Eternal Pill Emperor



0Time passed minute by minute.    


There were only four hours left until the deadline of seven days.    


A mirage was faintly discernible in the sky at the end of the medicinal garden.    


One could vaguely see pavilions, halls, and palaces, as well as a flock of leisurely flying spirit cranes.    


All the scenes that appeared in the mirage were like a fairyland.    


That place was the only place that satisfied everyone’s imagination.    


That place was the ultimate test for all Martial Cultivators and Vicious Beasts, the Primordial Divine Court!    


The sound of insects and birds, the sound of flowing water, could be faintly heard from the Primordial Divine Court, as if it was telling everyone how wonderful and peaceful the Primordial Divine Court was.    


It seemed to be trying its best to attract everyone to enter it.    


However, the strange thing was that although there were only four hours left, the Primordial Divine Court was completely empty, without a single person.    






A terrifying explosion came from afar.    


The entire land was shaking.    


The mirage in the sky seemed to have been distorted for a moment because of the shock wave from the explosion.    


At this moment.    


Six hundred miles away from this place.    


Gu Xuan and the other three were running through a long canyon between two mountains.    


The terrifying explosion had also affected this place. Giant rocks kept rolling down from the canyon.    


With the four's strength, they naturally did not fear the mere falling rocks.    


Even with the strength of Lan Yan and Jin Wansan, a casual strike from them could shatter the mountain range, let alone the Giant Rocks.    


However, the four's expressions were quite solemn.    


According to Gu Xuan's speculation, the commotion of the battle came from three hundred miles away!    


From three hundred miles away, the commotion of the battle could still affect this place. The strength of the person fighting was something that even if one thought about it with their knees, they would probably be able to figure it out!    


At the very least, there were at least two Seventh Calamity Perfection Stage experts fighting!    


"Damn it, we're about six hundred miles away from the Divine Court of Desolation.    


"The location of the battle between the two Seventh Calamity Perfection Stage Experts is a path that we have to pass through.    


"Are they crazy? They are still fighting in the last four hours?    


"Maybe, because of their battle, countless people are blocked on the way."    


The eyelids of the White Jade Fairy trembled.    


Why did all the experts nowadays not like doing human work?    


The White Jade Fairy was very angry. The consequences were very serious. With a dong sound, she landed a heavy blow on Jin Wansan's head.    


Jin Wansan screamed and looked at the White Jade Fairy with a grievance on his face, thinking,    


"Why doesn't Senior White Jade like doing human work?"    


Along the way, he had already been keeping a low profile.    


But he never thought that the White Jade Fairy would still attack his head from time to time. It was simply impossible to guard against.    


At first, she wanted to beat herself up, and even found some reasons.    


For example, her left foot stepped on a flower, and her right foot stepped on a stone. Anyway, as long as she could find a reason, she would definitely find one.    


Therefore, Jin Wansan was now able to not land on the ground if he could.    


Even if they discovered something, everyone would stop, and he would not land on the ground.    


Unfortunately, it was useless.    


Because Fairy White Jade no longer needed to find excuses.    


If she was unhappy, she would knock on Jin Wansan's head.    


As for when she was unhappy, no one could predict it.    


Jin Wansan only wanted to raise his head and ask the heavens, what heavenly law did he commit?    


Gu Xuan expressed sympathy for Jin Wansan's situation, but he could not do anything about it.    


Ever since Fairy White Jade knew that from the beginning, she did not have the slightest chance to obtain the Time Treasure Palace, even though she accepted her fate, she also had a hatred in her heart.    


This hatred naturally needed to be vented.    


There were only four people in the team, and the only one that could be vented on by Fairy White Jade was Jin Wansan.    


Who asked him to be so rich? He had enjoyed so much in his previous life, so he deserved to suffer a little bit.    


Gu Xuan and the other three had gained quite a lot during the few hours that they had rushed from the lake to the canyon.    


The items that belonged to the herbal garden, the seven-colored spiritual grass, the four of them had all collected them.    


They had also obtained four rare Pill Ancestors, which belonged to Gu Xuan.    


In addition, they had also snatched a batch of items from the few waves of Vicious Beasts and Starry Sky Pirates who had launched sneak attacks.    


Right now, the foreheads of Gu Xuan and the other three people all had the exact same six token imprints.    


In fact, the four of them even had quite a few tokens in their hands.    


Unfortunately, among so many tokens, none of them belonged to the Prehistoric Forbidden Area.    


All four of them were missing tokens from the Prehistoric Forbidden Area.    


And this point, Gu Xuan and the other three people had not been anxious about it before.    


They had enough time to rush to the Divine Court of the Prehistoric and obtain the last token from the Vicious Beasts who had collected all the tokens.    


If one were to think optimistically, they might be able to find the token from the Prehistoric Forbidden Area during the last few hundred miles of the journey.    


However, plans could never catch up to the changes.    


Who would have thought that three hundred miles away, no, only two hundred miles away, there would be at least two Seventh Calamity Stage experts fighting?    


"Do we need to slow down a little and look for the tokens from the Prehistoric Forbidden Area first?"    


They couldn't possibly keep fighting.    


Blue Smoke suddenly suggested.    


Gu Xuan shook his head.    


"No need. At this time, the two Seventh Calamity Stage experts are still fighting. This matter is strange."    


"We haven't seen any tokens from the Prehistoric Forbidden Area. This matter is also strange."    


"Let's accelerate and see!"    


Gu Xuan waved his hand. Not only did the four of them not slow down, they even accelerated and rushed forward.    


Very quickly, they left the canyon.    


The terrain ahead was getting more and more complicated.    


Mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, swamps, and volcanoes appeared one after another.    


Within the Immortal Thunder Cave, the seven different spaces appeared more frequently.    


There were even more corpses and broken limbs on the ground.    


In fact, the four of them passed by a small lake. It was also a Lake of Life and Death, but unlike the previous lakes, this lake had already been dyed red with blood.    


In the lake, the stench of blood soared to the sky.    


Gu Xuan and the other three usually chose to circle around the area with the largest stench of blood.    


They did not casually enter, except for the medicinal garden, which belonged to other spaces.    


Unless it was a path that they had to pass through.    


But gradually, Gu Xuan discovered that there was only one path to the Divine Court of Desolation, and it was getting narrower and narrower.    


Some of the spaces that belonged to other spaces could no longer be bypassed.    


They had no choice but to pass through them.    


As expected, they encountered some obstacles.    


Especially when they passed by the territory of the Blood Bone Hell again, they saw another arena.    


This made the four of them shudder. Even Gu Xuan took out 120,000 points of spirit to deal with it, afraid that there would be something strange about the arena, causing them to lose their minds.    


Fortunately, when they got closer, they discovered that there were many tiny cracks on the arena.    


Obviously, it was in a damaged state.    


However, when the four of them flew past it, they still felt the aura of the formation.    


An enormous suction force acted on the four of them, as if it wanted to suck them in.    


Gu Xuan and Fairy Baiyu hurriedly released their energy to resist the suction force. One of them pulled Jin Wansan, and the other pulled Lan Yan, and they finally left the range of the formation.    


Jin Wansan was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat.    


Even with all his strength, he was unable to break free from the suction force of the formation just now.    


Only God knew how many people had been sucked in by that formation.    


As expected, the closer they got to the Divine Court of Desolation, the more dangerous it was.    


They advanced another two hundred miles.    


The battle between the two experts at the perfection stage of the Seventh Calamity Realm became even louder.    


The surrounding space seemed to be in a state of distortion at any time.    


Gu Xuan and the others also felt a great pressure.    


Outside the forest in front of them.    



Suddenly, the sound of battle could be heard.    


It seemed like there were two groups of people fighting.    


Soon, miserable screams could be heard. Clearly, someone had been severely injured.    


Lan Yan's expression changed.    


The miserable screams were very familiar!    


It was the voice of the people from the Misty Rain City!    


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