Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C117 117

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"Do you have plans for us this morning, sir?" I asked,    


"I do. A couple of the toys MD sent for us to promote looked like they had promise. I wanted to try them out with you three, though you've already tried one. I want to use it on the others as well."    


"The egg thing, Master?" I asked.    


"Yes, but it's called a Silhouette S4. When I tell you I want you in your Silhouette, this is what I want you to wear."    


"For now. There's another thing as well, an internal e-stim device, g-spot vibrator, designed to strengthen your Kegel muscles, but we'll do that when we're doing the shoot this afternoon. It can't be used in the water, which is where we're going now. They've been charged."    


He handed one to me, pink. Lisa's was purple, and Rhonda's was white. He held up the chargers for each and the chargers colors matched the egg.    


"Three different colors for three different slaves. They're color coded so I can control them with three different remotes. You're responsible for keeping them charged. If I tell you I want you wearing it, the only time I want them out of you is when they are on the charger or you're asleep, unless you have my permission. Put them in and we'll go sit in the hot tub."    


"Sounds like they could be fun, sir," Rhonda said.    


"It was last night, when I was dancing," I said. "I had very pleasant orgasms."    


All three of us inserted the eggs in our cunts. I'd already started leaking just thinking about it. I was such a slave. Master turned them on. The distinctive buzzing I'd felt last night humming in my pussy. Master handed us the remotes.    


"I want you to find the stimulation pattern you each like the most, then turn it off and return the remote. It will remember your favorite when I turn it on again. No cumming."    


I found the one I'd liked last night, then turned it off, handing the remote back to Master. The others took longer, playing with them to find the one they liked. Lisa looked like she was close to cumming before she found the one she liked. She certainly looked unhappy turning it off and handing the remote back.    


"Go out to the hot tub and I'll join you shortly," Master said.    


We went to the hot tub and Master came out a short time later with some ice water for all of us. He climbed in with us and got settled in the water. He turned them on.    


"You're not to cum yet. Inform me when you get close."    


"Master," Lisa complained. "I need to cum."    


Of course, it wouldn't take long anyway. It never took me long.    


"Not yet." He turned Lisa's off again. "I think I should take you to dinner wearing this. Give you orgasms at unexpected times. That could be fun too. Perhaps on our date nights."    


For the next hour, Master had us tell him about all the things we'd done this past week without him while we took turns sitting on his lap and he kissed and caressed us. I knew he had an erection; I could feel it under my bottom, but he wouldn't let any of us relieve him. The device brought me close to orgasms ten times and each time, I warned Master I was close, and he would turn it off for a few minutes, eventually turning it on again when he thought it was safe. He did the same to each of the others. I was a panting bundle of need after the hour, pleading with him, begging him to cum. The others were as needy as I was.    


"This wouldn't interfere with a spanking or whipping," he said. "We could leave this in you the whole time."    


"Mmm, sounds like fun, sir," Rhonda said, whimpering. "I need to cum again soon. Can I cum this time, please?"    


"Not yet." He turned it off again.    


I groaned, close myself. "Perhaps you could fuck my ass while it's in my cunt. I'm sure that would feel good, sir."    


"If I do that, you'll cum."    


"So would you, Master. You've had that erection about fifty minutes now."    


"Anticipation is good for me."    


"How long does the battery last, sir?"    


"Two hours at a highest vibration mode and three hours at the lowest."    


"And what setting has it been on, Master?"    


"Mixed, and it's been off as much as it's been on, so we're good for another two hours at least."    


"Shit, sir," Lisa said, telling him she was close again.    


"Marcia told me I wasn't as good a cunt licker as Sam is. What is your opinion on the matter?"    


"Well, you're definitely the least accomplished in the house, Master, but you get the least amount of practice. We have to lick each other all the time. We even do most of the clean up," I said.    


"I want to get better."    


"Practice makes perfect, sir," Rhonda said.    


He laughed. "Yeah, I suppose so."    


He lifted me to the edge of the tub and looked at my cleft, adorned with his jewelry and with the pink tail of the egg coming out of me.    


"It's awfully crowded down here."    


"Work around it, sir."    


"You still can't cum. Warn me if you get close and I don't notice it."    


"Please, sir. It's been over an hour of teasing."    


"Do I need to put the Slave Trainer on you for twelve hours?"    


"No, Master. I'm sorry. I'll let you know." Shit. How much longer before I could cum.    


"If you can give me some pointers in the process, let me know. And no more begging."    


"Yes, sir."    


For the next hour, he teased all of us with his tongue, teeth and lips, taking turns, ten to fifteen minutes with each. It was wonderful and horrible. We'd be giving him pointers and he'd practice them until I was ready to cum, then he'd stop. My pussy was sloshing, leaking constantly. He'd lick up the worst of it, but he couldn't when we were close. By the end of the hour, he was substantially better at licking a cunt and I was a frustrated mess. Nor was I any worse nor better off than either of the others. I had no desire to wear a Slave Trainer for twelve hours though, so was still telling him every time I was close to an orgasm. I was desperate to cum.    


"I'm getting close to cumming again, sir," I whimpered.    


He didn't stop. He kept on pleasuring me.    


"Master, I'm going to cum. Please, you need to stop."    


What I wanted to do was tell him to keep going, not stop. I was fighting it now. I didn't have permission to cum. My muscles started tensing. It was going to be a monster orgasm if he didn't stop right now.    



"Sir, please, I'm seconds away," I moaned.    


He didn't stop and I shattered, humping my cunt against his mouth, shivering like a I had a fever. My cunt was still contracting a half minute later when he turned on the egg's vibrations again. I had eight orgasms over the next ten to twelve minutes, one after the other. I was flooding Master's tongue with my juices. He kept licking and swallowing, gathering what he could. Every time I had another one, I was mentally adding another thirty swats to my eventual punishment. It was up to 240 when he turned the egg off and stopped licking me. Oh, criminy. I felt as limp as a wet noodle, ready to sink back in the water and to the bottom of the tub. It was spectacular.    


Master's face was coated with my fluids. I kissed him and licked at his face, attempting to clean it, feeling the rasping of his unshaved face against my tongue, tasting myself.    


"I'm sorry, Master," I whispered into his ear. "I couldn't hold out any longer. Please, could you split my punishment into at least two different sessions?"    


"I'm not going to punish you, yet," he said. "I still have the others to play with."    


"Yes, sir. I must inform you I orgasmed eight times without your permission."    


"I know."    


He did the same to each of the others, licking them close to orgasm, stopping when they said they were close and finally making them cum, while running the egg. We'd all cum over six times at least. His arm would be dead by the time all of us were spanked fully. Pitiful slaves.    


"Are we to be punished now?" Lisa said. "We've all cum without your permission."    


"You had my permission. I just didn't verbalize it. I am, however, going to fuck you. I think your idea of my fucking your ass while the egg is running was a great one."    


Master turned me so I was bent over the edge of our spa. A lot of the juices which escaped Master's tongue had leaked down over my pucker. He rubbed the head of his prick in all of it, then placed his cock at the entrance to my back door. He slowly eased himself all the way in until his balls dangled on my pussy before turning the egg back on.    


"Master, do I still have permission to cum?" I moaned.    


"As much as you want, slave," Master said.    


I spasmed as he said it, quivering. He started stroking in and out, using every inch of his wonderful cock to fuck me with. He'd been hard for over ninety minutes, so he wasn't going to last too long, but I took advantage of every second, cumming five more times in the space of the ten minutes he fucked me before I felt him pulsing inside my buttocks, plastered against my cheeks. As hard as the first two hours had been, the last twenty-five more than made up for it. He pulled out before he'd shrunk completely and wiped us both with a damp towel.    


"Was I doing better towards the end of your lesson than I was at the beginning, slave."    


"Yes, Master. Much better. At least thirty to fifty percent better. You're not at Lisa's or Rhonda's level yet, but you did very well. I shall keep working with you as much as I can to improve your technique."    


He smiled. "I'm sure you'll enjoy every second of it too, won't you, slave?"    


"Every second, sir." I kissed him. "We all will."    


He looked at his watch. "The others should be coming over soon. You might want to grab a quick bite before we start this afternoon."    


"Yes, Master."    


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