Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C648 Winning

C648 Winning

0All of this may have seemed like it took a long time, but in reality, it happened too fast. Everything happened in an instant!    


Even though Yuwen Lin had already used all of his strength to escape, there was still some distance left to escape from the attack range of that palm strike. Even though he was already close to the edge, he understood that it was already impossible to completely escape the attack range of that palm strike.    


Moreover, the blood-red short sword in his hand was already dimming. It seemed that it would completely shatter before long.    


In that moment, Yuwen Lin's eyes revealed a hint of insanity. He had actually abandoned the blood colored short sword in his hand, and with a flip of his hand, grabbed the huge gray sword that had been condensed beside him the entire time. He ruthlessly slashed several times at Tuoba Tian, who was standing very far away behind him.    


Originally, everyone was shocked, they saw the madness in Yuwen Lin's eyes, and thought that he was going to die in a crazy counterattack. Even Tuoba Tian, who had the absolute advantage in his battle with Yue Yang, had a look on his face, and revealed a look of vigilance.    


However, what happened next made everyone feel unexpected, was that after Yuwen Lin had slashed out a few times, he did not set off any shockwave that would shake the earth and earth, trying to stop the palm imprint that was about to fall. Instead, all of his hacking and slashing did not have any fluctuation at all, and did not have any attack power at all, just like a child playing around.    


This immediately made the spectators, who had been feeling shocked and full of anticipation, burst into laughter.    


Some of them even loudly laughed and said, "Waa, Void Sword, such a powerful technique! I'll see if that guy got scared silly and started to take a stroke!"    


To say such unpleasant words to tease Yuwen Lin, who seemed to be at the end of his rope at this very moment.    


And at this moment, the smile in Tuoba Tian's eyes became even wider, that playfulness was so obvious that it was not concealed at all!    


Lei Yang could tell that Yuwen Lin basically could not escape this attack, but whether or not he should go save him and get sucked into this battle, his heart had always been struggling like this.    


After all, although Yuwen Lin was a good person, they had only met by chance, it was obvious that their relationship had not reached that stage yet, furthermore, the other party had a dao comprehension expert with him, although Lei Yang was not afraid of him, this would be troublesome.    


The main reason was that Lei Yang's current target was the immortal medicine inside the Void Origin Stage, so he did not have the mood to cause trouble.    


He had been standing on top of the Giant Snow Freak's head the entire time, not moving at all, coldly watching everything that was happening. He did look a little unreasonable, even he himself looked down on his actions, but he could not do anything about it, after all, Xiang Yu's position in his heart was even more important.    


Just as Lei Yang was deep in thought, a loud sound came out from the void, and the golden palm that seemed to come from a god finally struck down with a boom.    


The last image that remained in Lei Yang's eyes was Yuwen Lin's crimson red eyes as he once again grabbed onto the blood colored short sword, opening up the space in front of him and desperately rushing towards the edge of the palm imprint.    


Following that, that area was instantly covered by that palm imprint and Yuwen Lin's entire person was instantly exterminated by that peerlessly powerful force.    


The next moment, the surrounding space was filled by an indescribably strong wave. Along with the countless amount of blue ice shards on the ground, it was pushed open in a circle above the blue ice field.    


This was a huge shock wave that was formed when Tuoba Tian's palm landed ruthlessly on the ice plains. The strength of the shock wave was so great that even Lei Yang, who was currently very far from the center of the explosion, could not help but control the Giant Snow Freak to quickly retreat.    


But at this moment, he saw that at the edge of the shock wave, there was a wretched figure that was pushed out by the intense shock wave in an instant. Like a leaf that was being tossed around in the raging waves of a storm, it was Yuwen Lin who was struck by the gigantic golden palm print earlier.    


Lei Yang no longer hesitated, he did not care anymore, no matter what, at that moment in time, he could not just stand by and watch.    


Not only did he not retreat, he even stepped out of the Giant Snow Freak's head. Facing the shock wave, with a speed that could not be hidden, he forcefully pulled Yuwen Lin, who was currently extremely weak, out of the shock wave. At the same time, he flew up into the air, avoiding the powerful shock wave that only a moment later had passed, and then, he quickly retreated back to the head of the Giant Snow Monster, who was still far away.    


At the same time, Tuoba Tian watched with playful eyes as the palm descended and a huge concave palm print was instantly formed on the blue ice plains.    


However, right at this moment, a huge sense of danger welled up in his heart in an instant, and in the instant this danger appeared, countless gigantic and astonishing sword Qis appeared in the space of ten meters around him, blasting toward his face with monstrous force.    


These huge Sword Qi, seemed to come out from thin air, without any warning, without any undulations, she suddenly appeared out of nowhere, causing her cultivation to be extremely high, Tuoba Tian who had always had a winning posture, suddenly had a change in expression, and revealed a panicked expression.    


The middle-aged man behind him who was at the early stage of the comprehension did not expect this sudden turn of events. His face changed drastically and he cried out: "Young master, be careful, that is the Yuwen family's Void Shattering Sword Art, you cannot underestimate!"    


In reality, even without his reminder, Tuoba Tian already felt a piercing pain that caused his heart to tremble. He didn't dare to even make the slightest sound.    


Luckily, the middle-aged man at the early stage of cultivation wasn't just talking. At the same time, he pressed his palm forward and reached out with his finger.    


When he grabbed, it did not seem like he was using any obvious power, but it was as if the space around Tuoba Tian was frozen, causing the incoming gigantic Sword Qi to be delayed for an instant.    


Yuwen Lin's cultivation was inferior to Tuoba Tian's in the first place, so this life threatening counter attack of Yuwen Lin's had won without a sound and won with a surprise attack. His goal was to make it impossible for people to guard against it, but being delayed by the man at the early stage of the comprehension realm, Tuoba Tian's entire being was instantly changed.    


Right at the moment when the Sword Qi was being delayed, Tuoba Tian's expression returned to normal, he clenched his fists and threw a punch at the incoming Sword Qi, quickly dispersing the Sword Qi.    


At this moment, the entire world was deathly silent. Only the cold wind blowing past the people's ears could be heard, constantly emitting sharp sounds and crazed howls!    


No one had expected that the situation would develop to this point. This somewhat surprising and embarrassing ending had appeared.    


At this moment, no one dared to speak or to talk, so they could only silently say, "It looks like in this cultivation world, one must never underestimate the power of a dying cultivator."    


At this moment, no matter who it was, when they looked at the weak Yuwen Lin who was lying in Lei Yang's embrace, the ridicule in their eyes had completely disappeared, and replacing it was an almost imperceptible sense of reverence.    


Because if it were them, their choices and actions at that moment might not have surpassed Yuwen Lin.    


Tuoba Tian stood in the air, retracted his right hand and stood with his hands behind his back, however, his current expression was extremely ugly.    


Even though he had won this battle, it was not a glorious victory. In fact, it gave others a feeling that he had not been able to win.    


If not for the assistance of his own Daoist Protector at the last moment, even if he had not died, he would still be injured. This caused the usually extremely arrogant Tuoba Tian to feel a great blow to his heart, and he even felt like his face had been severely slapped by Yuwen Lin in front of his many brothers.    


At this time, the middle-aged man could not help but mutter to himself: "Void Shattering Sword Art, how is this possible? He is only at the Nascent Soul level, how can he cultivate this method of comprehending the Dao in his Yuwen family? This is impossible, this is impossible!"    


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