Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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Shasta asked if it would be all right with me if she slept in our bed. She'd gotten accustomed to sleeping with another person and missed the comfort of a warm body beside her. I had no problems with it and she spent the night on one side, with me on the other and two slaves between us. When I woke the following morning, Rhonda was ensconced between Shasta's legs, giving her pleasure, trying to be quiet, so as not to disturb anyone else. I lay there listening to the sibilant sounds of wet tongues over silky flesh, enjoying the muted moans of Shasta's cumming.    


At some point, listening was not enough. My cock was rising and I'd need a place to plant it. Lisa still slumbered beside me, curled in a loose ball. I began running my hand over the flank and cheek within my reach. No rush, but it would need to commence shortly. Finally, Lisa stirred and turned to face me.    


"Can I help you, Master?" She whispered, conscious of the other two beside her.    


"You could ride my prick," I responded. "You're not getting pregnant by yourself."    


She looked to see if I would need help this morning and realized quickly I didn't. She swung her leg over me and ensured I was aimed at the proper hole before sinking over my shaft. All pretense of pretending anyone was asleep disappeared. Shasta's moans were as loud as my slave's the next time she orgasmed. Generally, the sounds of sex coming from our bedroom must have been quite loud.    


The baby monitor went off and Rhonda said, "I'm sorry Mistress, I need to get this."    


Rhonda got up and disappeared to get Lucas. Shasta turned and watched us for awhile until I climaxed, then turned onto her back staring at the ceiling.    


"This is killing me," she muttered.    


"Would you like to shower with us?" I asked. "Lisa can make you cum again."    


"Why not," Shasta said, "but what I really want is a cock. Damn Sean, the little motherfucker. He insinuated himself into my life like a bloodsucking leech, and everyone wants me to keep him."    


"You know; you might want to consider giving him another chance. You did notice he offered to get Ed's cock wet so it would slide into you easier? It seemed he was trying to be helpful instead of cock block you."    


"He did, didn't he? I guess I was caught up in the moment."    


"Let me suggest this. When we go out for breakfast, let's be all lovey dovey and you thank me for giving you a lovely fuck. If he ignores everything we do and doesn't say anything, take him home with you. If he responds negatively, you'll know he's never going to figure it out and it's time to embrace the fact he can't accept his station in your life. You'll need to make it clear it's his last chance at the dance or he's gone for good."    


"God knows I want to take him home again."    


"Lisa, when we go out to the kitchen, let Rhonda know not to reveal Shasta didn't have sex with me and only had it with her."    


"Yes, Master."    


All three of us took a shower and Lisa did help give Shasta that freshly fucked look we were going for. When we went out to the kitchen, Sean was working on breakfast and Rhonda was feeding Lucas. I had my arm around Shasta and was hugging and kissing her, running a hand up and down her side from hip to boob. Lisa went to hug Rhonda and kiss Lucas and I assume she said something then because Rhonda smiled and nodded. Lisa started helping Sean with breakfast.    


"Where's my Dad?" I asked.    


"He went home fifteen minutes ago when Sandy got back. They looked as if they had things to do, Master," Rhonda said, smiling, "and very little time to do them."    


"Probably needed what I needed," Shasta said. "Thanks, Scott, for that wonderful fuck. After last night, I didn't know if I could take another cock so soon, but you were very gentle."    


"You're welcome, Shasta." I held a chair for her at the table and gave her a serious tonsil searching kiss when she sat down. "I had a great time. You're always welcome here." I sat down beside her, pulling my chair close.    


"It means a lot to me since I no longer have my own slave. Lisa, tell Julia how much I appreciate all of you sharing your Master with me."    


"You can tell her yourself. She should be home in fifteen minutes."    


"Should I make more breakfast, Master?" Sean said, stirring up scrambled eggs on the stove, but otherwise keeping quiet.    


"Let's ask her when she gets home," I said. "Jerry and Reneé might have fed her."    


"Yes, sir."    


Lisa poured orange juice and coffee for those who wanted it and Sean started plating breakfast. I leaned over to kiss her again and ran my hand up Shasta's leg, cupping her sex. I started stroking the outside of her pussy, making her moan.    


"Your cunt is as sweet as honey," I said. "You've one of the best tasting pussies I know."    


Shasta laughed. "You kidder. You just say that to all the women you fuck."    


"Master is right, Mistress," Rhonda said. "I could lick your pussy for hours. Don't you think so, Sean?"    


"Mistress tastes very good," Sean said neutrally.    


Sean set plates down on the table in front of Shasta and I. When he did, I inserted two fingers into her. She started, then moaned, turning for another kiss. When I broke it off, I made a point of licking my fingers clean, savoring her taste. Sean calmly gave the others their food and sat down. We started eating.    


"Master, where would you like me to set up the computer equipment so I can start working on the web design," Sean said.    


I looked at Shasta. She stared back at me for a few seconds, then sighed and shrugged.    


"Oh, what the fuck; you might as well set it up in your room at my house."    


The look Sean got on his face was priceless. He had to make sure he wasn't dreaming. "Mistress?" He asked.    


"You heard me. I'm giving you one more goddamn chance, and you'd better not blow it, because it's the last time I bother with you if you fuck it up again."    


Sean put a solemn look on his face that couldn't hide the joy underneath. "Yes, Mistress. I won't disappoint you again."    


"Better not. You'll be tested. I date other men. I'll fuck other men if I want, and you don't say a damn word about it. I will not be controlled by you or anyone else. I'm in control of my life, not you."    


"Yes, Mistress. I understand."    


"After you clean up the kitchen and thank Scott and his slaves for their hospitality, you start loading my car with your shit. I'll let Momma know we got another mouth to feed for supper."    


"Thank you, Mistress." Sean couldn't wipe the smile off his face no matter how he tried.    


Julia got home, stripping as she came through the door. She looked as happy as Sean did.    


"Did you have a good time last night?" I asked.    


"I had a wonderful time last night, Master," she said, sitting in my lap and kissing me.    


"Did you have a chance to eat breakfast this morning, or did you only have time for fucking?" Lisa asked.    


"Just fucking," she said, smiling.    


"Well, you'll have to make your own breakfast," I said. "Sean's already finished making ours."    


"Yes, sir. Peanut butter and toast will do it for me."    


She kissed me again, putting her hand between my legs and feeling for my cock.    



"Didn't you have enough?" I asked.    


"I never get enough, Master, and you need to go to LA again tomorrow. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do." She started stroking me to hardness now she had her hand on me.    


"Fine." I was done with breakfast anyway.    


I picked her up and carried her into the bedroom, tossing her on the bed, legs akimbo. She looked at me, eyes smoky with need.    


"Fuck your slave, Master. Remind me what your cock feels like buried deep in my cunt."    


"No problem."    




Shasta and Sean were gone when we rejoined the others. Sean had taken the computer equipment with him. Lisa and Rhonda were on the patio, swimming and working out. Lucas was in a playpen under a sunshade. He was sitting up and playing with some plastic blocks, gurgling contentedly.    


Julia gave Lucas the raspberries, making him giggle, then went to her slave and caressed her, letting her know how much she'd missed her.    


"Wendy texted me, Domina, telling me she was coming over when she got off work at four," Rhonda said.    


"Not unexpected," Julia replied. "She seemed quite determined to have Master fuck her ass to me. Have you cum yet today, slave."    


"No, Domina. Shasta wasn't in the mood to return my favors."    


"I will." Julia said. She tossed one of the lounge cushions on the ground and lay down on her back. "Sixty-nine me."    


"Yes, Domina, happily."    


Julia parted her legs and they melted together.    


"How are you, Master?" Lisa asked me. "Any regrets selling Julia last night."    


"None worth mentioning," I replied. "I've prepared myself and I accept our circumstances. I actually feel better now than I did before. I was consumed with guilt."    


"Unnecessarily, sir, but I'm happy you've relaxed your stance. A well fucked slave is a happy slave."    


"Are you a well fucked slave?"    


"If you're asking if I want another fucking, the answer is I can always use another."    


"Bed?" I asked.    


"As far as I'm concerned you can bend me over the picnic table, sir."    


So I did.    


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