Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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I had so missed my slaves, having to wait until the end of the poker game was pure torture. When I finally had them alone, I didn't know who to fuck first. I wanted them all. So I did. I lined them all up on the side of the bed, standing, bent over, with their feet apart and juicy cunts winking at me. I took the first one on the left, who happened to be Lisa and stabbed her cunt with my stiff prick until she climaxed, moved down to Julia and did the same to her, topping it off with Rhonda, our ebon goddess. I'd cum often enough tonight I still wasn't ready to release, so I moved down to the other end and started all over again.    


When I reached Julia the second time, pumping hard, through her moans she said, "Make sure you deposit your cum in Lisa. I don't care if you're in the middle of fucking me and I'm about to cum, let Lisa have your sperm. She's had no one to fuck her cunt while you were gone. She needs it."    


Julia was such a wonderful slave, so devoted to me and her sister slaves. If she loved you, there wasn't anything she wouldn't sacrifice for you. All of them were. Half the time, I didn't feel I deserved them. The other half, I felt lucky they thought I deserved them. I felt her tighten around me in another orgasm. I was fortunate they all climaxed so easily. If they were anyone else, I might not be able to provide pleasure to all three of them so easily. I'd be dead if I'd cum as quickly as they did, for I'd have to get erection after erection instead of one lasting through two or three for each of them.    


I was fucking Rhonda for the second time when I felt the urge growing to explode. I tried to hold out until she orgasmed again, but it didn't appear I would make it. I ended up crab walking back to Julia holding the base of my cock. As soon as I got inside her, I let loose and pumped my load into her. Julia was waiting to clean my cock as soon as I pulled out, tasting the three women and myself on it.    


"Cutting it awfully close, Master," Julia said, when I was clean. "We're lucky you didn't spray cum all over the room."    


"I'm sorry I couldn't give you a second orgasm, Rhonda. I tried."    


We were all getting in the bed now, our immediate needs taken care of.    


"I'll make sure she gets another one, Master," Julia said. "I don't let my slave suffer too much."    


"While we're waiting for me to recover, there's something I'd like to speak to all of you about."    


"We're listening," Lisa said.    


"I was able to fuck both Evelyn and Marcia this week, and we had a wonderful time, some absolutely great sex and it made me realize something."    


"That you like fucking them more than you do us?" Julia said, pouting, looking hurt.    


"Never, mi amor. I could never enjoy fucking anyone as much as I love fucking you three. I missed you so much, I wanted to cancel the poker game and fuck all of you. If we weren't hosting, I would have skipped it. What I realized is part of the reason the sex was so enjoyable is we were all working hard to make it exciting. They were new lovers, so there's obviously the exploration involved when you're with someone new, but because we were new lovers, we spent time trying to come up with something special. Like putting out our best china and silverware for special guests for dinner. It's what I was doing, putting out my best china. So we did little things to make it unique and special, instead of just fucking.    


"One night, I tied Marcia to the bed, and left the room telling her I was getting someone else to help fuck her and I was leaving the door open. She was blindfolded and couldn't see, couldn't tell how much time is passing. I come back in the room and she doesn't know for sure who it is. Is it me, messing with her, some stranger who passed by the open door, or someone I returned with who was now going to fuck her against her will. She's perhaps 99% certain it's me, but can't be positive. Her panties are stuffed in her mouth, she can't even scream for help. I fuck her like that, blinded, tied, mute, and she had some great orgasms as a result. In a way, it's the same sort of thing I did to Julia and Lisa when they both started their slavery. The unusual and unexpected. Making you seduce a sales clerk, or tip the delivery guy or walk the Pacific Crest Trail naked. I was doing everything in my power to make your initial experience amazing.    


"But essentially, all the sex we've had since then has been group sex, all of us together, and don't get me wrong, it's great sex, but it's our expected sex. Except for letting you fuck other men, I haven't done much that was unusual or unexpected lately and I realize, that's a mistake. I haven't put as much attention into sex with you as I did Marcia and Evelyn. If I did, the sex with you would be as wonderful as it was with them. They realized the same thing. That sex with their Master's might have become a little humdrum, not because they don't love them, but because they aren't putting as much effort in as they could either. It's essentially a marital rut, just with more people."    


"You're still capable of surprising me, Master. The inquisitive gentleman in the grocery store you let me fuck," Julia said. "It was certainly unexpected."    


"Yes, but it was also someone else, not me. I didn't even create it except in so far as you're wearing my jewelry, which makes a sound he heard. It should be me giving you that extra kick. Not that I ever want to stop you from doing those types of things in the future, but I want to do them as well. Remember when this first started, we talked about taking time to keep the romance kindled by going on dates with one another, before Rhonda joined us. I was going to go out with Julia one week, Lisa the next, then you both would go out on a date and finally we'd do one all together. Things happened, some good, some bad, and we never did it. We should now, but more than just a date, we should plan some really special sex for that person when we go out with them. Just two people, concentrating all their attention on each other for a night. Instead of me lining you all up and trying to fuck all three. Not that it wasn't worth it, but it shouldn't always be that way.    


"Sometimes, it should be just me, wooing Lisa, and wooing Julia and wooing Rhonda. Give that person one special night. And you all need to go out with each other too. Not just me. Let that one other person know how special they are to you, not as part of a group, but them individually. Marcia said it was the same with her, Chantelle and Sam. They all had sex together, never did anything with just two people, no dates, no romance. Evelyn said much the same. She does as Bill asks, but never plans something for him; something special she did for him, and not something he had planned for her.    


"The three of us talked and thought we could all work on breaking out of our rut so having sex with someone else is never the only way you get the little thrill of the unknown. Now obviously with four people, we're talking about six possible combinations of two that need to be dealt with, plus one of all four of us, getting a baby sitter, and possibly one of just you three, which would be eight. That would be two per week if we tried to do it every month, or two months if we did one per week. Obviously, my dates with you would have to occur on the weeks I'm home. Yours together would occur on the weeks I'm not. I was thinking of Saturday nights if we do one per week, and a Saturday and a weekday if we do it twice a week. What do you think?"    


"I don't think the problem is as bad as you might think, Master, though I can see your point. You actually do a fairly good job of keeping us on our toes," Lisa said. "You are right about us taking the time to maintain romance. Unless other people are involved, we're usually all together. As I'm not Rhonda's Mistress, I've never really spent much time alone with her, except for sex. I don't really know her the way I know you or Julia. It's usually been with someone else with us, either Julia, or even multiple persons, such as yourself, or another female."    


"The only time I've ever been alone with Master is the one time at Brianna's," Rhonda said. "As primarily Domina's slave, it never seemed important to be with Master only, but since we are tied so closely together, perhaps I should consider it important."    


"I would never be opposed to maintaining romance amongst ourselves, sir," Julia said. "Our lives together are very important to me and I never want anything to mess that up. If doing something like date nights strengthens our relationships, I'm for it one hundred percent."    


"In actuality, there's a double benefit," I said. "While two people are out on a date, the other two people can spend time together. It doesn't have to be as elaborate or planned as I'd like date night to be, but we'd actually have twice a month we'd be spending time with only one other person."    


"Tomorrow is Saturday," Lisa said. "Are we going to start it tomorrow night? And who should go out?"    


"I think we should start tomorrow," I said, "and I think we should do two of the people who haven't yet had much opportunity to establish a connection, Rhonda, with either Lisa or I."    


"I agree," Julia said, "and if I have a vote, I'd like it to be Lisa and Rhonda, partly for selfish reasons. I'd like Master to myself for a change."    


"That's not a problem for me," Lisa said. "Are you good for going on a date with me, Rhonda?"    


"I'd like that," Rhonda replied. "I'd like it a lot." She leaned over and gave Lisa a kiss.    


"When you come home," I said, "continue spending the night together. Try to plan something special when you get home. Seduce one another. If you need to, reserve time at the pool or hot tub so you aren't disturbed."    


"I'm getting excited by the idea of doing this, sir," Julia said. "Do you know when Evelyn and Bill are going back to LA?"    


"He hasn't said, though I assumed tomorrow. What were your plans for tomorrow?"    


"We need to start shooting the photos and videos we need to use on our website," Lisa said. "Those who are participating are coming over at one PM. The website is done except for media and final approval by Bill as we've decided we want to take him up on his offer. We should be done by five for my date night."    


"Who's participating?" I asked.    


"All the workers except perhaps Melanie and Janet. Chen feels Janet's pregnancy makes it too obvious who she might be," Julia said. "Melanie still wasn't sure. Even Shasta is going to do it since we'll be wearing masks. Rhonda can't do it because of her job. Regina won't be a slave as of tomorrow morning. I assumed Bill wouldn't want Evelyn to participate, so we didn't speak to him about it."    


"You should. If he's part owner now and Evelyn would be wearing a mask; he might. He's used her in business before."    


"How about fucking us some more?" Julia said. "I did cleanse my ass for you tonight. I don't want it to go to waste."    


"If you need another erection, you're going to have to work for it."    


"No problem, sir," Julia said. "Sluts, make our Master hard again."    


Lisa began sucking my cock. Rhonda rode my face. Julia began licking and sucking my balls and licking my taint. In five minutes, they had what they wanted, a rigid rod to play with. Rhonda stayed where she was, Julia slowly eased her bottom over my shaft and Lisa took over on my sack.    


"Fuck, sir. I'm so happy you're back," Julia panted, riding me. "We've missed you so much. Lisa, do you want his cum?"    


Lisa stopped licking my balls long enough to say. "I doubt he has much cum left in him tonight. Just go ahead and ride him all the way."    


That's what Julia did; ride me until I gasped, arching up into her, giving her my all, which wasn't much. When she cleaned me after, there wasn't much to clean up. My face was worse, Rhonda had orgasmed early and often, and they kissed and licked much of her cum off my face, before wiping me with a washcloth.    


I had nothing left, and we soon went to sleep.    




The next thing I knew, it was 9:00, and someone was ringing the doorbell. Rhonda got up to see who it was.    


"It's the Strong's and Regina, Master," Rhonda said. "I let them in because Regina was naked, though they were at the side door instead of the front."    


"They were supposed to come at ten," Master said.    


"Ed said they knew, but they wanted to see Regina lick more cunt while she was still a slave, and they didn't have any cunt at their house."    


"I know three slaves who'd be happy lending their cunts for the occasion," Master said. "Tell them we'll be right out."    


"Yes, sir."    


"It would be a great way to start the day, wouldn't it, sir," Julia said.    


"Go have a seat on the couch and we'll get Regina started," I said.    


Everyone went into the living room and I had my three slaves sit beside one another on the couch. Ed ordered Regina to start licking. Regina, on her hands and knees, started on Lisa, sitting on the right side.    


"Hey, Scott. Her two back holes are empty. Why don't you fill one of them up?"    


"You could, sir," I said.    


"Rob and I fucked her three ways to Sunday last night. I doubt any of us had more than two hours sleep. To be honest, I don't think I've got another drop of cum left in me and my cock feels chafed."    


I looked at Regina. Her pussy did look on the red and puffy side and her anus looked angry. I smiled and got behind her. She spread her legs willingly when I asked. I rubbed my cock up and down in her slit, finding it to be wet, so I pushed inside her, drawing a moan which seemed as much pain as pleasure. If Ed's cock was chafed, her pussy might be as well, so I went slow. Still, she climaxed within a couple minutes.    


Regina gave Lisa three orgasms before she stopped, asking if we could move down to Rhonda. I moved with her, pulling out when I did, and as soon as she started licking, I slid back into her cunt. Bill, Evelyn and Robert came down the stairs while I was fucking her. Ed explained why they were there early. Bill laughed and told Evelyn to join my slaves on the couch. Regina moved down to Julia before I climaxed, pulsing deep in Regina's pussy.    


"Bill, she's still open for business if you want to take a shot," Ed said.    


"Robert, why don't you take advantage since you haven't had sex for a day."    


"Thanks, Mr. Thornhill."    


He got behind Regina and pushed into her squidgy cunt, but only long enough to get wet enough to penetrate her ass again. Her groan sounded more pained this time. Robert hadn't had sex in a while, and he was thrusting fairly hard. Not as hard as Regina fucked Shasta's ass, but hard. Given how much Ed indicated she'd been used last night, I wasn't surprised it might be a bit painful. She was grunting with every thrust. Regina had moved down to Evelyn before Robert froze, pumping his cum up Regina's rectum. His orgasm over, Robert started pumping again for several minutes and when Regina needed to move back down to Lisa, he was still hard. He pulled out until she'd moved, then reentered her cunt, driving harder and faster.    


Regina had cum fairly often herself during her fucking. She was climaxing again when Robert emptied himself a second time, this time, in her pussy. Two loads of cum dripped out of her cunt and one out of her ass. Bill declined fucking her when Ed asked again. He said his slave had drained him well last night and this morning and he was still recovering. All the slaves were occupied and I certainly wasn't going to clean her off. She did each of the four women again, stopping a few minutes before ten.    


"Was this slave sufficiently pleasing to you both?" William asked the Strongs.    


"Hell, yes!" Rob exclaimed. "I've never enjoyed fucking her more. She was a total slut. Sucking my cock clean after I fucked her ass. She was great."    


"I too was satisfied with her performance," Ed answered. "She was as fine a slave as I've ever enjoyed."    


"Come here, Regina, and display."    


Regina crawled to her Master, then stood, her body open to him. He removed her wrist and ankle cuffs. Having her kneel, he removed her collar, saying, "You are released from your slavery." He handed her a check for $20,000.    


She hugged his knees for a moment, saying, "Thank you, sir, but I don't need this money."    


"A deal is a deal, Regina and you earned every penny. Evelyn, please take this former slave up to the shower and help her clean herself off," Bill said.    


"Yes, Master." Evelyn took Regina to the upstairs bathroom to wash up. She did look a bit worse for wear.    


"Gentlemen," he said to the Strongs, "I hope you brought clothes for Regina. She can't go back home naked."    


"More's the pity," Ed said. "I liked having her naked and available all the time. We did bring some clothes, they're in the truck."    


"Could you bring them in, please?"    


Rob went out to the truck and got a grocery bag with some clothes in it. "Everything's in here," he said, setting it on the floor.    


"Have you had breakfast?" I asked.    


"Who had time for breakfast," Ed said. "We didn't even have time for sleep."    


"Slaves, please prepare food for all of our guests."    


"Yes, Master," they replied and went into the kitchen to whip something up. Given the number of people we had, they decided to go for pancakes, bacon and sausage.    


Working together, they were successful in whipping together a nice breakfast. After the bacon and sausage were fried and drained, Lisa and Julia started frying pancakes while Rhonda set the dining room table.    


Evelyn returned with Regina. Evelyn had apparently loaned Regina some of her make-up as she looked much better when she came down the stairs, than how she'd gone up.    


"Regina, your clothes are in the Kroger's grocery bag on the floor," I said.    


She looked at everyone else, all of whom were naked except for her two paramours.    


"I can wait until I leave."    


"We're having brunch. Would you care to join us?" Julia asked.    


"Thank you, Domina."    


"I'm not your Domina anymore. You may call me Julia, or even slave, if you like."    


"Thank you, Julia. I'm starving."    


We were soon sitting down for brunch. Regina helped pour coffee or juice for everyone, still not quite out of slave mode, but no one made any comment. The meal was filling and tasty and everyone ate quite a bit, the previous evening activities quite draining. Julia and Lisa both getting up to make a second round of pancakes for everyone.    


"Scott," Regina asked, the meal over. "Would you mind if I stay for awhile and use your hot tub. I'm still a little sore and stiff in places a lady shouldn't mention."    


"That's not a problem," I said.    


"We need to get going," Ed said. "Rob and I have a softball game this afternoon. It's a bit of a drive. Would someone see Regina makes it home safe?"    


"I'll ensure she's returned safely home," Bill said. "Robert can drive her."    


"Thank you, sir," Regina said.    


Ed and Rob kissed her before they left.    


"Well, I suppose Evelyn and I should get out of your hair. It's been a very interesting and enjoyable week. What are your plans for the rest of the day?"    


"All or most of our workers are coming this afternoon. We're going to start taking photos and videos for our new website," Julia said. "We've decided to take you up on your offer. We're ready to sign the business agreement you proposed. Sean is going to be showing us the web pages he's designed, with placeholder photos. You may want to look it over and make any suggestions regarding changes made based upon our new agreement.    


"I would like to suggest you spend one more night, Master Bill. You might enjoy the show today. All of the women will be naked, or scantily clad for the shoot, though we will be masked and have identifying gear, jewelry or tattoos removed or photoshopped out in order to conceal our identities. We feel the products will sell better with naked slaves demonstrating the various features and functionality of the furniture. The jewelry we show will be plain things from Brianna's Baubles and the toys we demonstrate on the slaves are provided by Mistress Dark with links to both their websites. We even thought you might let your own slave participate if her identity could be hidden to your satisfaction. You would, of course, have final approval of any photos or videos showing your slave."    


Evelyn looked at her Master pleadingly. "It does sound like a lot of fun, Master. I'd like to do it if I may, sir."    


"If I have final approval, I have no objection to you participating, Evelyn."    



She rained kisses on him. "Thank you, Master."    


"Very well. It appears we'll be staying another day. Thank you once more for your hospitality."    


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