Eternal Pill Emperor

C3762 Meeting the Drunken Wandering Again

C3762 Meeting the Drunken Wandering Again

0Inside the Light Shield, outside the Light Shield, the nerves of the six people tightened at the same time.    


The aura of the Destructive Power and the Obliteration Power appeared in the body of the fairy white jade at the same time.    


The handsome man smiled coldly. With a wave of his right hand, a chain appeared in his hand.    


On the chain, the aura of an Immortal Weapon continuously flowed.    


It was actually a true Immortal Weapon!    


"If you want to self-detonate, there's no way!"    


The handsome man chanted the Law of Incantation, and with a hissing sound, the chain was like a nimble snake as it bounded towards the fairy white jade.    


"Master, I'll self-detonate with you! I'll fight them to the death!"    


The blue smoke made up his mind. The aura of the Destructive Power also appeared on his body.    


The voice transmission of the fairy white jade suddenly exploded in the mind of the blue smoke.    


"Stop, fool, you won't die."    


If we really reach a desperate situation where neither of us can live, why would I wait until now to self-detonate?    


Self-detonation, it's possible at any time.    


But the hope of survival is only at this moment!    


Remember, go to the main branch of the Treasure Trading Company and tell them what happened today. The Nine-tailed Fox Realm should be destroyed! "    




The fairy white jade spat out a ray of red light, and with a flash, it entered the center of the blue smoke's brows.    


An intense spatial fluctuation immediately appeared on the blue smoke's body. Her body actually became distorted and became illusory.    


"Spatial Jump Talisman?"    


The blue smoke's expression changed, and she burst into tears.    


There was actually such a treasure on Master's body?    


She should have been able to use it to escape.    


With Master's strength, if she had suddenly used the Spatial Jump Talisman, she would have been able to escape long ago.    


However, Master did not escape. Instead, she left this Talisman to herself, and also left her with the hope of survival!    


Hua hu.    


It was also at this moment that the Immortal Weapon chain landed on White Jade Fairy. It exploded with a powerful might, wanting to suppress the Destructive Power and Annihilation Power in her body.    


Logically speaking, at this point, the handsome man's plan could be considered to have succeeded.    


However, he did not have the slightest intention of being happy.    


Because he had already realized that he had been tricked!    


The self-detonation of White Jade Fairy was a plot.    


She had deliberately let him know that she was going to self-detonate.    


And the only way he could stop her from self-detonating was to use the Immortal Sand Chain!    


However, the Immortal Sand Chain was also the only treasure he could use to stop the Spatial Jump Talisman!    


In other words, the blue smoke successfully escaping had almost become a foregone conclusion.    


The handsome man stared at White Jade Fairy angrily.    


A complacent smile appeared on White Jade Fairy's face.    


Her precious disciple was going to inherit her legacy and continue to shine in the Treasure Trading Company and the Three Thousand Worlds.    


How could she die in the hands of a group of half-human and half-beast?    


Ten zhang away.    


Gu Xuan was also deeply moved when he saw this scene.    


"Although the Blue Smoke has a father with a human face and a beast heart, the heavens have treated her well. She has such a good Master.    


"However, she has already prepared for so long. If she doesn't make a move, then she doesn't make a move.    


"White Jade Fairy, you can count yourself lucky!"    


In Gu Xuan's plan, saving Blue Smoke was the most important thing.    


As for saving White Jade Fairy, it had always been secondary.    


It was good to be able to save her while she was safe, but if he really couldn't save her, he wouldn't hold on.    


But now, he had already changed his mind. Even if Blue Smoke was safe, he would still make a move and try to save White Jade Fairy.    


In the world of Martial Cultivator, it had always been treacherous. There were not many people who were willing to sacrifice themselves for their disciple.    


If he could save her, it could be considered a good karma.    


Gu Xuan was ready. He would wait for Blue Smoke to be teleported away and then make his move.    


However, at this moment, something strange happened!    


A huge wine jar suddenly appeared in the sky.    




The wine jar fell, and a circle of energy rippled out.    


The handsome man, White Jade Fairy, Blue Smoke, and the others were all enveloped within.    


"Hahaha, it seems that I came at the right time.    


"Nine-Tailed Prince, I have helped you again. You have to remember this favor."    


An extremely ear-piercing and familiar voice sounded in Gu Xuan's ears.    


A figure descended from the sky and stood on the wine jar with one foot.    


This person was the Sect Master of the Sacred Wine Sect, Xie Zuoren, who had forced Gu Xuan to cut off half of his shoulder in the Beast Trapping Palace.    


Gu Xuan's pupils suddenly shrank when he saw this person.    


"This guy actually came out of the Beast Trapping Palace as well.    


And it seems that he is on the same side as the so-called Ninth-Tailed Prince?    


This is troublesome!"    


Gu Xuan's expression had already become very ugly.    


"Don't worry, you will get a lot of benefits.    


Quickly put away your wine jar. This smell is too unpleasant!"    


The voice of the Ninth-Tailed Prince came out of the wine jar.    


Xie Zuoren laughed and lightly tapped the wine jar with his right foot. The wine jar shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye and turned back into a normal wine jar, falling into Xie Zuoren's hand.    


Xie Zuoren lightly shook the wine jar a few times and smelled it. He suddenly drank a few mouthfuls before he landed from the sky in satisfaction.    


"My wine is so fragrant, but you say it smells bad?    


Ninth-Tailed Prince, you are the successor of the Nine-Tailed Fox World. Why don't you know anything?    


Why don't you pay me some tuition and I will teach you well?"    


Xie Zuoren shook the wine jar and walked to the side of the Ninth-Tailed Prince.    


The Ninth-Tailed Prince covered his nose. "I didn't say the wine smelled bad. It's your mouth that smells bad!    


Before you drink, can't you brush your teeth?    


This smell is too strong. "    


Xie Zuoren was stifled, but then he laughed.    


"Ninth-Tailed Prince is such a wonderful person. He is so humorous!    


"Blue Smoke Pavilion Master, if you marry the Nine-Tailed Crown Prince, you won't be wronged."    


"Although you won't be the future empress, you still have to be a concubine. Why would you run away?"    


Blue Smoke clenched her teeth and did not speak.    


Fairy White Jade also clenched her teeth and glared at Drunken Winer, her eyes filled with anger and resentment.    


This bastard had actually ruined her plan!    




The Nine-Tailed Crown Prince slapped Fairy White Jade's face.    


"You slut, how dare you plot against me!    


If it wasn't for Drunken Winer's timely appearance, I would have really sent you away.    


Unfortunately, you were still a step too slow.    


How was it? The feeling of being bound by the Immortal Sand Shackles was not good, right?    


Drunken Winer said, "This Fairy White Jade is extremely difficult to deal with, and she has many tricks up her sleeves.    


It was better to kill her as soon as possible.    


Otherwise, even if your Immortal Sand Shackles bind her, I still feel unsafe."    


Fairy White Jade smiled coldly.    


"If you want to kill me, do as you please.    


"However, once I die, someone will naturally investigate the cause of my death.    


"At that time, none of you will be able to escape!"    




The Nine-Tailed Crown Prince smacked Fairy White Jade's face once again.    


"You still dare to talk when you're about to die!"    


Blue Smoke roared and prepared to fight the Nine-Tailed Crown Prince to the death.    



Unfortunately, the Nine-Tailed Crown Prince merely pointed out with his finger, and Blue Smoke was like a block of wood, frozen in place.    


"Immortal Thunderclap's hollow state, forget about a perfection stage Six Tribulations cultivator, even if a perfection stage Seven Tribulations cultivator falls here, it would still be normal.    


Who would still come here to investigate your cause of death?"    


A trace of killing intent appeared in the Nine-Tailed Crown Prince's eyes.    


Eccentric Drunken Wine was right. It was better for Fairy Baiyu to die. Otherwise, it would be risky whether he would bind her or cripple her.    


"Boss Hu, kill her!"    


The Nine-Tailed Crown Prince ordered a guard behind him.    


Boss Hu immediately stood out, but his eyes were filled with regret.    


Originally, he had planned to cripple Fairy Baiyu and then reward the three Hu brothers.    


But now, because of Eccentric Drunken Wine's mouth, he could only kill her.    


Although this beauty was a bit old, she still had her own style. It was a pity to kill her like this.    


However, he did not dare to disobey the Nine-Tailed Crown Prince's order. With a thought, a long spear appeared in his hand.    




The spear pierced straight towards Fairy Baiyu's forehead!    


A light flashed in Fairy Baiyu's eyes. She looked apologetically at the blue smoke. The Destructive Power and the Obliteration Power appeared on her body again.    


However, this time, it was different from the last time. This time, she was really going to self-destruct.    


Moreover, this time, she would take the blue smoke with her!    


The blue smoke closed her eyes.    


Death was the best result at this moment!    


The expressions of the Nine-Tailed Crown Prince, Drunken Evil, and the others changed drastically.    


"How is this possible? My Immortal Sand Chains are still binding her, so why is she able to self-destruct?"    


Drunken Evil said, "I have already said that this person will only be safe if he dies. Quickly retreat!"    


The Nine-Tailed Crown Prince's face was filled with unwillingness. He stretched out his right hand, wanting to take away the blue smoke. However, just as his hand reached out halfway, a Pile condensed from the power of annihilation appeared from Fairy White Jade's body and bound the waist of the blue smoke.    


"Quickly leave! Don't dawdle!"    


Drunken Evil pulled the Nine-Tailed Crown Prince and retreated quickly.    


The three guards followed closely behind.    


This scene fell into the eyes of Gu Xuan, who was hiding underground.    


"What a good opportunity!"    


With a thought, Gu Xuan drilled out from the ground and appeared between Fairy White Jade and the blue smoke in a flash!    


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