Eternal Pill Emperor

C3844 Immortal Essence Pearl

C3844 Immortal Essence Pearl

0"Looks like I failed. Damn it."    


The White Jade Fairy was extremely unwilling.    


She was already reaching her limit.    


If she continued searching, her soul would probably be damaged.    


However, what surprised her was that Gu Xuan's face only showed a trace of fatigue, and his face did not turn as pale as hers.    


This meant that the Soul Power that was stored in Gu Xuan's Sea of Consciousness was even more than hers.    


The amount of Soul Power was proportional to the size of the Sea of Consciousness.    


This meant that Gu Xuan's Sea of Consciousness actually was bigger than hers!    


"What kind of monster is this brat!?"    


The White Jade Fairy was both surprised and envious.    


Gu Xuan was only at the perfection stage of the Fifth Calamity!    


In terms of martial strength, he could fight a few of her.    


In terms of the strength of the soul, he was actually stronger than her.    


Comparing people was really infuriating!    


At this moment, Gu Xuan knew very well that although he could still persist, once the White Jade Fairy reached her limit, he would not be able to continue maintaining the existence of the Karmic Web in the side hall by himself.    


For a moment, the atmosphere was a little oppressive, and neither of them spoke.    


Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!    


Only the Chaotic Sinan was still spinning non-stop.    


"Forget it. Time is of the essence. This opportunity does not belong to us. Give up."    


The White Jade Fairy was very decisive. If she could not find it, then she would give up.    


Just as Gu Xuan was about to agree, the miniature Phellodendron above the Chaotic Sinan revealed half of its head. However, it changed its expression and gritted its teeth as if it had made a decision.    


"Master, lend me that dragon pearl. I will absorb some energy and definitely find the treasure you need!    


"Trust me, if you can't find it, then you... you..."    


Gu Xuan thought to himself, "Is this a sign of allegiance?"    


"If you can't find it, then let me beat it up until its soul disperses?"    


"It's a commendable courage, but there is no need to be so strict. Forget it, I'll believe you this once..."    


"You... you... take back the dragon pearl. Isn't it over?"    


The miniature Phellodendron said the second half of the sentence.    


Gu Xuan's fist instantly clenched.    






You actually want me to believe you?    


"Let's try our best. It's just a dragon pearl. I will make the decision and give it to you!    


"In the future, when you come to the Treasure Trading Company, I will give you as many dragon pearls as you want..."    


Although Fairy Baiyu did not have much hope, she still wanted to give it a try.    


After all, it was not that bad.    


Gu Xuan asked suspiciously, "You are giving me the dragon pearl? Really?"    


Fairy Baiyu coughed and said, "Sorry, I was in a bad mood just now and didn't finish speaking.    


"How many dragon pearls do you want? I will give you a discount! 20% off!"    


Gu Xuan almost stumbled.    


I thought you were very generous!    


You said it so tough, but in the end, it was not a gift of dragon pearls, but a discount?    


20% off?    


Look at you!    


However, Gu Xuan also thought it through. If he tried, then he would try. Perhaps, maybe, there would be no harm.    


If there was one, then he would hang the spirit of the Chaotic Sinan up and beat it up, so that he could vent his anger.    


"You better not disappoint your master."    


With a thought, Gu Xuan took out the Dragon Ball.    


A mysterious aura faintly radiated from the Dragon Ball.    


The white-jade fairy widened her eyes and stared at the Dragon Ball. She seemed to not believe her eyes. She wiped her eyes and continued to stare at the Dragon Ball.    


Then, her gaze followed a parabola and landed on the Chaotic Sinan.    


The mini dragon's head instantly became bigger and swallowed the Dragon Ball in one bite.    


This swallow made Gu Xuan's heart tremble.    


This fellow, could it be that after he swallowed the Dragon Ball, he completely digested it?    


It seemed unlikely.    


Although the Chaotic Sinan was a valuable treasure, it could neither be used for battle nor for defense. Apart from its treasure-seeking ability, it could be said to be useless.    


It was synonymous with being weak and pitiful.    


The energy contained in the Dragon Ball was so great that it could explode ten times.    


Gu Xuan convinced himself and felt slightly relieved.    


"This feeling is too wonderful!    


I feel that my body is evolving, and my strength is increasing. This Dragon Ball is simply tailor-made for me!"    


The mini dragon was incomparably excited and looked intoxicated.    


At this moment, the entire Chaotic Sinan was emitting a rainbow-colored light.    


Its aura was rising at an unimaginable speed.    


Gu Xuan had a bad premonition in his heart.    


According to the Law of Conservation of Energy, the Chaotic Sinan's power would not increase for no reason.    


It would become stronger because the power of the Dragon Ball had transferred to it.    


If the speed of its growth was so fast, wouldn't the speed of the Dragon Ball's weakening be so fast?    


"Heroic, Gu Xuan! A 'Emperor Elemental Pearl' of no attribute, not giving you the Heaven Slaughter Sword, but giving the Chaotic Sinan such a Monarch Destiny Imperial Artifact!"    


"Looks like you really have the ambition to search for all the treasures in the three thousand worlds! Awesome!"    


The White Jade Fairy had actually wanted to stop Gu Xuan earlier. That was an 'Emperor Elemental Pearl', and if it was used to refine weapons, it would definitely create an Immortal Artifact.    


To use it to upgrade the Monarch Destiny Imperial Artifact, it was almost certain that it could be upgraded to an Immortal Artifact.    


Of course, this would take time.    


As for how long it would take, the weaker the Monarch Destiny Imperial Artifact, the longer it would take.    


Unfortunately, the White Jade Fairy was too shocked earlier. Before she could say anything, the Emperor Elemental Pearl had already been swallowed by the miniature Phellodendron.    


At this point, it was useless to stop it.    


"Emperor Elemental Pearl! What is going on? Isn't that the Dragon Ball?"    


Gu Xuan felt like his brain was going to be fried.    


He only felt that the Dragon Ball was extraordinary, but as for how extraordinary it was, he had never been able to tell. He planned to go to the Dragon Realm in the future to study it.    


But he never expected that the Dragon Ball was the legendary Emperor Elemental Pearl.    


If that was the case, he would have suffered a great loss!    


In terms of value, that thing might not be inferior to the treasures in the side hall!    


"80% of the Immortal Elemental Pearl is refined from a dragon pearl!    


"Moreover, that one is an attribute-less Immortal Elemental Pearl.    


"Those without attributes are almost all refined from dragon pearls!    


"Furthermore, the owner of the dragon pearl must be an extremely powerful True Dragon.    


"However, its dragon pearl cannot be refined into an attribute-less Immortal Elemental Pearl."    


The white-jade fairy recalled the information in her mind.    


The more she spoke, the more blood dripped from Gu Xuan's forehead.    


"You dare to trick me!"    


Gu Xuan's forehead was full of black lines.    


This scared the miniature Phellodendron away.    


"No, I didn't. You misunderstood..."    


The miniature Phellodendron wanted to explain.    


The white-jade fairy advised, "Don't be angry. If you want to blame someone, you can only blame yourself for not recognizing the treasure.    


"How could you think that a small treasure spirit could recognize something that you didn't even recognize?"    


Gu Xuan sighed deeply in his heart.    


Of course, he knew this.    


How could the miniature Phellodendron have the guts to lie to him?    


With just a thought, he could know its thoughts, and with just a thought, he could destroy it.    


If it really dared to lie to Gu Xuan, then it must have malicious intentions.    



If a Monarch Destiny Imperial Artifact had malicious intentions towards its owner, Gu Xuan should have noticed it long ago.    


Therefore, if he wanted to blame someone, he could only blame himself for not recognizing the treasure. He had mistaken the Immortal Elemental Pearl for a dragon pearl and gave it to the miniature Phellodendron.    


Now that the Immortal Elemental Pearl had been swallowed by the Chaotic Sinan, the two sides were probably already beginning to fuse and forcefully separate. Both of them would be damaged.    


"Forget it, I won't bother about what happened before.    


You better become an Immortal Weapon. Even a Half-Immortal Weapon won't do. You must be an Immortal Weapon.    


Otherwise, I'll destroy you!"    


Gu Xuan threatened fiercely, "Now, find it for me immediately!    


If you can't find the treasure, I'll destroy you as well!"    


The miniature Phellodendron nodded fiercely and patted its chest, "I promise to complete the mission."    


As it absorbed the power of the Immortal Elemental Pearl, it searched everywhere.    


However, it was obvious that it wouldn't be able to find the treasure in a short period of time.    


On top of the Chaotic Sinan, the spoon was spinning like a windmill, unable to be fixed in a fixed direction.    


The miniature Phellodendron was anxious and panicked.    


The wish was very beautiful, but reality was very cruel.    


This was the rhythm of a pill.    


"I'm not going to hold on any longer, Gu Xuan. I'll count to three. Let's withdraw our souls together … Wait!    


The current Chaotic Sinan's quality has improved greatly, and it can already bear the power of the Qilin Holy Dog's blood essence!    


Perhaps we can transfer the Karmic Web to the Chaotic Sinan and help it. Perhaps it will have some miraculous effects!"    


A light bulb lit up in Fairy White Jade's mind.    


Gu Xuan thought for a moment and was very tempted, "That's feasible!"    


The two of them acted at the same time.    


Very quickly, the remaining power of the Qilin Holy Dog's blood essences all surged into the Chaotic Sinan.    


The web of karma naturally moved to the Chaotic Sinan.    


At this moment, it was like the core of a huge net!    




The Chaotic Sinan suddenly trembled. The spoon in the middle actually stood up and stopped spinning!    


A bright light flashed in the eyes of the miniature Phellodendron.    


"Master, I found it!"    


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