Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C460 Astonishing Domain Split

C460 Astonishing Domain Split

0After going through all of these things, the hidden enmity between the two of them had finally been resolved. It could be said that they had become true brothers, although they were not close to life and death like Zhang Qing and Lei Yang, they still treated each other sincerely.    


While the two of them chatted and laughed on the fire boat and chased after Yang Shuo and Yan Guixing, two days had passed in the blink of an eye.    


Until the evening of the second day, when both of them were talking and laughing, the jade slip given by Clan Elder Zhang Hanyue suddenly trembled intensely, only then did Lei Yang stop talking, and a smile appeared on his face.    


It was clear that the fire boat was heading in the right direction, and was approaching Yang Shuo and Yan Guixing at an extremely fast speed. It looked like it would reunite with the two of them soon.    


Under this reaction, Lei Yang suddenly cupped his fists and said: "Brother Su, my two brothers seem to be right in front, I have already sensed them, if you increase your speed, we can soon catch up to them!"    


"Alright, Brother Lei!" Su Lin nodded, and increased his cultivation, allowing the fire boat to move even faster.    


At this time, far away from the fire boat, there were two figures moving forward in the void. They were Yang Shuo and Yan Guixing.    


The two of them were on the same flying shuttle, and Yang Shuo was in charge of controlling the flying shuttle. Although the flying shuttle was not slow, the increasing temperature of the entire fire field, as well as the erupting lava made the two of them stumble on the way here.    


They did not have any magic tools like the fire boat, so it was obvious that they had suffered a lot along the way.    


To be honest, the whole way here was filled with danger. If not for Lei Yang giving the flying shuttle he obtained from the Thousand Illusion Sect to Yang Shuo, the two of them would have relied on the flying shuttle to escape danger multiple times, barely surviving until now. Otherwise, the two of them probably wouldn't have existed for a long time.    


While they were walking, they used the flying shuttle to avoid the hot lava that was spewing out of the volcano once again. Yang Shuo asked Yan Guixing with a skeptical tone: "Brother Yan, do you think we will be able to survive this?"    


Yan Guixing originally wanted to cheer for the two of them, he had even thought of the lines in his mind, and was prepared to say that he would definitely do it, there would definitely be no problems, but just as he was about to speak, the words that rushed up his throat was instantly pulled back by the intense shock in his heart.    


Then, he widened his eyes, pointed ahead, and said: "Brother Yang, I'm afraid we won't be able to get out of this fire field anymore. Go ahead and take a look!"    


After Yang Shuo heard this, a bad feeling immediately arose in his heart. He then raised his head and looked into the void in front of him, and in an instant, an unimaginably huge crack in the void appeared before his eyes.    


"Heavens! What is that? Did the heavens break?" Only after a long while did Yang Shuo's eyes were filled with shock, and his entire body was trembling slightly as he spoke.    


"I think so!" At this time, Yan Guixing also felt that his brain wasn't sufficient. Towards this kind of huge crack in the void, he felt that he couldn't use any words to describe it.    


After a while, when the two of them rode their shuttles close to the edge of the gigantic spatial crack, the two of them were able to clearly see that the crack was tens of thousands of kilometers long, and it was so wide that no one could see the other side, causing them to be unable to cross or bypass it. It was like a dead ravine that extended across the world, suddenly blocking their path, causing the two of them to be forced to stop in their tracks.    


"What should we do? Are we waiting for our deaths?" Yang Shuo looked at Yan Guixing, and with a frown, he asked as if he had confirmed something.    


"Hehe, you can't say that. Maybe it's the heavens that wants us to stay and accompany the Brother Lei!" Yan Guixing saw that he couldn't leave anyways for the time being, so he waved his hands and relaxed.    


"Haha, Brother Yan is really open-minded, but from what you said, there seems to be nothing wrong with it!" Yang Shuo had also calmed down at this time.    


The two continued to observe the edges of the crevice, pondering their next course of action. But in the end, they discovered that they couldn't think of any practical method.    


Furthermore, under their observation, they discovered that the gigantic crevice was growing larger and larger, and the temperature around fire field was also increasing rapidly, causing the two of them to feel more and more uncomfortable.    


Yan Guixing originally wanted to suggest strength to nothingness, but he took out a piece of clothing from the storage bag and threw it into the crack to test it, he did not expect that the clothes would be instantly shredded to pieces by the mysterious vortex that appeared out of nowhere right after entering the crack.    


As time passed, another two hours went by, the temperature of the fire field got increasingly higher, and even though the two of them were using their cultivation to create a protective light barrier, their clothes were still scorching hot.    


"Brother Yang, looks like we really cannot continue to stay here. Why don't we fight with our lives on the line and break this seal? Even if we die, we must make it more beautiful!" At this time, Yan Guixing had no other ideas, so he simply released his Qi and let his heroic spirit soar to the heavens.    


"Hmm, looks like this is the only step!" Yang Shuo also nodded, agreeing with his point of view.    


After that, the two of them exploded with power and increased their defense to its maximum. Just as they were about to step into the fissure and prepare for the enormous fissure, a loud ringing sound came from behind them.    


After hearing the noise, the two of them turned around in an instant, only to see a line of fire rushing straight towards them. In an instant, it stopped in front of the two of them, transforming into a mystical and astonishing fire boat, and inside the fire boat, there was a familiar smiling face, smiling towards them.    


"Brother Lei, Young Brother Lei!" At this time, Yan Guixing and Yan Guixing shouted out at almost the same time, and an indescribable excitement instantly arose in their eyes. Furthermore, in their excitement, Yang Shuo almost called Lei Yang Young Sect Master himself.    


"Haha, I've finally caught up to you two!" At this time, Lei Yang walked out of the fire boat, and said happily when he saw that the two brothers were alright.    


"Brother Lei, you have finally returned safely!" As the three of them saw each other, they immediately started to exchange greetings with each other passionately and sincerely, causing Su Lin who was on the fire boat to feel a burst of envy.    


"You came after us?" After they exchanged greetings for a while, Yan Guixing asked.    


"Of course, my jade chip sensed you. Then, it followed the direction in which the jade chip was heading and chased all the way here!" Lei Yang said.    


"That's strange. Why didn't we sense you in advance?" Yan Guixing suddenly asked with astonishment.    


This question seemed to have baffled Lei Yang as well, but he immediately understood and said while pointing at the fire boat. "Perhaps it's because this fellow's speed is too fast, and he possesses the ability to jump through space at an extraordinary speed, so your jade slips have yet to react."    


"Space Jump, what is that?" Yang Shuo and Yan Guixing were both confused as they asked at the same time.    


Just as Lei Yang was about to explain, Su Lin also stuck his head out from atop the fire boat, and asked Yang Shuo and Yan Guixing in concern: "Brother Yang, Brother Yan, are you guys alright?    


Lei Yang nodded, then turned around and said: "Let's go, let's go up and talk more!"    


The three of them stepped onto the fire boat together. The fire boat was indeed very small, so when the four of them stood on top of it, it was very crowded, but if they were standing, it was barely enough to squeeze through!    


Just then, Yan Guixing felt that the fire boat was not ordinary, and could not help but praise it, but they quickly got back to business and talked about how they should get past the crack, and leave the fire field.    


According to Su Lin's introduction, they just found out that this type of crack was called a domain crack. This kind of shocking crack usually spanned through the entire fire field, so it was basically impossible to go around it. So right now, there was only one path in front of them, and that was this astonishing crack in strength.    


In the end, after Lei Yang and Su Lin's consideration, they came to the final conclusion. They had together controlled the fire boat and used a spatial jump to directly jump over the crack.    


Even though they didn't know if they would succeed in the end, it seemed that this was the only solution.    


After a quarter of an hour, at the edge of the crevice, the fire boat was being supported by both Lei Yang and Su Lin's cultivation at the same time.    


Carrying an astonishing speed, the fire boat only entered the void. When it appeared again, they were already in the world of another fire field.    


However, when the four of them looked around and looked back, they discovered that the huge crevice had already appeared extremely far behind them. Almost at the same time, they let out a loud roar, venting the extreme pressure in their chests.    


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