Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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Lisa and Julia were taking turns sucking my cock while Rhonda nibbled my nuggets the next morning. When I got close, Julia told me to deposit my load in Lisa.    


"We're still trying to get you pregnant, aren't we?" Julia asked when Lisa demurred.    


"I just think I don't need to have all his cum. I'm probably not even fertile yet, let alone ovulating."    


"No one else can fuck your cunt until you're pregnant," Julia said. "Don't you want to fuck other people again?"    


"I don't care where it goes," I said, "as long as it's somewhere, slaves. Someone ride me now."    


"Fine, sir," Lisa said. She climbed on board and rode me for thirty seconds until I climaxed. "I just think we should let nature take its course. I'll get pregnant when I get pregnant. It's not as if I'm not fucking enough."    


When she climbed off me, Lisa got into a bicycle position with her hips on her hands and her legs in the air. She stayed that way for three minutes hoping my sperm would sink deeper into her body rather than run out. Julia and Rhonda cleaned me off, then Lisa when she finally allowed herself to fall back on the bed.    


"Master took me for tango lessons last night and I got to fuck the instructor," Julia said. "You couldn't fuck him until after you're preggers."    


"Really? You got to fuck the tango instructor?"    


"Ricardo. He was quite the dancer and quite the fucker. It must be his sense of rhythm."    


"Well, he couldn't fuck me in the cunt, you mean. He could always fuck my ass," Lisa said.    


"So what did you two do?" I asked. "How did your date go?"    


"The date went well, sir," Rhonda said. "I took Lisa to this little hole in the wall bar I was familiar with. Friendly staff, friendly patrons and a couple rooms where you can get even friendlier if you wish. We had a couple drinks while we held hands, kissed and talked. Eventually, our collars and cuffs started to attract attention. A couple people stopped to chat us up; straight up lesbians, who asked about our 'jewelry'. We told them we were both submissives and the jewelry was the symbol of our possession."    


"One of them - a cute Asian girl around twenty-five years old named Jiao - asked, 'You mean if I were to tell you what to do,'" Lisa said, "'you'd have to do it?' I told her we only had to do what our Dominant told us what to do, not some stranger in a bar. She said, 'What if I told you I wanted you to lick my cunt; would you do it?' Only if I want to do it, I informed her. So she asked if I wanted to do it. I told her I was on a date with my friend, but if they were willing to join us and reciprocate, who knew what might happen."    


"Her friend, the one with her, was Latina and named Rosalinda, and also attractive," Rhonda said. "They decided to sit with us and we talked, and eventually, I sort of paired up with the Latina who reminded me of Lucia, though not in a submissive sense. Lisa was chatting with the Asian girl, Jiao. There was some kissing, some light fondling going on between us."    


Lisa said, "Jiao asked a lot of questions about my submission and why, if I was a submissive to a Master, was I at a lesbian bar with another girl. I told her I considered myself bisexual and was with a lesbian friend who was familiar with this bar. I said Rhonda and I frequently slept together, but we were trying to become better acquainted as the four of us considered ourselves to be in a long term relationship and wanted to maintain it as much as possible, so we were on a date. Then they asked who Rhonda was submissive to and we both said she was submissive to Julia, a switch, who was submissive to my Master as well, so through her, to my Master. So essentially, we were a quad pansexual unit."    


"They asked a lot of good questions, sir," Rhonda added, "which actually helped Lisa and I get better acquainted. Eventually, we borrowed one of the private rooms and spent some intimate time with both of them. I was mostly with Rosalinda, but we also switched off a little. We actually invited them to spend an evening with us one night while you're in LA. Jiao, in particular, seemed intrigued by the D/s lifestyle."    


"As a Dominant or submissive?" I asked.    


"I'm not sure, sir," Lisa responded, "though she did ask about ordering us around, but that may have just been in regard to wanting to know if she could get her cunt licked. She didn't have to order us around to accomplish that."    


"Let's get breakfast, then I want to play with you today before we start on the photos and videos for the website," I said.    


Everyone got up and we found Bill and Evelyn had already gotten up. Evelyn helped my slaves with breakfast.    


"I'm going to get out of your hair," William said. "I've been here long enough. I need to head to New York for a few weeks. You deserve to get your house back to yourself. I'll be leaving after breakfast."    


"Don't you want Evelyn to stay for this afternoon's shooting?"    


"You have enough models. You don't need any more. Just send the photos you'd like to include of Evelyn so I can choose what I'd like to appear. I'll make my selections and send them back. I'll need you to delete any which don't get used."    


"Of course."    


Robert was already bringing their luggage down to put in the back of the limo. Only the clothes which they would wear on the helicopter were not packed. It was more clothes than slaves normally wore. It was a more sedate breakfast than usual. Everyone was somewhat sad to see them go, though it would be nice to have our house back again. They helped clean up after breakfast. My slaves kissed Bill and Evelyn goodbye. Even Robert was kissed a few times by naked slaves, though he was politely professional when they did. I shook his hand and thanked him for being a consummate professional.    


"Thank you, sir," he said. "It's been an interesting few days."    


"Glad you enjoyed it."    


I kissed Evelyn, already dressed.    


"Don't forget to plan some special events for your Master," I whispered.    


"I won't. I already have some things in mind I think he'll enjoy."    


I shook Bill's hand. "Shasta will be sorry she didn't get to say goodbye."    


"I'll see her again," Bill said. "Perhaps I'll bring her family to New York for a week. Let them see a Broadway Show or two. I enjoy her company. She's very refreshing; one of the most direct people I've ever met."    


"Her whole family might enjoy that. I really appreciate everything you've done for her."    


"It's only money, Scott."    


"No, it's more than money. It's friendship. That can't be purchased at any price."    


He smiled, clasped my shoulder and left.    


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