Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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Rhonda had to get ready for work, so I made Becky help me change the sheets and throw the wet ones into the washer. Then because she looked so damn cute bent over putting things in the front load washer, I seated her on the top of the washer and licked her to another orgasm. Thankfully, no further signs of squirting. She was awfully tasty though. Lucas woke up wanting food so I picked him up and brought him to the bedroom. While I breast fed him, Lisa and I kissed while Becky licked each of us to several more orgasms.    


When Lucas was done eating, I brought him back to the nursery and changed his diaper. By the time I'd returned, Lisa and Becky were in a sixty-nine, dining away.    


"You're like a kid with a new toy," I said, "Can't stop playing with it and put it away." I smacked her ass. "It's midnight. Lisa and I need to get up at 6:30. Go to sleep. Tomorrow you can help with our cum break."    


"What's a cum break?" Becky asked.    


"As a benefit to our employees, everyone gets to orgasm when we stop for lunch. You'll be in charge of making everyone cum, including Sean. You said your boyfriend liked you to suck him. I need to see how well you suck cock. We'll borrow him from Shasta so you can practice. Could you deep throat your boyfriend?"    


"No. I could get all but the last inch down."    


"Sean's about the same size as your boyfriend. We'll have you sucking all of his cock before Master gets home. Master will be harder, but we'll have you deep throating him before Saturday night."    


All three of us showered, brushed and went to bed. Becky had brought her toothbrush and a few other items when she found out she was could come over. The one thing she didn't bring was more clothes. All three of us curled up in bed with Becky in the middle and went to sleep.    




Becky got up and after she used the toilet, I changed her anal plug to the next larger size, showing her how to clean and store the smaller one. She had breakfast with us, then went home to feed her cat again. I told her to make arrangements for her cat to be fed and bring whatever she thought she might need for the next three days. To include clothes for dining out Saturday night, and to be back by ten AM. We were working when she got back about 9:30 and I yelled at her to come down to the basement. When she came down, she was already undressed. It didn't take long for people to feel comfortable being naked in our home. I introduced Becky to everyone there and told them Becky would be providing their cum break pleasures today. Becky blushed when I told them she'd only started licking cunt Thursday, but was already quite good.    


"It may take her a little longer to get you off, but she's eager to please, so you should enjoy it."    


With Shasta's permission, I showed her what we were doing and building. We'd already shipped off the pieces we'd used for our photo shoot, but we were doing another of our original pieces, plus two beds, both king size.    


"These are nice," she said. "You do beautiful work."    


"It's a smaller version of the one we have in our bedroom."    


"Your bed does all of the same things; like the stocks and suspension points?"    


"Yes. Master needs a place to punish his slaves."    


She ran her hand over it. "It looks like a regular four poster bed frame and not some bondage thing."    


"That's its purpose; so you can hide it in plain sight."    


"You know, I took a wood shop class in high school. Liked it better than home economics. I enjoyed the class. Built a bedside table with a couple drawers in it and some book shelves. More useful than baking a cake, right?"    


How intriguing. "How much do you make delivering pizza on average?"    


"Three, three-fifty a week depending on tips."    


"How would you like a job working for us? Fifteen dollars an hour to start. If you worked here, Master couldn't complain about you hanging around. Your presence wouldn't be dependent on his good graces. You can give the pizza place a weeks notice and start next Monday. Janet is going to need maternity leave shortly. We have great company benefits including health insurance and cum breaks for lunch."    




"Absolutely. Lisa and I are in charge of the company. It has nothing to do with Master."    


Becky hugged and kissed me, the kiss quickly becoming more intimate.    


"Hey," Shasta yelled, "No fucking around. You're on work time."    


"Yes, Mistress," I said, breaking it off. "I just hired a new worker. Becky will be able to start a week from Monday. She had wood shop in high school and built a bookcase and bedside table with drawers."    


"Really? You're not saying that just because you got new pussy you want to play with?"    


"Really. Feel free to see how she does with a few simple tasks."    


Shasta soon had Becky measuring and cutting wood, sanding and screwing things together.    


"Not bad," Shasta said. "And a willing cunt licker on top of it," making Becky blush again. "I agree she'll be a good addition to the workforce. Why don't you go upstairs and make some sandwiches for lunch for everybody, then come back here and start licking."    




Lisa whispered to me, "Kind of a sneaky way to bypass Master, Julia."    


"It just makes her handy. It's not like we'll be able to fuck her all the time."    


"Remember our caning. Don't do anything that gets us into a lot of trouble. I don't want to wear a Slave Trainer for 24 hours."    


"It's a legitimate hire. We are going to lose Janet to maternity leave."    


"I hope Master sees it that way."    


I did too.    


The baby monitor went off and I excused myself to feed Lucas. "No cunt licking for you until it's your turn, slut," Shasta told me as I left.    


"Yes, Mistress."    




We both returned downstairs at roughly the same time after Lucas was fed and I put him in Rhonda's room. One by one, starting with Shasta, Becky licked the cunts of everyone present, giving each of them an orgasm until only Sean remained. When she started in on Sean's cock after Shasta removed his cage, I watched her closely to see how she did. As she said, she got about five inches of his dick down, though she seemed quite good working with those five inches. She lost about half of his load, but at least tried to swallow. The only person who didn't get to cum was Becky. She wouldn't get to cum until Master fucked her so she'd be very ready for his cock this evening.    


She asked if she got to cum. "Not from any of us. You have to wait until Master fucks you tonight."    


To make sure she didn't stroke one off herself, I told her she could stay down here and work since she knew what the hell she was doing.    


I told Shasta we'd need to borrow Sean for cock sucking lessons after work.    


"You ain't getting fucked if he needed for lessons," she warned.    


"Master's coming home tonight. I don't need a fucking as bad as she needs lessons. We'll fix you and Sean supper. Master said he isn't going to be here until late since poker was cancelled."    


"Fine. You can use Sean for your lessons. I'll let Momma know I'll be late."    




When Rhonda woke up, she brought Lucas down and asked about supper. I told her to make extra for Shasta and Sean. At five, I sent Becky up to help with the meal since we were feeding her.    


We sat down for dinner and I fed my slave again, kissing and loving on her. While I did, I told Becky Shasta had agreed to Sean being used to train her.    


"I thought I did a good job when I sucked Sean's cock earlier."    


"It wasn't bad, but it could be better. All three of us can deep throat Sean and even Master. You need to be better. However, in return for his services, Shasta should have recompense. Since you're getting the training, you can provide the compensation. I think you should get on the floor now and lick Shasta to four orgasms in payment. You're a relatively decent cunt licker. You learned quickly. Hopefully, you learn proper cock sucking as quickly. Go on now."    


Looking at me briefly, she then got on the floor and while Shasta ate, brought her to four climaxes. It took less than fifteen minutes, but her meal had still cooled off substantially. I told her she could put it in the microwave for a moment if she wanted to. When she came back to the table, I took my napkin and wiped her face off, kissing her after. She smiled at me, then sat down and ate her meal in relative silence.    


The meal over, I picked up Lucas, while Rhonda and Lisa started to clean up. Becky helped until I told her she had other things to do. Shasta removed Sean's cock cage.    


"Mistress, would you please tell Sean to get an erection?" I asked.    


She did and he did. Becky being somewhat surprised to watch his cock rise on command. I asked for Sean to come over to me and while holding Lucas, swallowed all of his cock. It required very little effort on my part as I was used to swallowing larger. I backed off his cock and asked Shasta to tell him to lose his hard on, which he did. This also was quite surprising to Becky.    


"Sean is an excellent training tool for cock sucking as he pretty much becomes erect and cums on command. You are going to start by sucking his flaccid cock. Mistress will tell him to become erect while he's in your mouth. There is a trick which can help you to deep throat him. As he begins to grow in your mouth and the head reaches your throat, I want you to start swallowing, like you have a big piece of meat in your throat to get down. Hold him as deep as you can for fifteen or twenty seconds, then you may come up for air. Then go back down his cock and you keep swallowing every time you get a gag reflex. Try to go deeper, and hold him there.    


"Eventually, you'll become accustomed to having his dick in your throat. Every time you have a problem, remember to swallow, don't gag and attempt to force him back out of your throat, swallow and force him deeper. He will not cum until he's told he can cum, kind of like you last night. This gives you the opportunity for lots of practice. Get into a rhythm. Grab some air, get him down, back up, licking and sucking, get more air and repeat. Do you understand so far?"    




"You'll be given warning before he's told to cum. With about three or four seconds left to go, slide back up his cock until only the top one or two inches are in your mouth. Master likes it when you can taste his cum, not have you so deep in your throat it bypasses your taste buds. You'll be sucking lightly and licking the head when Sean cums. I'm giving you warning of his cumming because you have to swallow every drop of his sperm. You must consider his sperm as if it's the nectar of the Gods. The more you swallow initially, the less you need worry about cleaning up afterwards. We'd be changing sheets every night if we didn't clean up after ourselves. I don't want to wash sheets two nights in a row, so don't spill any cum.    


"We'll try to teach you to recognize an oncoming male orgasm because you won't always be told they're going to cum. You should be able to tell yourself, so it's no surprise to you and you're trying to catch up. You saw how Rhonda even captured most of your cum last night when you squirted. Kept you from totally soaking the bed. Just too much juice to swallow it all."    


Shasta said, "Becky's a squirter?"    


"Last night she was, Mistress" I said. "Had you ever squirted before, Becky?"    


"No, but that was the best orgasm I ever had."    


"You use that electronic gizmo on her?"    


"No gizmo, Mistress. I just wouldn't let her cum. Made her hold it until she exploded. Kind of like Sean when you don't let him cum for thirty minutes."    


Shasta laughed. "I swear he shoot his cum six feet if I make him hold it that long. Feels real good when he cum in my cunt that way."    


"What electronic gizmo are you talking about?" Becky asked.    


"An e-stim vibrator we slaves are using to strengthen our Kegel muscles. Rhonda and I squirt sometimes if we haven't cum recently. Julia doesn't squirt, per se, she just moistens up heavy."    


"Can I try it?"    


"Not tonight and not in the bedroom. I already worry about you squirting. Are you clear on what you're doing tonight?"    


"I'm clear."    


"Then start sucking Sean. Mistress will tell him to get hard in five or so minutes."    


Becky complied and started sucking. I think she was trying to get him hard before he had permission. She certainly looked like she was doing everything in her power to give him an erection and she seemed disappointed when she didn't. She felt she had talent sucking cocks, but he was well trained.    


In six minutes, Shasta gave him permission to get hard and soon, he was filling Becky's mouth. She struggled at first, but I kept telling her what to do and at some point, the messages were getting across. She got him all down and developed the tempo I'd hoped for. Breathe, in, work him down, suck and lick, work the throat muscles, out while sucking, breathe.    


I gave Shasta the signal and she said, "In fifteen seconds, you can cum, Sean."    


I counted down in my head, saying "ten," then "five", and Becky moved back up his cock until only the head was in her mouth and put her tongue to work pleasuring the crown. Right on cue, Sean spewed his load down her throat and Becky managed to swallow it all this time, coughing a little.    


"Very good. I'm proud of you," I said.    


Rhonda and Lisa joined us after cleaning the kitchen. Lisa took Lucas to the nursery. I told Rhonda to pleasure Shasta while Becky worked on extracting Sean's next load.    


"This time, Sean will allow himself to become erect and cum naturally, as he needs to, Becky," I told her. "We're not going to warn you when he cums this time. In addition to sucking his shaft, I want you spending some time caressing and licking his balls. When you're not licking his sack, your fingers should be holding it and rolling them around. What's happening to his nuts are the best indication you'll have he's about to cum. There are other indications. Listen to his breathing. It will get faster as he gets closer to his release. Other muscles on his body will start to tighten, including his legs and abdomen. His voice will change, his moans will change.    


"Remember the first time I licked you, how I slowly teased you to get you ready for your first girl orgasm. You should do the same for Sean. He's just cum. Under normal circumstances, if you want him to fuck again, you need to give him some encouragement. Coax his erection out of him. Get him hard, get him ready, feel everything his body is telling you, what he likes the most and what he likes the least. You should always be pleasing to the person you're serving, striving to give them the greatest amount of pleasure. Try to draw it out at least fifteen minutes. While you want him to cum, it's not the purpose of what you're doing. Maximizing his pleasure is your purpose. Sense when he's going to cum and swallow it all again."    


Becky nodded in acknowledgment and started the process. She was doing an excellent job of following instructions; a teasing seduction to get him ready, pleasuring both cock and balls, taking her time, getting all of his cock down. Sean was loving it. It was a great blow job, worthy of the finest slave. Finally, Sean grunted and sent another flood of cum into her mouth. She was prepared for it. She didn't lose a drop this time, either, even without the warning.    


I wanted to let her know I was proud of her, so I kissed her while she still had a mouthful of Sean's cum, stealing some of it from her.    


When I came up for air, I said, "I think Becky is worthy of sucking Master's cock. Thank you, Mistress, for the loan of your slave. Sean, compared to the blow job you got during your cum break today, how did this one compare?"    


"It was twice as good, Julia. It was excellent."    


"Come on, Sean," Shasta said. "Time to go home and fuck me proper."    


"Yes, Mistress."    


I still didn't want Becky to cum yet, but I did spend some time kissing and petting her so she knew I appreciated what she'd done. Master should be getting home soon.    


I informed Becky of her plans for the rest of the evening. "Master should be home around eight, Becky. He'll want to take a shower. He's worked hard all day and then sat in his truck for three or more hours. He'll be tired, but he'll be interested in a new woman to play with. I want him to fuck you first. Then, you can practice your new cock sucking skills to get him hard again. Due to his size, he will be harder to deep throat than Sean was. Do the best you can, but if you don't get him all the way down, don't keep trying to force the issue. Do the best you can to give him pleasure. After he has another erection, he should fuck Lisa.    


"If you wish, you may get under Lisa in a sixty-nine while Master fucks her. When he cums, you can clean his cock and her cunt of their cum. We're trying to save the bed linens. We'll be lucky if he can go again tonight, but Rhonda and I can pleasure each other if he can't. What you may want to do is give him a nice back massage after he's done with Lisa. If you want to spend time with us, try to make yourself a welcome comfort. Display the youthful exuberance and enthusiasm you've shown us in learning to please women."    


Becky replied, "Thank you, ladies, for inviting me to come over on Wednesday, and showing me how fun it can be to have sex with women. I thought I was crazy for agreeing to deliver more pizza here, but I haven't regretted a second. Your lesson tonight was impressive. I didn't realize how much I didn't know about sucking cocks. Since my boyfriend made me do it all the time, I thought I was good."    


"You can learn more. Just as you had to pay attention to cunts last night when being licked yourself, you need to learn to do the same with cocks. Your pleasure is never more important than the pleasure you give another. We have three days to make you indispensable. Would you like to change your anal plug to the larger size before Master fucks you? I believe it will make his fucking even better."    




"Remove it, clean up, get the next largest size and the lube and I'll insert it for you."    


"Thank you."    


As soon as she was gone, Lisa said, "You really want to turn her into another slave, don't you?"    


"I can't help it. She's adorable."    


"Would she be yours again, like Rhonda, or Masters?"    


"I suppose it depends on whether she decides she likes cunt or cock more. Even if Master doesn't let us keep her, I think she'd be a good slave to someone. Jerry or Chen if she's partial to cock which means she could keep working for us, or Sarah if she prefers cunt. Sarah was talking about obtaining a woman slave."    



"Do you think Jerry would take another slave right after marrying Reneé? Or Chen take another one after Janet delivers his daughter?"    


"Reneé is the most bisexual of our friends and loves to have a cunt around. I doubt she'd care. Janet might appreciate another slave to help with her child. It's been a godsend having both of you to help with Lucas."    


"I suppose either could be possibilities. Aren't you and I slitting our throats by taking another slave? Master can't fuck everyone."    


"It would be more of a problem if Master was still adamantly opposed to us fucking other men. If we can get the occasional cock somewhere else, it's not as big an issue as it was before. In the last three weeks, most of which Master's been gone, I've fucked Bill, Chen, Ricardo, the dance instructor, Sean, and Dan. Obviously, you've had it worse because no one else but Master can fuck your cunt, but that's temporary. Once you're pregnant, you're open game, too."    


Lisa laughed. "I can't believe the shit you talk me into. She is sweet. I can't believe how quickly she's learned to lick as well as she does."    


"My ears were burning," Becky said, rejoining us. "Were you talking about me?"    


"Yes," I replied. "Lisa was saying how sweet your are and what a nice cunt licker you've become."    


Becky blushed. She handed me the next largest plug and the lube and bent over the arm of the couch.    


"What a cute little ass you have," I said, smearing lube in and around her anus. "After I've taught you how to cleanse yourself, I think I'll enjoy rimming your tight asshole immensely." Becky moaned, the slut.    


I lubed up the plug and slowly pushed it into her rectum. It went in fairly easily despite the larger size. Becky's bottom was responding to the stretching and learning to relax the muscle. It wouldn't be long before Master was plugging her butt and her first double penetration.    


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