Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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I woke up before my alarm went off with Becky between my legs, licking me. I caressed her face, her hair, letting her know how much I appreciated the efforts of her slick tongue slithering between my folds. It didn't take as long this morning as last night. After I orgasmed, I pulled her up so I could kiss her. We lay together gently stroking the other's body, not seeking pleasure, merely comfort.    


"I really should get going," she whispered. "I need to sleep a little more, feed my cat, shower the sex stink off me and go to work by eleven."    


"We enjoyed your company," I whispered back. "Your clothes are on the chair over there," pointing to where Rhonda had placed them. "If you could dress in the living room so you don't waken Lisa, I'd appreciate it."    


She hesitated.    


"Can I come back tonight after work?"    


I slipped out of bed and grabbed her clothes and her hand, going out into the living room and closing the door behind me.    


"I would have to ask my Master first," I answered, "but he usually has no problem with us fucking other women, so I'm reasonably confident he would have no problem with it. I would still need to contact you with an answer. I need you to text me your phone number and other information." I gave her my number and she sent me her v-card. "What time should we expect you if we get approval?"    


"I'm supposed to get off at five again. If someone else has problems, I'll tell my manager I have a date tonight and to get someone else."    


"So you think you'd be here around six?"    


"Pretty close. I still have to feed the cat."    


"We'll hold supper for you then. So I take it you enjoyed having sex with women?"    


She kissed me. "I enjoyed it a lot. More even than I thought I would."    


"We can talk about that tonight. You have to realize this cannot be a full time thing. I belong to my Master. I'm not, nor can any of my friends be, your girlfriend. You were cute and we had fun."    


"I know, but I wouldn't mind a little of the same fun again tonight."    


"I'll text you with my answer. It may take awhile. Master is busy and he can't always answer me right away."    


"Thank you." She kissed me again, then dressed and left. I went back to bed to get what sleep I could.    




I sent Master a text when I got up telling him we'd been successful in having sex with Becky, and she wanted to know if she could come again tonight.    


He called me shortly after.    


"You know we don't need any more sex slaves or even girlfriends running around. It's exhausting giving you all the sexual attention you want and need."    


"I know, Master. I've told her none of us could be her girlfriend. She just wants another night of pleasure and you won't be here until tomorrow. Are you even going to be back for the poker game?"    


"No, it's already been cancelled. Jerry wouldn't be there, Dad can't make it, and I'll probably be running late."    


"So maybe just the one more night, though I think you'd love fucking her, sir. She's very cute."    


"I'm sure I'd love fucking her. I love fucking everyone, but there are limits, even for an expert fucker such as myself. Do you even know if she's interested in fucking men?"    


"Well, she'd never done it with women before and she's twenty-four, Master. I doubt she was a virgin."    


"I'll talk to you later, but let's just say one more night for now."    


"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir."    


I let Becky know she could come back tonight.    




Shasta and I worked on our furniture until after the cum break, what normal people would call lunch. Then we had to dress and go check Master's building sites again. I hated wearing clothes anymore. I very seldom had to wear them. Lisa and I had let our gym membership lapse as we could swim, do yoga, kickboxing, and Rhonda had us doing some martial arts, though it was limited with a small mat. We'd purchased one stationary bike which we could take turns on and there was always the fucking, which turns out is a great cardio exercise. Without worrying about gym class, about the only time I wasn't naked was in a car traveling between places I would be naked, and shopping, though that got split between us. Rhonda did most of it on her way home from work when she was already dressed.    


Worse yet, I had to put on jeans and a safety helmet. It was not only a safety issue, but Shasta said I couldn't go around flashing my cooze to a bunch of construction assholes; her words, not mine. Wearing jeans, I had to jam all my cunt jewelry into underwear, because jeans rubbing against your bare crotch is a nightmare.    


"Some of those fuckers aren't particularly nice," Shasta said. "Scott tries to hire the best of the bunch, but has to ride herd on them when women are present. You give them an inch and they take a mile. It's like none of them ever had a mother or sister the way they treat women. Those from the other construction companies are worse. Don't entice the bastards. You could end up getting raped again."    


I would be so happy when I didn't have to do this. We went from job to job until 4:30 when we started home. As soon as I got home, I got naked. Shasta went downstairs to check on the progress everyone made while we were gone while I started supper with Rhonda. Lisa was feeding Lucas. Sean had continued working until Shasta got back so he came up with Shasta when she was done checking.    


"Don't look like no one slacked while I was gone," Shasta said.    


"Did you think I'd let them, Mistress?" Lisa asked petulantly. "I started the company with Julia."    


"Are you sassing me, slave? You want to lick my cunt til your tongue falls off?"    


"No, Mistress. I apologize."    


"That's better. I know you started the company, but you put me in charge and I like to make sure. You not getting enough sex? Is that why you're so cranky."    


"I only climaxed about eight times yesterday, Mistress."    


"It's Sean's turn to fuck you, so why don't you go get your fucking while I finish feeding Lucas. Fifteen minutes, Sean, before you cum."    


"Yes, Mistress."    


Shasta removed his cock cage and Sean and Lisa disappeared in the bedroom. Shasta sat down and took over feeding Lucas.    


"What about you, princess? You gettin' fucked often enough?" Shasta asked me.    


"I'll live. I'll be happy when Master returns, Mistress. We have a new girl coming over tonight. Last night was mostly about her. Tonight I expect to get more sex."    


"Who is she?"    


"Pizza delivery girl, Mistress."    


"That why we had leftover pizza for lunch?"    


"Yes, Mistress."    


"You planning on turning her into a slave bitch too?"    


"Master says he doesn't want another one, Mistress. I admit our bed would start getting crowded if we had five in it regularly."    



"So you did think on it?"    


"I wouldn't mind another female slave, Mistress."    


"Is she a lesbian, like Rhonda?"    


"More bisexual would be my guess, Mistress. She said she never was with a woman before last night."    


"It's amazing to me how you get so many women who never licked cunt before to lick a cunt."    


"Because we're good at it, Mistress," Rhonda said. "You certainly enjoy it."    


"More enjoy the getting licked than the licking. Speaking of licking cunt, since Sean is fucking one of you, one of you should be licking me."    


"Yes, Mistress," I replied.    


I left Rhonda to the food prep. Shasta was still wearing her jeans, so she had to stand so I could tug her jeans and panties down her hips. Wearing clothes had also made her a little sweatier and more fragrant, but I had no problem in doing what I was supposed to do, make her cum. I was still making her cum when Becky arrived. Rhonda let her in. I ignored her until Shasta said I was done, which is when Sean and Lisa came out of the bedroom. Shasta told me to leave her cum on my face until I ate.    


I introduced Becky to Shasta and Sean.    


"Becky, this is Shasta Williams, the person in charge of making our furniture and her slave, Sean." Of course, Sean was still naked like a good slave. Becky blushed red at seeing both Sean and Lisa emerge from our bedroom and Sean's bare prick. "Mistress Shasta and Sean, this is Becky, our pizza delivery girl."    


"She doesn't have pizza tonight, does she?" Shasta said.    


"No, Mistress, not tonight," I said. "We have other plans tonight."    


Which made Becky blush a deeper shade of red. Shasta stood up and circled her.    


"She's a cute one; I'll give you that. Make someone a nice slave slut. Lisa, did Sean do a nice job of fucking you?"    


"Very nice. Thank you, Mistress."    


"Come on, Sean. Momma and Cedric be holding supper for us. Get a move on, leave these folks to their fun."    


Sean quickly got dressed and they left. Becky was still red when they went out the door.    


"Would you like to undress, Becky, or do we start over from the beginning like last night?" I asked.    


She blushed some more, but removed her clothes. I pulled out a chair for her and invited her to sit down. The food was almost ready.    


"What just happened?" She asked. "Why do you call her Mistress?"    


"We're to address all Dominants as Master or Mistress. Since Shasta is a Dominant, she's addressed as Mistress by all slaves. Master arranged with Shasta that either Lisa or I are fucked each evening by Sean before they leave so we may have a little cock while he's gone. In return, one of us must lick her cunt while said fucking is going on. It was Lisa's turn to get fucked, and she chose me to lick her cunt."    


Lisa was setting the table and Rhonda was bringing the food, grilled pork chops, baked potatoes, green beans and dinner rolls. She also set out sour cream, dried chives, grated cheese and bacon bits for the baked potatoes.    


"What would you like to drink?" Lisa asked. "Soda, water or wine."    


Becky asked for wine, and Rhonda and Lisa had ice water. I put Rhonda on my lap to feed her. Becky blushed again when she saw my hand go between my slaves legs.    


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