."    


"Even more happy. I was excited just thinking about it."    


I kissed her. "The game may have already started. We need to get out there and do our part."    


She nodded.    


As I expected, the game had begun. Regina was under the table at the moment, sucking Ed's cock.    


"I don't know what the hell you did with her while you had her, but Regina's a much better cock sucker now," Ed said.    


"A much better cunt licker, too," Lisa said, dealing the cards.    


She didn't drain Ed before his two minutes were up, but she left him with a substantial erection. Evelyn and I started serving food and drinks along with Sandy and Reneé. Lisa was playing and Rhonda was watching Lucas, who was awake and hungry. From what I could see, Bill was already ahead and without the competition provided my Regina, might not be overtaken, unless he wanted to give it away. Lisa, Dan and Rob were all down. Master, Jerry and Chen looked to be roughly even, Ed might be slightly up with the pot he just won.    


Lisa won the game after Ed and when Regina had to lick her, both Ed and Rob stopped the game to watch Regina pleasure Lisa. Lisa climaxed, being a slave slut like me, and both men admired and laughed about the girl cum on Regina's face. They asked Bill if she could leave it on her face and he ordered her to leave it on.    


We had apparently missed the first twenty minutes of the game, as ten minutes after we arrived, Regina was released and Evelyn sent under the table to serve. While Evelyn served, Bill had Regina masturbate beside the table the whole time. If someone called her closer, she had to move nearer to them and give them a private show. I thought Regina would be more upset in doing so, frigging herself in front of everyone she knew. If she was upset, she didn't show it, calmly stroking her pussy in front of anyone who asked. She climaxed ten times in thirty minutes. Evelyn ended up sucking my Master, her Master; who climaxed in her mouth, Ed; also climaxing, Chen, Dan, Rob, and finally Chen again, who also climaxed.    


I was prepared to go under the table next, but Reneé was sent instead. We'd missed the game where Jerry allowed Reneé be auctioned off, but her wedding was in two weeks, and I didn't expect Jerry to auction her again until at least a month after their wedding, if he ever did. Reneé as slave was one thing. Reneé as wife might be another. Who knew how it might go. Dan, Master and Bill were all demonstrating their confidence in the relationship between them and their slaves. Reneé ended up sucking her Master, Chen, Bill, Rob, who climaxed, Bill again, Ed, my Master, hers again, then Bill once more. When she left Bill, he looked like he was ready to cum again and given how often he was winning, I expected the next one to do it.    


Prepared to serve when Reneé was done, I was not the next slave sent. It was Sandy going. It was disappointing. I always enjoyed serving the hard cocks, feeling them pulse as they spattered their thick cum in my mouth or licking a quivering cunt. Sandy sucked her son, who'd been left rampant by Reneé, so he climaxed. It seemed amazing now how little anyone cared. What might have once shocked everyone, barely received notice. She was only a slave carrying out her responsibility to be pleasing to a Master. She also got to do her husband, licked Lisa - who climaxed again - sucked Bill, who also climaxed, Jerry, Ed, and Rob. Her time was up and it was nine and time for a break.    


Everyone who needed to used a bathroom. When Master returned, he kissed me, saying how much he missed me while he was gone.    


"Who is being sold tonight?" I asked, having missed the beginning of the game.    



"Only Regina for the night, and Evelyn's three holes," he said, stroking my breast and tweaking a nipple. I purred, feeling myself liquify. "I realized some things while I was gone. We've never really done what we first discussed when Lisa joined us, and I'd like to make sure we start doing it now."    


"What thing is that?"    


"Taking time with each of you, a date night, where only two people are paying attention to one another and not always as a group. We'll discuss it more later, in bed., when I'm fucking each of you." He kissed me again.    


"Good, I need to cum. I haven't cum since my cum break at lunch. I cleansed my ass too. I know Lisa has to give you her cunt, but I can give you my ass."    


He smacked my bottom. "I can't wait." Nor could I.    


People were coming back to the table. It was my turn to serve. I glanced at the men's cocks. The break had tamed most of the erections. Only Jerry and perhaps, Rob had anything close to an erection. I might not get any cum unless someone won two or more times. The idea I was disappointed I wouldn't get to swallow cum during my turn was so foreign to me. A little more than a year ago, I detested swallowing cum. How much had changed. Not only swallowing Master's cum, but any cum, plus women too. I'd been a sexual neophyte when I began this journey. How many different people I'd now pleasured in one form or another. I was the slave slut I'd dreamed about, yet more deeply in love with my husband than I'd ever been, for allowing me to find my true nature and sharing me with others.    


The game started again around quarter after nine. When they started, it was decided I would be followed by Regina, Evelyn and Reneé, at which time the auction would be held, making an 11:15 auction. My time under the table was relatively even. I sucked or licked everyone but Chen, but only my slave sister climaxed for me, no matter how eagerly I attempted to extract the men's treat. Dan, Bill, and Master caressed my hair, knowing how hard I was working for it.    


Regina, whether she wanted to or not, reaped the benefits of my efforts. Master, Jerry, Ed and Rob all climaxed during her turn. During her turn, Evelyn got to swallow the cum of Lisa, Bill and Chen. Reneé was down to dregs during her final turn, Dan finally cumming, and Lisa again, my sister slut. She never needed more than one effort to make her cum. The end of the game found Ed and Bill with the most money, followed by Jerry and Master. Ed didn't normally do so well and I wondered if Bill hadn't steered a few games his way so he could purchase Regina for the night. Fucking a slave slut would not be the same as fucking Regina before she became a slave.    


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