Eternal Pill Emperor

C3843 Qilin Saint Dog Blood Essence

C3843 Qilin Saint Dog Blood Essence



The flowing light flew between Gu Xuan and Fairy Baiyu, and with a light tremble, the entire space trembled.    


Gu Xuan looked over.    


It was actually a drop of blood essence.    


The blood essence kept changing forms, and in the end, it turned into a thumb-sized, fierce... mini dog.    


An extremely profound and condensed aura was emitted from the mini dog.    


Gu Xuan's pupils shrank slightly.    


He actually sensed the aura of an ancient Divine Beast.    


"This drop of blood essence belongs to a dog type Vicious Beast?    


Furthermore, it also has the bloodline of an ancient Divine Beast?"    


Gu Xuan clicked his tongue in wonder.    


Fairy Baiyu nodded slightly, "Good eyesight! This is the blood essence of the Sacred Qilin Dog. It has several types of bloodlines of ancient Divine Beasts in its body.    


However, it awakened a trace of the bloodline of the ancient Divine Beast, Diting."    


Gu Xuan clicked his tongue again in wonder.    


"Qilin, dog, and Diting. It seems that the circle of ancient Divine Beasts is a little messy."    


Fairy Baiyu's eyes lit up, as if she had found someone who was on the same path.    


"You think so too? Isn't that right? If this isn't called messy, what is it called messy?    


"Last time I pointed it out, that old dog Qilin was actually unhappy..."    


"Woof! Woof! Woof!"    


The mini dog stared at the white-jade fairy, its eyes almost spitting fire.    


"Cough, cough! Gu Xuan, you are a good person, but you are too concerned about details.    


"These are not important. What is important is that this drop of blood essence can help us find treasures!"    


The white-jade fairy's expression became serious.    


The Qilin Saint Hound was the guardian Vicious Beast of the Many Treasures Trading Company. Its strength was extremely strong, and a drop of blood essence could burn the river and boil the sea.    


With her strength, she was unable to control a complete drop of blood essence.    


The drop of blood essence in front of her was diluted. It was extremely difficult for her to use it. She was unable to fully unleash its power.    


If not for the fact that her soul quality had increased, she would not even think about using this drop of blood essence to find treasures.    


The white jade fairy formed a seal with her hands. A majestic and powerful Soul Power surged out from her body, like the torrential Water of The Rivers And Seas, surging forward without end, endlessly surging.    


"Lord Qilin Saint Hound, please help me find the hidden treasure of space and time in this hall!"    


White Jade Fairy muttered to herself.    


The majestic Soul Power was poured into the miniature dog that was formed from the drop of blood essence in the air.    


The miniature dog's eyes were filled with dignity and wisdom.    


Countless scales covered its body like armor, making it look even more powerful and domineering!    


The miniature dog raised its head and sniffed in the air.    


Immediately, the entire hall seemed to have changed, becoming different from before.    


Gu Xuan's expression changed slightly.    


Within the hall, there were countless threads of Karma.    


These threads of Karma were like snakes with intelligence. They were everywhere in the void, on the ground, and on the walls. There were even many threads of Karma that had entered the depths of the void.    


"You can see the Karma web of the Qilin Saint Dog?"    


When White Jade Fairy saw Gu Xuan's appearance, she was a little surprised.    


Gu Xuan did not hide anything and nodded.    


White Jade Fairy's eyes were serious.    


"After this matter is over, when you have time, go to the headquarters of the Many Treasures Trading Company.    


I will take you to see the Qilin Saint Dog. Perhaps it will be of help to you."    


Gu Xuan was puzzled. Wasn't it just a web of karma?    


What was so special about it?    


He had mastered the Grand Causality, so it was reasonable for him to be able to see the web of karma.    


However, Gu Xuan thought about it and did not reject it.    


It didn't matter if he could see the Qilin Saint Dog, but it was also good to go to the headquarters of the Treasure Trading Company to acknowledge it.    


There should be a lot of good things there, right?    


If he could empty it, oh no, buy it all, it would be very satisfying, right?    


Strange, why did he emphasize "buy"?    


Ahem, it was better if Senior White Jade said it. I was too concerned about the details. There were some details that I didn't need to care about.    


Anyway, they were all "empty", so it was the same.    


Gu Xuan nodded and agreed.    


However, White Jade Fairy did not know if she saw the doubt in Gu Xuan's heart or out of jealousy, she actually said sourly:    


"Those web of karma, I can't see them."    


When she said this, Gu Xuan was so shocked that his mouth was wide open.    


You used the blood essence to summon the web of karma, but you can't see it?    


Sure enough, it seemed that he really had to go and meet that "Qilin Holy Dog".    


Suddenly, Gu Xuan realized that all the Karma Threads had actually become dim.    


Even the body of the mini dog that was floating in the air seemed to be dim.    


Gu Xuan's expression changed. "Senior Baiyu, what's going on?"    


The corner of Fairy Baiyu's mouth twitched.    


"What else could it be? This fairy can't hold on any longer.    


To use the treasure-finding function of this drop of blood essence, a large amount of Soul Power is needed.    


Quickly help me!"    


Only then did Gu Xuan react.    


If Fairy Baiyu could use the drop of blood essence alone to find the hidden treasure of space and time, why would she have agreed to let him help?    


Immediately, Gu Xuan did not hesitate. A majestic Soul Power surged out from his body.    


However, the aura of this Soul Power was not his aura, but Fairy Baiyu's aura.    


"For safety's sake, pass through my body!"    


Fairy Baiyu extended her left hand in Gu Xuan's direction.    




Of course, Gu Xuan knew about this, so why would he need to remind her?    


Gu Xuan controlled the Soul Power and entered the white-jade fairy's left hand.    


The white-jade fairy led the majestic energy and mixed it with her own Soul Power. Then, she guided it out of her body and injected it into the mini dog's body.    


Sure enough, the effect was immediate.    


The Karma Threads that had originally become dim once again solidified.    


Furthermore, there were twice as many Karma Threads as before, forming a denser Karma Web that started to investigate everything in this palace from every angle.    


"Don't just stand there."    


Gu Xuan opened his mouth and spat out a powerful energy, which he sent into the Chaotic Sinan.    


The spoon on the Sinan immediately started to spin.    


The mini Phellodendron stuck its head out of the spoon with a serious expression. It controlled the Chaotic Sinan to fly around the surroundings.    


It had made up its mind to help find the treasure in this side hall.    


At that time, it would have an excuse to ask its master to lend it the dragon pearl.    


It felt that if it could borrow the power of the dragon pearl, its quality would increase by leaps and bounds.    


"My future is a Half-Immortal Artifact, an Immortal Artifact!    


Not a small Monarch Destiny Imperial Artifact!    


At that time, I will search through the entire world for treasures, and there will be no more hidden treasures in the entire three thousand worlds, haha …"    


The miniature Phellodendron shouted ambitiously.    


"Shut up!"    


Gu Xuan and Fairy White Jade scolded at the same time.    


The miniature Phellodendron was so scared that it quickly retreated into the Chaotic Sinan.    


Oh no!    


It said what it was thinking!    


How embarrassing!    


At this moment.    


The scene in the side hall was clearly seen by a Profound Light Mirror.    


"There's less than a day left. Not only are they not hurrying, but they are actually searching for treasures here?    


What kind of brain circuits are these?    



Do they really want to die on the way to the Divine Wilderness?    


The Residual Soul of the Thunder Immortal looked at the Profound Light Mirror, and his entire face twitched a few times.    


On the side, the lazy Tiger King Bai could not help but raise his tiger claws and secretly sneakily.    


As expected of the new master of the Thunder Immortal who was about to take over, his brain circuits were indeed different from others!    


Also, that fairy in white jade was also a genius. She was actually able to keep up with the thoughts of the future master!    


In the future, he would take her as an immortal servant.    


"Go on, continue searching! You are not looking for treasures, but for death!    


"Even if you break your head and exhaust your Soul Power, you won't think that the real treasure is right in front of you!"    


The Thunderbolt Immortal's Residual Soul snorted coldly and turned to look at the other Profound Light Mirror.    


Looking at Gu Xuan, for some reason, he was easily angry and easily exploding.    


In the side hall.    


The fairy in white jade's face had already become somewhat pale.    


The Karma Threads that covered the side hall once again became dim.    


Even the mini dog in the void had returned to its blood essence, no longer in the form of the Sacred Qilin Dog.    


Obviously, this drop of blood essence had reached its limit!    


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