Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C53 053

C53 053



I had Wendy get in the back with Lucas while I took the passenger seat. I'd been driving most of the trip and Rhonda had just started. Almost the second we were underway, Wendy said, "I want to fuck you, Scott, and have you show me what it's like to be a woman."    


"We've already discussed this and the answer is no. N-O, no fucking way."    


"I'm an adult. You wouldn't be breaking the law. You fuck other women, so I'm not stepping on anyone's toes if you fuck me. I want to see who I like better, boys or girls. Sex with you would be better than fumbling around with a randy teenager who wants nothing more than shove his cock in my cunt and cum. It would probably hurt and I wouldn't like him any more than I do you."    


"I decide who I have sex with and that doesn't include you."    


"Master," Rhonda said, "before you make a conclusive answer, could you please hear her out. The whole thing. She made several good points which might cause you to reconsider."    


"You think it's a good idea?"    


"Better than a lot of other alternatives which might occur for a woman of her age who wants to get laid, sir."    


"It had better be good," I said.    


I listened to Wendy state all the reasons she believed I should be the one to fuck her. Rhonda added a point here and there where Wendy didn't make her point as clearly as she might. She told me she'd agreed to abandon thoughts of submission for now, at least until she'd gone on some regular dates and knew more about bondage and discipline.    


"If she remains interested, Master, I think you, Chen, Jerry or even Domina should be the ones to explore it with her, depending on if she's more interested in men or women. If we're unwilling to help her explore, she indicated she would go to a BDSM club and throw herself open to whoever wanted her."    


"What did Julia have to say about any of this?"    


"She said it was your choice as to whether or not you fucked me," Wendy replied. "It was her I reached the agreement with not to pursue submission until I'd gone on some dates and read a lot more about BDSM."    


"And you, Rhonda. Why do you think any of this is a good idea?"    


"Because you gave me a good first time experience with a man and I know she would enjoy it more with you than most men who would take her virginity. If she truly wants to know her sexual orientation, shouldn't she have the best of both experiences as a comparison. She's had me to see what a woman was like. Should she compare that to a boy with raging hormones who will likely hurt her the first time, last three minutes and be gone?"    


"You're not on birth control are you?" I asked Wendy.    




"Do we have any more condoms from before you started birth control?" I asked Rhonda.    


"I don't know, Master, but they'd be over eight months old. How long do they last and retain their effectiveness?"    


"I'll text Lisa and tell her we're making a stop and they should continue on home. Stop at a pharmacy."    


"Yes, Master."    


"Does this mean you're going to fuck me?" Wendy asked.    


"It only means I'm still thinking about it, but should be prepared."    


I started texting. Who was I kidding? If I bought condoms, I was going to fuck her. She was a lovely young woman, similar to Rhonda, slightly shorter, slightly bustier. Perhaps slightly smaller in the hips. Rhonda knew it too. She reached over and put her hand on my leg, squeezing it. I didn't exactly know why she'd be happy I was fucking her sister, but she genuinely seemed to consider it the best alternative. Maybe I just had a hard time understanding the slave mind.    




After stopping at the drug store, we got home. Shasta was in the house with Bernice and Cedric. She was chatting with Julia. Sean was kneeling on the floor.    


Shasta turned when we came in, saying, "I had to pick up my car. I left it parked in the driveway."    


"We got to fly in a hellycopter, Sean," Cedric said. "It was so much fun."    


Shasta put her hand on his head and rubbed it. "It sure was. We need to get going now."    


"Is Sean going home with us, Mama?"    


"Not tonight, baby. Mama's still mad. Sean is still in time out."    


Sean stared down at the floor, not saying a peep.    


"I'll put Lucas down, Domina," Rhonda said, taking him to the nursery. "Wendy, come with me, pay attention to how to change a diaper."    


"I need to put more cream on my piercing," Lisa said. "Excuse me."    


"We'll put Sean in the basement, Shasta," Julia said. "He'll have a place to sleep for a few days."    


"Thank you. I'll be here first thing in the morning."    


"I think we should take another day off," Julia said. "It's been a busy weekend and we probably all need to decompress and rest up. Would you let the others know, Shasta."    


"Of course. Thanks for everything. Let's go Mama. Cedric, it's past your bedtime."    


Shasta handed Julia a key. "This is for his cock cage." She took a last look at Sean before she left, holding Cedric's hand.    


Sean started crying as soon as she was out the door.    


"Stop sniveling and get up, slave," Julia said. "You brought this on yourself. We have a cot you can use. We can stick a comforter over the top to provide more cushion and give you sheets and a blanket. You can help make it up."    


"Yes, Domina."    


They went downstairs. Lisa was the first to return.    


"How are you, slave?"    


"Horny and sore, Master."    


"I know you can't fuck tonight. Do you want to sleep on your own or with us?"    


"How many in the bed tonight, Master?"    


"Without you, three for sure. I'm considering a fourth."    


"Wendy?" I nodded. "I figured there was a reason for a drug store stop. Are you sure, Master?"    


"I'm not sure of fucking anything, but Rhonda seems to be sure. It's her sister."    


"Given you expect four in bed already, I'll take Rhonda's bed for the night, sir."    



"Do you need to be restrained to keep you from rubbing yourself?"    


"Not without someone else in the bed to release me in order to use the restroom, Master. I'll tough it out."    


"I'm sorry."    


"I'll be fine, sir."    


"We just had our bonding ceremony. You shouldn't be all by yourself. This doesn't have to happen today. I'm not even sure if it should happen at all."    


"It's not like I can fuck anyway, sir. You've fucked me three times more recently than any of the other slaves."    


"You're not important to me solely for the sex, Lisa. You're important because you're you and I love you."    


Julia came up from the basement. "Sean's set up, sir. He's distraught, but he'll be okay. I've spoken to him some. He knows what he's done wrong and what he needs to do if given another chance."    


"Thank you, Julia."    


Rhonda and Wendy both came out of the nursery.    


"Can I get fucked now?" Wendy said.    


"No, I'm sorry, you can't" I said. "You're welcome to stay and if you want, you can sleep with Rhonda, but that's up to her."    


"I thought it was all set. It's why you bought condoms, isn't it?"    


"It was, and we might eventually use them, but I just went through a very important ceremony with my slaves. As important as a wedding, really. I've not fucked my wife since that ceremony, which is a little like not fucking her on her honeymoon. Although I have fucked Lisa three times since then because she was getting her piercing, she's sore and should be with her loved ones, which is her sister slaves and me. I assume you'd want your sister to be there for you, and since Julia should be there because she deserves some of my attention, that puts five people in the bed, which is too goddam many. To shove Lisa out of my bed so I can fuck you, would be rude and disrespectful, and she doesn't deserve that.    


"If there's one thing I would want anyone to teach you about sex, it is that it's always better if you have sex with someone you love. I love my slaves and I'm not going to make any of them second fiddle to you to satisfy your curiosity. They deserve better from me and I intend to give them exactly what they deserve. You'll just have to wait for a more opportune time. Tonight is not the time."    


I put my arms around two of my slaves. "Sorry, cupcake, but no can do."    


Wendy smiled at me. "I can wait - a little. I still want you to make me a woman though."    


"I'll get around to it eventually. But don't be so impatient."    


"Sis," Wendy said. "I'll let you stay with your family tonight. I'll be okay. If Julia's giving everyone time off tomorrow, you'll have time to show me more then." She blew her a kiss. "Goodnight all. Don't let the bed bugs bite."    


She walked up the stairs doing a slow strip tease the entire way, taking off her underwear just before she disappeared around the corner.    


"She's quite a handful, Rhonda," Julia said.    


"I wonder how my parents manage."    


"I suspect she was a lot more timid Friday than she is today," Lisa said. "She was exposed to a lot."    


I kissed all three of them. "If she sticks around, she'll be exposed to a lot more. All three of you have way too many clothes on for slaves."    


"Yes, Master." Clothes flew everywhere.    


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