Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C745 little fat woman

C745 little fat woman

0Lei Yang's speed was extremely fast. Moments later, he saw a gigantic city appearing beneath the white deer image.    


The city was situated in the middle of a mountain range and the city looked like the Bai Clan. The city was situated in the middle of a mountain range and the entire city looked like the Bai Clan's name.    


The illusory figure of the white deer in the air was extraordinary. From afar, even though the White Deer City was vast, it was still shrouded by the gigantic illusory figure of the white deer. Clearly, the city was under the protection of the phantom.    


The distance was not far, and with Lei Yang's fast speed, he quickly arrived at the vicinity of the White Deer City.    


This was a no-fly zone, so Lei Yang had no choice but to land. However, before landing, he observed the mysterious white deer and realised that its projection was coming from the center of the White Deer City.    


However, in the center of the area, there were buildings blocking the way, and even formations protecting it. Even if Lei Yang was curious, he didn't dare to rashly use his divine sense to probe the area, otherwise, it would very likely arouse the displeasure of the Bai Family. After all, he still had requests from others, and he couldn't let his curiosity cause him to harm.    


The popularity of the White Deer City could be considered extremely high in the surrounding mountains. This was most likely due to the fact that they were already quite far away from the Blood Spirit Forbidden Land.    


Lei Yang walked along the wide path, feeling the flow of people and carriages passing by. Even before entering the city, he could already feel the bustle of the city.    


It was currently early in the morning, and the closer they were to the city, the more crowded it was. Lei Yang followed the crowd into the city, slowly moving forward.    


Not everyone in the crowd was a cultivator, with different cultivation bases. There were Spirit Qi s, Spiritual Source s, Core Formation s and even Nascent Soul s.    


But relatively speaking, there were very few Nascent Soul cultivators, and judging from the cultivation and clothing of the people, Lei Yang could determine that there were a lot of outsiders here.    


Based on this, he could deduce that this White Deer City was a relatively open city. The fact that this city had such a strong population indicated its high tolerance level.    


And in this Central State that was controlled by a single clan, the clan controlled everything in this region. The fact that the White Deer City had such a strong tolerance meant that their clan leader was an extremely open-minded person.    


Those who were enlightened would generally be reasonable. Lei Yang thought that if he went to look for him next, and took out the order badge, he should be able to straightforwardly buy it.    


Following the crowd, Lei Yang hid his cultivation and entered into the city through the city gates. After paying a certain price for his Spirit Stones, he entered the White Deer City.    


Just as he expected, it was a very bustling city. The entire city was made of white jade, even the wide streets were no exception.    


After entering through the city gate, there was an abnormally large street that went straight to the center of the city.    


On both sides of the street, there were all kinds of shops. There were all kinds of clothing, medicinal pills, medicinal herbs, magic tools, and so on.    


Although there were many forked streets on both sides of this street, the bustle and liveliness of these streets were vastly different from this one.    


Although it was still early in the morning, the streets were already packed with people and people. Although they hadn't reached the point where they could move shoulder to shoulder, they were not far from each other.    


Lei Yang slowly walked forward on the street. Although he was anxious to see the Patriarch of the Bai Clan, who was in charge of the White Deer City, he couldn't fly in the city, and he couldn't be too flamboyant about it either.    


Now that Lei Yang was at the great circle of the Nascent Soul, his spiritual sense had even surpassed the Nascent Soul, reaching the level of the early stage of enlightenment.    


Thus, he could be considered to have sent a telepathic message using the Yuwen family's nameplate to seek an audience with the Bai Family's patriarch, hoping that the patriarch would personally come forward to receive him. This would save him a lot of trouble.    


However, when Lei Yang was in the middle of the crowd on the street, suddenly, a sharp noise came from the direction of the main street.    


Amidst the chaos, there were shouts of rage, the jeers of the people around them, and the sounds of heavy breathing. They were all moving toward the city gate from the center of the city at an extremely fast speed.    


As a Nascent Soul, Lei Yang's hearing naturally far surpassed that of the others. Even though he was in this kind of busy city, he could still clearly distinguish the sound of chaotic footsteps coming from ahead.    


From the footsteps, Lei Yang could tell that someone was being chased. The cultivation level of the people chasing after him was different, there were probably at least 10 of them, but there was only one person being chased, it was obviously a female cultivator.    


Early in the morning, someone was being chased down the streets. Haha, could this be the way people are welcomed in the White Deer City? Lei Yang muttered in his heart, he temporarily suppressed the thought of using his consciousness to send a message to the City Lord, and stopped, ready to see the details.    


The flow of people on the street in front quickly retreated to the two sides of the street. It was as if a huge gap had been opened in the air, revealing a wide passage.    


And at this time, Lei Yang, who was standing in the middle of the crowd at the edge of the tunnel, saw a azure-dressed girl who seemed like an arrow, and flew quickly in the direction of the city gate through the split streets. And behind her, about one hundred and fifty meters away, was a large group of people chasing after her at full speed.    


Previously, with a single glance from Lei Yang, he could tell that the green-clothed girl was in the late stage of the Nascent Soul, and out of the ten people chasing after her from behind, almost all of them were in the late stage of the Nascent Soul.    


Lei Yang looked and immediately understood. It was clear that this was another game played by a silkpants, if the young man wanted to chase after him, with his cultivation, in the blink of an eye, he would be able to close in on him. It would be as easy as flipping his palm to capture the azure-dressed girl.    


However, he did not do so. Instead, he deliberately kept a distance behind him, leisurely chasing him, looking for excitement and fun in this kind of chase.    


Lei Yang had never been used to this kind of evil feeling in his life, but now that he was in a rush to return to Floating Mist City, he didn't want any trouble to arise. Furthermore, this was the Bai Clan's territory, he didn't want to do anything that would make the Bai Clan Patriarch disgusted.    


Lei Yang had originally planned to close his eyes and ignore them, but after this group of people gave chase, he used his divine sense to send a message to the Bai Clan Patriarch, and then used the way to leave the city and return to Floating Mist City.    


However, what he did not expect was that when the green clothed lady neared him at an extremely fast speed, and brushed past him, Lei Yang immediately saw her entire face.    


It was a familiar face, but not the same as the one in his memory.    


It was only when the azure-dressed woman had run a long distance away and when the people who were chasing after him had already followed that the figure in Lei Yang's memories had finally, with great difficulty, overlapped with the azure-dressed woman's face.    


At this moment, he couldn't help but exclaim out loud in shock, "Little fat nanny!"    


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