Eternal Pill Emperor

C3700 Sixth Blood Soul Ring!

C3700 Sixth Blood Soul Ring!



Pah pah pah.    


The speed at which the bubbles appeared and exploded became faster and faster.    


The pool of black liquid seemed to be boiling, and at the same time, it wriggled even more intensely.    


As the bubbles exploded, the frequency of the Blood Priestess's appearance also increased.    


Finally, with a bang, a ten-foot bubble emerged from the pool of black liquid.    




The bubble exploded, and the liquid splashed everywhere.    


The Blood Priestess, who was bathed in blood, half-knelt on her right knee, and supported herself with both hands as she appeared in the depths of the cave.    


There was a circle of faintly discernible rings around his waist that emitted a blood-colored light and a terrifying aura.    


But very quickly, the rings disappeared without a trace, as if they had fused into the Blood Priestess's body.    


The Blood Priestess's face was filled with a ferocious expression.    


"Hahaha, Gu Xuan, you have never thought that I, the Blood Priestess, would not die.    


Not only did I not die, but in less than a day, I have become even stronger than before.    


Just you wait, I will come back and make you all die without a burial ground!"    


The Blood Priestess laughed as she stood up.    


His entire body exuded a completely different temperament from before, as if he had undergone a complete transformation.    


After laughing for an unknown amount of time, the Blood Priestess's expression suddenly became pious.    


He quickly walked to the entrance of the cave and looked towards the horizon. His gaze became incomparably pious.    


"Lord Eternal Devil Saint, I know that you must have helped me.    


Otherwise, the Six Devourer Blood Soul Ring would not have appeared in my body!    


This was a powerful soul ring that could only be condensed by cultivating the forbidden devil technique, the Six Devourer Devil Art.    


Now that my strength has recovered, the Burning Heaven Realm will eventually be occupied by me. It will become your palace!"    


The Blood Priest recalled what had happened before and was still extremely excited.    


Just as he was trying his best to escape from the northernmost region, he wanted to find a place to hide and slowly recover his strength.    


The injuries he had suffered were too severe. He was already on the verge of fainting.    


Furthermore, he really fainted.    


Although he had only fainted for a few seconds, he immediately woke up, but he was still scared out of his wits.    


With his already heavily injured body, if a Holy Monarch were to faint, he would probably be killed.    


Fortunately, he immediately woke up.    


Just as he was about to continue fleeing, he suddenly discovered that a soul ring had appeared on his soul.    


He could tell at a glance that it was the Six Devourer Blood Soul Ring.    


It had many uses. Not only could it save his life in the most critical moment, it could also absorb the bloody aura and transform it into energy to help him recover his strength.    


When he thought of the bloody aura, the first thing that came to the Blood Priest's mind was the Extreme Spirit Mountain Range.    


In the battle between the Devil Clan army and the Martial Cultivators of the Burning Heaven Realm, over a million Martial Cultivators had fallen.    


Even the Heavenly Dao of the Burning Heaven Realm had fallen here.    


The bloody aura here was naturally dense to an unimaginable degree.    


The Blood Priest immediately made up his mind to rush over.    


However, he was seriously injured at that time, and he needed to replenish some energy and recover some strength.    


The Blood Priest immediately locked onto the army of the Demon Realm closest to him and rushed over to kill them all. He created a large amount of bloody aura to be devoured by him.    


As expected, with the help of the "Blood Devourer Soul Rings", the Blood Priest's strength had recovered by at least half.    


This made the Blood Priest overjoyed. According to the location of the Demon Realm's people he sensed, he quickly set a route and planned to rush to the Extreme Spirit Mountain Range while recovering his strength.    


Almost all of the Demon Realm's army he encountered was annihilated.    


As for the people of the Burning Heaven Realm, he was afraid that Gu Xuan and the bitter master would find out about it, so he only killed a few experts selectively.    


Sometimes, he would pass by the Burning Heaven Realm's forces and not kill anyone, only stealing pills and spirit medicines.    


In his eyes, not every so-called "strong" person of the Burning Heaven Realm was worthy of dying in his hands.    


When he arrived at the Langlang Mountain, his strength had already recovered by more than half.    


Moreover, he had also tested his skills at the Langlang Mountain. Just by releasing a small amount of demonic energy from his pores, he had caused a small patch of forest to wither.    


After that, he deliberately concealed the traces of his attack before leaving.    


Unfortunately, he did not expect that Gu Xuan would be able to guess his destination because of this small test of his strength.    


If the Blood Priest was a little more cautious, he could have left no traces at all.    


However, at that time, he was in a state of excitement from recovering his strength. His mind was far less meticulous than usual. In addition, he was overconfident and thought that he had already erased all traces. This gave Gu Xuan the opportunity to lock onto him.    


"The smell of blood is still very strong.    


"Especially the smell of blood under the ruins. I haven't even finished absorbing it!    


"It's just that I'm a little strange. Why didn't I feel the thick smell of blood there before?    


"Otherwise, why would I have come to this cave if I had just gone to the underground to cultivate?"    


The Blood Priest licked his lips and jumped down from the cave. He aimed at the ruins of the palaces in the distance and quickly rushed over.    


Thump, thump, thump.    


The entire ground shook under his feet.    


This kind of vigorous and powerful feeling intoxicated the Blood Priest. This was also the reason why he gave up flying and ran to the ruins of the palaces.    


In a moment, the Blood Priest stood on the ruins.    


This was the core area of the Heavenly Dao camp.    


The battle before was also the most intense here.    


The ruins of the entire palace had been dyed red by blood.    


Blood Priestess shrugged his nose.    


"It's right here. Under this ruin, there are still a large amount of bloody aura in the depths of the ground!    


"After absorbing them, my strength will be even higher!"    


Blood Priestess's face was filled with excitement.    


However, he did not immediately use the Escape Arts and enter the ground. Instead, he raised his right fist, as if he wanted to blast open the ruins and blast open the ground, so that the blood that seeped into the ground would be exposed to the naked eye.    


However, as his fist was still accumulating power, Blood Priestess's expression suddenly changed.    


He suddenly turned around and looked behind him.    


In the horizon, two Light of Escape approached from afar.    


It was Gu Xuan and the Wandering Suffering Lord!    


"You are indeed here, Blood Priestess.    


"I didn't expect that in less than a day, your strength would actually increase by a level."    


Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes and looked at Blood Priestess with vigilance.    


The current Blood Priestess gave him a very different feeling from before.    


If the previous Blood Priestess was extremely dangerous, then the current Blood Priestess was definitely a hundred percent dangerous!    


This situation was too abnormal.    


The Wandering Suffering Lord's vigilance was even more serious than Gu Xuan's.    


His expression was not as calm as Gu Xuan's.    


It could not be helped. Even though he was mentally prepared, he was still shocked by the aura that the Blood Priestess was exuding.    


At this moment, the Blood Priestess' strength was definitely above his!    


Unless he returned to the extreme north, his domain, he would not be able to withstand more than thirty moves from her alone and would be defeated.    


A battle that was evenly matched would never happen from the beginning.    


"It seems that only the two of us can defeat the Blood Priestess if we work together."    


"Furthermore, capturing a living person is probably an extravagant hope."    


"Only if we have the intention to kill him will we have a 10% chance of capturing a living person."    


"If we have the intention to capture him alive, we will have a 50% chance of capturing him alive."    


"If we have the intention of capturing him alive, we will have a 50% chance to capture him alive." Wu Fang transmitted his voice to Gu Xuan with a serious tone.    


Gu Xuan glanced at Wu Fang and transmitted his voice, "I have to correct you!    


No matter if you are alive or dead, no matter if you want to capture a living person or a dead person, there is one thing that is certain.    


That is, I will not die!"    


Wu Fang was confused.    


Is this the time to show off?    


Is this the time to brag?    


When the Blood Priestess saw the two of them, her eyes were filled with killing intent.    


"You two have actually found me so quickly. This is really beyond my expectations.    


This has saved me the effort of looking for you two.    


Say it, how do you two want to die?    


I am in a good mood now, so I allow you to choose your own way to die.    



Do you want your soul to scatter, or do you want your soul to scatter?"    




In Gu Xuan's hand, the Heaven Slaughter Sword was already trembling.    


"So you didn't expect us to end up like this?"    


"But do you really think that you can take us for sure?"    


I'm afraid that this is just a pipe dream.    


For example, if the victim is willing to risk his life to stop you and buy time for me to escape, then you will definitely not be able to catch up to me and eat me!"    


Gu Xuan's face was filled with righteousness.    


Wu Fang: "???"    


So, he was the only one who was going to die?    


Was his brain fried?    


To risk his life to buy time for you to escape?    


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