Eternal Pill Emperor

C3839 Origin Compass!

C3839 Origin Compass!

0Jin Wansan felt that his weak and small heart had suffered a blow of 10,000 points, and it was about to shatter.    


As a Martial Cultivator at the perfection stage of the Fifth Calamity Realm, in terms of realm, he was even higher than Lan Yan. However, in his memory, the number of times he had entered the state of sudden enlightenment without the help of pills, formations, and external forces was simply countable with his fingers.    


Yes, all ten fingers were bent, and the number was zero.    


"I, Jin Wansan, am born extraordinary, but I have never relied on myself to enter the state of sudden enlightenment!    


"This is unreasonable! Lan Yan can do it, so I can do it too!"    


Jin Wansan clenched his fists tightly, feeling that his entire body was filled with confidence.    


Pah pah.    


Jin Wansan patted his stomach, revealing a confident smile.    


Looking at his bulging stomach, it was filled with confidence, and it was about to explode!    


His confidence was overflowing!    


Jin Wansan forgot about the small matter of being on guard, and began to meditate on the big matter of sudden enlightenment.    


He sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.    


"Come on, my sudden enlightenment!"    


Three minutes later.    


Jin Wansan opened his eyes and stood up.    


"As expected, to do something like sudden enlightenment, I have to first take a bath and change my clothes, and burn incense and paper.    


"Now that I am lacking in these materials, forget it, I won't meditate anymore.    


"Besides, everyone's safety still depends on me!"    


Jin Wansan's face was filled with righteousness, and he even gave himself a thumbs up.    


He was indeed a person who was willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of the group. Regardless of his strength or realm, just his mental state was already out of the ordinary, and could be called a great person!    


Therefore, Jin Wansan ate his dessert in a carefree manner.    


Among the four of them, three of them were in the midst of enlightenment, so they could only suffer and eat the dessert that the Water Dragon King had given them.    


This was also very tiring, requiring talent.    


As long as one's stomach was small, they would not be able to do it!    


At this moment.    


Beneath the cave.    


On the arena that was filled with cracks.    


Corpses were lying all over the place.    


All the Vicious Beasts who had reached the perfection stage of the Second Calamity and the Fifth Calamity had all lost their life force.    


The Water Dragon King, the Black Tiger General, and Bao Wenhu, the three Vicious Beasts, looked at the corpses on the ground with a smile on their faces.    


"A bunch of trash, do you think you are worthy of being on the same arena as the three of us?    


"Do you think you are worthy of being our competitors? How ridiculous!"    


The Black Tiger General laughed in disdain. A surging sound wave rippled out and charged towards the corpses.    


In an instant, all the corpses were reduced to ashes.    


"Alright, after dealing with this group of trash, it's time to review what happened here."    


The White Jade Fairy said that we absolutely cannot trust her completely.    


The Water Dragon King sneered. The entire dragon's temperament seemed a little gloomy.    


This was a far cry from the kind image it revealed in front of Gu Xuan and the others.    


If it wasn't for the Soul Aura, its appearance would have been the same. Perhaps someone would have mistaken it for two different dragons.    


The Black Tiger General and Bao Wenhu could not help but nod.    


They were also filled with questions.    


Not long ago, they were still in the Immortal Cave Void, in different spaces.    


But suddenly, the area they were in started to merge in a strange way.    


Before the fusion was completed, the voice of the Thunderbolt Immortal's Residual Soul rang out, informing everyone about the selection of the master of the Immortal Inheritance, about the token, and about the one hundred spots.    


After that, the few spaces completed their fusion, and the four Vicious Beasts at the perfection stage of the Sixth Calamity gathered together.    


Other than the three of them present, there was also another Vicious Beast, the red bird, and the red robe!    


The four Vicious Beasts were at the same realm, and they had lived in the Immortal Cave Void for a long time. Although they had never met each other, they had heard of each other's ferocious name.    


Therefore, they did not rashly fight, but instead cooperated. They gathered all the tokens in the lake of life and death, as well as the surrounding areas, and collected them all.    


Half of the tokens were snatched from the other Vicious Beasts.    


They did not trust each other, so they hid their respective tokens, waiting for the right price.    


The four of them prepared to negotiate and distribute the tokens.    



The location of the negotiation was chosen in the palace of the Abandoned Hall, which was located in the lake of life and death.    


However, before the negotiation began, they discovered that there was a big commotion in the space of the underground cave that belonged to the Blood Bone Hell.    


The arena under their feet had suddenly appeared at that time.    


Even the red-robed person who had always lived in the Blood Bone Prison did not know what exactly this arena was.    


The four of them suspected that this arena might have some kind of unexpected opportunity, so they came to investigate.    


Unexpectedly, when they approached the arena, they lost consciousness.    


When they woke up, the arena had already shattered. The surroundings were filled with Vicious Beasts, and there were a few Human Clan Martial Cultivators who were watching from afar.    


This was what happened next.    


After discussing for a while, they managed to get some information from Fairy White Jade. The Water Dragon King then sent Gu Xuan and the other three away.    


After that, they gathered at the arena once again, wanting to find out what had happened.    


Bao Wenhu shook his fluffy fox tail and said, "Leave this matter to me, but I need the help of the Black Tiger General."    


"No problem!"    


The Black Tiger General said coldly, "I want to see who is behind this, and what their goal is!"    


Bao Wenhu took out a compass the size of a palm.    


An ancient and mysterious aura was emitted from the compass, making it look extremely extraordinary.    


Not only that, there was even a weak immortal artifact aura in the compass.    


"Is this your 'Origin Compass'? I only heard about it before, but now that I see it with my own eyes, I know that it is even more extraordinary than I imagined."    


The Water Dragon King stared at the compass, and a trace of unnoticeable greed flashed across his eyes.    


Bao Wenhu did not notice the Water Dragon King's unusual behavior. He took out a red feather from his Space Ring.    


One look at the red feather and one could tell that it belonged to the red robe.    


There was even a trace of faint life force within it.    


Bao Wenhu gently placed the red feather on the compass and formed a Dharma Seal. He chanted the Law of Incantation, and a blurry image appeared on the compass.    


Although the images were blurry, if one were to carefully analyze them, one would be able to discover that these images were all from the perspective of the red robe.    


"General Black Tiger, make your move!    


Inject the Space-time Force, and these images will become clear!"    


Bao Wenhu's face had already become somewhat pale.    


General Black Tiger did not hesitate at all. He took out a ruler and injected energy into it. Immediately, the energy transformed into the Space-time Force and entered the compass in Bao Wenhu's hand.    




The compass trembled, and the blurry images on it immediately became clear.    


The three of them were completely focused as they checked the images, not letting go of any detail.    


The scenes in the images started from when they stepped into the arena and lost their memories until a skull smashed into the red robe's head.    


Although the battle between Gu Xuan and the Bone Priest could not be seen later, it did not affect much.    


The three of them were silent for a long time before they finished digesting all the information.    


"Bone Priest, he did it all!"    


"It was really close. If not for the sudden appearance of Fairy White Jade and the others, only one of us would have survived."    


"Furthermore, their lives are only temporary. In the end, they will only die."    


"Damn it, they actually dared to scheme against us and use us as sacrifices!    


I must take revenge for this!"    


The killing intent in their eyes flickered unceasingly as they discussed the matter of revenge.    


After an entire two hours, the three of them finally stopped and planned to leave the arena.    


"Right, how should we deal with Fairy White Jade and the other three?    


They have quite a few good things on them. Do we need to seize them?"    


Bao Wenhu licked his lips and swayed his tail in satisfaction, eager to give it a try.    


The Water Dragon King laughed coldly. "Don't bother about them. Because, I have already led them into that side hall!    


Moreover, I promised to give them presents.    


Everyone must have a lot of tokens. Why not give them presents?"    


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