Eternal Pill Emperor

C4050 Devouring Poison Gu Emperor!

C4050 Devouring Poison Gu Emperor!

0"Accept your fate, Human Clan Martial Cultivator. You have already been parasitized by this emperor. Everything you have, from your soul to your body, to your memories, and even the power of this body, will belong to this emperor!"    


The Poisonous Gu Emperor’s voice directly sounded in Gu Xuan's mind.    


Its body directly turned into invisible and colorless energy, fusing into Gu Xuan's flesh, bones, hair, and even his soul.    


It could be said that it was already everywhere in Gu Xuan's body.    


What he had to do next was to slowly nibble away at Gu Xuan's everything, growing to the peak in Gu Xuan's body.    


"No, no one can occupy my body, even you, Poisonous Gu Emperor, will not be an exception!"    


Gu Xuan roared hysterically. The energy in his body surged, and the Soul Power searched everywhere. He had the attitude of not letting the Poisonous Gu Emperor out of his body until he was completely taken care of.    


Unfortunately, what he got in return was only the Poisonous Gu Emperor’s merciless ridicule.    


"Tsk tsk, stop doing useless work!    


In terms of strength, you are thousands of times stronger than this emperor, but this emperor is the emperor of the Ancient Demon Fairy Poisonous Gu!    


Once I am parasitized in your body, not to mention that you are only at the perfection of the Sixth Calamity, even if you are at the perfection of the Ninth Calamity, I still have a way to slowly nibble away at everything you have!    


All I have to do is just spend some time!    


This emperor has plenty of time!"    


The Poisonous Gu Emperor laughed loudly, activating the Gu poison in his body, suppressing Gu Xuan's power, numbing Gu Xuan's consciousness, and completely suppressing his will and soul.    


Gu Xuan's consciousness sank.    


"This body's strength is actually so high?    


No wonder the Poisonous Fog is ineffective against him. Unfortunately, no matter how strong his body is, it is still unable to resist the Gu poison that directly invaded the Sea of Consciousness and corroded his soul."    


The Poisonous Gu Emperor was in a good mood.    


There was no longer any need to stay in this city.    


It opened its mouth, and the poisonous fog in the sky was sucked into its mouth and swallowed.    


The surrounding densely packed Gu Worms that were everywhere gathered towards him, surrounding him like a small mountain.    


However, after a moment, these Gu Worms completely fused into his body.    


The Poisonous Gu Emperor was in high spirits. It flew into the sky and aimed in a certain direction before turning into a Light of Escape and leaving.    


It had already locked onto the location of a Poisonous Gu King and planned to rush over and devour it to increase its own strength.    


Before it reached its peak state, all the other Ancient Demon Immortal Poison Gu were its food, not its subordinates.    


Only when it reached its peak state would it consider establishing an army of Ancient Demon Immortal Poison Gu and completely occupy the Burning Heaven Realm.    


At that time, even if the Heavenly Law holders of the Burning Heaven Realm personally came, they would not be able to deal with it!    


It would eventually become the ruler of the Burning Heaven Realm and live with the world!    


Two hours later.    


The Poisonous Gu Emperor, who had controlled Gu Xuan's body, suddenly had his eyes light up as he muttered to himself,    


"It's over there, about a hundred miles ahead! I can feel the aura of a perfection stage expert and a Poisonous Gu King at the same time. This is great!"    


The speed at which this body devoured the other Martial Cultivator's strength was too slow.    


"It's not bad to first devour the strength of other Martial Cultivators!"    


But at this moment, the Poisonous Gu Emperor suddenly felt that his body was no longer under his control and stopped in midair.    


"How is it? I lent you my body for so long, are you happy?"    


Gu Xuan's voice rang out once again.    


This made the Poisonous Gu Emperor scared out of his wits and exclaimed:    


"How is this possible? I have already parasitized your body and controlled everything about you, but why are you still able to have your own consciousness?    


"Can you even command this body to stop moving?"    


The corners of Gu Xuan's mouth revealed a trace of a smile.    


He had already regained control of the body.    


"Is there a possibility that the reason you were able to suppress this young master's soul and consciousness just now was that I deliberately let you 'succeed'?    


"In fact, when I wanted to take control of the body, you could only retreat to the second line?"    


Gu Xuan's tone was filled with ridicule.    


"No, that's impossible!"    


The voice of the Poisonous Gu Emperor sounded from within Gu Xuan's body. It crazily controlled its Gu poison, wanting to corrode Gu Xuan's body and suppress everything about him.    


But this time, even if it went all out, it was still unable to do it.    


Now, it felt like an ant that was constantly hitting the mountain in front of it.    


And the mountain was completely unmoved, not affected in the slightest.    


At this moment, he had no choice but to face reality.    


He really could not suppress Gu Xuan's consciousness and soul, and he really could not control his body!    


Everything he did just now was all an illusion that he deliberately created.    


"Why did you let me enter your body? What are you trying to do?    


I really can't control you, but I'm afraid you won't be able to kill me!"    


The Poison Gu Emperor roared in exasperation.    


Gu Xuan chuckled. "Really?"    


With a thought, a medicinal pill flew out from the Space Ring.    


It was the Super Enhanced Holy Pill!    


Inside it, there were thirty sets of immortal beast bone powder!    


"That... That is..."    


When he felt the aura of the Holy Pill, the Poison Gu Emperor's voice actually became incomparably flustered.    


Gu Xuan felt that all the flesh, bones, and even every single hair on his body was trembling slightly.    


The Poison Gu Emperor felt a huge threat from the Holy Pill.    


"Holy Pill! There is no mistake, that is definitely the Holy Pill!    


Furthermore, it's a hundred times stronger than the ordinary Holy Pill!    


I have underestimated you in the end. You came prepared. This Holy Pill is specifically used to deal with me!"    


The Poison Gu Emperor was extremely furious. He felt that the person in front of him was too sinister.    


He actually took out such a thing now?    


If he had taken it out earlier, he would have slipped away a long time ago. Why would he enter his body?    


However, it was not too late now.    


The Poisonous Gu Emperor controlled the energy that was scattered in Gu Xuan's body, wanting to slip away from Gu Xuan's body.    


Even if it only slipped away by a sliver, it could still retreat safely.    


Even if it would lose a lot of strength, it could not care about that now.    


However, just as it was about to move, dense runes actually appeared on the surface of Gu Xuan's body.    


Those were the runes that belonged to the sealing technique. They had already sealed everything in his body.    


"It's too late to think about leaving now!"    


Do you think that you haven't done anything to this young master in the two hours that you have been in this young master's body?    


That's wrong! This young master spent two hours to study you and came up with a sealing technique.    


Right now, what I am using is precisely this sealing technique.    


It can seal everything in my body, including you!"    


Gu Xuan smiled slightly and put the Holy Pill into his mouth.    


Instantly, the majestic medicinal strength fused into his body, fusing into his limbs, bones, flesh, blood, and even every single strand of hair and soul power.    


The medicinal strength was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, easily finding the body of the Poisonous Gu Emperor that had been split up and began to devour it.    


At this moment, the Poisonous Gu Emperor finally lost all hope.    


It couldn't escape.    


It couldn't hide either.    


The medicinal strength of the Holy Pill was like a maggot that could sense it and chase after it.    


"No, don't devour this emperor! Don't devour me!"    


"If you want anything, I can satisfy you. I can help you deal with the other Ancient Demon Immortal Poison Gu."    


"Otherwise, even if I die, there will be a new Poison Gu Emperor among them."    


"To deal with them, I can only find them in a very short period of time."    


"Aside from me, no one else can do it!"    


The Poison Gu Emperor actually began to beg for mercy from Gu Xuan.    


"Did you forget something? Did you think that I was lucky to find you?"    


"Even you can find me. Do you think that I can't find the other Ancient Demon Immortal Poison Ginseng?"    


Gu Xuan laughed mockingly and ignored the Poison Gu Emperor. He activated the medicinal strength of the Gu Devouring Holy Pill and increased the speed of devouring.    


The Poison Gu Emperor was still unwilling to give up. It condensed its body again and gathered all its strength, wanting to break through Gu Xuan's body and escape.    


But in the end, it was still useless.    


Finally, it was completely devoured, turning into a majestic energy that fused into Gu Xuan's body.    


Gu Xuan could clearly feel that his strength had increased by a large amount.    


Moreover, a trace of heat appeared in his eyes. However, not only was there no discomfort, but it was even a little comfortable.    



When the heat disappeared, Gu Xuan's eyes had actually become the same as the Poison Gu Emperor!    


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