Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell



0The Eastcloud Dao Mountain was located on the east coast, where the entire Eastern Cloud Continent's overlord, the Dongyun Sect, resided.    


Although the Eastcloud Dao Mountain was located on the east coast, its mountain peak was as tall and sturdy as the mountain range inside the East Cloud Continent. This vast mountain range extended from the east coast to the east coast, and was known as the Eastern Rim Mountain Range.    


But this Eastcloud Dao Mountain was actually the most famous mountain in the entire mountain range, it was as beautiful as a pearl, beautiful yet outstanding!    


According to the legends, the Eastcloud Dao Mountain was not called Eastcloud Dao Mountain a long time ago, but was called Eastern Mountain. Later on, because Daoist Dong Yun came here to cultivate in the Comprehension of Dao, he became supreme power in one go, so he was supposed to be there.    


And this sect, after countless years of development, had slowly become the overlord of the entire Eastern Cloud Continent, becoming a power that ruled over a region. And this sect, was the one who later dominated the entire Fangtian Realm.    


The Dongyun Sect was located on the side of the mountain of the Eastcloud Dao Mountain, which signified the power of the entire Fangtian Realm.    


It was strange, because the East Cloud Peak, where the entire Dongyun Sect was located, was incomparably majestic. However, a huge circular platform appeared in the middle of the mountain where the sect was cultivating on.    


The platform was not only huge, but it was also very flat. It formed a huge ring-shaped flat area around the entire East Cloud Peak, and the center of the ring was part of the top section of the peak. It was shaped like a straw hat, looking very peculiar.    


Furthermore, because they were close to the East Sea, which was filled with rain all year round and had abundant vegetation all year round, and because the air was moist all year round, the fog and clouds above the mountainside all year round without dispersing, the area of the mountaintop was rarely recognized by outsiders.    


Back then, Eastern Cloud Ancestor named this place the Eastcloud Dao Mountain. It was most likely related to this eternal cloud!    


Furthermore, according to the legends, the Eastcloud Dao Mountain at the edge of the East Sea coincided with the West Moon Sect at the opposite side of Tianxin City, and they stood in a straight line.    


There was an even more bizarre explanation. It was that the Fangtianshan, which was located in the middle of the two mountains, was also located in a straight line on this day.    


However, these three places were separated by an endless distance. Ordinary people had no way to confirm whether this strange legend was real or not. Thus, the legend passed down, becoming more and more mysterious.    


Even the elders who were in closed-door training immediately stopped cultivating after receiving the sound transmission from the Dongyun Sect's Shui Shengyi and rushed straight towards the pile of rocks.    


All the higher-ups did not know what had happened. They only knew that he seemed to be anxious from the sound transmissions that they heard from the Master.    


What was it, or perhaps it was someone, that was able to cause a heavenly person who had already stepped into the Ascension Realm to become anxious? Countless guesses instantly arose in the hearts of the crowd.    


And under all these guesses, a sense of shock continuously rose up in the hearts of the Dongyun Sect's upper echelons, causing all the higher ups to tremble. They felt as if they were facing a great enemy, as if a storm was brewing.    


In reality, on the East Cloud Peak, where the Dongyun Sect was located, there was a huge platform at the middle of the mountain. Directly to the south, north, and west, there was a huge pile of rubble.    


Although it was called a pile of rubble, it was actually a huge array of rubble. All of the Dongyun Sect disciples knew about the usage of this stone array, and knew that this was the teleportation formation used to receive the other three disciples.    


The stone array to the south was the South Mountain Sect's teleportation portal, and the stone array to the north was the Northern Mu Sect's teleportation portal, and the west was the West Moon Sect's teleportation portal.    


At this moment, all the higher-ups and elders of the Dongyun Sect were all standing in front of the teleportation portal in the west. They naturally knew that this was someone from the West Moon Sect.    


But what they didn't understand was that ever since the beginning, the Dongyun Sect had always been the overlord of Fangtian Realm, and in all of history, there had never been a battle formation as large as this in order to welcome the people from any of the other three sects. Even during the four sects' grand ceremony at Fangtian Realm a year ago, when the other three sects' Master s personally came, there had never been a scene in which all of the higher-ups and elders of the sect went out to welcome them fully.    


Moreover, right now, right in front of the rocks to the west, all of the clan leaders and elders were present. But Master Shui Mingyi was not there yet, so everyone was unsure of who exactly he was welcoming, and whether they were going to kill to stop him.    


However, with the current solemn atmosphere, many of the elders and upper echelons of the sect automatically agreed to be the latter. They all had solemn expressions and looked ready for battle.    


Right at this moment, from the direction of the mountaintop, the clouds and mist began to churn as a figure shuttled through the clouds and mist.    


It was a Old Man. He had long hair and was dressed in a white robe. Stepping on the white clouds, he looked like a celestial being that had long since left the mortal world.    


It was as if he had become one with the clouds and mist swirling around the mountaintop. If not for his pair of eyes that were like stars, which were like two suns, emitting a radiance that could cause even the Heaven and Earth to abruptly shine, many people would not have been able to sense his arrival.    


He was as light as a leaf as he landed in front of the pile of rocks. His entire being was like a divine needle that could freeze the sea, and in that instant, it was as if all the Heaven and Earth in the area had a center.    


The Elders and higher-ups in the sect seemed to be letting out sighs of relief. Their eyes were filled with a sense of security, as if everything that was happening wasn't any big deal with him around.    


This silver-white clothed Old Man was none other than the Master of the Dongyun Sect, the one who possessed the Cultivation Level at the early stage of the Ascension Realm, Shui Shengyi.    


"We pay our respects to Master!"    


At this moment, everyone greeted in unison, and the previously solemn atmosphere had eased by quite a bit.    


At this time, a peak Nirvana stage Old Man who looked identical to the West Moon Sect Xiao Jingnan stepped forward and cupped his fists as he asked, "Master, what exactly is the matter that has brought all of us here to display such a great power?"    


And the Old Man who was speaking was none other than this Dongyun Sect's ? Su Fengchun.    


Shui Shengyi thought for a moment and then slowly said, "For a person, a person who is easy to talk to but also full of danger!"    


"One person?!"    


Su Fengchun's eyes instantly revealed a look of shock.    


Just one person could alarm a sect, and even make a Master come personally. Just what kind of powerful existence was this, could he possibly have three heads and six arms?    


But at this time, Shui Xie Yi laughed: "Vice Sect Leader Su need not think too much about it, let's talk about it after he arrives!"    


In reality, Shui Sanyi was feeling very complicated at the moment. This was because West Moon Sect Xiao Jingnan had already told him everything that had happened in West Moon Sect with his super sound transmission.    


As for this Young people of unknown origins, he didn't know if he should still directly kill them or treat them with respect, but the key point was that his target was precisely Dongyun Sect. Shui Xie couldn't immediately guess what goal he had in mind.    


Furthermore, the West Moon Sect gave him an important conjecture through sound transmission, which was that he was a lightning attribute Young people. This made him instantly comparable to what happened countless years ago.    


That mysterious person caused a ruckus in Dongyun Sect. At that time, Shui Xie Yi was still a disciple of Dongyun Sect.    


Who would have thought that after so many years, history would once again coincide in shocking ways?    


As he thought of this, Shuishan coughed lightly and said, "If you can keep a peaceful mind, do your best to kill. Calm down, all of you are here again!"    


He said a few words of 'please' and then no longer spoke. He simply closed his eyes and dozed off in front of the stone array, causing everyone to be unable to see through his thoughts.    


Amidst this unknown wait, approximately four hours later, a gigantic pillar of light appeared in the skies above Eastcloud Dao Mountain.    


The speed of the light pillar was extremely quick. It was as if there was a set coordinates there. The moment it appeared in the void, it charged toward the East Cloud Peak.    


A wave of hologram s appeared in the rubble array, followed by a Young people that was around twenty years old.    


It was the Lei Yang teleported from a West Moon Sect. After the external hologram completely dissipated, Lei Yang's entire body also recovered from the extremely fast teleportation state.    


He shook his head, and after confirming that he had been completely teleported over, he turned around and prepared to leave the transfer array.    



However, the moment he turned around, he immediately saw that outside of the Formations, there were actually a whole bunch of experts undergoing Nirvana Tribulation. Furthermore, there was an existence of Ascension Realm as well.    


Lei Yang's actions immediately gave rise to a wave of loud laughter, but only the Master, Shui Ruo Yi was feeling as though he was facing a great enemy. He said hurriedly: "Young Hero Lei, do not panic. Maybe we were once old friends! "    


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