Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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C84 084

0"I told her to quit fighting her slavery and surrender to it. She'd enjoy this week more if she did."    


"Good advice," Master said, "from one slave to another."    


We stayed at the spa until around four, William having his new slave suck his cock one more time before we left. He told us to leave the empty dishes and glasses on the trays. Someone would be buy to pick them up later. We put on our robes and went back to his room. We took showers two by two to wash off the chlorine. I showered with Whore, soaping her up, even giving her another orgasm after we'd rinsed. She was clinging to me as she climaxed, gasping softly in my arms.    


"You need to learn to return pleasure for pleasure," I whispered, "though others are waiting for the shower, so I'll delay your reciprocation."    


"Yes, Domina."    


Evelyn had some nice products to moisturize after showers. One went on our wet skin and was allowed to air dry. It left my skin feeling soft and silky. I showed Master the suit we'd brought him for our dinner tonight. He thanked me. He asked me if I wanted to suck his cock.    


"Nothing would give me more pleasure, Master, but I think you may want to save yourself for later. Master Bill has some surprises in store tonight. I'm the only one who knows what they are, but I think you'll be pleasantly surprised."    


Master smiled. "You intrigue me."    


"Yes, sir."    


We were all dressed when Robert came to the room to collect us. Evelyn was wearing a floor length green gown with high slits up the side, nearly to her waist, and another slit down the middle of her chest. Her breasts flowing freely under the thin material like mine and Rhonda's.    


"I saw you speaking to Whore earlier," Bill said. "Do you think she'll need to wear a Slave Trainer?"    


"I think it's never a bad thing for a slave to wear a Slave Trainer when they're being trained, sir. It reinforces the notion that her orgasms don't belong to her; they belong to you."    


He smiled. "Then you should help put one on her, and make sure we bring the other one and the chargers tonight."    


"Yes, sir," I smiled back.    


"What's this thing?" Whore asked as I helped her put it on.    


"It's called a Slave Trainer. New slaves frequently have to wear them."    


She didn't fight it; she didn't know. I asked Master to control it since Bill didn't have the app on his phone. He smiled and turned it on. Whore jumped, feeling the vibrations start, thinking she might be cumming soon. Poor slave. That certainly wasn't going to happen.    


We all went down to the limousine, following Robert. Since I knew he'd fucked Evelyn, I watched him closely to see if I could detect signs of their carnal knowledge. Robert seemed to be the consummate professional. I couldn't detect a scintilla of evidence he'd had his cock in Evelyn's cunt. Even when she smiled and thanked him for helping her into the car, he maintained his stiff demeanor.    


"You're welcome, Mrs. Thornhill."    


He was the same with the rest of us, despite our sexy attire. We could have been dressed in parkas for all the attention he paid us.    


Since Chen's was on the way to Trelio's, it was easy enough to pick them up on our way. Chen was dapperly dressed. It's hard to find maternity clothes most slaves would find sexy, Janet didn't quite have the sophistication and daring or our attire, but she still looked nice. I kissed her when Chen and Robert helped her to get in the car.    


"It will be so nice when I deliver," Janet muttered.    


"I felt the same at this stage of my pregnancy. I felt fat, ugly and ungainly. I was surprised anyone wanted to fuck me."    


"I'm glad my Master doesn't seem to have any qualms about fucking the pregnant broad," Janet said. "I think I'm even hornier carrying this bowling ball around."    


Chen laughed, kissing his slave. "That's because you're beautiful."    


"Will you still think so in another month, Master."    


"We'll have to see. I make no promises." He kissed her again.    


Whore whispered to me, "Shouldn't this thing be making me orgasm by now?"    


"No," I replied. No point in giving her the bad news yet.    


When we arrived at Trelio's, there wasn't eight other cars in the parking lot; probably staff vehicles.    


"This place is usually much busier," Whore said. "Especially on Saturday night. Even with reservations, it isn't odd to wait a half hour for a seat."    


Master noticed the same thing. He looked at me. I smiled at him. Chen and Janet weren't surprised. They'd heard the phone call too.    


William attached leashes to Evelyn and Whore. "Come along, slaves. Robert, after you park, why don't you come inside and have supper with us."    


"Yes, sir. Thank you."    


Whore was embarrassed to be led on a leash into one of Fresno's finest restaurant, expecting a number of people to be there despite the empty parking lot. Evelyn didn't appear to have the same level of shame.    


"This reminds me of Antigua, Master," Evelyn said.    


"I was thinking the same thing," Bill replied. "Are you wet, slave?"    


"Yes, Master, very wet."    


So was I.    


We went inside and the Maitre'd looked askance at the two leashed slaves.    


"Don't pay it any mind," Evelyn said, with a friendly smile. "We lost a bet. Never bet against William Thornhill when it comes to matters of high finance."    


"I understand, ma'am," he said, returning her smile.    


He led us from the foyer to the dining room. All the tables were pushed aside, leaving one large table with place settings for nine. Five waiters were standing around the table waiting for us to be seated. Other than that, the place was empty. Master and his other slaves were staring in utter bewilderment.    


"My driver will be joining us for dinner, sir. Could you please add another setting to the table."    


"Right away, sir."    


"Evelyn and Whore. Please remove your clothes. You're dining nude tonight."    


Evelyn began to obey immediately. Whore was lagging behind. She was realizing she might never be able to return here again, one of the most popular restaurants in Fresno. It's funny. Her cunt was practically visible now, and would be as soon as she sat down, but the little bit of fabric felt like a shield at the moment.    


"There are other people here, Master," she said. "I eat here often."    


"Are you disobeying me, Whore?" Bill asked. "There's no one here but staff. There are no windows open and the security cameras are turned off."    


"No, sir," she replied, reluctantly starting to remove her dress. Evelyn was already naked, the Maitre'd taking her dress and hanging it up.    


Master looked around and laughed. "I can't fucking believe you bought the whole place out. How the hell did you pull that off?"    



"A lot of money," Bill laughed, "but it's going to be worth it."    


"What are you waiting for?" Master said, "A gold plated invitation? Lisa and Julia, you're stripping too. If it's good enough for Evelyn, it's good enough for you. Rhonda, I leave it to your discretion."    


I was pleased to see she removed her dress as well, joining the rest of us in our nudity. Only Janet remained.    


Chen asked, "It's up to you, Janet. You're the one who feels fat. I think you're beautiful no matter what."    


Janet kissed her Master and removed her clothes. Lisa, Rhonda and I kissed her too.    


The Maitre'd took all our clothes and hung them up. We all sat down and ice water was immediately poured for everyone and napkins placed in our laps. I should have another for under my bottom as I was leaking profusely. William asked for the wine steward. Another well dressed gentleman brought the wine list.    


It was so strange and also arousing. The men were all dressed in suits and ties. The staff were all in white jackets and bow ties, and all the women were nude. Somehow the full clothing of the others made me feel even more naked than I usually did. I think the other women felt the same. William was at the head of the table with his slaves on either side of him. I was next to Whore, with Master beside me. Janet was opposite me, Chen opposite Master and Lisa was seated next to him, with Rhonda on our side, on the other side of Master. A table setting was at the opposite end of the table and Robert sat there when he came in. I think he was as astounded to see all of us naked as the waiters were. The staff maintained a certain sophisticated edge despite our lack of clothing.    


Consulting with the wine steward, William picked four bottles of wine to go on our table, two reds, a white and rosé. He told Robert the only restriction on his meal was he couldn't drink. Robert nodded. The waiters were setting out bread and one of them brushed my breast when he set the bread tray on the table.    


"Excuse me, ma'am," he said, flustered.    


"Don't worry about it," I teased. "I enjoy having my breasts touched."    


Master smiled at me. "You slut."    


"Yes, sir. If Master would wish to have his cock sucked now, this slave would have no objection to being the source of his pleasure."    


"Are you sure, slave?"    


"Most assuredly, Master"    


He nodded and I was on the floor, unzipping his pants, his prick already engorging for me. I sucked him down.    


Master groaned, then ordered, "Lisa, since Janet would have difficulty getting on the floor, please take care of Chen for her and since you're down there anyway, don't neglect Janet either."    


"Yes, Master."    


"Rhonda, please take care of Robert."    


"Yes, sir."    


"William, I assume you can assign someone to your own cock?"    


"Absolutely. Both of you, get busy."    


Again, Evelyn was much faster than Whore. After a delay of ten seconds or so, she was helping to suck her Master. I wondered if the waiters were enjoying our little show. It's not everyday you get to watch slaves sucking their Masters.    


While I was on the ground, I peeked to see if any of them were getting erections. I noticed one of the waiters seemed to be surreptitiously recording us. I didn't mind performing for their personal enjoyment, but I didn't want to be turned into an internet whore either.    


I stopped sucking. "Master William, that waiter is recording us." Pointing at the offending party.    


Bill was up like a shot, not even bothering to zip up his pants. He even knocked Whore down in his haste. In two strides, he'd seized the offending phone from the surprised waiter.    


"Are you connected to a cloud account?"    


"Yes," he mumbled.    


"Delete it now or you're fucking dead meat." Robert was already up, flanking the little shit and he looked fierce. I suspect he was more than a driver. He looked like bodyguard material.    


The waiter hastened to obey.    


"Show me it's gone," Bill ordered.    


Apparently Bill was satisfied because he took the phone and stomped it to little pieces. "Who's in charge tonight?"    


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