Eternal Pill Emperor

C3699 Black Liquid

C3699 Black Liquid

0Gu Xuan was about to say his discovery, but Wufang could not wait any longer.    


"Brother Gu Xuan, what are you waiting for?    


Let's hurry and go to Li Family.    


As a Pill Saint family, the Li Family did not lack pills. If the Blood Priest were to snatch all of them away, what would happen then?    


Wufang urged.    


The Blood Priest dragged his heavily injured body and used a forbidden demonic art. In a short period of time, his strength had increased even more than before.    


Now that he was clearly going to the Li Family's pills, it meant that those pills would be of great help to his strength.    


If he did not hurry and stop him, it would be troublesome.    


Gu Xuan's face was solemn.    


"Brother Wufang, your intelligence network is probably not complete enough, so why don't you use my burrow rats to gather more information?"    


"In fact..."    


Hearing Gu Xuan's words, Wufang's face could not help but darken.    


His intelligence network was something he had spent a lot of effort to build. Even if it was not complete, how could it be inferior to a group of burrow rats?    


"Gu Xuan, I think you know that the Blood Priest has rushed to the Li Family, so you must have other intentions, right?"    


"The Li Family is your disciple's territory. You want to borrow the advantage of the Li Family to capture the Blood Priestess alone, right?"    


Wufang had always liked to judge others with his own standards. If it were him, he would really do it. Thus, he instinctively believed that Gu Xuan also wanted to do it.    


Gu Xuan sneered in his heart, but his face was filled with shock.    


"Brother Suffering Lord, what are you talking about? Listen to my discovery, and you can make a judgment."    


Gu Xuan immediately told the Suffering Lord about the abnormalities in the Golden Origin Sect and the Langlang Mountain.    


After hearing that, the Suffering Lord turned into a Light of Escape and disappeared into the horizon.    


His speed was so fast that it was far beyond normal.    


Gu Xuan smiled faintly, knowing that the Suffering Lord had personally gone to verify it.    


He took a step forward and also turned into a Light of Escape, chasing after him.    


Soon, the two of them arrived at the Golden Origin Sect.    


This place had also been invaded by the Devil Clan's army, but the people of the Devil Clan seemed to be in luck. They had only come here after the Blood Priestess left.    


They did not encounter the Blood Priestess and were able to retreat safely. They were currently on the way to another sect.    


Swoosh swoosh.    


Gu Xuan and the Suffering Lord appeared at the back of the Golden Origin Sect, where the tomb of Vice Sect Master Yang Jin was.    


This tomb was very secretive. On the surface, the tomb looked fine, but the formation and mechanisms had lost their effectiveness.    


"Heaven's Secret Sense, find traces and shadows!"    


The Suffering Lord observed for a while, and with a solemn expression, he activated the "Heaven's Secret" and began to calculate what had happened here.    


A mysterious energy flowed out of his body and spread out, causing the void to tremble and space to distort.    


Streams of Karma Threads condensed out of thin air and drilled into the tomb, as well as into the depths of space, as if they were going to follow space and time to the past.    


"What a powerful technique! The Suffering Lord is not proficient in the Dao of Space And Time, but he can use the "Heaven's Secret" to draw out the Space-time Force.    


Even I am afraid that I am unable to do it.    


However, that was in the past. Seeing him make a move this time, it gave me a lot of inspiration.    


I really didn't expect that I would actually have such a harvest, and I have earned a lot!    


Gu Xuan carefully observed the Suffering Lord's every move. After feeling something in his heart, his understanding of the "Heaven's Secret" had actually improved.    


Gu Xuan became more and more obsessed with it.    


But very quickly, the Suffering Lord's pupils suddenly shrank. The terrifying backlash had already arrived, forcing him to stop the calculation.    


The Suffering Lord's expression became as ugly as it could get.    


What did such a backlash mean? It was obvious.    


The Deputy Sect Master of the Golden Origin Sect was only at the great circle of disaster. If he wanted to calculate something about him, he wouldn't have such a strong backlash.    


Such a strong backlash proved that the Deputy Sect Master of the Golden Origin Sword had come into contact with a strong person whose strength was not below the Suffering Lord in this tomb.    


As for who that strong person was, did he even need to think?    


The Suffering Lord sank into deep thought. After a long while, he let out a long sigh and looked at Gu Xuan with an awkward expression.    


Just a moment ago, he was still questioning Gu Xuan and doubting that Gu Xuan was lying to him.    


But he never thought that he would be slapped in the face so quickly.    


In fact, his intelligence network was not as good as Gu Xuan's.    


"Brother Gu Xuan, I misunderstood you just now. I hope you don't get angry.    


I believe you have checked the location of the mountain, so I won't go there.    



You can tell me directly, according to your intelligence, where the Blood Priestess is most likely going now?"    


The Anaconda's owner smiled bitterly.    


Gu Xuan was very generous and smiled faintly. "Since it's a misunderstanding, why would I get angry?    


"According to my deduction, the most likely place the Blood Priestess is going now is the Extreme Spirit Mountain Range!"    


A trace of suspicion flashed across the Anaconda's owner's eyes.    


The Extreme Spirit Mountain Range was the territory of the Burning Heaven Realm's Heavenly Dao. The Devil Clan's army had first destroyed the Heavenly Dao camp.    


That place was now a ruin.    


Most of the Devil Clan's army that attacked the Anaconda's owner had come from the Extreme Spirit Mountain Range.    


The current Extreme Spirit Mountain Range did not have any people from the Devil Clan or the Burning Heaven Realm. The Blood Priestess wanted to rely on the Forbidden Devil Art to devour the people from the Devil Clan to continue growing her strength. It was useless to go there.    


"How confident are you?"    


The Anaconda's owner could not figure out the reason, but he still decided to believe Gu Xuan.    


"Seventy percent!"    


Gu Xuan pondered for a moment and continued, "The Blood Priestess has escaped in many different directions.    


He could have completely chosen to escape in the direction of more Devil Clan's army.    


However, not only did he not do so, he even chose a path that was relatively less populated. This meant that his route was not random. He had a clear destination.    


"I only thought of the Extreme Spirit Mountain Range!"    


Wu Fang pondered Gu Xuan's words.    


The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it made sense.    


Whether it was the Golden Origin Sect or the Langlang Mountain, they were both forces that had to pass through the Extreme Spirit Mountain Range. It could be said to be remote.    


It was precisely because it was remote that his intelligence network did not involve these two places.    


Especially the Langlang Mountain, which was sparsely populated and had a thin Spiritual Qi. There was not even a slightly stronger Vicious Beast there, and there were only small Vicious Beasts like the Burrow Rat that liked to go in.    


If the Blood Priestess only wanted to rely on the Forbidden Devil Arts to devour the people of the Devil Clan to increase her strength, she would not choose this path that was sparsely populated.    


The sparsely populated meant that the possibility of the people of the Devil Clan coming here was also small.    


As the leader of the Devil Clan's army, he probably knew all the positions of the people of the Devil Clan in the entire Burning Heaven Realm. It was impossible for him to choose the wrong path.    


Therefore, the Blood Priestess might really be heading towards the Extreme Spirit Mountain Range.    


"There's no time to lose. Since we've confirmed it, let's go to the Extreme Spirit Mountain Range immediately!"    


Wu Fang became excited once again.    


He suddenly had a strong premonition that he could really catch up to the Blood Priestess this time!    


Gu Xuan said indifferently, "I'm saying that I have a 70% chance, not 100%. I'm not sure!"    


Wu Fang laughed.    


"Seventy percent. If I add up the numbers, wouldn't that be 100%?"    


Gu Xuan gave him a thumbs up.    


"You are such a good scholar. It must be because the teacher taught you well!"    


Although the Suffering Lord was a bit humorous, he was obviously not that good at humor. Thus, he did not react for a moment.    


By the time he reacted, Gu Xuan had already turned into a Light of Escape and flew to the horizon.    


The Suffering Lord hurriedly caught up to him.    


The two of them were naturally heading towards the Extreme Spirit Mountain Range!    


At this moment, the Extreme Spirit Mountain Range was like a pool of stagnant water. Not only was there no life, there was not even a hint of wind.    


However, although there was no wind, there was still blood-red energy that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye floating around everywhere.    


These blood-red energies were like a thin layer of mist as they gathered in a single direction.    


If one followed the path they were gathering, one would be able to discover that they first entered a cave filled with traces of battle, and then they continued to go deeper, finally entering a pool of liquid.    


It was a pool of black liquid, about ten feet in size, wriggling on the ground, looking quite strange.    


Within the black liquid, there was a hint of red that was faintly emitting a bloody smell, making one nauseous.    


Streams of pure demonic energy kept emerging from the black liquid, but very quickly, they were absorbed by the black liquid as if it was breathing.    






Suddenly, there were blood-colored bubbles emerging from the black liquid. They kept growing, and when they reached the size of a fist, they suddenly exploded.    


Every time a blood-colored bubble exploded, a ferocious human face would appear. It was extremely terrifying.    


That human face was the face of the Blood Priestess!    


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