Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell



0Along with the endless flow of the Ancient Code gushed in, it was as if the blue colored flame had turned into a huge devouring mouth, constantly devouring the surrounding Sky's Ancient Code in the middle of the void.    


It was because of this that the fire in the surrounding sea of fire grew stronger and stronger with each passing moment. This trend spread throughout the entire sea of fire, causing the fire to become fiercer and more violent.    


? ?.    


Outside the Purgatory Sea of Flames, Long Zhan and Fang Xin chatted nonstop. As they headed deeper into the sea of flames, they chatted nonstop, causing their relationship to get even closer.    


After all, they were hot-blooded men and the Young people's geniuses of the Star Alliance's Great World. They naturally respected each other.    


Even though Long Zhan had his own thoughts, he knew that with Fang Xin's Cultivation Level, they wouldn't be able to go that far, so he simply swaggered along with him.    


He thought that if he kept going forward, Fang Xin would eventually find it difficult to retreat. Although the Cultivation's meteor call it seeking wealth amidst dangers, and if he really was able to catch a fire beast, then in the future, he would be able to create limitless waves in the Star Alliance's Great World.    


If he had lost his life for those worldly possessions, he believed that Fang Xin would not be so foolish, even if he had acted on impulse.    


However, their plans never felt the slightest bit of change. Right after they had traveled a hundred miles deep into the sea of fire, the fire in the entire Purgatory Sea of Flames suddenly became even fiercer.    


Seeing the changes in the fire, Long Zhan's eyes immediately revealed a look of astonishment. The Purgatory Sea of Flames had indeed been a bit too abnormal these past few days.    


It was now ten in the evening. Normally, the sea of fire would be completely quiet after nightfall. It was impossible for the fire to become stronger or more vigorous.    


This was the experience he gained from interacting with this ever-changing sea of fire for the past few years. Today, however, such an abnormal situation had occurred.    


"Brother Fang Xin, I see that the fire is a bit abnormal today. With my many years of observation, it is impossible for something like this to happen when night is about to fall. As the saying goes, there must be demons when something goes wrong, why don't we leave this sea of fire for now!"    


Fang Xin saw that even after he'd traveled hundreds of miles, he still hadn't found the legendary unique resources. He was also quite puzzled.    


However, as he went deeper, he could feel that the temperature of the sea of fire was getting higher and higher. Moreover, the sea of fire was getting weirder, which was why he wanted to retreat for the first time.    


However, before they could express what they were thinking, the sea of flames after they were born seemed to have received a sudden and intense stimulation. The flame's strength instantly increased by several times and turned into a heaven sealing aura in an instant.    


It was like a giant wave had been turned upside down and had blocked everyone's escape route.    


Long Zhan let out a strange cry. He felt that he was unable to rush through the sea of fire, and thus had nowhere to go. He unexpectedly headed deeper into the sea of fire and madly fled.    


Seeing that Long Zhan didn't know what to do, Fang Xin naturally didn't know what to do. Raising his feet, he madly rushed towards the center.    


The group of people they were accompanying all had bitter expressions on their faces. However, once their path of retreat was completely sealed off, they were unable to do so even if they wanted to. Thus, they could only follow along.    


Among them, one of the slower Female cultivators s was directly swept up and weighed down by the rolling waves of the flame while sprinting.    


Just the last wail she ever made was instantly incinerated into ashes by the scorching flame.    


Seeing this scene, everyone began to tremble. A shiver went down their spines.    


At this moment, if one were to stand at the highest point of this sea of fire, they would be able to clearly see that there was an enormous wave of ring-shaped flame at the periphery of this sea of fire, surging towards the center.    


As for the areas that the circular wave passed through, even the void sky was completely sealed off. It was as if a lantern was slowly closing.    


At this moment, in the center of the sea of fire, there was a ghostly blue light flickering. In the instant the earth-shattering waves of flame surged over, it was as if the light wick of the giant flame lantern had melted, making it look both strange and mystical.    


The entire sea of fire was affected because of the blue light source.    


It was as if there was a gigantic and formless mouth there, sucking in the Immortal Path's energy that had been stored in the sea of fire for many years with an indescribable force, transforming it into an immortal source and pouring it into the incomplete corpse that was wrapped in a dark blue flame.    


It was as if there was an invisible force in the void that was about to ignite the wick of the lamp, causing this space to grow bright for all eternity.    


And at this time, Long Zhan, Fang Xin, and a few others were frantically running in the sea of fire. At this moment, they had no other choice but to run towards the center of the sea of fire at full speed.    


As they fled, there were quite a few people who had already died in the sea of fire. The death figures were extremely horrifying as well. Once they were engulfed by the sea of fire, they would instantly turn into ashes.    


At this time, they were each running for their lives, and no one cared about their companions or anyone else.    


And at this time, Long Zhan and Fang Xin, who were running at the front, were also extremely terrified.    


From behind them, from time to time, a terrifying cry rang out. They finally realized what the real ten great danger zones were.    


So the dangerous place was really not for fun!    


Now that Long Zhan was regretting his decision to the point of turning his intestines green, he thought that if he was given another chance, he would absolutely not take the risk of entering this dangerous place.    


Now that he thought about it, what was face worth? The true reason was that he was still alive.    


He had once thought that dying a better death than Nai living was a very derogatory term. Now, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was such a compliment.    


As they were running, Long Zhan's anger towards the confidence became bigger and bigger. Therefore, as he walked forward, he immediately shouted: "Fang Xin, it's you who wants to show off. Now, let's just wait for the ashes to vanish!"    


Now that everyone was running for their lives, they had to take care of their own business.    


Fang Xin naturally wouldn't give in. Listening to Long Zhan scolding him like this, he immediately retorted: "Fuck, I didn't even drag you in. Why are you so angry? You came in yourself, can't you blame me?"    


"If you didn't force your way in, would I have been implicated?" Long Zhan.    


"Laozi Divine Dao Sect's friar s never care about the consequences, even if it means death!" At this time, Fang Xin was still trying to be strong, but in terms of running, he was faster than everyone else.    


The two of them bickered for a while. It was likely because they were distracted, but the danger behind them was too great. No one tried to stop them, so they stopped bickering.    


However, as they were unable to run any further, the people following behind became fewer and fewer.    


In terms of Cultivation Level, the two of them were the highest ranked among this group. Although they were on par with each other and were both in the Immortal King Realm, they were still Immortal Kings.    


However, the group of cultivators behind them were only in the Half Immortal Stage. Thus, they could only admit that they had suffered a calamity.    


In the midst of their forced escape, the two of them rushed straight towards the center of the Purgatory Sea of Flames. In the end, when the last two basic wails rang out, the two of them finally exhausted all their strength and rushed into the center of the blue colored area in which the dark blue flame were submerged.    


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