Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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0We went inside and a receptionist called Ricardo, telling him his next two appointments were here. He was there within a minute. Ricardo was young, under thirty, about 5-10, fairly thin, but with strong legs, and looked whipcord strong. With my heels on, I was taller than he was. He did a double take when he saw Evelyn's and mine outfits. Evelyn was wearing a white dress with triangular panels over her breasts. It had a slit on the side which went up her hip to crotch level. Master was introducing us. As I shook his hand, Master turned on the vibrator in my pussy, and I practically fell into Ricardo when it went off. I turned to glare at him, but he smiled and changed the pattern, making me flinch again.    


"Mrs. Thornhill; I understand you're my first student."    


"Yes, Ricardo. I understand you'll be working with me on the tango tonight. My husband and friend will be observing the lesson if it's okay. She's your next student."    


"No problem," he said. "Follow me and we'll get started on some basic steps for the tango."    


Master gave Bill his remote and went with Regina to the main ballroom. Bill turned off the vibrator, thankfully, though I could already feel liquid start to trickle down my leg. I was already aroused, thinking I might be dancing nude. Even with the dress I had on, I would be practically naked in Ricardo's arms. He brought us to a door, opened it for us to precede him. We went in and I saw it was a room without windows. I closed my eyes and shivered.    


"It's probably for the best," Bill whispered to Evelyn and I. "Otherwise your dresses might be ruined when you drip cum all over them."    


Bill wasn't wrong. As soon as the door was closed, Bill pulled Ricardo aside and spoke to him for three or four minutes. Ricardo got a surprised look on his face and he looked at both of the us and smiled. He nodded in response to what Bill told him and locked the door as Bill turned to us and told us to strip. Bill took our clothes and carefully laid them over a chair. Ricardo took note of our vaginal slave jewelry dangling between our legs. His face lit up like a Christmas tree. I was so fucking hot and blushing like a school girl as his eyes moved over us. I'd nearly forgotten I knew how to blush. He took Evelyn's hand, moved over to a portable stereo and turned on some tango music.    


Bill pulled out a metal folding chair and told me to have a seat as Ricardo and Evelyn started their lesson. William stood behind me playing with and caressing my breasts as we watched them dance. I could tell Ricardo had an erection within five minutes of the start of the instruction. Evelyn's cunt glistened with her fluids, as mine probably was. As we watched them dance, Bill would occasionally turn our vibrators off and on. Between watching them dance, Bill's hands caressing me and the vibrator, I was wound up tighter than a drum.    


Bill kept a close eye on me and often turned it off before I could cum and I'd be crossing and uncrossing my legs attempting to reach completion, though I only orgasmed once about midway through Evelyn's lesson, moaning loud enough for Ricardo to look at me. William was doing the same to Evelyn, though he had less control of her orgasms. I suspected she climaxed at least four or five times from the way she'd sometimes misstepped, or faltered. It might have been more, considering she had a clitoral hood piercing as well. Movement made it worse and she was moving like crazy on the dance floor.    


The tango, whether it was how it was normally danced, or Ricardo's version of it due to the circumstances of our nudity, consisted of a lot of very close dancing, with Evelyn's body very close to or touching Ricardo. His hands were sometimes on her back, or just above her buttocks, or sliding down an arm. Her nipples were stiff pegs and frequently brushing against his shirt, a silky fabric. A few times, she'd lift her leg and Ricardo would have his hand on her thigh holding it up, inches away from her sex. I'm sure he could feel the heat rising off her cunt and the wetness on her thigh from her leakage. I imagined his hands on me as he gave me lessons and shivered again.    


After they'd been dancing for forty minutes or so, Bill moved in front of me and ordered me to give him a blow job. Bill hid me from the two dancers as he hid them from me, but any half blind person could tell what I was doing.    


It didn't take long. Bill was as aroused as I was by his wife's nude dancing. He grunted, sending a flood of cum into my mouth. I finished cleaning him up and tucked him away. When Bill moved around behind me again, they were both half watching me. Evelyn was smiling and Ricardo was amazed. I'd just sucked his dance partner's husband's prick.    


When the lesson was over, Evelyn had a sheen of sweat and was breathing heavily, not all from the dancing, I was sure. Bill kissed both of us and unlocked the door, slipping out quickly. Master quickly joined us locking the door again behind him. He had a towel in his hand. He handed the towel to Evelyn and told her she could dry off. He called me to him and I immediately joined him, kneeling as I did. Once again, we surprised Ricardo.    


"Ricardo," Master said, "my friend told me you might be feeling a little uncomfortable after dancing with a naked slave girl for an hour. I don't want you to suffer needlessly. Before you start your next lesson, why don't you let my slave relieve you."    


"Huh?" He didn't know what to make of Master's statement. I knew what Master wanted.    


"My Master wants you to know that I can suck your cock and give you a release before my lesson starts."    


He looked at me like I'd somehow misplaced my marbles, then looked at Master as if he expected him to jump in and tell him he'd misheard me.    


"My slave is right. You may get a blow job now. You may want to remove your clothes, in fact. I'd expect you'll get another erection before her lesson is over and if you do, you may fuck her to relieve it."    


Ricardo still didn't seem to realize what was being offered or didn't comprehend how far we were willing to go.    


"I'm willing to do it if you wish," I said, "but if you're gay or would otherwise prefer me not to, I'll understand. Would you like me to begin?"    


I pointed to the erection bulging his tight pants. He finally nodded and I pulled down his zipper, releasing his stiff prick from his pants. I didn't waste time seducing him. He'd been hard for at least forty-five minutes, so I took care of it as fast as I could, which was suitably fast. Master was holding Evelyn and kissing her while he stroked her. Ricardo quickly realized no one was screaming rape or giving him any problems, so he put his hands on my head and began fucking my face. I opened my throat for him and let him use me. Master turned on my vibrator and let it run. In just a few minutes, he groaned and his hot, salty sperm was squirting over my tongue. I'd cum twice waiting for his reward.    


When he was done, I started unbuttoning his shirt. He looked at Master, but let me. I had him sit down so I could remove his shoes, then his pants.    


"Do you need your shoes for dancing," I asked, "or will your bare feet suffice?"    


"I'll need my shoes," he said.    


I helped put them back on.    


His cock was already showing signs of revival. I suspected I'd get a nice fucking out of this. He turned on the music and led me to the middle of the dance floor. We started my lesson.    


Ricardo was a good instructor. I was catching on to the steps fairly easily. Since we were both naked, I remained conscious of his cock. I was often rubbing against it, or in some particular step, my face might even be fairly close to it. I could see an occasional drop of pre-cum on the tip. Master was using the vibrator often; on, then off again. I tried to ignore it as much as I could, concentrating on learning the steps, but I couldn't always. During one intense orgasm, I was moaning quite loudly.    


"Are you cumming?" He whispered, his lips close to my ear.    


"Yes," I whimpered. "I have a vibrator in my cunt and Master keeps turning it on and off again."    


"The pink thing?"    


"Yes, the rest is my slave jewelry."    


He dipped me, my leg coming up to his waist and his hand was on my thigh, sliding up to my cunt, feeling the wetness and even the palpitations of my pussy as I spasmed. He could feel the vibrations through the tail leading from the egg.    


"You people are fucking nuts," he said.    


"You may be right, but we have a lot of fun."    


"That is your husband, right? He said he was making the dancing appointment for his wife."    


"My husband and my Master, yes."    


"Was he serious about me fucking you?"    


"As serious as he was about the blow job. It's part of my slavery, to be used by others."    


"Is it something you want to do?"    


I laughed. We'd turned so I could see Master and Evelyn. He was seated on a chair and Evelyn was riding his cock.    


"Master is currently fucking your first student. We have flexibility in regard to our sexual partners. I love having sex and would love to feel your cock in my cunt. It's a very nice cock."    


I moved my hand off his shoulder long enough to run my fingers up the length of it, causing him to gasp, then returned to dance mode.    




"Not yet. Lesson first, fuck later."    


"You actually dance quite well," Ricardo said.    


"We took a ballroom dance class together in college. Foxtrot, waltz, swing, rhumba. I never learned the tango, but it's kind of like fucking on the dance floor."    


His cock was fully hard now, bobbing and weaving with the steps.    


"Stop the lesson with about fifteen minutes left so you can fuck me," I whispered. "I want a good fucking before your next lesson starts."    


"I don't have another lesson tonight."    


"Does anyone else have the room reserved tonight?"    


"Not after ten."    



"Lovely. I'm enjoying the foreplay on the dance floor. Give me the full lesson and you can fuck me after."    


He groaned, but he gave me the full dance lesson. When it ended, he tried picking me up, intending to set me on his prick.    


"Wait," I said, "the vibrator is in the way."    


I grabbed the tail and pulled it out of me, dropping it to the floor. It squelched when it hit, it was so wet with my cum. He picked me up and set me on top of his cock. I slid down it and locked my legs around his waist. He continued dancing with me clinging to him, but after a few minutes, he put me down on the floor and mounted me. I moaned, feeling him slam into me.    


He pushed my legs up over his shoulders opening me up to his thrusts, allowing him to go deeper. I climaxed four times before I felt his shaft throbbing out his cum deep inside me. He was groaning as he spurted. When he pulled out of me, I licked his cock, cleaning him. Master tossed me the towel to clean myself off. I also used it on the vibrator, wiping the floor where it had landed as well.    


We all put our clothes back on, mine almost as revealing as without.    


"Did you enjoy your tango lesson, Julia?" Master asked.    


"Are you sure it wasn't a tangled lesson, sir? I was pretty tangled up there at the end."    


Master laughed. "I noticed. Ricardo, thanks for the lessons. I think both slaves enjoyed it."    


"As did I."    


"We're going to continue dancing until eleven. As you might have noticed, we have three women and only two men. If you have nothing else to do, perhaps you'd make up the third male. Obviously, we won't be able to fuck on the main dance floor, but just dancing has its own rewards. We'll be switching around so we can dance with all the women."    


"Thank you. Just out of curiosity, is the other woman also a slave?"    


"Not any more."    


When he looked puzzled by the answer, Master said. "She lost a bet and was a sex slave for a week, but it ended this morning."    


Ricardo took a few moments to tidy up the room. Master put the egg back inside me. He told me I wasn't done cumming yet tonight. Ricardo turned out the light as we left the room.    


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