Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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We didn't have sex with anyone new except Becky. On a Wednesday night, during Master's second week of absence, not feeling ambitious enough to cook, we decided to order pizza. I remembered the interest Becky had shown when she delivered pizza while Wendy and her dates were over. I checked with Master before ordering. He laughed and said we could seduce Becky if we wanted to.    


I called the pizza place and asked if Becky was working. The order taker said she was about to go home, she'd already worked two hours past her shift when someone else had babysitter problems.    


"Could I speak to her for just a second," I asked, "pretty please."    


"Hold on a minute. Becky," he shouted, "quick phone call for you." He set the phone down.    


A few seconds later, the phone was picked up. "Becky here."    


"Becky, I'm sorry to bother you but do you remember the house you delivered five pizzas to a few weeks ago where a naked woman answered the door?"    


"Yeessss," drawing it out, wondering where I was going.    


"This is the naked woman calling and I was wondering if I could convince you to make one more pizza delivery on your way home. The tip would be substantial."    


Dead silence except for background noise for fifteen or twenty seconds; the only way I knew she hadn't hung up.    


"What are we talking about here, really?" Becky finally asked.    


"Three pizzas, including whatever you'd like on one and a fifty dollar tip. You don't need to do anything else, but I was thinking you might like some wine with your pizza, maybe a soak in a hot tub after a long day of work."    


"Are you suggesting there might be sex involved?"    


"Only if you want, but sex would be nice."    


"With who?"    


"Well, there are no men here tonight, so if it was a man you wanted to have sex with, we can't help you. There are three women here who would love sex with a cute woman such as yourself."    


"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'll deliver three pizzas. I won't promise more than a delivery though."    


"I wouldn't expect you to. If it makes you a little more comfortable, one of the women here is a police officer."    


"What do you want to order?"    


"A pepperoni with extra cheese and a supreme, plus whatever you'd like to eat."    


I gave her all three of our names, address, and credit card information and told her to tell her manager she was going to call him in an hour after she left to let him know she was okay since it was her last delivery of the night.    


Forty minutes later, Becky knocked on our door. Since I was the one who'd answered previously and she knew what I looked like, I answered the door again. Of course, I was naked. I took the three pizzas from her and gave her $50. She looked around and saw only me, Lisa and Rhonda, plus Lisa was holding Lucas. The only clothes among us was on Lucas. We had all of our slave gear on.    


"Becky, we need to close the door. I'm standing here naked."    


Becky closed the door, though she kept her hand on the door knob, ready to bolt if need be. I set the pizza down.    


"Do you always answer the door naked?" Becky asked.    


"If there are others at home. Not if I'm alone."    


"Is this like some mini commune or something."    


"Not a commune, no, though perhaps as strange as one," I replied. "My name is Julia, the one holding the baby is Lisa and Rhonda is the third one. She's the police officer I mentioned."    


"Where are the others who were here the last time I came?"    


"My husband is in LA and won't be back until this Friday. The others who were here last time were Rhonda's sister and her two dates. They were just visiting."    


"Two dates?"    


"A boy and a girl, she likes both sexes."    


"So it's just you three here?"    


"Plus the baby, yes. We're hungry and would like to start eating. Do you feel safe enough to join us, or would you like to go?"    


"I don't have to strip?"    


"Only if you feel comfortable doing so. We won't attack you, regardless. We're civilized despite our lack of attire."    


Becky finally released the door knob and edged her way into the living room.    


"We'd like to eat in here," I said. "I'll get some plates and silverware. Would you like anything to drink?"    


She hesitated, thinking.    


"I'm not going to roofie you," I said. "I'll bring you a can of pop and you can open it yourself, though I'm having wine. Lisa is trying to get pregnant and Rhonda has to go to work at midnight, so they'll have Diet Coke."    


"Are you really a police officer?" She asked Rhonda.    


"Yes, would you like to see my badge?" Rhonda replied.    




Rhonda smiled, got up and went upstairs for her badge, still pinned to her uniform.    


Becky relaxed some more. "I'll have some wine too."    


"Two wines, two Diet Cokes, coming up."    


I brought out the plates and silverware first, so people could start eating, plus napkins for everyone. Then I went back in the kitchen, poured two glasses of wine and brought two cans out.    


"So what's the deal with you three?" Becky asked, "and why did you ask for me?"    


"When you delivered last time, you were surprised, obviously, when I answered the door naked, but your attention seemed riveted on my pussy and I wondered if it was my slave jewelry or girls in general you were interested in?"    


"Slave jewelry?"    


"That's where the strange part comes in. Both Lisa and I are voluntary, and I emphasize the voluntary part of it; sex slaves to my husband, our Master. We wear his collar and his ankle and wrist cuffs, plus jewelry and tattoos on our pussies identifying us as belonging to him. Rhonda is my voluntary sex slave. She's wearing my collar and jewelry, though she also must submit to my Master as my slave. If it wasn't the jewelry you were interested in, I thought perhaps it was women."    


"Well, both, to be honest. I know some women have piercings down there, but I'd never seen such obvious ones before, and though I've never been with a woman, I've wondered what it would be like, so it was kind of a twofer."    


We laughed. "Not surprising," Lisa said. "Obviously, as sex slaves, my friends and I are interested in sex. Julia and I are primarily interested in any kind of sex. Rhonda is mostly interested in sex with women. When Julia noticed your interest, you were kind of added to the list of people we might like to invite back in the future to see if it would go any further than mere curiosity. When we decided we didn't want to cook this evening, we thought of you and pizza. Julia asked our Master if we could have sex with you if you were interested. He said he had no objection."    


"Do you always ask for his permission to have sex?"    


"If we didn't," I said, "we'd be nothing more than nymphomaniac cheaters. The only ones I'm allowed to have sex with without his permission are my sister slaves."    


"What do you mean when you say you're a voluntary sex slave?"    


"It means I'm always available to have sex with him. We all are, any time or any way he wants to have sex, from sucking his cock to fucking him or anyone else he wants or allows us to fuck. We're naked around the house. When we leave, we don't wear undergarments or pants, anything which restricts his access to having sex with us. I'm always prepared to have sex. I'm wet constantly. He can shove his cock in me anytime he wants and I'm ready for him. He's in control of our sex, from when we're allowed to have it, to whether we're allowed to cum if we do. We're punished if we don't follow his rules."    


"It sounds harsh."    


"To someone normal, it may be harsh, but I've never been happier in my life than I am now."    


"How long have you been married?"    


"Eleven years. Thirteen months a slave. Lisa was my next door neighbor. She became a slave about the same time because she saw how happy I was. Rhonda joined us later. We consider ourselves to be a family now."    


"Whose baby is it?" Becky asked.    


"Julia's," Lisa responded. "I'm trying to have one now."    


She looked at Rhonda. "I'll have one when I desire to have one. For now, I'm too invested in work."    


"The police department doesn't care if you're a sex slave, voluntary or not?"    


"I don't advertise my submission. I remove my collar, cuffs and all but bars in my nipples and the tiny hoop on my pussy before I go to work. They know I'm a lesbian. I get enough grief over that."    


"So, Becky. You know our story. Are you interested in seeing if you enjoy sex with women, or are you going to stick with only pizza delivery today?"    


"If I were interested, what would I have to do?"    


"You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. We're not rapists who will force you to do anything. You may do as little or as much as you want. If all you want to do is kiss, we'll kiss as long as you want. If you want someone to lick you, we'll do that. If you want to lick someone else, we're ready for that as well."    


"Let me think about it."    


"Think as long as you wish. I'm going to put Lucas to bed," Lisa said.    


She stood up and took Lucas to the nursery.    


"I feel rank," Becky said. "I put in seven hours today and it was hot and the A/C in my car doesn't work very well."    


"You can take a shower if you wish," Rhonda said, "or use the pool or hot tub if all you want is to rinse off."    


"I don't have a swimsuit," Becky said.    


"Do you think anyone cares if you're wearing a suit or not," I said, smiling. "Though if you want one, I'm sure Lisa would have one that fit you."    


She thought about it for awhile. We weren't going to pressure her one way or the other.    


"Maybe the hot tub," she finally said. "It sounds relaxing."    


"Can I get you another glass of wine?" I asked.    


"Please." She handed me her glass.    


"Becky, you may wish to call your manager and let him know you're all right. Rhonda, please take our guest to the hot tub," I said. "I'll get you another Diet Coke."    


I put away the rest of the pizza while Becky made a fast call. Rhonda led Becky to the hot tub as I poured more wine for the two drinking it and got another Diet Coke for Rhonda. When I got out to the patio, Becky's clothes were on one of the chairs and she was immersed in water up to her neck. Rhonda was seated on the opposite side of the tub. I handed everyone their drinks and sat beside my slave, kissing her when I got in. Lisa came out with the baby monitor and got in with us, sitting fairly close to us, no one pressing Becky overtly.    


She drank about half of her second glass as we talked about some things, getting to know one another a little better. Becky gradually sat a little straighter so the tops of her breasts to her nipples were visible.    


"Is it possible someone could stand and show me your slave jewelry."    


Lisa stood up and Becky asked her to get closer. When Lisa was standing about a foot away with her cunt at Becky's eye level, Becky traced a finger over Lisa's tattoo.    


"This is lovely."    


"I designed it for my sister slave and I," Lisa said.    


Becky took hold of Lisa's slave emblem and read it. Before she released it, Lisa turned it on so it was shining, along with the collar on her neck.    


"So it can be read more clearly if needed in the dark," Lisa informed her.    


Becky touched Lisa's hood piercing.    


"Does this go through your clit?"    


"Just above it, so it rubs against it. The little weights bounce and make it almost vibrate."    


"I've heard piercings like this make you very horny," Becky said.    


"It does. I can climax four or five times a day, just by moving around briskly."    


"Isn't that distracting?"    


"I'm a sex slave. I've been trained to ignore distractions such as orgasms."    


Becky released the piercing. She was silent for several seconds. She finished off her glass of wine in one last swallow.    


"Could I just kiss someone?" She asked.    


"Who would you like to kiss?" Lisa asked.    


"Anyone. I don't care at this point."    


Lisa sat down beside her. "I'll kiss you back, but I'm not going to hold you or grope you," Lisa said. "Go at your own pace. If you want me to put my hands on you, ask."    




Becky leaned over and kissed Lisa. Lisa returned the kiss, but left her hands at her sides, letting Becky have control. Since they were otherwise engaged, Rhonda and I started kissing, but we were more handsy. I actually gave Rhonda an orgasm with my fingers before I saw Becky reach over and touch Lisa's breast, fingering her nipple piercing. Lisa moaned like the slut she was. Becky's hands started doing a more thorough exploration of Lisa's body. Other than the movements she made in response to Becky's wandering hands, Lisa kept still, though I could see her hands were itching to do some exploring of their own.    


"Touch me," Becky whispered.    


"I thought you'd never ask," Lisa responded, turning towards her and reaching for a peaked nipple.    


Their hands were seeking the hidden parts now, both of them gasping when they found what they were looking for. Becky moaned loudly when she orgasmed, panting as they kissed. Lisa climaxed shortly after.    


"No offense, Lisa, but can I see what it's like with someone else?" Becky said after Lisa climaxed.    


"None taken," Lisa said, exchanging places with Rhonda.    


Rhonda didn't have to leave her hands at her sides. Becky was all over the kissing and touching thing. Lisa and I kept each other company as they played. Rhonda was very good with her hands. Becky climaxed twice before Rhonda did.    


"It's nicer than I imagined," Becky said. "I like it a lot."    


"Would you like your pussy licked now?" I asked.    


"Who's the best?" Becky asked.    


"Rhonda is definitely the best," Lisa answered. "She's been doing it longer than Julia or I, but we're all pretty good. We lick each other a lot."    


"Could we get in bed?"    


"Of course," I said.    


I got out and handed her a towel. She climbed out, less shy now she'd played a little, climaxing three times. Becky was somewhat slim, C cup breasts with perky puckered nipples, a narrow waist, widening to nice hips. Her thighs were slightly thick, probably from sitting in a car all day, but not bad. She had nothing to be ashamed of. She had a trimmed brown thatch of hair over her cunt. Her labia were swollen after her orgasms, puffy with arousal, especially knowing more was coming her way. Her clit was peeking out, barely visible in her folds.    


The rest of us dried off as well. I grabbed the baby monitor and her hand and led her to our bedroom. Rhonda brought her clothes.    


"Isn't it going to be a bit crowded in the bed if all four of us are in it?" Becky asked.    


"No," I said, pushing the door open. "We have plenty of room."    


"Holy shit!" Becky said. "That bed is almost as big as my room."    


"How big is your room?"    


"Ten by ten."    


"The bed is nine by nine, so yeah, almost as big. We frequently have four sleeping in it, sometimes more for fucking, so we want a big bed."    




"So who do you want first. Do you want to start with the best or work your way up to the best?"    


"Work my way to it and since I haven't been with you yet, may I please start with you?"    


"Of course," I said. "Lie down and get comfortable." She lay down, though she wasn't quite bold enough to spread her legs. "Do you want to start with some foreplay or get right to it."    


"I've already had the foreplay. Just go ahead and do it."    


"You might want to spread your legs then," I said.    


She spread her feet about two feet apart. Far enough. I got on the bed between her legs. Lisa and Rhonda got beside us and went straight for a sixty-nine. Since I wanted to give her a good experience, I did the slow seduction, teasing her. By the time the seduction part was finished, she was thrusting her cunt at me, hoping I'd bring her over the edge. Her legs were a lot wider, inviting me in. I still didn't go for her clit, teasing the outer layers of her pussy first.    


Five more minutes of that and she was whimpering at me to let her cum. I inserted the two middle fingers of my hand into her damp arousal, not yet finger fucking, but letting her feel the spreading of her pubic lips as they went in. I slowly stroked her g-spot as I finally began licking around her clit. I hoped she wasn't a squirter.    


"Oh, fuck!" Becky moaned. "That feels so good."    


Her hips were thrusting against my hand, arching against my mouth. I pulled back her clitoral hood, exposing most of the tiny spike and sucked on it while flicking my tongue over the tip.    


"Aauuggghhhh," she groaned, "I'm cumming."    


I knew she was cumming. Her cunt was clamped on my fingers, her pussy palpitating as the waves of ecstasy from her release flowed through her. My fingers were inundated with more fluids leaking from her pussy. I lapped at them, trying not to let any escape. It took almost two minutes before her trembling started to ease.    


She was panting, a hand thrown over her face, breathing hard.    


"Are you sure you're not the best?" Becky asked.    


"Pretty sure. I took my time to give you a nice build up, but Rhonda can make you cum faster than I can, all things being equal."    


"Can someone do that again. Faster this time."    


"Of course. Lisa, it's your turn again."    


Lisa went between her legs and while she worked on her cunt, I kissed Becky, letting her taste herself before I lowered my head over her breasts and sucked and licked her nipples. Becky climaxed four more times in the next ten minutes. She was still shaking after the last one.    


"And I still haven't experienced the best pussy licker?" She moaned.    


"Not yet," Lisa said, her face covered in Becky's juices.    


She looked at Rhonda. "How can this get any better?"    


"Would you like to find out?" Rhonda said, smiling.    




Rhonda only made Becky cum three times during her ten minutes, but I think the last one lasted for four of those minutes. Becky's screaming woke Lucas up.    


"I'm sorry," she groaned. "I didn't mean to wake him up."    


"It's okay," I replied, laughing. "He normally gets fed around eleven anyway. He's just a little early."    


I got out of bed to get him.    


"You were right. Rhonda was the best. I'm sorry I doubted your word."    



Becky was still shaking a little when I returned, breast feeding him. She'd pulled a sheet over her body, somewhat carelessly, but still covering what mattered.    


"I feel guilty," Becky said.    


"Why?" Lisa asked.    


"Because you three gave me so much pleasure and I haven't done anything in return, you know, except some fingering in the hot tub."    


"While we would appreciate any kindness you would be willing to bestow," I said, "it's not necessary. Sex slaves exist to serve the pleasures of others. We have each other to provide sexual comfort. I don't expect someone who's never done anything like this before to leap in and lick my cunt."    


"I'm exhausted. I've cum eleven times since I got here."    


"Fun, isn't it," Rhonda laughed. "I need to shower and get ready for work. It was a pleasure meeting you, Becky. I've enjoyed myself."    


She got up and went upstairs to get ready. She usually left around 11:15.    


"Do you need to go anywhere? Is anyone expecting you?" Lisa asked.    


"No. My neighbor fed my cat when I didn't come home at the normal time from work."    


"Would you like to stay the night?" Lisa asked. "We have plenty of room in the bed. It's just the two of us tonight."    


"Do you mind?" Becky asked me.    


"Not at all. We have to get up at 6:30 to get ready for work, but you're welcome to stay until you want to leave."    


"What do you do?" Becky asked.    


"We build bondage furniture here at the house in the basement. We'll have six people wandering in her between 7:30 and 8:00. One of them's a man," I said, "if it makes any difference to you. They all work naked, but we can have the male stay dressed until he goes downstairs."    


"Are they sex slaves, too?"    


"Only one of the women, currently around six months pregnant, and the man. One of the women is a Mistress to the man. The others are just workers who like working naked because we keep the house warm for ourselves. There is another female slave, but she's on her honeymoon this week."    


She thought for a moment. "I am exhausted, if you don't mind."    


"Another warm, naked body to snuggle up to," Lisa said. "Who minds that?"    


Becky was asleep in the middle of the bed before Lucas was done feeding. Lisa and I got on either side of her and went to sleep ourselves. I hadn't cum yet, but I still felt pretty good. Around two AM I felt someone's arms around me and two lips kissing mine.    


"Lisa," I whispered.    


"No, Becky," she replied. "Lisa's asleep."    


Kissing soon turned to touching and touching to stroking and then Becky whispered she wanted to lick me. Who was I to deny the poor girl. I turned end over end and settled my face between her legs. I started licking her. It took a few minutes before I felt her start to kiss my pussy, but it wasn't long before her tongue was trying to copy mine. She climaxed three times before I felt myself surrendering to her. I tried to keep the noise down, being largely successful, but Lisa woke up anyway, as much from our movements as our noise, and soon it was them nuzzling molten flesh while I went back to sleep, their moaning whimpers music to soothe my soul.    


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