Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell



0In void, Lei Yang waved his hand. After digesting all the Cultivation Level s that were coming at him, he dispersed the Devouring Power and floated back down to the ground.    


In this short period of less than ten minutes, Lei Yang appeared inside the valleys. However, the situation inside the valleys had already gone through an extreme reversal.    


As the people of the Qing Emperor Clan looked at Lei Yang, they actually forgot the pleasant surprise in their eyes from being saved, but instead, all revealed expressions of fear.    


That feeling, was as though Lei Yang was a Demon Elder dropping from the sky!    


After a few breaths of time, the severely injured Young man, who was also the Patriarch's Young people, seemed to have finally reacted, and spoke first: "Thank you, Predecessor, for saving our lives!"    


At this time, all of the tribesmen s of the Qing Emperor Clan struggled to surround her, and all of them knelt down before Lei Yang to kowtow and express their gratitude.    


However, as they looked at the corpses that filled the valley and at their loved ones who died, although they were saved, it was truly hard for them to have any sort of elated emotions.    


And all that was left was endless grief and sorrow!    


Furthermore, all of their people, body, had sustained varying degrees of injuries. Even though they had survived, they could only be considered to be struggling with their last breath.    


Therefore, they did not seem to be excited about this result, nor did they feel the excitement of surviving.    


And at this moment, all of them looked at Lei Yang with eyes filled with wariness and vigilance, including the young Patriarch.    


Seeing that, Lei Yang immediately understood the fear in their hearts!    


After all these years, it was likely that their Azure Emperor's clan had received too many of these attacks. Furthermore, they had most likely hidden themselves in many places before coming to this place. "Woosh, woosh, woosh, woosh ~ ~ ~"    


But who would have thought that even if they managed to hide here, they would still be unable to avoid such a calamity?    


Lei Yang didn't know what Sun Zhuo of the Heavenly Sect had said about it, but he knew that at this moment, these people also treated him as someone else to obtain it, so even if he saved them, they would still be cautious.    


After understanding, Lei Yang immediately opened his mouth and said: "Everyone, please do not worry, this one is Lei Yang, and this is my disciple, donkey!    


Let me first clarify that the true body is not here to get something, but was really here by coincidence!    


And the reason the true body acted to save us is because you are members of the Qing Emperor Clan, even though you have not admitted it up till now!    


The Qing Emperor Predecessor has helped the true body, this matter has been going on for a long time, after a while, I am also unable to explain it to you guys clearly! "    


Even though Lei Yang had said that, how could the tribesmen s of the Qing Emperor Clan believe him?    


However, at this moment, they were powerless to resist, so they chose to remain silent!    


Seeing this scene, Lei Yang guessed that this man was most likely one of the descendants of the Qing Emperor Clan.    


In order to gain the trust of these people, Lei Yang directly opened his mouth and said, "The donkey, he was branded with a memory fragment of a few years ago when he saw Emperor Qing's obsession phantom in the starry sky!"    


"Yes, Master!" After the donkey finished speaking, it directly took out a jade chip and imprinted a memory fragment from back then, which it passed to the young patriarch.    


The young Patriarch, in the end, placed the jade chip on his forehead, and in an instant, the entire clan leader fiercely glared, and couldn't help but cry out: "Ancestor, it's the Ancestor's obsession, the phantom ?"    


After seeing this, he naturally understood everything. He knew that Lei Yang was not the same as the people who were chasing and killing them earlier.    


He then suddenly stood up and waved his hand at Lei Yang: "Junior Liu Zhong greets Predecessor. To be honest, we are the descendants of the Qing Emperor Clan!"    


Perhaps it was because he was too heavily injured, but at this moment, he forced himself to get up and kowtow. Suddenly, a stream of blood shot out from below his right abdomen.    


Lei Yang hurried forward, a gentle immortal origin immediately gushed out from his palm, and instantly poured into the young patriarch Liu Zhong's body.    


With the protection of the Immortal Origin Qi, his complexion immediately improved, and the wounds on the body also recovered instantly. After a while, even though he did not recover completely, he had recovered about seventy to eighty percent.    


And at this time, the other tribesmen s all looked at the memory fragments within the jade chip. When they looked at Lei Yang one by one, their eyes were filled with reverence and gratitude.    


Lei Yang also gave them his immortal origin, allowing their body to quickly recover.    


Everyone thanked and saluted one by one, and only now did they completely believe that Lei Yang was their savior, and treated him like their own master.    


Since both sides had established trust, then the remaining matters would be easy to handle. Lei Yang also asked straightforwardly: "Liu Zhong, I wonder why both of you were still being hunted down by the Heavenly Pursuit Sect even though you were living in seclusion here? What exactly do they want?"    


Liu Zhong looked at Lei Yang and could not help but let out a sorrowful sigh. His entire person was not in a good mood!    


After that, he said, "Predecessor, to tell you the truth, the reason why they chased after our Azure Emperor's clan endlessly is actually all because of the inheritance left behind by Emperor Qing's Ancestor."    


"Oh, the inheritance of Emperor Qing?" Lei Yang raised his brows, as if he somewhat understood the reason behind this.    


"Yes, that's right, it is truly the inheritance left behind by Ancestor Qing Emperor that caused my clan to suffer such a calamity. But this matter is a long story, Predecessor, please listen carefully!" Liu Zhong said.    


"Alright, explain in detail, everything is done with me, Lei Yang, so you don't have to worry about anything!" Lei Yang waved his hand and said heroically.    


"Alright!" Liu Zhong nodded, then said: "The Ancestor of the Azure Emperor, had already existed for countless years. At that time, the strength of the Azure Emperor's clan could be said to be like the sun at high noon in the entire celestial realm, becoming the largest clan in the entire celestial realm.    


When he stepped into the Dao Realm for many years, he had felt that his life had lost all meaning. In the end, he had stepped into the depths of the starry sky, searching for the legendary Primal Chaos Realm, in an attempt to find the way to longevity.    


But who would have known that once he left, he would never be able to find a trace of him again!    


Not long after Ancestor Emperor Qing left, the Azure Emperor's clan, which was like the sun in the sky, collapsed. In the end, the gigantic Family fell.    


A few years later, a mysterious friar surnamed Lei obtained a scripture from the starry sky by accident.    


When the Great Thunderbolt Holy Clan was in charge of the celestial realm, the Azure Emperor might have collapsed, but he didn't have any history of being bullied.    


However, because their strength had become weaker and weaker, the various branches and factions had become weaker and weaker.    


After a few years, within the celestial realm, sixteen powerful Family s and sect s formed an alliance and became the so-called sixteen star alliance.    


From then on, the Sacred Family was annihilated, the Sacred City was destroyed, and the celestial realm entered into the era of the Star Alliance's Great World.    


The Star Alliance's Great World was jointly controlled by the 16 Alliance Masters back then. It was inevitable that there would be scheming and scheming amongst them.    


In this kind of battle, the various Star Alliance members were frantically searching for a powerful inheritance that would allow them to stand firm on their foundation, including the Immortal Region where the Supreme Profound Alliance was located.    


Thus, from this moment onwards, they had set their sights on Emperor Qing's inheritance. All of the Azure Emperor's branch family s were instantly pushed to the heart of the struggle.    



From then on, all the tribesmen of our Qing Emperor Clan were crazily hunted down, and our goal was to force us to hand over our inheritance.    


In the short span of a few years, countless branch family of Emperor Qing had been crazily killed because there was a legend within the sixteen star alliance that Emperor Qing's inheritor, or Emperor Tailei's successor, had obtained the celestial realm.    


However, when the Ancestor Emperor Qing left that year, he did not leave behind any inheritance at all. Those were people who had been rumored to have gone mad by the outside world.    


In this frenzied slaughter, the number of clans that survived was pitifully small, and my clan was the luckiest one of them.    


That year, our ancestor decisively led the tribesmen s to flee, and in the end, hid in this so-called Great Desolate Forest, one of the ten great dangerous grounds of the celestial realm, and in the end, our clan was lucky enough to survive.    


As time passed, the matter of finding the inheritances of two generations of Holy Masters within the Star Alliance's great world gradually became a long history.    


However, the legacy of those peak Dao Realm experts was so huge that for all these years, all the sect in the Star Alliance had never given up!    


Therefore, even if we hide in this dangerous area, we will still not be able to escape the fate of being hunted down by them in the end! "    


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