Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell



0Seeing the series of changes that occurred to the forbidden gate, Lei Yang suddenly realised that the Heavenly River Diagram and the huge array around it were not only used to maintain the words of the Heavenly River Sect's void s. The deeper meaning was actually to open the enormous gate!    


Right after Yin Li Xia's voice fell, disciples rose up from the ground and flew straight towards the light pillars at the center of the trio.    


Lei Yang did not become impatient, but instead shot a deep glance at Zhang You Dao beside him, at his ease. After that, he received the hundred thousand devil soul heavenly army s' storage bag from Empyrean Demonheart and followed the rising friar, approaching the teleportation pillar of light.    


Just as he was about to enter the light pillar, he suddenly felt a cold gaze from the left.    


Lei Yang turned his head to look. It was none other than the Fallen Phoenix Cliff disciple who lost to him in the battle at Heavenly River City, Bai Xuan!    


Bai Xuan glared fiercely at Lei Yang, and said while looking at him with his cold and venomous eyes: "Just you wait, after you enter, you'll have a good time!"    


Lei Yang smiled slightly. He originally wanted to explain a little, but in the end he gave up. He knew that explaining now was unnecessary, it would happen sooner or later.    


Lei Yang did not try to argue with him, he only shook his head helplessly. After that, he took a step into the area where the beam of light was sent to. He only felt a buzzing sound in his ears, and it was as if the entire body was cut into countless Fragment by some huge pulling force.    


Soon, all eighty friar who had participated in the Forbidden Land's Trial entered the light beam, and through teleportation, entered the numerous doors in the Heavenly River of Sky.    


When the last friar entered the teleportation light beam, Yin Li Xia and the two disciples from the Heavenly River Sect looked extremely tired.    


Furthermore, from the moment the teleportation gate was opened, all of the friar s took only a few breaths of time to enter, and only a few breaths of time.    


Seeing that everyone had entered, Yin Li Xia impatiently waved her hand and dispersed the transmission beam. Although her consumption was great, her eyes revealed a sense of relief.    


Apparently, even she was worried that the mission would not be completed smoothly. She heaved a sigh of relief.    


Just then, she waved her hand again, and a gigantic hologram appeared in void, she then said: "This is the ranking list of this year's forbidden grounds' trial, it lasts for a total of three months, all the remaining friar s, the Heavenly River Sect will provide their meals, but everyone is forbidden to use any name of the fighting method, if not they will be directly expelled from the land, you all have to wait for the good news!"    


After she finished speaking, the two disciples turned around and transformed into the three broken long rainbow s. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared behind the mountain peaks inside the sect.    


Just a moment ago, when Yin Li Xia had finished speaking of the fighting method's restriction, the Zhang You Dao of the Black Mountain Divine Palace just happened to be stuck in a relationship with the Fallen Phoenix Cliff Lord. The binocular looked at each other and then tactfully separated.    


And it was also at this time that someone from the crowd suddenly roared: "Look, the first friar on the rankings has appeared!"    


As soon as he said that, everyone turned to look at the name list. A line of words instantly appeared in front of everyone's eyes.    


"Liu Feng, Water Moon Cave, take ten ghosts!"    


"I never thought that the one who would be ranked first in this year's forbidden grounds trial would actually be an unknown sect of the secondary, the Water Moon Cave!"    


"Yeah, how come I've never heard of this sect before ?"    


"Sigh, so what if he's ranked first? I wonder if he can continue until the end of the smelting trial. Therefore, even if he's ranked first, it still won't be of much use!"    


After the first friar appeared on the ranking board, the entire arena erupted into a wave of discussion.    


However, most of the discussions had their own views, with different praise and disagreement, some supported and looked favorably upon this friar, but at the same time there were also those who did not think highly of him.    


But even so, there was still a friar who still cupped his fists and congratulated the Daoist Protector of the Shuiyue Paradise politely.    


Following that, more and more friar names and sect s appeared on the Trial Ranking and the sounds of discussion in the entire arena grew softer and softer. In the end, the place returned to complete calm once more.    


Based on his many years of experience in the Secret Realm, Lei Yang tried his best to maintain his body's original posture without moving.    


He still didn't know what kind of environment he was in, but he knew that it was probably because he couldn't get used to this place for a while, so he only needed to wait a bit and the situation would quickly improve!    


He was not in a hurry to use his spiritual sense to cover his surroundings. Instead, he completely concealed his Qi and quietly waited.    


After being in this state for about half a minute, when Lei Yang once again opened his eyes, he was able to clearly see his surroundings. Even though it was still a little dim around him, he was barely able to see that he was currently in a relatively large stone room.    


This stone room was slightly smaller than the shrine inside the Temple of Darkness, but to a simple stone room, it was truly large.    


After some careful observation, Lei Yang realized that there was nothing in this stone room. Even the things inside the stone tables and stools did not exist either.    


Lei Yang was currently looking at a spot three meters away from a wall. His position was not at the center of the stone room.    


After looking around, Lei Yang realized that there did not seem to be any dangers inside the stone room, so he started to walk closer to the wall, following along the wall.    


According to his analysis, the wall was safer. Even if he encountered an unexpected danger, he could at least trust the wall with his back.    


Furthermore, he walked around the stone wall. He believed that he would be able to see the door to this stone room through a certain wall.    


However, when Lei Yang carefully turned his head to look at the four walls of the cave, he did not see even the shadow of the door.    


He muttered in disbelief, "Impossible, could it be that this is a land of death?"    


However, this thought was immediately rejected by Lei Yang. Because of the thick layer of dust on the ground, he was able to determine that this place was definitely not a place of death.    


With that thought in mind, Lei Yang continued to search around the stone walls of the cave. This time, he searched very carefully, even to the point that there was a small protrusion on the stone wall, but to no avail.    


After that, he looked around a few more times, but he still couldn't find the exit.    


However, just as he was about to smash his fist into the stone wall, he suddenly discovered that the thick layer of dust on the floor had left behind the messy footprints he had left behind. All of them had disappeared.    


The moment he discovered this problem, a cold feeling fiercely leapt up from Lei Yang's spine, and instantly spread throughout his entire body. His entire body shivered, and his nerves tensed up in an instant.    


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