Eternal Pill Emperor

C4053 Great Purge

C4053 Great Purge

0At first, the little black dot was still unmoved under the encirclement of the Little Squirrel's essence blood. But very quickly, it started to squirm like a worm.    


"No! This is impossible! This emperor has already disguised myself to this extent, so how can you still discover me?    


What kind of power is this? Why is it able to burn my body? "    


The Poison Gu Emperor's familiar voice sounded out once again in Gu Xuan's body.    


It had already been sleeping peacefully, waiting for the right time to wake up again.    


But he didn't expect that it would be discovered so quickly!    


Gu Xuan's "Immortal Pupils of Deterrence" continuously changed. It would turn into a normal circle at one moment, and then it would turn back into a vertical pupil.    


His yellow eyes also changed. At one moment, it was white, and then it turned back to yellow.    


"See, boss, I told you that the Poison Gu Emperor didn't die, right?    


If it were dead, you wouldn't have the Immortal Pupils of Deterrence on you. At most, you would only obtain the same ability as it."    


The little squirrel looked at the changes in Gu Xuan's eyes and revealed a proud smile.    


His pair of large canine teeth were so white that they shone under the sunlight.    


Gu Xuan gave the little squirrel a big thumbs up.    


On the other side, he continued to use the energy of the Little Squirrel's essence blood to attack the Poison Gu Emperor.    


Very quickly, the Poison Gu Emperor completely disappeared and fused into the energy of the Little Squirrel's blood essence, returning to the various parts of Gu Xuan's meridians.    


Gu Xuan's "Immortal Pupils of Deterrence" faded away at a speed visible to the naked eye and disappeared.    


Gu Xuan tried to activate it again, but it was already useless. No matter how much he thought about it, this Ophthalmology did not appear again.    


At this moment, Gu Xuan actually faintly felt a trace of disappointment, and he could not help but sigh.    


"What a pity. The Poison Gu Emperor is dead, but the Immortal Pupils of Deterrence is gone.    


"This Ophthalmology can help me find other ancient Devil Immortal Poison Gu."    


Little Squirrel used his front paw to rub his front teeth and suddenly revealed a mysterious smile.    


"That may not be the case. I can even retain a part of their abilities after devouring the Poison Gu King.    


"You have devoured a Poison Gu Emperor, so it's impossible for you to not have any gains.    


"Try to gather the blood essence of me, the energy of the Poison Gu Emperor, and your own blood essence in your palm. See if there is any difference?"    


Gu Xuan's eyes lit up slightly.    


In that case, it was very likely that he already had some special ability left behind by the Poison Gu Emperor.    


However, he needed to rely on the energy of Little Squirrel's blood essence to activate it?    


Gu Xuan impatiently stretched out his left hand and tried.    


When the three energies gathered in his palm, a familiar feeling of heat spontaneously arose.    


Very quickly, an image of an eye appeared in his palm.    


The black pupils, vertical pupils, looked like ink patterns at first glance.    


"Immortal Demonic Pupils!"    


Gu Xuan was pleasantly surprised. He raised his left palm and observed his surroundings.    


The strands of black Qi that were originally invisible once again appeared in his line of sight.    


"Haha, the ability of the Immortal Demonic Pupils has been retained.    


This time, I can continue to search for the ancient Demonic Immortal Poison Gu!    


Gu Xuan laughed out loud.    


The little squirrel jumped onto Gu Xuan's shoulder with a swoosh.    


"You can deal with the ordinary Poison Gu, but the Poison Gu King has to be mine!    


I feel that as long as I devour enough Poison Gu King, I can also have some of the abilities of the Poison Gu Emperor!"    


The little squirrel's eyes revealed a look of anticipation.    


Gu Xuan nodded and smiled. "No problem! However, I must first agree before you can eat it!"    


The little squirrel raised his head proudly. "Depends on my mood."    


Gu Xuan chuckled. "That's fine too, but if I'm in a bad mood, I want to practice the sealing technique."    


In order to seal the Poison Gu Emperor, I have researched a very good sealing technique."    


The little squirrel snorted and did not speak. He just lowered his ears, obviously admitting defeat.    


Gu Xuan's body turned into a Light of Escape and walked towards the nearest wisp of black Qi in the city.    


After an hour.    


There was no longer a wisp of black Qi in the entire city Gu Xuan was in.    


The little squirrel ate another Poison Gu King as he wished.    


Of course, this Poisonous Gu King had been tortured by Gu Xuan before. After knowing some information about the Ancient Devil Immortal Poisonous Gu, it was quite beneficial for their future actions.    



Other than the Poisonous Gu King, the other ordinary Ancient Devil Immortal Poisonous Gu, Little Squirrel, was not interested in them.    


Gu Xuan naturally wouldn't be polite and swallowed them all.    


Their strength had also been improved a little.    


However, Little Squirrel's improvement was even greater.    


It could already be considered to be at the great circle of the Third Calamity, and it had almost attracted the Heavenly Tribulation.    


However, it immediately jumped onto Gu Xuan's shoulder and opened up a Spatial Vortex, hiding inside it.    


The Heavenly Tribulation also disappeared, as if it had never appeared.    


After a while, when Little Squirrel came out again, the Heavenly Tribulation also showed no signs of condensing.    


This divine operation really shocked Gu Xuan.    


In fact, Gu Xuan had long suspected that after Little Squirrel had improved his cultivation, he would have a way to avoid the Heavenly Tribulation.    


However, he didn't expect that the method to avoid the Heavenly Tribulation would actually be so simple, just burrowing into the depths of the space?    


What kind of principle was this?    


Gu Xuan studied it for a while and asked Little Squirrel again, but he couldn't get an answer.    


The space that Little Squirrel was hiding in, from a certain point of view, could be considered a portable space that was related to Gu Xuan.    


Once it entered, no matter where Gu Xuan went, Little Squirrel would follow him to wherever he went. It was very magical.    


"It's not difficult to open up a portable space. The difficult part is how to make the portable space have the ability to avoid the heavenly tribulation.    


Under normal circumstances, even if one were to hide in such a space, the heavenly tribulation would still follow them.    


Even if it didn't follow them, the next time they appeared, the heavenly tribulation would still condense.    


However, the little squirrel had just hidden in it and come out, and the heavenly tribulation had disappeared. This was truly a bit too ridiculous?"    


Gu Xuan thought for a while, but he gave up on the thought after failing to come up with an answer.    


It was already very ridiculous for a Spiny Rat to be able to grow to the great circle of perfection.    


What was so strange about something so ridiculous happening to it?    


Gu Xuan turned into a Light of Escape and flew towards the next place with black Qi...    


When the evening came, Gu Xuan had already cleared out the Ancient Demon Immortal Poison Gu in the territory of the five cities, three sects, and two great clans.    


When he rushed to the next place, the sound transmitting talisman on his body suddenly vibrated.    


Gu Xuan injected energy into it and activated it. Mo Jingyun's voice immediately came from inside:    


"Master, I have found six Poison Gu Kings in a radius of a million miles around the Burning Sky City. All of them have been sealed together with the host.    


"Master, if you have time, come to the Burning Sky City and deal with them."    


Gu Xuan smiled slightly. "No problem. I will clean up all the nearby Ancient Demon Immortal Poison Gu first. At the latest tomorrow morning, I will definitely come to the Burning Sky City."    


Just as he was about to put away the sound transmitting talisman that he had used to contact Mo Jingyun, another sound transmitting talisman vibrated.    


"Gu Xuan, how is it? Have you dealt with the Poison Gu Emperor?"    


"I have already printed a few copies of the map and sent them out."    


"Right now, I am bringing the Holy Pill of the Gu Devouring to the Li Family. Their Pill Monarchs are numerous, so I believe that it won't be long before we can find all of the ancient Devil Immortal Poison Gu in the entire Burning Heaven Realm and gather them together."    


"If we want to destroy all of them, we will have to rely on you! I advise you to..."    


As soon as Saint Qiongpa spoke, he started to speak like a cannonball, not giving Gu Xuan any chance to interrupt.    


"Stop! I have already dealt with the Poison Gu Emperor. We can talk about other things after we meet."    


Gu Xuan put away the sound transmitting talisman and continued to head to the next gathering place of the ancient Devil Immortal Poison Gu.    


After a night, he rushed to Burning Heaven City.    


In Burning Heaven City, Gu Xuan stayed for a day. After that, he entered the Seven Stars Domain with Mo Jingyun, Fairy Feihong, and the others.    


Although the Seven Stars Domain was large, the number of ancient Devil Immortal Poison Gu was not as many as the number of experts in the Burning Heaven City.    


The main reason was that there were too few people and too few experts in the Seven Stars Domain. The spread of the ancient Devil Immortal Poison Gu was not easy.    


According to the map that Saint Qiongpa had left behind, the three of them acted separately. In just two days, they had already dealt with the ancient Devil Immortal Poison Gu of the Seven Stars Domain.    


After that, the three of them acted separately.    


Gu Xuan first returned to the Ying Tian Sect and then went to the Li Family.    


Under Gu Xuan's instructions, a large number of Pill Monarchs freed their hands and began to search for the Ancient Demon Immortal Poison Gu in other regions. They gathered and sealed it, and waited for Gu Xuan to take care of it.    


This operation to exterminate the Ancient Demon Immortal Poison Gu lasted for a full month!    


After a month, Saint Qiongpa and Gu Xuan returned to the bottom of the Extreme Spirit Mountain Range and entered the World Origin Region.    


Under Gu Xuan's protection, Saint Qiongpa once again stepped into the Hexagram Array that could make him lose his emotions and humanity!    


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